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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Brian: Taking Courage - 18. Russ

By Thursday, they were going to see Russ Kahn. Quick as that. Kahn's HQ had the top two floors of a new building that was the centrepiece of a business park that was being created, out of town but handy for a variety of transport links including the motorway and railway. Inside it looked nothing special, just another modern office. In the lift, Gordon insisted on Brian unfastening a couple more buttons of his shirt, to show off his chest. Brian's comment was, 'you sure?', but Gordon just said trust me.

They were going to discuss the possibility of providing special services for custom created events with men in costume, at least that was how it was being portrayed, though in the office they were being referred to as the jock-strap brigade. The two men had few qualms about what Kahn wanted as regards the forthcoming event, that had been made clear in their telephone discussion that led up to the appointment. The surprise was quite how quickly the meeting had happened. Men like Kahn were busy, and rarely could make time at the drop of a hat. This was clearly a project of great interest to Kahn, but the sexual suggestion in the invitation had been pretty clear too.

Judging by his business interests, Kahn was a canny operator and at his level of the tree, would clearly be expecting to get his own way. Whether that came with anything of interest to Brian and Gordon remained to be seen. If he was too high pressure or simply obnoxious, then there was the No option on the cards. That was quite clear. Their sexual services weren’t for hire. So neither man knew quite what was going to transpire; just before they went into Kahn’s office Gordon gave Brian a reassuring grin and Brian respond with a roll of his eyes.

Russ Kahn's office was sleek, situated on the top floor it had a superb view of the countryside beyond the business park. He came to meet them, no grandstanding by staying behind his desk, which was a relief. In person, he was tall, slim with a pencil moustache. He was in standard business wear, blue shirt and grey trousers, both fitted so well they were almost skin-tight, and clearly well out of the two men’s price-range. But then Kahn was all round out of their league. Had they got the whole thing wrong? Be professional, and get the meeting done with.

Brian preferred a bit of meat on his guys, but had to admit that Kahn, or Russ as he insisted on being called, was definitely attractive in all the wrong ways for a client. Russ was in shirt sleeves; his jacket hung on a hangar by the door, no leaving it on the back of his chair, here. His shirt was unfastened and gaped almost to his naval revealing an expanse of perfectly smooth, light-brown skin. He offered them a drink, and as it was the last appointment of the day, they both accepted a glass of wine.

At first sight, he was something of a surprise, sleek and charming but without any of the overinflated self-importance that they were expecting. For the moment, they were prepared to be charmed.

They were looking at the view when he returned with their wine and standing remarkably close to them, he commented, “We’re lucky that we are on the edge of the business park, you can’t see the motorway and on a good day you can even see the steam from the puffer trains at the heritage railway.” He smiled and said cheers as the three drank; Russ Kahn’s measures were remarkably generous and on first taste the wine was a cut above what Gordon and Brian usually drank.

"I was surprised to hear back from you gentlemen, I had the impression that Mr Thompson was not interested in my, what shall we say, more exotic business." He gave them a smile.

Brian nodded, "When you first talked, Damian didn't see it as fitting with our existing business, but since then Gordon and I have joined the team and we’ve been talking about expanding the services we offer, and as we are a bespoke, boutique firm, we feel we should offer our clients everything they might need."

"Anything, gentlemen?", another quizzical smile.

"Consonant with the good execution of our business. We will be supplying security staff, and whilst some of the men will be dressed to suit the occasion."

"Or undressed."

"Quite. We would insist that they be situated so that they can execute their primary role. For some events we have men in uniform outside and men in suits inside, we would see this as being similar. There is no question of our men being physically involved with your guests or taking an entertainment role."

"Understood. Look and don't touch, or touch at your peril. And I assure you that the men would be stationed at the entrance to the entertainment area, and inside would be the entertainers." He looked at them, "I hold regular parties where clients and others can unwind and relax in total security. You understand, no interlopers, no press, no cameras. We provide attractive waiters, dancers and sometimes hosts."

Gordon stared at him, "Just to be clear, you mean actors, strippers and rent boys."

Russ gave a start and pulled a face but then laughed, "I see you gentlemen are very direct."

Brian nodded, "We find it helps to be clear."

"Certainly. In that case, actors, strippers and rent boys, though many of them are by no means full-time you understand. The agencies we use have students on their books who are happy to provide entertainment and earn some extra money. And we cater for all tastes, so there is no question of your men needing to be disturbed. They are there to look impressive and form an initial security layer."

Brian nodded, "I think we understand ourselves. We would be very happy. You are comfortable with us providing these services on a regular basis?"

Their discussion then turned more technical, covering issues of logistics, numbers, location and such. To their surprise, Russ even had a memorandum of intent signed, along with a deposit 'to show good faith' which would please Damian.

As they were winding up, Brian thought it best to let the guy know, "Gordon and I will be part of the team for the first few, to make sure of the smooth running."

Russ smiled and seemed to give them an assessing look, "That is certainly surprising and rather admirable. Certainly, I look forward to seeing you in your new uniforms", then he uncrossed his legs and casually rested his hand on his groin, for all the world as if he was holding his dick. "Perhaps you would consent to giving me a little preview, after all I am about to become a devoted client", with a certain stress on devoted.

Was the guy serious? Did he expect them to strip down to their boxers (not that they were wearing any) for his delectation, or was it a come on? It seemed like that latter, but it was done with great charm and a nice amount of diffidence, there was little sense that they had to do this.

Gordon looked at Brian and cocked his head and Brian thought, in for a penny, and anyway he was rather intrigued as to what Russ Kahn might deliver by way of sexual enticement. Brian smiled "Certainly, we'd be willing to give a demonstration, assuming that you would join us."

Russ laughed, "Ah, men after my own heart. Certainly gentlemen, let us have another drink, a toast to our association and dressed appropriately". He stood up and swiftly unfastened his belt and pushed his trousers down to reveal a neat pair of white briefs and a substantial bulge. As Russ continued his undressing, Brian turned around and started stripping off, with his back to Russ. Shirt first, then toe off his shoes then drop his trousers and drape them carefully over the chair.

When Brian and Gordon's naked bums were revealed, Russ whistled, "I can see gentleman that I am outgunned and out manoeuvred", and he pushed his briefs down. He was indeed slim, lithe and taut. Almost entirely hairless except for his dark pubes, and his cock was on the small size, but was already projecting horizontally.

"Gentleman, if I may say so, very nice indeed. It is a shame that we cannot have such display at the party but that makes me all the more privileged."

Russ walked over to them and with a 'May I?' put a hand each of Gordon and Brian's crotches, commenting ‘nice’. He massaged both, allowing his hands to touch the dicks and clearly admired what he saw.

"May I ask a question, gentlemen", they both nodded, drinking their wine as if this was the most natural thing in the world, "one of you shaves and the other keeps things almost, is that a company thing?"

Brian laughed, "Not at all. Gordon and I got together whilst we were both working in the desert for the Emir. Gordon already shaved and I decided I liked the look on him."

“And I persuaded him to tame the jungle”, Gordon smiled.

Russ nodded, "So, you are partners in life, as well?"

"Yes, we are."

"Good. And the company?"

Gordon shrugged, "I have known Damian since we were both in the Army, there was never any question about hiding, we were always open."

"Excellent. Now gentlemen, how about I help do something about these", he tapped their two near erect dicks and smiled. They both looked startled and stared at him. He took their silence for assent and squatted down.

He was experienced and seemed to take great delight in applying his mouth to each of their dicks, separately and then amazingly together. He was intent and serious, and the result was a first for them, being together. Brian was in heaven, his dick pressing against Gordon's yet in Russ' capacious mouth. Then Russ stopped, looked up at them and said, ‘time for the main event gentlemen, show what these are made for’.

He had condoms and lube to hand; did he do this a lot? Gordon went first, and Brian watched as Gordon's dick pressed into Russ, he looked tight. Russ’ arse was firm and lithe, plenty of work on the muscles there. Brian followed, and the two took turns until... Well, a mess all round.


"Are we going to tell Hugh and Damian?"

Gordon shrugged, "Better, otherwise if it comes out later…"

"Not good."

Gordon grinned, "Still, it's all part of the special service, perhaps you'll get to do this more often."

"Bloody hope not."

"Oh come on, he was good looking."

"In a stripped-down sort of way, prefer at bit of meat on my bones."

"Good muscle tone."

"And a capacious mouth. Do you think he does it regular?"

"Judging by the lube and condoms to hand, imagine so."

They got home later than intended, but Toby was still at model railway club. Neither felt like having the sort of sex that might normally have happened; instead they showered together and did gentle stuff.

"If Russ wanted to do it again, would you", Gordon looked over at Brian. They were relaxing on the sofa, waiting for Toby.

"Not on my own. Firm about that, him'n me ain't happening."

"But thee and me and him?"

Brian shrugged, "Guess so. It was fun. Well, more than fun, getting both our dicks in his mouth was…" He shook his head. "Feeling yours next to mine whilst his tongue did his stuff. You reckon he could take two dicks up his bum?"

Gordon almost spluttered his beer, "Take some bloody good muscle tone, that would."

Brian grinned, "If we have a round two, I'll ask. But I suspect that was it, nothing more. We've demonstrated the goods."

“Satisfied his curiosity.”

Then Toby appeared and they were engulfed in stories from model railway club, what they had been doing at school and more.


Hugh appeared at Brian's desk almost as soon as they had arrived at work next day.

"That was quick work, Brian. And Gordon, I gather."

"What's that?"

"Russ Kahn."

"Yeah, he had an agreement ready for us and he's transferred a deposit."

"No problems? He seems bloody keen, has already been in contact about the next event in three weeks, can we get a team together then. I gather you two are doing it?"

Gordon shrugged, "Seemed like a good idea, for Brian to keep his eye on things."

Hugh leered, "And you'll keep your eye on Brian?"

"Something like that. Russ Kahn needs an eye kept on him."

"Oh yes, anything I should know?"

"Probably not but here goes. When he discovered that we were going to be part of the team, he wanted an advance look at the goods."

"You mean you two in jock-straps?"

Brian shrugged, "Just in our knickers was OK. No skin off our noses, figured he'd be seeing it anyway. Said OK, if he stripped down too."

"And… Bugger, were you two wearing anything underneath?"

"Not a bit", Gordon smirked, "Russ soon joined us and decided he liked what he saw, liked it a lot."

"So you two and he?"

"Did the deed. Let's just say that he has a fine mouth on him and a tight arse."

"Christ. That explains it."


"He wasn't content to make arrangements with me, he wants you two back", Hugh gave another leer, "over dinner."



"Precisely. You two have made a hit and well, he's prepared to pay a bomb for the event, so Damian wants to keep him sweet. Are you two OK discussing things with him over dinner?"

Brian shrugged, "Suppose so, but what if it's more than dinner?"

"Up to you. Use your judgement, if the two of you do fancy round two, then go for it, but feel free to make excuses. Having a 14-year-old son is a good get out, I'd imagine."

"Yeah, can't see us arranging dinner soon."

Brian had other work to do, so he didn't get around to leaving a message for Russ until late morning. It was nearly the end of day when Russ phoned back. The man was bright and chipper, thanked them for the previous day, said he'd enjoyed the meeting and enjoyed exploring options with them. That was one way of describing it. Would they be up to meet for dinner next week, and perhaps they could continue exploring options afterward?


Brian explained that they would be up for lunch or a daytime meeting, though their diaries were busy, but that evenings were difficult because of his 14-year-old son. In fact, most evenings Toby could go to his Gran's, but they didn't want to make too much of a habit of it and besides, if Russ wanted something so desperately, he could…

The offer was that Russ would get his PA to arrange for someone to look after Toby, take him to a meal and film. He knew that his PA knew some excellent baby-sitting services that they had used before, reputable, vetted firms, and whilst Toby wasn't a baby, the same went. Brian had laughed and jokingly said rather than a baby-sitting service, they'd be better off with a biology teacher or a climate change expert. Russ had exclaimed, but instead of that being the end of it, he had insisted Brian explain.

So Brian found himself talking about Toby, the recent science fair and how if Russ wanted his firm to get on the good side of the 14-year-old, it wasn't a slap-up burger and the latest action-adventure film that would win hearts, though that would be very welcome, but giving his science-nerd son someone to quiz for a few hours.

Russ had laughed and said leave it with me.

By the time he finished the call, Brian realised he had an audience round the desk, Hugh, Gordon, and Philippa.

Phillipa was the first to comment, "You drive a hard bargain", but it was said with a smile.

"Bloody hell, all we need is an hour's meeting."

Hugh waggled his eyebrows, "Meeting, are you sure that's what he's got in mind?"

"Hell, no. He wants to get into Brian and my knickers again."

"Or rather, get us into his."

Damian had appeared, "Is this business or pleasure, do you reckon?"

"Fucked if I know", Gordon rolled his eyes.

"I reckon that first round was pleasurable business. He got to see us stripped down, liked the look and decided to take advantage. He'd done it before."

"You mean the sex or the doing it in the office?"

"Both. He was well experienced, knew what he wanted and was well prepared."

Philippa rolled her eyes, "What a surprise."

"He had all the stuff, lube and condoms to hand, and there was a nice bathroom to clean off in."

"Don't know whether you noticed, Brian, but there was even a change of clothes for him hanging in the bathroom."

"Bloody hell, prepared for all comers."

"Look", Damian moved forward so he was standing directly in front of them, "I go with what Hugh said. If you can make this next meeting work, do it, but after that it's not business. If he wants to wine you and dine you, and get you to fuck him afterwards, then it’s in your and his time and shouldn't impact the contract. That will need to be made clear."

"Who'll do that making clear?"

Damian was firm on that one, "Me, I think. Bit too messy as you and Brian are the ones being chased."

The rest of the afternoon was quiet. Brian had a text from Toby and one from Marina to say that she'd collected Toby from school and that they looked forward to seeing them later. They were just leaving the office when Russ phoned. It wasn't his work number, but a new one, presumably his personal mobile.

>Gentlemen. I presume I am on speaker?

"You are."

>Good. It is all arranged. If you are still available on Monday, as suggested, then I can arrange for your son to be entertained until 9 o’clock. Is that acceptable? He will get a private tour of the Wetland Centre. It closes at 4 o’clock but one of the education team will take Toby on a tour after-hours, and he will get to meet one of the senior conservation personnel who is happy to chat to him. Once back in Parborough, there will be dinner at the restaurant of his choice. I am having my PA send you details of the credentials of the firm responsible for actually looking after Toby.

"That is most generous, Russ."

>Generous, my arse. I am being entirely selfish. As your boss pointed out this afternoon, this meeting could take place in my office over coffee, but I want more than coffee. If you are willing, I would be delighted to entertain you for a few hours. If we said 6 o’clock, that gives us three hours. The office has a suite where I can entertain, we will be well fed and can be perfectly private. Afterwards, if your son is anything like my nephews, he will be delighted to be able to explore the tower and see the view when he comes to meet you.

Gordon mouthed 'why not' to Brian and Brian nodded. An injunction from his Mother popped into his head, 'always accept graciously, even if you don't want it'. So he did just that.

"You reckon?"

Brian shrugged, "Search me. That's keen, that is."

"Comes of having money. Bet he's a big donor to the Wetland Centre and that. And don’t forget, he didn't actually organise it, his PA did."

Brian laughed, "Or his PA's secretary."

"Dead right, big fleas have lesser fleas and all that."


"Some daft rhyme about fleas having smaller fleas on their back, and those having even smaller ones. Just like any hierarchy."

"So, Russ is a flea?"

"Nah. He's just a horny rich bloke who thinks that he can order in his jollies."

"And can't he?"

Gordon shrugged, "I reckon Damian has it to rights. Let's see how this goes."

"If it's fun or not."

"And if Toby enjoys himself. If he does…"

"Then we can get Russ to arrange other outings for him. What about Noah?"

"Bloody good idea. Phone her, tell her not to tell Toby but ask if Noah could be free."

>Marina, speaking. That's Brian isn't it, is there a problem?

"No, quite the opposite. Something has come up, an opportunity. A client wants to have a meeting on Monday evening, a rich client."

>I'm sorry, both Val and I are tied up and Noah's going to end up at his Grandmother's, I think. Not ideal. But there you are.

"Sorry, I wasn't looking for child-care, for once. The opposite. The client has arranged a custom, after-hours experience at the Wetland Centre for Toby followed by food, looked after by one of their education team and supervised by a professional with all the right ticks on their CV.”

>Good Lord, a very generous client.

"Frankly, a rather eager one. “

A laugh, >I see.

"So, would Noah like to come too?”

>Oh. My. Yes, of course, he loves the Wetland Centre. Would you be able to collect him from school.

"That sounds perfectly possible, we should be able to arrange that. Look, please don't say anything, it's all a bit recent and rushed, but I thought if you were Ok, then I could mention it when we arrive.”

>Of course, see you soon?

"Yes, we're just at home changing.”

Copyright © 2023 Robert Hugill; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Chapter Comments

While I’m glad Toby & Noah will benefit from the perks of this new client, I’m not thrilled with Russ Kahn pursuing Brian & Gordon, collectively or individually.

I'm glad that if there is extra activity Brian and Gordon do it together but I far prefer them as a monogamous couple. 

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As long as nobody is hurt in the Russ, Gordon, Brian encounter its all good. Toby and Noah are going to have a blast!!

Edited by Doha
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Toby seems to have gone from a 14 year old to a 13 year old in this chapter...

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9 hours ago, Marty said:

Toby seems to have gone from a 14 year old to a 13 year old in this chapter...

Apologies, can't keep my facts straight!

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21 hours ago, Marty said:

Toby seems to have gone from a 14 year old to a 13 year old in this chapter...

All fixed now!

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