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  • Cole Matthews

    Arts and Crafts - Character-istics

    By Cole Matthews

    What elements make for a believable character?  What can writers add that aids in the complete and utter suspension of disbelief?  Lots of thing come to mind like quirks, back stories, associations, inner thoughts, tribulations - and the list goes on and on.  However, something many authors have done with beloved recurring characters is to give them hobbies.  Certainly Sherlock Holmes had several and varied 'pursuits'.  Agatha Christie had Miss Marple constantly knitting.  Let's try rounding out

Spacy Prompt

So, why the heck did I give you these random prompts? I helped my nephew to draw all kinds of alien species, that’s why. And because there has always to be a second prompt, I used the next sentence someone said to me as a first line. Val thought I have to explain my randomness. Prompt #89 The newest spaceship is ready to leave the space yard when the main engineer gets a last-minute order: He has to modify the captain’s chair. Due to the new captain’s species, he wouldn’t be able to us


Aditus in Prompts

2023 Anthology Announcement

After taking into consideration the results of the polls I conducted about the anthology, the team has reached a decision about what we’re offering next year.    In 2023 we will be offering two site-wide events for authors to participate in – one anthology and one secret author contest.  Stay tuned for further details on both!   People overwhelmingly voted to have one theme for the anthology, and the majority wanted a committee to decide on themes, but also wanted to v


Valkyrie in Anthologies

GA's Newest Signature Author: Dodger

Please join the Author Promotion Team in congratulating Dodger as GA's newest Signature Author! @Dodger has been a member at GA for more than 10 years and is best known as the author of the very popular The Cockney Canuck. But don't forget his other stories, such as A Soldier's Guide to Single Parenting which is this month's CSR story. Have a read and then share your thoughts on Monday 28th November! Congratulations, Dodger!


Graeme in News Archive

Featured Story: The Purple Door

With the weather changing with people looking to more indoor activities up north, why not consider a home renovation? Aditius from the Review Team did up a great review for the November Featured Story which may or may not have a home renovation in it. Enjoy!     The Purple Door by Valkyrie Reviewer: Aditus Status: Complete Word Count: 5,616 November is the perfect month for a ghost story when meadows are shrouded in fog in the morning and it gets colder and darker, a


wildone in Reviews

Weekly Wrap Up (Nov. 6 - Nov. 12)

In case you are wondering why we have two blogs up featured at once, don't continually hit your refresh button to try to make one disappear  Or am I the only one that would do that? I remember back in the olden days, when a author would generally post a new chapter on the same day of the week around the same time of day, I'd sit there constantly hitting refresh until I got the new chapter  This was back in the eFic days long before even the idea of post dating   Now where was I? Oh, so due


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Character Interaction

Character Interaction Not long ago, I was talking about my love for working with ensemble casts in my stories. It’s something that I really love to engage in as a writer, and it sort of fleshes out the world that I’m working with. I mean, even if you happen to be a fan of video games, you might remember way back when it was just your character on the screen trying to complete some kind of quest or whatever, and a horde of enemies trying to stop you. But video games have evolved since then. W


Comicality in Writing Tips

November, Remember

November is a month for remembering things.  Whether it's the Remember, Remember, the Fifth of November, with Guy Fawkes day, or November 11th, the Armistice Day commemorating The Great War, World War I, this is a month for looking back over past events.  Therefore, I'm suggesting prompts that have to do with remembering events of the past. #87 List of items: rosemary, a diary, a chest, RAM, elephant, and a red poppy #88  Your main character lost his memory.  What brings it back?  

Cole Matthews

Cole Matthews in Prompts

Anthology Flashback - 2010 No Going Back

I'm on vacation this week, so decided to re-feature one of our past anthologies.  Check out the stories from 2010's anthology "No Going Back".  Also, please be sure to vote in the two current polls in the Anthology section of the Writer's Club.  Both polls close on November 17th.   https://gayauthors.org/stories/browse/category/27-2010-fall-no-going-back/    


Valkyrie in Anthologies

GA's Newest Promising Author: kbois

Please join myself and the Author Promotion Team in congratulating  @kbois in becoming GA's newest Promising Author. She has been a member at GA for just under five years, and in that time she has posted over 900,000 words across ten stories. Writing mainly romances, she's the author of the popular shifter novels Spirit Wolves and Shadow Effect as well as the very entertaining The Devil is Gay short stories. You can find all of her stories on her author page so please don't be s


Graeme in News Archive

November CSR Feature: A Soldier's Guide to Single Parenting by Dodger

November and the months keep rolling by toward the end of 2022 already. Life is what happens when you're not really paying attention, and sometimes things change suddenly and then you have to try and make them work. Well, in this month's feature story we're going back in time and to the summer months to see how this newly single father handles all that life throws at him. I couldn't believe I hadn't already featured this story before, but now you can for this month's CSR. Don't forget to come ba


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

Weekly Wrap Up (Oct. 30 - Nov. 5)

Well folks, I unexpectedly find myself not at home without anything but an iPhone 😳 So for now I’ll publish the stories updated over the week and then tomorrow fill in the rest of the blanks.    And here is the look at the past weeks postings on all our Authors and Poets! Recently Updated 'Premium' Stories On Fire by Cia (In Process) Recently Updated 'Signature Author' Stories Gap Year by Mark Arbour  Flying Circus by Carlos Hazday  Get Into


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

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