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  • Cole Matthews

    Arts and Crafts - Character-istics

    By Cole Matthews

    What elements make for a believable character?  What can writers add that aids in the complete and utter suspension of disbelief?  Lots of thing come to mind like quirks, back stories, associations, inner thoughts, tribulations - and the list goes on and on.  However, something many authors have done with beloved recurring characters is to give them hobbies.  Certainly Sherlock Holmes had several and varied 'pursuits'.  Agatha Christie had Miss Marple constantly knitting.  Let's try rounding out

The Naughty Audience

The Naughty Audience Hehehe, it was the loving folks here at GayAuthors that first turned me on to the term, PWP! Meaning, quite simply...’Porn Without Plot’! Now, before anybody starts blushing and feeling guilty about anything, let me just say that I actually love the occasional stroll down the old ‘quickie’ lane from time to time. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with reading it, and there’s certainly nothing wrong with writing it either. So relax. We’re throwing any perceived


Comicality in Writing Tips


PT #83 It’s a matter of common knowledge among friends and family that the protagonist of your story despises a certain person. Ironically, this very person dies in a freak accident at their house. As no one would believe this, they have to hide the body. Help them.   PT#84 In order to avoid the pesky marriage-soon-trigger, Ash doesn’t date, officially. Find the most outrageous excuses to tell the family or — just tell them a truth of your choice, preferably all nicely boxed


Aditus in Prompts

What's in a Theme?

Themes can make or break an anthology, as our recent Anniversary anthology showed.  The theme spoke to a lot of site authors and exceeded my challenge to have twenty stories for GA’s twentieth anniversary.  The next few anthology blogs will be focusing on theme selection, writing for a theme, and submitting ideas for next year’s anthology.  I’m excited to announce we have a guest blog post for next week.  CassieQ has written a great article about how to write for a theme, so be sure to check it



October Signature Feature: Let the Music Play by CJames

Sometimes it feels like life is just a grind, with no way things will change, much less for the better. This time of year can feel that way, right? Before the holidays really hit it off, when we're all feeling the drag of our routines... just like Brandon before he got an unexpected turn in his journey. I admit, looking for a good visual inspiration sucked me back into this story and I couldn't stop reading until late, or early, depending on how you look at it. CJames never disappoints, so give


Cia in Signature Feature

Weekly Wrap Up (Oct. 9 -- Oct. 15th)

I just noticed this was missing, so here is a quick wrap up for the stories posted this week.  I'm sure someone will be along to update the rest of the stuff.  (Psst, sorry Myr, I forgot , Steve) Monday, Cia helped out the Review Team with a new Featured Story.  Thursday Myr got some time to bring us an Anthology Flashback: After some time off to look after the Anthologies, our Prompt Team came back with two new prompts: @Comicality returned Saturday with another new artic


Myr in Weekly Wrap Up


Wordless There are many times, while I sit here at this keyboard and stare blankly off into space when I’m trying to find just the right words to express the emotions that I’m feeling in my heart at that moment...the words I need to finish the next sentence or two of the story or chapter that I’m working on at that moment...and words only seem to get in the way. It can be a really aggravating head space to be in when you’re trying to get something finished. It, actually, feels a lot like wri


Comicality in Writing Tips

October is Coming Out!!!

In October in the United States, we celebrate National Coming Out Day.  But that really doesn't do it justice.  Coming out isn't a day or a week or a month.  Coming out is a process for most of us.  It's intensely personal, incredibly liberating, and extremely terrifying for most people.  Let's practice our writing skills with some characters who are coming out of the closet, are remembering their emergence, or even contemplating doing it.   #81 - First Line - "How could you have outed me l

Cole Matthews

Cole Matthews in Prompts

Anthology Flashback: Winter 2007 - Worth Fighting For

This week we are promoting our Winter 2007 Anthology: Worth Fighting For. In no particular order:   Be sure to read and review!   For Authors! We'd also like to remind all authors that we have 4 Anthology themes for 2018 and a Novella Contest: Contests 2018 Summer Novella Anthology - Due April 15th, 2018   Anthologies 2018 Spring Anthology: Now or Never - Due May 15th 2018 Spring Anthology: Encounters - Due May 15th


Myr in Anthologies

Featured Story: Boundaries: An Old West Tale

Looking for inspiration for a Halloween costume? How's about you put on some chaps, a button up, a hat and swagger your way down to the watering can for... a good ole fashioned gunslinger western romance novella by Headstall that spike382 gives two spurs up in his review below. Read on to find out more!  Boundaries: An Old West Tale by Headstall Reviewer: spike382 Status: Complete Word Count: 16,640 One thing that I love about being a longer-term member of this community is se


Cia in Reviews

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