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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Dec. 29 - Jan. 4)

    By wildone

    Some say it is too late 5 days after, but screw them ! I'm still going to say Happy New Year! Maybe without the fanfare, but on behalf of all of us here at the GA News Blog and GA, we wish all your dreams and hopes come true in 2025 🥳 It must be the sign of my age , but I was sound asleep by 11:30, with no real reason to stay up past midnight . How about yourselves? Did you ring in the New Year with a party, or just maybe yourself and one or two others? Did you have a refreshing alcoholic b

2023 Anthology Theme - And the Winner Is....

I'd like to extend a huge thank you to all who voted in the anthology theme selection survey. I'm pretty blown away by the turnout we received! It was quite a nail-biting race, especially in the beginning, but eventually a winner leapt ahead.  So without further ado, here's the announcement we've all been waiting for...    Leap of Faith  Please remember that the link to the theme can be tangential - it doesn't have to smack you in the face, as long as it's in there somewhere


Valkyrie in Anthology

October CSR Discussion: There Once was Love by Remijay

It's a visit from the Ghost of Blogs Past! We had a missed CSR Interview in October, so nope, that's not a typo in the blog title... Today you're getting the CSR Interview for Remijay's story, There Once was Love, featured in October and we're shifting Georgie DHainaut's twisted fairytale feature again to January so you have more time to read that bite-sized story! Feel free to refresh your memory on Remijay's story, or the feature, through the links above, check out the interview below, and sha


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

Weekly Wrap Up (Dec. 18 - Dec. 24)

If you are just waking up and and decided to fire up GA for your first task of the day , then On behalf of all of us here at GA, we wish you and all yours the very Merriest of Christmases. I really hope that it is profitable for everyone out there   I am off to my sisters for dinner this evening, how about you? If you are not going anywhere, doing anything, know that we all will be thinking about you in addition to the ones we are with.  I usually ask a different question to


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Father Christmas, Krampus, Santa Claus, Saint Nicholas, and Kris Kringle

There is a rich tradition in the West of creating Christmas and Yuletide tales.  Both sacred and secular versions of stories populate the airwaves and Internet with versions of light in the darkness, good defeating evil, epiphanies about faith, and even simple tales of happily ever after.  While we love to challenge conventions in these prompts.  Sometimes it is fun to go with the flow.  For these prompts, I'd like to challenge writers to create some wonderful stories of love winning, light conq

Cole Matthews

Cole Matthews in Prompts

There's Still Time to Vote!

Happy Holidays!  Whether you celebrate Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanza, Festivus, or something else, I wish you the best the holiday season has to offer!  A large part of the US will be facing a pretty nasty winter storm this weekend, my area included, so fingers crossed everyone can still celebrate as planned.    Thank you to all who have voted in the anthology theme selection poll so far.  The poll will remain open until midnight EST on 12/27/22, so there's still time to vote if yo


Valkyrie in Anthology

December Signature Feature: Melvyn Ford by Carlos Hazday

Nostalgia, family, and the many generations coming together is often a theme around the holidays. I didn't want to feature another holiday story right now, though, since I'm sure readers can find plenty of those to enjoy! I wanted to bring those themes forward that are so common in a new way, so I searched and found this great short story by Carlos Hazday that pays homage to... the family car.  Length: 3,249 Description:  A 1929 Ford Model A Tudor, bought at the start of the Grea


Cia in Signature Feature

Weekly Wrap Up (Dec. 11 - Dec. 17)

Exactly 7 days to Christmas Day! I actually had to go to the mall and tell Santa what I wanted as I get a feeling I'm not getting anything from this lot   Curious, what percentage of shopping did you do in lets say online, brick and mortar stores, and/or local merchants instead of national chains? I ask since I really didn't look at the other two options. Amazon delivers my presents to my work and I go home and just wrap the boxes  Lazy, I know. Well in the effort to conserve heat, it


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

The Slow Burn

The Slow Burn One of the elements of a really good story that we’ve discussed before on this board had to deal with ‘pacing’. Now, while it seems like such a thing should feel natural and almost effortless to some writers...it’s actually not that way for everybody. In fact, it’s a very delicate balance that I feel should be recognized and respected when it comes to putting a story together in a way that could be considered ‘effective’ when it comes to getting your message and your emotions a


Comicality in Writing Tips

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