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  • Cole Matthews

    Arts and Crafts - Character-istics

    By Cole Matthews

    What elements make for a believable character?  What can writers add that aids in the complete and utter suspension of disbelief?  Lots of thing come to mind like quirks, back stories, associations, inner thoughts, tribulations - and the list goes on and on.  However, something many authors have done with beloved recurring characters is to give them hobbies.  Certainly Sherlock Holmes had several and varied 'pursuits'.  Agatha Christie had Miss Marple constantly knitting.  Let's try rounding out

Author Interview: Nephylim

Our featured story this month for the August Signature Background is "The Game" by Nephylim. If you haven't already downloaded your background, the month is only half over and you still have plenty of time! We started out Signature Week with a great review that Jo Ann did, and now it's time to hear from the author herself. Hopefully you enjoy this interview that Cia did with Nephylim. Interview: Nephylim on " The Game"   Do you eat your fruits and vegetables?   Absolutely!!! I LOV

Premium Tuesday: Rising Star

Tuesday is a great day to look over what is available in our Premium Section as a thank you to those who help support the site and keep it running. One of the stories available to subscribers is the "Rising Star", the second story in the "Waiting for the Sign" series by Dkstories. Rising Star by Dkstories   Shane Krendall is 19 years old and has been telling his parents he's been going to college, but he's really been trying to land a role in Hollywood. Will he be Holl

Featured Story: The Game

It's Signature Week here in the Gay Authors News Blog. The week, our featured story is "The Game" by Nephylim. If you haven't already done so, you can download your Signature Background for the story either with or without the calendar. I hope you enjoy this review by Jo Ann and don't forget to check back on Wednesday for an interview with Nephylim! The Game by Nephylim Signature Author   Reviewer: Joann414 Status: Complete Word Count: 56,034   When we think of

Weekly Wrap Up!

Being as there was no weekly wrap up last week, we'll be looking back at the last two weeks in this edition of the blog.   On Monday, the 4th of August, and the first Monday of the month, Cia announced this month's choice for the CSR Book Club. Her choice for August is, In The Depths of Despair by InTheMindOfSunshine. The discussion day will take place on the 25th, so there's still time to read it if you haven't already done so!   On the following Tuesday, we had our weekly Premium Tuesday p

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

Writing Prompts #346 & #347

Who's ready for the weekend to get here? To help you start it out on the right foot, we're bringing you two new prompts from the prompt guru, Comicfan. If you're interested in checking out some of the older prompts that Comicfan has supplied, you can check them out and share your responses in the Prompt Forum! Hopefully one of this weeks prompts will inspire you!   Prompt 346 – Creative Tag – List of Words Use the following in story – the beach, a blanket, a deer, a torn pair of shorts, and an

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Tribute To Trebs

In Memory     Last week, on August 7, we were all stunned and devastated at the news that Robert (aka Trebs) had lost his battle with Mantle Cell Lymphoma. Anyone who knew Robert knew what a truly genuine and caring person he was. He was always willing to help, always willing to lend an ear, and just always willing to be there if someone needed him. We were all certainly better off for having known him.   Earlier this week, we were approached by a GA Member who wanted to ask if

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Memorial

Premium Tuesday: Chosen Of Honorus

Gay Authors has always managed to remain free to it's members, one of the ways that it has managed to do so is through it's Premium Subscribers. Members choose to help support the site and keep it going by purchasing Premium Content which consists of a number of stories that are only available on the site by purchasing Premium. There are many great stories to be found in the Premium section, one of which is "Chosen of Honorus" by Andrew Q Gordon.   Chosen of Honorus by Andre

My Friend Robert, Rest In Peace

I have been trying to think how to put into words what I feel about my friend Robert since I heard he passed away. It is difficult, to say the least.   I have been friends with Robert since not long after his arrival here on Gay Authors. We bonded over our shared love of the stories written by dkstories. In fact, we both loved the one story that we never posted here on Gay Authors. It's over on Nifty if you want to figure it out.   When the time came for me to finally break Gay Authors away


Myr in Memorial

Rip: Trebs

Rest In Peace We must share the sad news that Trebs, or Robert, as he was known to many long-time friends on GA, has passed away, far too soon, from his battles with lymphoma. As a board member and administrator, he has been involved with GA for a long time. He was a big presence in the site blog in recent years, but he was so much more than that and often active in quiet ways. He was always willing to help others whenever, and however, he could. So many of us here were lucky enough to

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Memorial

Ask An Author #19

The first Wednesday of the month, you know what that means! It's time for a visit from Dark with the ever popular, Ask an Author! If you like this monthly feature, don't forget to send your questions to Dark so that we can keep this feature going. Enjoy! Ask an Author #19   Welcome back to another quirky question and answer session with your favorite authors!   In AtA #18, we had questions for authors AQG, Ashi, and Sasha Distan.   In AtA #19, we hear from authors Layla, lilansui, a

Premium Tuesday: Challenging Fate

For those who are new to the GA News Blog, Tuesday's are the day when I share a little information about one of our Premium Stories. While Gay Authors is free to it's members, it's not free to run. One of the ways GA keeps the site running is by the help from members who purchase a Premium Subscription. What do you get when you purchase a Premium Subscription? You get access to the select few stories that are not available to the regular membership. One such story is "Challenging Fate". Chall

August Csr Selection: In The Depths Of Despair By Inthemindofsunshine

Wow! August is here already and will probably be gone before we know it! I was looking for a story that would be great for this month when a lot of students are focusing back on school, especially those who are off to college. Then it hit me...   In the Depths of Despair by InTheMindOfSunshine   Length: 65,700   Description: When Gabe is dumped by his long-time boyfriend, Lincoln, his world begins a downward spiral. Then he meets Henry--the boy who takes all of his pain away.


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

Weekly Wrap Up!

I hope everyone has had a wonderful weekend so far and that you are well rested for the upcoming week. As always, lots of things going on the GA News Blog this past week and now it's time to take a look back to see what you might have missed.   Fans of Cole Matthews got a treat for the CSR Discussion on Monday when Cia interviewed Cole. Not only did readers get to read Cole's answers, they got to ask their own questions. Want to know what Cole is working on next? He answers that and more, so c

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

Writing Prompts #344 & #345

Not only is it the start of a new month, it's Friday, and for many, the end of the work week. For all of us here at Gay Authors, that means something else though, it means it's time for two new prompts from GA's Prompt Guru, Comicfan. Hope you enjoy these prompts and that they inspire you to write a little something, and if you do, don't forget to share your responses in the prompt forum!!   Prompt 344 – Creative Tag – First Line “Why didn’t you just tell me that?”   Prompt 345 – Creative Ta

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Premium Tuesday: Ice Fairy

It's time for another look into the Premium Section of Gay Authors. As most people know, the Premium Section is our way of saying Thank You to those who help support Gay Authors by purchasing a Premium Subscription. There are quite a few stories that have either only posted in Premium or have been moved to Premium for one reason or another. This week, we are showcasing "Ice Fairy" by Stephanie L Danielson.       Ice Fairy by Stephanie L Danielson   Sam is an up-and-

Csr Discussion Day: Advent By Cole Matthews

Sometimes I cannot believe how fast a month flies by! July has come, and nearly gone, already! This month, in honor of Christmas in July, we featured Cole Matthew's story, Advent. He was kind enough to do an interview for me, and he'll be here from 7 to 9 PM, Central Time, to discuss Advent, and his writing in general. Please feel free to share you thoughts on his story, and post any questions for him you might have, even if you can't be here during his live blog chat.   Single people work mo

Weekly Wrap Up!

I hope everyone has had a wonderful weekend! Before I forget, I want to let everyone know that Cole Matthews will be doing a live Q & A via the blog tomorrow (Monday) from 7pm-9pm Central time. If you won't be able to make it, feel free to leave your question as a comment on the blog for him to answer, but we hope to see lots of people there. Now, lets see what happened this past week in the blog!   On Monday we did something a little bit different. We still featured a review, but instead

Writing Prompts #342 & #343

Hope everyone has had a wonderful week so far, but now it's almost over and that means that it's once more time to bring you a couple of new prompts courtesy of the prompt guru, Comicfan. Hopefully one of these two prompts spark something for you, if it does, make sure to share it in the Writing Prompts Forum and maybe we'll feature it next week in the Friday Prompt Me!   Prompt 342 – Creative Tag – List of Words Use the following in a story – a flag, flowers, a letter, a broken cell phone, an

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Writing Tip: Copyright Infringment - Keeping It Legal

Every once in a while I like to take a look through the blog to see what has been used before that could be useful to some of the newer authors here on Gay Authors. Back in October 2012, Sara Alva (known then as KingdombytheSea) shared her experience with using song lyrics in her story Social Skills. Many authors use song lyrics in their stories without ever thinking of the repercussions that they may be facing if/when they decide to publish. I hope that Sara's experience helps some authors here

Premium Tuesday: Picked At The Peak

For those who are new to the GA News Blog, Tuesday's are the day when I share a little information about one of our Premium Stories. While Gay Authors is free to it's members, it's not free to run. One of the ways GA keeps the site running is by the help from members who purchase a Premium Subscription. What do you get when you purchase a Premium Subscription? You get access to the select few stories that are not available to the regular membership. One such story is "Picked at the Peak" by Cia.

Weekly Wrap Up!

First a reminder - today is the LAST day to offer your suggestions for the 2015 Anthology Themes! Visit the thread to offer your suggestions for the 2015 Anthology Themes! Thread will close at 11:59 PM (US Mountain Time) on July 20th   This was a great week with men all over the place - err, I mean Mann Ramblings all over. We started the week with a great review by Joann414 of Mann's The Luxorian Fugitive. A slightly dark sultry tale set on the spacecraft The Santa Claus - tied together as on


Trebs in Weekly Wrap Up

Writing Prompts #340 & #341

One of the great aspects of GayAuthors is the variety of ways that members can improve their writing, from various writing tips to the availability of editors and beta readers, to these - writing prompts that encourage authors to take a chance and see where a prompt may lead them. Based on the responses we've had in the past, these prompts have a tendency to take on a life of their own and really capture the imagination of both our fledgling as well as veteran authors.   This week, we've got t


Trebs in Prompts

Author Interview: Mann Ramblings

Our featured story this month for the July Signature Background is "The Luxorian Fugitive" by Mann Ramblings. If you haven't already downloaded your background, the month is only half over and you still have plenty of time! We started out Signature Week with a great review that Jo Ann did, and now it's time to hear from the author himself. Hopefully you enjoy this interview that Cia did with Mann. Interview: Mann Ramblings on " The Luxorian Fugitive"   Interviewer: Cia Let’s start thi
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