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Gay Authors News blog focuses on items of interest for our entire site with an emphasis on stories.

Entries in this blog

Weekly Wrap Up (July 1 - July 7)

Well a belated Happy Independence Day to our American cousins  Hope you all have recovered from you mid week holiday  Another busy week this week today at the GA blog, so let's jump right into it!   **Special note to everyone on the video that has been posted on the recent Stories Archive Software by Myr**   On Monday, Cia introduced us to this month's CSR Feature for July:   Tuesday, Myr showed us how to follow blogs. Is it narcissistic to say I follow my own blog


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (July 08 - July 14th)

Hopefully you all are enjoying your summer or winter depending on your locale. No matter what the season, GA will be here with informative articles and activities for you all year long!   Monday Cia brought us the Story Review done by Parker Owens:   Tuesday was more information and examples of how to use the Story Archive Search Filters:   Wednesday, we gave the keys to the GA Blog to Graeme for his first blog as an Admin:   Thursday Myr took us back t


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Jul. 9 - Jul. 15)

Hey all, I'm up at 3:00 and doing the update  And have to be up at 7 again  Just going to do an abbreviated version of the Wrap Up today. If I'm missing something, let me know in the comments and I will try to update later on in the day! Thanks. Monday was reserved for our Review Team! This week @Aditus brought us a review on one of @Sasha Distan works: Tuesday, Cia dropped by to let us know how we are doing on the Secret Author contest: And speaking of Secret Author, Cia w


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Jul. 7 - Jul. -13)

So I was down at the Stampede tonight to about 12:30 am  and I met this nice couple from Australia. I asked if they knew @Graeme, but surprisingly they did not   They decided to come over here for their winter and our summer  When I asked them where they were from, they said Wagga Wagga, NSW . I thought to myself, self, why does Australia have such funny names? Then I thought it my be Aboriginal names, and who am it to judge? Here in the Great White North, we have Moosejaw, and here's a tongue t


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Jul. 5 - Jul. 11)

Well I never  😮  Usually I try to work a word of the day into the Weekly Wrap Up of late. Generally I try to look in everyday to check out the word of the day and see how I can use it in the wrap up. This week has been a hectic week and I have not been diligent in reading them everyday. So we find ourselves on a Saturday night and I check to see what word I can use, and I find this entry! I think this is the second time I have been used in an example of usage of the word, but wonderin


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Jul. 4 - Jul. 10)

Well it is 1:15 AM in my neck of the woods. Why you ask, am I up so late? Well yesterday was the kick off of the Calgary Stampede  This really the first big event to be held in Canada. Yesterday numbers were small, but today seemed like normal Saturday. I volunteer at the grounds so I felt good enough to try and do it again this year. If it helps the charities that have basically been shut down the past 16 months, than it is the least I can do   Now, who cares about the Stampede? I do!!! Bu


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Jul. 31 - Aug, 6)

I'm back from the wilds of the Rockies  Had a great time with my nephews for the 7 days. Lots of mountain biking, took a gondola to the top of Mount Sulphur and then walked the 400 steps up to and back from the summit. Hit the Banff Hot Springs. Another day swam in an old quarry that has been filled with water and turned into a park. We even had a bit of a issue with a black bear on the last day of camping Kind of wish we had a little blue one to deal with instead. Kind of looking forward


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Jul. 30 - Aug. 5)

Well we just had a false alert go off in my GA and I'm 100% blaming Myr  He made misleading comment about one of the better selling gay books becoming a movie. So naturally I ran to Amazon Prime to watch it. To heck with the Weekly Wrap Up until much later  I get to Prime and I'm thinking those rat bastardsions, they are not showing it in Canada!!!  Then go back to the post and see it is only a trailer on YouTube. I seem to be doing this more and more often, not reading everything. Is it ag


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Jul. 3 - Jul. 9)

Well howdy partner Yes, it is that time of the year that all the cowboys and cowgurls come out of the woodwork in Calgary for the annual Stampede. So far after 2 days things are huge! No restrictions and everyone seems to be having a good time! I've been down at the grounds for the past two nights and there is lots to see, people to see and people to do Oops, did I say that out load   So for public engagement, if you are willing to reveal where you live; city, town or country, is ther


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Jul. 28 - Aug. 3)

So no surprise this week. Hopefully you all have been keeping up to date with Shark Week   I have a lot of respect for all the parents out there, I just got back from 5 days of camping in the Rockies with my 3 nephews under the age of 12 with no power or internet or even cell phone coverage  Well now that I'm sure that some of you are digesting that horror of that last statement, shall we see what has happened while I was out playing with bears, mountain lions, and cougars (and 3 kids).


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Jul. 24 - Jul. 30)

It's been a busy week and our buddy @wildone has went out to the wilds on vacation.  Somebody, somewhere forgot a little something... so I'm dropping this in and you'll have to check back later for more updates. -Myr  Update: That somebody was, me Cia... and I developed a migraine last night and went to bed at 7:30 PM and slept for 11 hours. Isn't that always the excuse? 😉 Too much sun yesterday, and I'm not as good as Wildone to get a nasty burn and keep on working. He's a machine! My family ri


Myr in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Jul. 23 - Jul. 29)

Hello 😎 First off, I want to thank the ever elegant Cia for taking care of the wrap up for me last week  I think we will keep her around for a bit   Actually, with all your talk of bears, i had to leave my campsite temporarily as they tracked a gizzily momma and two clubs right close to our tent and campsite , but I survived. @Bill W, I can now say I survived the bears and the bares  Now if it was a blue bear, no bets on who would have won that one. I have to admit to myself, as I


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Jul. 21 - Jul. 27)

Well to follow up with another update, I'm still here So let's make it short and sweet this week, and maybe there will be a surprise next week Monday, Renee brought us a great Featured Story which was reviewed by @Parker Owens Then on Tuesday, we had a bit of a celebration going on here at GA, when Graeme introduced our newest Promising Author: Finally Friday, had Wayne bring us another couple of prompts from his prompt cupboard   Anthologies 2019 Fall A


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Jul. 2 - Jul. 8)

Well a belated happy Canada Day, Independence Day, and let me know if your country had a birthday party too! I know a lot of you are located in North America, but would like to recognize our members outside of Canada and the USA as well! Let us know, heck let us know what day is your country's bday 🎂. In my little plot of land in the massive world, Stampede kicked off yesterday  The place was nuts!! I guess for the first time in years all the hotels are running at over 95% capacity. If you


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Jul. 18 - Jul. 24)

Hello Everyone   We missed a weekly update last week as we felt it was best to honour Wayne through the weekend.  We also had a really, Really, REALLY Big Announcement this week   Monday things got back to normal with Cia presenting our Classic Author of the month (psst, you didn't hear it here  but Monday is @shadowgod's birthday. He is affectionately known as Steve1): That meant on Wednesday, Cia was back with the Classic Author Excerpt: Thursday was that big announc


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Jul. 17 - Jul. 23)

Whew, getting this in by the hair of my chinny chin chin   Even though I'm fair haired (in the summer my hair turns strawberry blond), I know I burn, and I do everything possible besides wearing a snowsuit, touque, and ski goggles in 30 C weather, but I still am burnt to hell tonight  I mean, about a hour before I went out I took a shower and rubbed in a generous supply of SPF 30 Sport and then waited 10 mins and sprayed on SPF 50 Sport. Went down to my vehicle 5-10 mins later and put on so


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Jul. 14 - Jul. 20)

I have an announcement to make, I'm out of here!! Well now that the cheering and clapping has died down, I'll just say it is a temporary reprieve from Steve . I'm on 2 weeks summer holidays and may or may not be around too much.  So shall we look back on the week that we have had here at the GA Blog? On Monday, Cia danced in to give us this month's Classic Author Feature:   On Wednesday she sashayed back in to give us the Classic Author Excerpt: Finally on Friday


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Jul. 12 - Jul. 18)

So, is it hot where you live? I've heard from my Eastern American and Canadian friends that the temperatures and humidity has been nearly unbearable. Then heard on the news that Death Valley, California hit 53.3°C/128°F  I guess I'm enjoying days around 25°C/77°F, but most evenings we have thunder storms rolling in. My city did have the 4th largest natural disaster in Canadian history in cost of damages due to hail a couple of weeks ago. I'm curious though, how is your summer going? Are you hidi


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Jul. 10 - Jul.16)

Middle of July, so what should we talk about? What the heck, why not weather! I'm curious how things are shaping up in your neck of the woods as far as the weather goes. In my hometown, it is Stampede  week, and mother nature has so far cooperated. I don't think in the past 8 days we have had any rain. Temps have been around 30 C (86 F). This is too hot in my humble opinion. I know some areas of the world are having record breaking temps like Europe and elsewhere, so my heart goes out to th


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Jul 30 - Aug 5)

Hope everyone has had a good week. Before we get started with the wrap up, instead of sharing Myr's site survey (since it's closed) I want to share a different message from Myr. It's currently posted as an announcement, but in case the announcement is taken down, I'm not going to just link to it. Instead I'll post it here for you to see.     If you need help, Myr also posted a youtube video!     Now, for the rest of the wrap up!     Conte

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Jul 26 - Aug 01)

Yep, that's right, you're stuck with me again. I think @wildone will be back next week, at least last I knew.  I slacked a bit for a Wednesday post, but we still had a couple new blog posts. Also, the theme suggestion thread is closed, and voting will start just as soon as I figure out how I'm doing the voting for this year. As all themes will have the potential to be used, things are probably going to be switched up a bit. So keep an eye out on the blogs for info regarding the voting for next y

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Jul 25 - Jul 31)

Nope, your eyes aren't playing tricks on you, you've got me to finish out the week, and the month. I'm not as good as Steve with the intro's, so let's just get right into it. We only had a couple of blogs this week, so since this will be a quick wrap up, I'll just do a quick reminder to start it out. If you're interested in writing for the next anthology, you have 3 months left to get your story written and to the proof team. The deadline for the fall anthology is October 31st and you have

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Jul 23 - Jul 29)

Hope everyone had a good week! Don't forget to join me tomorrow here on the blog for the discussion day for Reece's Choice!!!! Now, let's take a look at what happened this week.     Contests Halloween Short Story Contest - Due September 15th, 2017 Anthology Announcements: ***NOTE: All Deadlines are for submission to the Anthology Proof Team*** 2017 Fall Anthology: The Fall Out / Secret Spaces - Due November 15th, 2017 Premium Updates: Dreams of

Weekly Wrap Up (Jul 2 - Jul 8)

It's that time of the week again! In case you missed any of what's been going on this week, never fear, because we'll take a quick peek at everything that we looked at from Monday on. Are you worried you might have missed a story update from one of your favorite authors? We'll help you out there too with the story updates from all of GA's promoted authors.     Contests Halloween Short Story Contest - Due September 15th, 2017   Anthology Announcements: ***NO

Weekly Wrap Up (Jul 19 - Jul 25)

Well, it's been a while since I've done one of these, but @wildone is taking a much deserved vacation, so guess that means you're stuck with me for the time being. I don't really have anything fun and exciting to report, except to say that I'm already over this heat! Let's see what we had going on this week! Monday & Wednesday, Cia joined us in the blog for the monthly editions of the Classic Author Feature: Thursday, we had a refeature of last week's anthology theme selection pos
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