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  • Cole Matthews

    Arts and Crafts - Character-istics

    By Cole Matthews

    What elements make for a believable character?  What can writers add that aids in the complete and utter suspension of disbelief?  Lots of thing come to mind like quirks, back stories, associations, inner thoughts, tribulations - and the list goes on and on.  However, something many authors have done with beloved recurring characters is to give them hobbies.  Certainly Sherlock Holmes had several and varied 'pursuits'.  Agatha Christie had Miss Marple constantly knitting.  Let's try rounding out

Premium Tuesday: Boy Called Slave

Hmmm, Tuesday again, if only I had a regular Tuesday post scheduled... Oh wait, I do! For those who are new to the GA News Blog, Tuesday's are the day when I share a little information about one of our Premium Stories. While Gay Authors is free to it's members, it's not free to run. One of the ways GA keeps the site running is by the help from members who purchase a Premium Subscription. What do you get when you purchase a Premium Subscription? You get access to the select few stories that are n

Featured Story: The Luxorian Fugitive

It's once again time for "Signature Week" in the Gay Authors News Blog. If you missed the July Signature Background, there's still plenty of time to download it. Going with a "Christmas In July" theme, this month's featured story is "The Luxorian Fugitive" by Mann Ramblings. If you haven't already read it, check out this review provided to us by Joann414 and perhaps it just might inspire you to go check the story out for yourself! The Luxorian Fugitive by Mann Ramblings Signature A

Weekly Wrap Up!

First, congratulations to Renee who is relaxing on a family trip. This gives me the chance to <bwah ah ha> TAKE OVER! And it is a great week that I get to look back on, starting with our look at July's CSR Book Club selection of Advent by Promising Author Cole Matthews. Be sure to stop back on Monday, July 28th when we'll discuss this great story.   Our Premium Tuesday blog entry for this week was Waiting for the Sign by dkstories, continuing our look at the great stories available as t


Trebs in Weekly Wrap Up

Writing Prompts #338 & #339

We're at the end of another week and I hope that everyone had a great week so far. To help you start your weekend off on a good note, Comicfan has provided two new prompts to hopefully inspire you! I can't wait to see what everyone comes up with for this week's prompts, so don't forget to share them in either the Prompt Forum or GA Stories. Just remember, if you post them in GA Stories, flash fiction under 1,000 words need to be part of a collection.   Prompt 338 – Creative Tag – List of Words

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Writing Tips: Overcoming The Obstacles

I don't think there's really too much that I can say to introduce the topic for today. There's obstacles everywhere we look and today Cia has written up an article that takes a look at some of the most common ones that plague authors. Not only does she name them, but she gives some great tips on how to overcome them. We'd also like to hear some of the obstacles you're faced with when writing and how you overcome them! Overcoming the Obstacles By Cia   Any good writer knows it does

Premium Tuesday: Waiting For The Sign

Well, I'm running a bit late today. As always, Tuesday is a great day to look over what is available in our Premium Section as a thank you to those who help support the site and keep it running. One of the stories available to subscribers is "Waiting For The Sign" by Dkstories. Waiting for the Sign by Dkstories       Twenty-eight year old baseball star Cal Grainger was living the good life until his girlfriend uttered three fateful words. Now his life has been turned

July's Csr Book Club Selection: Advent By Cole Matthews

2014 is half over! It seems like every year, time flies faster and faster. Sometimes it feels the same when we have new authors join who quickly become a fixture on the site and begin to move up in the ranks. I thought it was past time to feature another Promising author this month, and hit upon the perfect story. In keeping with the Christmas in July theme, I thought we'd read Cole Matthew's story, Advent! Advent by Cole Matthews   Description: Brian and Danny are married. But the

Weekly Wrap Up!

Hope everyone who was celebrating had a safe and happy holiday weekend! It's Sunday again, so if you missed anything this week in the GA News Blog, now is the time to get a glimpse of what you missed. If anything jumps out at you, you can go back and check out the post that interests you!   We finished out the month with the June CSR Discussion Day on Monday. Last month the CSR choice was CJames' collection of anthology stories. It's not too late to chime in with your thoughts if you've read o

Writing Prompts #336 & #337

For those in the US who are celebrating the holiday, I hope you all have a very safe and happy 4th of July! Being as it's Friday again, it's time for two new prompts from the Prompt Guru. Hopefully one of these two prompts will spark and idea. Remember, if you decide to post your prompt in GA Stories, stories that are under 1,000 words need to be placed in collections. Enjoy this week's prompt offerings!   Prompt 336 – Creative Tag – First Line “Oh God. This isn’t what it looks like!”   Prom

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Ask An Author #18

Only the 2nd day of the month and it's already time for our monthly treat from Dark! I always look forward to seeing what Dark has asked some of the authors here at Gay Authors, and I hope that other members feel the same. Ask An Author is by far one of my favorite features of the news blog and one that I am happy to see continue month after month. So, let's see what Dark has for us this month! Ask an Author #18   Welcome back to another quirky question and answer session with your favo

Premium Tuesday: Catara

Wow, I can't believe it's already July and the year is half over, it seems like it just barely got started. What better way to start out a new month than by taking a look at a Premium Story. As many know, I recently began a new feature where each week I showcase one of our Premium Stories, which are available in our Premium Subscription area. Purchasing a Premium Subscription is a way for members to help support the site and keep it going, not only that but you get access to stories that are not

June Csr Dicussion Day: Cjames' Anthologies

This month we're featuring CJames' Anthology stories for June's CSR Discussion Day. If you haven't read them yet, well... watch out for spoilers! A Signature Author from way back, CJ has a lot of variety for readers to enjoy--going from short shorts to super long epics. Do you have a favorite?   Leaving Club Leo Review by Cia   Leaving Club Leo was the first story of CJ's that I read. What impressed me most was the level of technology and the research he must have done. I was very involved w

Weekly Wrap Up!

Renee is off playing so I get to sneak in and give everyone a review of this, our last week of June. Can you believe after Monday that the year is half over? Wow! We had a great start to the week here, with a review by Renee of Promising Author Dark's short story The Matchmaker is Grounded. It a very sweet story and a quick read that will bring smiles to your face, and Renee does a great job of enticing you with her review.   Continuing on with our Premium Tuesday feature was a look at Coin in


Trebs in Weekly Wrap Up

2014 Fall Anthology: Scars *Getting Started*

Now that the Summer Anthology: The Backup Plan has gone live, it’s time to look towards the upcoming 2014 Fall Anthology: Scars.   I thought it might be a good idea to share some thoughts on getting started with your next anthology story, if you haven’t already done so.   Have you thought about the plot for your story? The topic “Scars” can lead in so many different directions. It could be physical, it could be mental, and it could only be a tangential link to the theme. Your entire story do

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Anthologies

Writing Prompts #334 & #335

There are many reasons that people might look forward to Friday, but here at the GA News Blog, we look forward to Friday because it means one thing.... New Prompts!!! Sometimes we get stuck and need a little push to help us get writing again, that's what the prompts are all about, to help get the juices flowing. As always, Comicfan has provided two new prompts for you to take a stab at. Hopefully one of these will inspire you to write a little something!   Prompt 334 – Creative Tag – List of W

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Premium Tuesday: Coin In The Fountain

The last two weeks I've been featuring stories from the 2013 Summer Premium Anthology. This week I am featuring the final story from that anthology, Coin in the Fountain, by Comicfan. As with all Premium stories, in order to read Coin in the Fountain, members need to purchase a Premium Subscription. For more information on how to purchase a Premium Subscription, check out the links at the end of this blog post!   Coin in the Fountain by Comicfan   Dan finds out that t

Featured Story: The Matchmaker Is Grounded

It's the start of another week and that means it's time to look at a new story. I'm always asking for reviews for the blog (by the way, if you want to do a review, PM me) so this week I decided it was past time that I did another review for the blog. With so many talented authors on site, it was hard to choose a story to review. In the end, I decided to review "The Matchmaker is Grounded" by Dark. I hope you enjoy the review and that it inspires you to check out Dark's story. The Matchmaker i

Weekly Wrap Up!

Hope everyone is having a great summer so far! Before I get into the Weekly Wrap Up, I'd like to announce that I have opened up Theme Suggestions for the 2015 Anthologies. Members will be able to make their suggestions in the thread through July 20th, so get your thinking caps on and share your lists! Now, lets see what happened this past week in the news blog.   On Monday, Percy supplied us with a review of "Memoirs of a Child of the Past Century" by Old Bob. He did a little bit different of

Writing Prompts #332 & #333

I almost can't believe it's already Friday again, this week just seems to have gone by so quickly. Thanks to Comicfan, we have two new prompts for you today. As a reminder, you are more than welcome to upload your prompt responses into GA stories (we even have a genre for them), but if you do so, please remember that all stories under 1,000 words must be posted in collections. Now, lets see what Comicfan has for us this week.   Prompt 332 – Creative Tag – First Line “Try it again, and I will k

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Ga's Newest Signature Author: Andy78

Promising Author no more - please join us in congratulating our newest Signature Author, Andy78! Between his 34 different published stories, tons of reviews written about others stories as well as responding to over 93% of the reviews of his own stories, and all of his forum posts and works as a site moderator, you wonder if he's somehow manipulating time to be able to do it all   Andy78 has a few longer stories, but it is his wonderful short stories that truly capture the imagination and mak


Trebs in News Archive

Writing Tip: Crafting A Story

Crafting a Story... More Work than You Might Think! by Cia   There's a lot that goes into writing a story, more than what the average reader would think. After thinking up the story, and writing then it, there comes the many rounds of editing. This is the nuts and bolts process, when you strip something down to its basic components and put it all back together--hopefully without any extra pieces! For me, that involves several reads of the story. Then I ask for help from my tea

Premium Tuesday: Save Tonight

Last week for the Premium Tuesday post we took a look at one of the stories in the 2013 Summer Premium Anthology. There were three stories in total and this week we're taking a look at one of the other stories in that anthology, "Save Tonight" by CassieQ. After checking out "Save Tonight" you can find out more about how to purchase a premium subscription! Save Tonight by CassieQ   What do you want?' A wish reluctantly made, urged on by his little girl, brings Gavin something

Featured Story: Memoirs Of A Child Of The Past Century

Being the start of a new week, Monday's are also a good time to take a look at some of the different stories that can be found on Gay Authors. With so many great works, it can be easy to overlook one and Monday's provide an opportunity for us to help make one of them stand out and maybe catch your interest. Today, we're bringing you a review by Percy of Old Bob's story "Memoirs of a Child of the Past Century." Enjoy! Memoirs of a Child of the Past Century by Old Bob   Revie
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