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    Wombat Bill
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  • 3,444 Words
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
May contain graphic sexual content

Catering With Benefits (3) - An Appetite for More - 49. Jared’s Return

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Thomas was enjoying his holiday in France, with Jonathan and Lachlan, who were both excellent hosts and friends to Thomas. Their days were mostly spent touring around the local area. They also took a few overnight trips further afield and even went to Paris for a few days. While in Paris, Thomas went walking on his own, very early one morning and came across a bridge with hundreds of padlocks attached. When he enquired as to the meaning, he was told couples lock them there as a symbol of their never ending love.

He had no idea where he would find a hardware store to purchase a lock, so he bought one from a street vendor at what he thought was an exorbitant price. But he consoled his usually economical self with the thought that nothing was too expensive when it came to honouring his love for Jared. After locking in his love, he then returned to the hotel in time for breakfast with his friends.

Later in the day the trio went to Notre Dame Cathedral. They could not visit, of course as it had been partly destroyed by fire earlier in the year. The sight of a world renowned building of architectural and historical significance was indeed a sad sight being held up by modern scaffolding.

That night, the three friends went walking to see if the City of Light lived up to its name. It did indeed, and especially so when they viewed the Eiffel Tower. But there was something else that Thomas saw that night, well actually someone else. He saw him standing in the shadows, in dark doorways, scurrying down narrow lanes and on one occasion, even passed by in a taxi. As they approached the Eiffel Tower, they just missed the elevator, but he was there before them and disappeared up into the night.

Back in his hotel room, Thomas sat cross-legged on his bed in a mediative position, but instead of clearing his head of all thoughts, he maintained just one thought - Jared. When he closed his eyes, Jared spoke to him and told him it was time for a little fun and explained what he needed to do. “No problem.” he replied “There’s an ice machine in the foyer, I won’t be long.”

Thomas returned with a shallow bowl, overfilled with ice and placed it on the corner of the table. He then stripped, as instructed by Jared and lowered his balls into the ice. “Oh yes, my love, that feels good, now tell me what to do.”

Thomas pressed his scrotum harder into the ice, closed his eyes and felt Jared’s hand around his erection. As he stroked up and down, Thomas felt warm inside, despite his freezing balls. Eventually he spilled his load onto the desk and heard Jared tell him to lick it up, then go to sleep and dream of him. During his dream Jared told him what to do the next day, in preparation for the following night.


He went to a few pharmacies, which were easy to find with their large green crosses displayed outside, but none would sell him surgical needles without a doctor’s referral. He was told it was to discouraged intravenous drug use. Sounded like a sensible idea initially but Thomas concluded it probably only led to needles being used again and again, as well as being shared.

He did not want to disappoint Jared so he purchased a bottle of medical quality alcohol from the pharmacy and a packet of sewing needles and a pack of thumb tacks from the nearby convenience store.

That night he sat in his meditation pose and waited for instructions from Jared. Almost as soon as he closed his eyes and blotted out other thoughts, Jared spoke to him and told him what to do. “Of course my love, anything you say and I know because you asked me I will enjoy it.”

He then sterilised the thumb tacks with the alcohol, placed them pin side up in a small dish and placed in on the corner of the table. He then proceeded as the night before, to lower his ball sack onto the pins and pressed down as hard as he could. “Oh Jared it feels so good, every pin prick is like a kiss from you.” He then lifted his feet and let his full body weight press down on the pins. The feeling was intense, but not painful, it was pure pleasure.

After being told by Jared that was enough pressure, he put his feet back on the floor and rose from the table. “Look Jared, some of the pins are still stuck in my balls. Is it ok if I leave them there for the night?” With his request confirmed, Thomas went to bed and slept soundly.

The following night he said to Jared “I remember the time you told me you first tried this when you were in Afghanistan and that you were surprised how far you could insert the needles. I hope I can match that for you. I know you want me to do it.”

Thomas’ first attempt at testicle puncturing failed because the sewing needles were nowhere near as sharp as surgical needles and would not penetrate, so he apologised to Jared for his failure and promised he would do it when back home.


“But why are you going back so soon?” asked Lachlan

“It’s been three weeks and I’ve had a wonderful time with you guys, but it’s time I got back to my man.”
“Your man?” questioned Jonathan.

“Jared of course, he’ll be waiting for me. Don’t want to disappoint him.”

“But....” Jonathan started to say, then paused when Lachlan gave him a look.

“You were saying Jonathan?”

“Oh nothing, so have you made your flight bookings?”

“I’ll do that today. I want to get back before Christmas. Jared loves Christmas and he would be lonely if we’re not together for the happy season.”

“Y e s...I should have thought of that.”


When Thomas left the room, Jonathan asked Lachlan “What’s that all about?”

“Sounds like he’s not done with his grieving.”

“But he’s been so happy since he came here, joined in all the activities and seemed to be having so much fun.”

“That’s true, but since we came back from Paris he’s been quieter and somewhat withdrawn. Haven’t you noticed that?”

“I just thought he was tired from all the travel. He did do most of the driving from Paris.”

“Maybe that was true, but I think something happened in Paris that triggered this reaction.” suggested Lachlan.

“Can’t think what, we were together most of the time and I didn’t notice anything.”

“Remember that morning he was late for breakfast and said he went for an early walk along the Seine. Maybe something happened then... and he’s been having early nights since then.”

“Well whatever it is, we probably shouldn’t interfere. If he wants to go home, maybe that’s best. If he is still grieving then familiar surroundings are best.” concluded Jonathan.


Jonathan and Lachlan drove Thomas to Marseilles airport a few days later and Andy met him at Sydney airport.

“I didn’t book a hotel before I left so can we stop somewhere for coffee and I’ll see if I can get an online booking.” asked Thomas.

“Why do you want to book a hotel?” asked Andy.

“Because I don’t have a house anymore.”

“You may not have a house, but you still have a home at Leichhardt, for as long as you want.”

“But I don’t want to intrude on you and Dean. It’s your place now.”

“Where is all this coming from Thomas? Why wouldn’t you stay with us until you’re ready to look for your own place? You and Jared gave me a home when I needed one. Now I have the opportunity to return the favour. ”

“That’s very generous of you.”

“Nonsense, we’ve always looked out for each other and besides it will be fun to share again.”

“I could go to Crystalline, Jonathan and Virginia both said there would always be a room for me there.”

“Sure, what a great idea. Go and stay in a huge empty house rather than stay with your oldest friend. Shall I head north now?”

“No need to be so shirty about it.”

“It’s just that I don’t understand your reluctance to stay with me. Unless....is it Jared?”

“I don’t know what you mean?”

“It is only three months since his.....and it was his home, so....”

“You’re right, I should stay at Leichhardt, he might be....”

“Who might be what?”

“Nothing, just rambling, must be the jet lag.”

“Probably, now that’s settled, I’ll stop at the bottle shop and get something to celebrate your return in style. I don’t suppose you want local champagne, since you’ve probably been bathing in the real stuff for the last month.”


Thomas was given the guest room that used to be Andy’s bedroom and still hanging on the wall was the painting of Jared. Thomas put his luggage there and Andy prepared to go to work at the bar. “Sorry to leave you alone on your first night back, but we are expecting a busy night at the bar, there’s a wedding in Divas and the usual Saturday night in Poppy’s. But I guess you’ll need some sleep anyway after a day and a half in the air.”

“No problem, I think I’ll sleep right through till morning.”

After Andy left, Thomas took up his cross-legged pose on the bed and stared at Jared’s naked body on the wall. “Sorry I’ve been away from home for so long, but it’s good to be back and thanks for visiting me in France. It meant so much. Anyway we’re back together now and I’ll never leave you again, that’s a solemn promise.”

After their chat Thomas crawled into bed, put his arm over Jared and they drifted off to sleep.


Andy and Dean came home very late and crept into their room quietly, so as not to disturb Thomas.

“So apart from being tired from the flight, how does he seem?” asked Dean.

“Pretty well, but initially a bit reluctant to stay with us. To me it just seemed the natural thing to do. He seemed to think he would be an imposition.”

“Why would he think that?”

“Maybe because it’s now our home, but I told him it could be his home also.”

“Maybe there are memories here that might be uncomfortable for him so soon after Jared’s death.”

“Oh shit!”


“I just remembered Jared’s portrait is still hanging in the guest room.”

“What’s wrong with that?...Oh I see. But surely it will be a nice memory for him.”

“I hope so, given his initial reluctance to stay here and Jonathan’s phone call, I’m not sure what’s right for him now.” said Andy.

“What phone call from Jonathan?”

Andy explained about Thomas’ sudden departure from the villa and what he said about Jared waiting for him.

“Things will work out for him, I’m sure. At least he’s here with his best mate.” concluded Dean.


Desmond and Virginia decided to have their first Christmas alone together by heading off to Mallacoota. Virginia had grown fond of the restaurant they stopped at on their first trip south. It had now become ‘their place’, so they stopped for an early lunch.

When they returned to their car, the air was filled with the smell every Australian recognises, the smell of burning gum trees. It is not an unpleasant smell and can in fact be quite fragrant, but despite that, in the middle of a summer, in the middle of one of the country’s worst droughts it is the smell of fear.

“Do you think there’s a fire nearby, Desmond?”

“It would seem so. I’ll put the radio on the ABC news station and we can listen for updates while we drive.”

The news of any local fire was surpassed by the news update that started ‘Two volunteer firefighters were killed and three others injured in the worst imaginable set of circumstances, when their truck rolled after being hit by a tree in Sydney's south-west. Geoffrey Keaton and Andrew O'Dwyer, both fathers to young children, were travelling in a New South Wales Rural Fire Service convoy to battle blazes about 11:30pm yesterday.RFS Deputy Commissioner Rob Rogers said the truck rolled on Wilson Drive, Buxton, killing the pair and injuring three passengers, who were taken to Liverpool Hospital.

RFS Commissioner Shane Fitzsimmons spent the evening with the families of those killed, while NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian said the state had lost "two heroes".

“Oh my god.” said a shocked Virginia “Can you even imagine how sad those families’ Christmas will be? What a bloody awful tragedy to happen at such a time. Their wives and children must be totally devastated.”

“And to think, they were volunteering on their own time, to protect others, instead of being with their families. That makes the tragedy so much worse.” added Desmond.

“Desmond, I must do something for those families, what do you think I should do?”

“Well, they will no doubt have moral support from the own friends and community, so as a stranger, maybe the best thing you could do would be to donate to a financial support fund.”

“Then that’s what I’ll do, how can we find out about that?”

“There must be a website somewhere with information.”

“You know I don’t know anything about that stuff and besides, I’ve heard of some cases where the money doesn’t directly get to those that most need it. I want to donate directly and be sure they get the help they want.”

“I don’t know how you do that.”

“But I know someone who can find out. I’ll get Smidmore onto it. He’ll know the right connections.”


The three injured firefighters were stabilised at the site, but were in deep shock after witnessing the incident on the front line of the Green Wattle Creek fire, which was still burning at emergency level. A crime scene was established, and an investigation launched into the circumstances surrounding the crash.

Falling trees, which are a constant problem across the firegrounds, were responsible for a number of tankers being damaged that season.


In the days before Christmas, small fires started to burn in the Gippsland district of Victoria. The Country Fire Authority was attending but no emergency warning was issued at that time, so Desmond and Virginia continued on to Mallacoota, only another hour’s drive south. The radio reports mentioned a fire in the Wingan River area, about 30 kilometres west of Mallacoota, but they proceeded anyway as there was no warning issued for the town of Mallacoota and reports indicated they expected to keep the fire contained.

They stopped at the supermarket for supplies before proceeding to the fish co-op and then on to the house to prepare for Christmas.

After unpacking, Virginia asked Desmond “Can you show me again how to open the champagne bottle. If I’m game enough to learn driving, at least I should be able to pop a cork now and then. Desmond gave the instructions then held his hand over Virginia’s as she eased the cork out and retained it in the towel as instructed.

“Wow, I did it. Now I’ll never be thirsty again.” she added and laughed.

Two days later it was Christmas Eve and Desmond started his preparations for their first Christmas lunch together as a couple. He had planned to barbecue seafood, but given the amount of smoke in the air, that somehow seemed less attractive that normally. He decided to bake the fish whole with vegetables and sear the prawns just before adding them to the salad that Virginia would make.


Dean worked the bar on Sunday and Andy had the day off, so he drove Thomas out to Crystalline to collect his car, which he had left garaged there safely while he was away.

“I think I’ll go and say hello to the staff while I’m here. Thanks for the lift but no need for you to wait.” suggested Thomas.

Feeling he had been dismissed, Andy took the hint and drove home.

Thomas spoke briefly to Carol, just to let her know he was on the property and said “I haven’t had a good workout for months. I might as well use the gym while I’m here.”

“Sure, Mrs P said you might call in some time. She’s in Mallacoota for Christmas, cook has already gone on leave and I’m off tomorrow to see my parents for the holidays. You’ve still got your keys?”

“Yes, thanks Carol, enjoy the holidays and give my best wishes to your family.”


Thomas headed over to the gym, where he knew Jared would be waiting for him. He stopped into Desmond’s workshop before going upstairs and found what he needed. After cutting off the wires with bolt cutters he bounded up the stairs two at a time.

“I’m here.” he said, then stripped off, placed the objects on a weight bench then sat on the bench in his lotus pose. As he sat on the narrow bench his balls hung over the edge, but his penis was already on the rise. “I have a special request for you today, I hope that’s all right with you?” When he got his confirmation, he asked “Will you suck and chew my balls and be as rough as you like, I’m really in need of some pleasure.”

He didn’t wait for an answer as he knew it would be ok with Jared so he took one of the jumper lead clips, slowly squeezed it open and placed the jaws around his right testicle. “Now you can bite down, Jared my love.” he said as he let the spring close the jaws on his testicle and felt the serrated teeth bite into his flesh. After a few moments he asked “Do you think you can do both at the same time?” A yes, from Jared, meant he could now crush his left testicle. With eyes closed he continued to sit upright and enjoy his partner chewing his balls from below. It was pure pleasure. He had no idea how long it continued, but when he opened his eyes, he was in a dark room with only the glow from a rising moon for illumination.


On Monday, it was Dean’s turn for a day off, but Andy still worked in the Jewellery studio on weekdays.

Dean and Thomas had a late breakfast, during which Thomas told Dean all about his travels in France. “Do you know Paris is called the city of light, but not for the reason you might think.”

“I’ve heard of that title, but how did it get the name?”

“It goes back to King Louis the fourteenth. At the time Paris had a dreadful reputation for crime. So to make Paris safer he quadrupled the number of police in the city, and installed more lighting. Lanterns were placed on almost every main street and residents were asked to light their windows with candles and oil lamps. This was to prevent lawbreakers dodging the police or hiding in dark alleys and therefore it reduced the crime rate.”

Having little interest in such things, Dean replied “How interesting. Now tell me about the bars.”


While washing the breakfast dishes, Thomas asked “What did you do with all Jared’s equipment in his studio.”

“We didn’t do anything. In fact it’s exactly as he left it. Andy felt it better for you to deal with that when you feel you’re ready.”

“That’s thoughtful of you, have you used any of the equipment?”

“Me? Not likely. I’m not into that sort of stuff.”

“Oh don’t knock it until you try it.”

“I didn’t know you were into that.”

“Jared has been slowly introducing me to it. It can be fun.”

“Fun, to have pain inflicted upon you? How does that work?”

“I’ll show you if you want.”

“I don’t think so man, it’s not my scene.”

“Will you help me?”

“I’m not sure, can’t you just do it yourself and I’ll go for a walk.”

“It’s difficult without help. Go on, please say you will.”

“Only if you don’t touch me with any of that weird stuff, and only as long as I feel comfortable with it.”

“Good, I think you’ll like it when we get started.”

“I doubt that, but I’ll give you a hand.”

“Great let’s do it right now.”

Next Chapter - Dean helps out - Thomas talks to Jared.
Copyright © 2021 Wombat Bill; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Well that was an interesting chapter. I certainly wasn't expecting Thomas to start talking to Jared after he did that padlock. Interesting times ahead for Thomas.

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Oh, no!  Thomas seems to be going over the edge with Jared's memory -- unless you are introducing a ghost into the story.

I think I may see some problems ahead with the wildfires for Virginia and Desmond.

I looked at the word count for this chapter and was very surprised to see it at 3,444 words.  It kept my attention so well, that I thought it just over a thousand words.  That is the mark of a very well written chapter indeed, when it seems short yet covers so much so well.  Thanks, @Wombat Bill.

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@chris191070 and @ReaderPaul I fear for Thomas' mental well-being too. At face-value he seems to have regressed into denial of Jared's death. I cannot imagine our author introducing Jared the ghost, but then, I did not imagine Jared would become such an unlikeable character either.

The "smell of fear". With those three words @Wombat Bill you have brought back the horrific memories of those apocalyptic bushfires which decimated so much of Australia's wildlife in late 2019 and early 2020. Being a city dweller I only had to deal with the "inconvenience" of the bushfire smoke which made breathing difficult; however, the images of scorched koalas and kangaroos, and the deaths of so many other innocent animals, is still fresh in my mind. What makes it all the more tragic though, is government at both the state and federal level seems to have learned NOTHING; the destruction of the environment continues unabated, and I cannot, if I am to be honest, only blame those states with LNP coalition governments. Of course, the "fucking virus" has now consumed our lives to the exclusion of everything else, another thing we have to thank China for.

Edited by Summerabbacat
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The loss of lives and the wildfires were/are tragic though Virginia’s desire to help the families of those firefighters was very sweet adding a little light to such a dark atmosphere. I dunno if my response to Thomas referring to going home to see his dead lover as if he’s still alive would cause me to simply say he’s not done with his grieving. Admittedly Thomas acts fairly normal around others yet I’d think Jonathan’s recount of Thomas’ comment would set Andy on alert to some extent. Perhaps Thomas’ future interactions with Dean will set off some alarm bells for him that something isn’t quite right. Thomas clearly needs professional help especially as these…conversations may lead to him becoming more extreme over time to the point he could permanently injure himself if not outright risk his life in some way.

edit: I forgot to mention that one wild theory I had previously was that Jared may have faked his death making me curious if there could be a connection between that and Thomas’ apparent breakdown. Is there a remote chance he actually saw Jared while out and about in Paris??? Highly unlikely but I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t expect an unforeseen rabbit hole. 🤷🏻‍♂️ 

Edited by NimirRaj
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5 hours ago, NimirRaj said:

edit: I forgot to mention that one wild theory I had previously was that Jared may have faked his death making me curious if there could be a connection between that and Thomas’ apparent breakdown. Is there a remote chance he actually saw Jared while out and about in Paris??? Highly unlikely but I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t expect an unforeseen rabbit hole. 🤷🏻‍♂️ 

@NimirRaj for a brief moment I had exactly the same thought of Jared faking his own death, primarily because Thomas had not exhibited any behaviour that has been cause for concern. He seemingly dealt with Jared's death in the same efficient manner that he has dealt with other crises, albeit with great sorrow. Given his young age I daresay he has not experienced such loss before. I have a vague recollection of one the cast mentioning the stages of grief, and "warning" those experiencing it can move from one stage to another and back again with no apparent "order".

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Well gentlemen, you're all back in fine form with your analysis,  predictions and suggestions.

I don't usually telegraph what's coming up, BUT I will say, @ReaderPaul,  there will be no ghosts. 

@chris191070, the padlock thing I saw in Paris in 2014 and was tempted, but unlike Thomas, refused to pay ten times the normal price of a padlock from the street vendor. A few weeks after we returned from Paris a friend sent us a news item where the wire sides of one of the bridges was falling away under the weight of the padlocks and they were removed. Maybe I saved myself more than just a few Euros. 

@NimirRaj and @Summerabbacat,  a faked death????????? Do either of you work for a life insurance company.

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