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Writing Prompts #264 & #265



Oh, it is that time of the week again. Yes, I get to see if I can succeed in luring someone to pick up my challenge and write a new prompt tale. Interested? Well, let me show you what I have up my sleeve this week.


Prompt 264 – Creative
Tag – Fall
It is the beginning of fall and the temperatures are beginning to change, the leaves are changing color, and the moods of people are changing as well. Create a story centered around the idea of change – whether it is physical, mental, or maybe even a change of location.


Prompt 265 – Creative
Tag – List of Words
Use the following words in a story – duct tape, broken toy, pizza pie, ice cube, and a laptop computer.


Well did one of those catch your attention? Do you feel the need to write? Don't let me stop you, go to it and then share it on the prompt pages so everyone can enjoy. Speaking of enjoying, I had hoped to post ones for last week's prompts. Of course, having had a bad day I forgot to actually create a page for them. Evidently no one wanted them because no one commented the pages were missing. ( :facepalm: ) Oh well. However we did have people who worked on the prompts from a few months ago. I really enjoyed one of them so I'm sharing it with everyone now.


The original prompt read - You finally have found the perfect mate. Someone who listens to you, shares your tastes in music and art, loves your movies. However they have just one small flaw. What is it?


Never Surrender took that prompt and made it her own.

The room was lit to a warm dusky level, the darkness wrapping around the ball of light cast from the lamp like an embrace. Instead of sitting neatly on the armchair in the corner, I had chosen to lay flat on my back on the floor, arms out to the side, feet up on the bed. The stereo was playing as a noticeable background noise; the tones of ‘Right Here’ by Betty Who making me feel like I was underwater, obscurely enough. The lyrics echoed hauntingly around the room


“You could stay here in my arms so tight. We could lay here in this perfect night. I could love you if you’d let me dear, so stay right here”




I knew as soon as I had seen him that he was the one. He was the perfect male specimen: tall, dark, and handsome with a personality that was ruggedly masculine and sensitively soft at the same time. When I thought about him, my heart swelled with love and adoration. There was only one problem - one small flaw that seemed to bother him more than it bothered me, and I don’t think that he had ever meant for me to find out.


We had courted for months, and eventually commenced our relationship. Within weeks he had pretty much moved into my apartment, choosing to stay with me as much as possible. We would go to bed and he would hold me as I let myself drift away, content in each other’s company, feeling safe in his warm embrace. He had always insisted on actually sleeping in separate rooms, and would creep away after I had fallen asleep. Although I wished he would stay, I had agreed. He was a real gentleman; I had never even seen him naked and I had thought it was kind of cute that he was trying to protect my innocence. That was what he had told me and that was the story that I believed until that fateful night.


I had woken at about 1am, alone. No matter how much I wrapped myself around him, he always managed to extract himself and escape. At first, I was unsure what had woken me, until I heard moaning through the wall. Sniggering to myself, I had slipped out of bed and crept towards the door. The thought of seeing his face twisting in pleasure was too tempting


By the time I had reached the door to his room, I could hear his moaning more clearly and I could barely contain my glee. With all the grace and sensuality of a travelling circus clown, I flung the door open. The sight that met me was not the one that I had been hoping to see. He was gripped in what I could only assume was a horrifying dream: his blankets knotted at the end of his bed; his naked body covered in a film sweat; his face contorted in agony. I had dreamed of the day I would see his body in all of its naked glory, but this was nothing like what I had imagined. His flat, sculpted torso was marred with white lines, similar lines also covering his thighs and the underside of his forearms. I wanted to recoil from him, but this was still the man that I knew and loved. I now understood why he was so reluctant to remove his clothes and sleep with me, although this was not the way that I would have chosen to find out.


Instinctively I ran to his side and grabbed his shoulder, shaking him firmly. Unfortunately, at that point he howled awake and promptly threw a punch in my direction. I dodged it, and he gave me a two-handed shove to the chest which came close to knocking me on my ass. He jumped to his feet and shoved me again. The pain that had been contorting his face was still there, but it was different. I had never seen him look so furious, so determined, and so… vulnerable. I grabbed him and pulled him close to me, and he crumbled when he reached my chest, breaking into heart wrenching sobs. That was when he uttered the words that broke my heart completely.


Is that how she ended it? Of course not, but I want to make sure you go back to read it. The story, in its completed form, can be located here - http://www.gayauthors.org/forums/topic/36897-prompt-226-creative/


So until next week, ladies and gentlemen, please remember to read, comment, and share your favorite stories with others. Till next time. - Wayne


Recommended Comments

Pizza pie - I am nearly fifty-four and I cannot recall a single incident in my life where I or someone I know has used this term. So, it's to be a period piece, huh? :P

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Must be a regional thing Ron. Used to be called pizza pie all the time around here, as well as tomato pie. Altho lately it has just become pizza. 

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I read Never Surrender's story today and I couldn't forget it so I had to read it again on my coffee brk at work today :) Read it !! And why isnt' Never Surrender an author ???? :D

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were there ever any threads made for the last set of prompts? it made it rather hard to read them in a collected fashion


"Speaking of enjoying, I had hoped to post ones for last week's prompts. Of course, having had a bad day I forgot to actually create a page for them."


*points above*

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"Speaking of enjoying, I had hoped to post ones for last week's prompts. Of course, having had a bad day I forgot to actually create a page for them."


*points above*

Thanks for reading it all Myiege. I do have pages for the prompts if anyone wants to post them now.

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