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  1. Well, glad that Olona seems to be on the mend. I do hope she takes time to recover, not only physically, but mentally and emotionally. She also needs to think about her actions going forward when it comes to selling some of her merchandise. And just where is Dozi and Tchama?
  2. centexhairysub


    I am glad that Thomas and Keith meet up with Stan and his friend, that said, I don't see either of them turning into big club goers. The other activities seemed much more in line with what I would have thought each of them would have cared for. They really seem to be finding their way with each other, while finding things they both enjoy doing with each other. Rather enjoyed this one a lot.
  3. centexhairysub

    Chapter 1

    OMG, I don't know whether to laugh, yell, or slap the hell out of someone. We have to see where this goes.
  4. Great choice, but as usual, I got the wrong end of the guess stick. And I should have been closer to being right, oh well, will try again next time.
  5. Some might fine stories on this list...
  6. Loved this chapter, cannot imagine why I never thought about the fact that Tygo's ability caused whomever was in the bubble to speed up so that it appeared that everything else stopped. Leave it to a Queen...
  7. centexhairysub


    This chapter seems to confirm for me that Keith has unexpected and hidden depth and talent. He is charming without really trying and has a true adventuresome spirit. I feel that he and Thomas are really growing as a couple. Isobel fascinates me, I can't tell quite why, but something about her character just pulls me to her. I can't wait to see how the restoration goes and how the documentation of it proceeds. Things seem to be going too smoothly. LOL
  8. Anyone can get to the point that they feel that suicide could be the answer, maybe the only one. It really isn't. I guess if you are terminally ill or in a great deal of pain and it will never stop, I can understand and even support the idea. Justin, however, seems to suffer neither of these issues. We don't know what made him make that choice, but perhaps Scott and being in a place that he was happy at one point will help him open up and maybe understand the situation a little better. In small towns that drifting away happens quite often. Rarely is there enough work, unless you're lucky enough that your family can somehow supply a job and you have to move to try and make something of yourself or for yourself. People that you grew up with and thought you would be tight with forever just sort of slide away from you, it can be incremental or all at once depending on their situation. Excellent chapter, pacing was good and very descriptive.
  9. Let's hope that Olano is able to continue to heal and the different treatments don't counteract anything that the others are doing. This group truly cares about each other and will protect, defend, and do what they can no matter what. A little surprised that Olona did not make sure whatever she was wearing could stand up to the blast from the weapon she placed on Abernathy. She had to know the level of power it was capable of, strange...
  10. centexhairysub

    Chapter 13

    Well, Her Royal Highness, the Princess Amelia backed down, I for one am shocked, thought she would put up more of a fight. If my memory serves, she did fall in love with one of Royal equerry, but don't recall off hand much about him except he was much older than here. The liaison between George, Calvert, and Carmella was delightful, not that it did much for me personally, but it just felt right. I think that taking Carmella as his official mistress, pending his children's reaction, may be one of the best decisions he has ever made; and that is saying alot. So, Calvert is not Sir Francis, and an equerry of the King. As @Darryl62 pointed out, this will give him more than a little financial security, but also puts him as someone that will be watched and hunted by the Mama's during the season... Bravo, truly Bravo @Mark Arbour
  11. Great round up as always, thanks for the work you do. I knew three of the words this week, yea me... Strangely enough, I know several Karen's but none of them are "Karen's".
  12. centexhairysub

    Chapter 6

    This chapter flowed really well. I find myself wondering about Kai's therapy sessions. We get a few small peeks, but I wonder how much he is truly opening up with the therapist. Has Kai even considered his sexuality at all, how is the situation with his past and his mother's actions just sort of hovering over everything and keeping it from coming to the forefront. Lysander seems to want to be just friends with Kai at the moment, and maybe that is a good thing. Not sure that either he, because of his mother; or Kai because of the actions of his mother are ready to get serious about anyone. And I don't think either are the type to have a casual fling at this point. Shell annoys me, but obviously not to the extent that she does some others. She is in many ways the typical teenager; everything revolves are their thoughts and actions first. Doesn't mean she is a bad friend just like so many others at that age.
  13. Well, a dramatic rescue and then the declaration, wonder how that will go over. LOL Interesting start to the story, inventive even, and the pacing and writing was really well done. Will be waiting to see how this progresses.
  14. Abernathy did not suffer enough, plus, I was really hoping that he would get into another fight with the Demifae, oh well. I do hope that Olona will be alright, maybe if she is, she has learned a valuable lesson about asking more questions before selling things that kill.
  15. Honestly, don't think that she suffered enough.. I was almost hoping that she would shift in some manner and Abernathy would go after her.
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