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  • Cole Matthews

    Arts and Crafts - Character-istics

    By Cole Matthews

    What elements make for a believable character?  What can writers add that aids in the complete and utter suspension of disbelief?  Lots of thing come to mind like quirks, back stories, associations, inner thoughts, tribulations - and the list goes on and on.  However, something many authors have done with beloved recurring characters is to give them hobbies.  Certainly Sherlock Holmes had several and varied 'pursuits'.  Agatha Christie had Miss Marple constantly knitting.  Let's try rounding out

Weekly Wrap Up (Aug. 7 - Aug. 13)

We are nearly half way through the summer and you know what that means for North American people... Back to Skewl!!  I guess that is dependent on if you are a student of some level or if you are a working stiff like me  Believe it or not, up to a few years ago I was under the impression that the primary and secondary education all over the continent was basically from the beginning of September until the following June. How wrong I was . From what I understand, some of the southern US they


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up


Parallels You know those moments in a lot of stories or movies where the hero comes up against their main rival, and they always say the same cliché phrase? Hehehe! That part where they say, "You know...we're not so different, you and I..." Hahaha! I've heard it so many times and phrased so many different ways, that it's kind of cheesy and weird now. However...it's a trope that I really actually LOVE to use in a lot of my stories, and do so often. I just don't have them talk about it ou


Comicality in Writing Tips

Prompt Day Aug 12, 2022

Still a bit short-winded, I present to you the Friday Prompts! PT# 73: You stare at your best friend’s wedding list. Instead of pots and pans or nifty gardening equipment with useful links where you could order it, you read: Surprise us! As your friends love “quirky things with character”, you decide to go to a yard sale. In the end, you have to choose between a huge, inflatable pink flamingo, a hand-pottered caterpillar-shaped bowl, and a coat rack that looks like a human spine. What


Aditus in Prompts

Proofreading vs Editing

Proofreading vs Editing No, it’s not a writing smackdown, but two different parts of the writing process that go hand-in-hand.  Since the proof team is working in overdrive at the moment, I thought it would be a good time to rehash the role we play and the difference between a proofread and an edit.  Editing is an in-depth process that looks at all aspects of the story.  So in addition to punctuation, spelling, grammar, language-usage, and the technical aspects of writing, a good edit


Valkyrie in Anthology

GA's Newest Signature Author: northie

Please join the Author Promotion Team in congratulating northie as GA's newest Signature Author! @northie has been a member since 2016 and in that time has posted over 500k words across 35 stories including the popular Never Too Late series of novels. If you haven't read them yet, don't hesitate. You can find these stories and others at northie's author page.


Graeme in News Archive

Featured Story: A New Family Unit

This story reviewed by @spike382 has piqued my interest. I think I might start reading today. Hoping that this review entices you to read it as well.   A New Family Unit by Ajbt2001   Reviewer: spike382 Status: Complete Word Count: 20,574   Here on GA, I am always on the lookout for story content from authors I haven’t read before.  As an aside, I’m personally looking for content outside the paranormal thriller/romance genre that has gained immense popularity on


wildone in Reviews

Weekly Wrap Up (Jul. 31 - Aug, 6)

I'm back from the wilds of the Rockies  Had a great time with my nephews for the 7 days. Lots of mountain biking, took a gondola to the top of Mount Sulphur and then walked the 400 steps up to and back from the summit. Hit the Banff Hot Springs. Another day swam in an old quarry that has been filled with water and turned into a park. We even had a bit of a issue with a black bear on the last day of camping Kind of wish we had a little blue one to deal with instead. Kind of looking forward


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Weight And Impact

Weight And Impact As many of you guys already know, I have always been a huge fan of the horror film genre. Even when I was probably way too young to be watching people gutted with a machete, hehehe! I was the kid with the ‘Fangoria’ monthly subscription and the B-Movie fetish growing up! But I loved every minute of it! Those flicks were just plain fun to me, you know? Excessive gore and all! The more blood and guts, the better! Well, it wasn’t until a couple of my college roommates act


Comicality in Writing Tips

Technically Unplugged

I spent last weekend out in the country with my BFF for her family reunion.  It’s been an annual tradition for us for over ten years now, and I look forward to it every year.  It’s an absolutely idyllic setting, surrounded by farmland and mountains sporting all kinds of greenery.  There’s no wi-fi, and cell phone signals are spotty, at best.  We sleep in a tent on a hill next to the main house and talk most of the night over a campfire, underneath a clear sky filled with stars never seen in subu


Valkyrie in Prompts

Marketing Anthology Stories

Last week, I gave my perspective on the anthology and why I write so many stories for them.  This week, we get a different perspective from @Carlos Hazday. Carlos shares his beginning as a writer and also gives some great advice about marketing.      Carlos Hazday After joining Gay Authors in July 2013, my membership lagged unused until I became active a year later. A newbie with zero writing experience, I gained confidence slaving over weekly prompts for a bit. Maybe not actually


Valkyrie in Anthology

Ask An Author 3.0 #19

Well, well, well... This silly, overused introduction that sparks an uneasy feeling into weak hearts. Maybe I should add a slow-clap. Ehh, it's also overplayed. Anyway, I must say I'm proud of y'all. My tease of dropping Ask An Author into the fiery pits of Mount Doom encouraged some of you to ask questions. What I did not expect was the surge of comments from last month's altered edition. Some of you even messaged me, asking for more of the comment section-driven pandemonium. Further discussion


astone2292 in Author Interviews

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