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  • Cole Matthews

    Arts and Crafts - Character-istics

    By Cole Matthews

    What elements make for a believable character?  What can writers add that aids in the complete and utter suspension of disbelief?  Lots of thing come to mind like quirks, back stories, associations, inner thoughts, tribulations - and the list goes on and on.  However, something many authors have done with beloved recurring characters is to give them hobbies.  Certainly Sherlock Holmes had several and varied 'pursuits'.  Agatha Christie had Miss Marple constantly knitting.  Let's try rounding out

Premium Tuesday: Burden Of Secrets

For those who are new to the GA News Blog, Tuesday's are the day when I share a little information about one of our Premium Stories. While Gay Authors is free to it's members, it's not free to run. One of the ways GA keeps the site running is by the help from members who purchase a Premium Subscription. What do you get when you purchase a Premium Subscription? You get access to the select few stories that are not available to the regular membership. One such story is "Burden of Secrets" by Cia.

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Featured Stories

Featured Story: Judas Tree - Novella One

I'm back!!! First off, a great big THANK YOU to Cia and Steve (aka Wildone) for covering for me while I was gone. It's the start of a new week and a great time for another Featured Story entry! This week we're taking a look at Judas Tree - Novella One by AC Benus! Thank you Timothy M. for the review, hopefully it inspires members to check out the story! Judas Tree - Novella One by AC Benus Author Reviewer: Timothy M. Status: Complete Word Count: 15,434   I stumbled on th

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Featured Stories

Weekly Wrap Up!

Well this is my first week without the training wheels on, so lets hope I don't go home crying with a scraped knee Renee will be back next week to whip this back into shape!   Final Reminder: SonoLuminus has decided to participate in Light the Night, a walk to raise funds for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. She has dedicated her walk, and even named her team, in memory of Robert (aka Trebs) who passed away on August 7th after a long battle with Mantle Cell Lymphoma. To learn more about Lig


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Writing Prompts #354 & #355

Now that we re-whet everyone's appetites for flash fiction, let's get back into our weekly fun of Comicfan's great prompts! Thank you to everyone who participated in Wednesday's feature about why we like flash and how we do it, especially to everyone who tried it out! This week we have a very diverse word list prompt as well as a creative theme featuring... well, read on to find out, and then see what you can come up with!   Prompt 354 – Creative Tag – List of words Use the following in a sto


Cia in Prompts

Writing Tip: Flash Fiction - Why And How?

I thought, this week, that we’d discuss something we host here on GA, and promote weekly on the blog. Flash fiction, namely in the guise of our prompts. Our anthologies are an extension of that as well. But we’ve never really talked about the art of creating these types of short stories—so today we will! I think there are two main questions most people have: What is flash fiction and why do people write it?   FLASH FICTION   Flash fiction can also run the gamut of ‘regular fiction’.


Cia in Writing Tips

Premium Tuesday: Ice Fairy Ii

Do you write? Are you willing to consider writing a story for Premium? We're always on the lookout for great authors with a dedication to quality fiction who'd like to work with the site to provide content for our Premium subscribers, and make a little money, to boot! Feel free to PM me, if you're interested in starting a discussion. If you're interested in reading some of these great stories, then you need to become a Premium subscriber. Memberships can be purchased in the site store!  


Cia in Featured Stories

Featured Story: Empath's Kiss

Shh! I'm masquerading as Renee this week. I'm just her puppet, bringing you the site news for this week. I'm sure she's up in the woods thinking, "Dance, puppet, dance!" LOL Okay, to kick off a week of Cia the sub, we have an exciting short by Andrew Todd. If you like sci-fi this might be right up your alley!   Empath’s Kiss By Andrew Todd Author Reviewer: Renee Stevens Status: Complete Word Count: 13,996   This was the first story I’d ever read by this author and I


Cia in Featured Stories

Weekly Wrap Up!

WOW! What a week! Hope everyone had a great weekend and is ready for a new week to begin. I know I am, since I'll be gone all week! Before I forget, I've got a little reminder before I get to the Weekly Wrap Up!   Reminder: SonoLuminus has decided to participate in Light the Night, a walk to raise funds for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. She has dedicated her walk, and even named her team, in memory of Robert (aka Trebs) who passed away on August 7th after a long battle with Mantle Cell Ly

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

2014 Fall Anthology: Scars *now Live*

I know a lot of people have been looking forward to the release of the Fall Anthology. Luckily, the wait is over! Eighteen stories have now been released for your enjoyment. I hope you find something you enjoy and don't forget to leave the author's a review to let them know what you think of their work! Also, after you've read through all the entries, don't forget to go and vote for next years themes! Thank you to all the Authors and their teams, the Anthology Proof Team for giving the stories a

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Anthologies

Author Interview: Mark Arbour

Our featured story for the September Signature Background is "9.11" by Mark Arbour. As I'm sure many can imagine, writing about the events of September 11, 2001 couldn't have been easy. Not only do we get to learn a little about Mark Arbour in today's interview by Cia, but we also get to hear from him on what it was like to actually write about the events of 9.11. Interview: Mark Arbour on " 9.11"   Personal:   Single people work more. Are you single?   I would like to see your

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Author Interviews

Premium Tuesday: The Experiment

Gay Authors has always managed to remain free to it's members, one of the ways that it has managed to do so is through it's Premium Subscribers. Members choose to help support the site and keep it going by purchasing Premium Content which consists of a number of stories that are only available on the site by purchasing Premium Content. There are many great stories to be found in the Premium section, one of which is "The Experiment" by Cia.   The Experiment by Cia      

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Featured Stories

Featured Story: 9.11 By Mark Arbour

This month’s Signature Background featured 9.11 by Mark Arbour. Usually when we feature a story by a Signature author, we like to get a review from one of the site members… but the very nature of 9.11 made that difficult. It’s a story in a very long, very complex series, and CAP isn’t something you can just jump into anywhere. So, instead, I thought we’d let a few of Mark’s over 1000 reviews (holy crap!!!) share reader’s favorite parts and thoughts from the very emotional tale.          


Cia in Reviews

Weekly Wrap Up!

Renee has allowed me to learn how to do the Weekly Wrap Up this week as she will soon be taking some much deserved time off. Under her expert tutelage I hope I have done this right. Any errors are entirely my fault, but if you want to air your disappointments about my job, make sure to email Renee at renee@gayauthors.org.   Reminder: Today's reminder has a special meaning to a lot of us here at GA. Trebs would have turned 49 today if he was still with us . Once again we'd like to remind you


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Writing Prompts #352 & #353

I hope everyone has had a great week so far and are now looking forward to the weekend! Who's ready to do some writing? To help you get started, Comicfan has supplied two new prompts!! Don't forget to share your responses in the prompt forum and maybe you'll be featured next week!   Prompt 352 – Creative Tag – First Line “I can’t believe you asked him that!”   Prompt 353 – Creative Tag – The Anniversary It has been a year since the accident stole your partner away. What is life like a year l

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Ask An Author #20

I can't believe how quickly this year seems to be going. It's already the beginning of September and since it's also the first Wednesday of the month, that means it's time for our monthly feature, Ask An Author. This great feature is provided to us every month by Dark, to help keep it going, don't forget to PM Dark your questions for your favorite authors! Ask an Author #20   Welcome back to another quirky question and answer session with your favorite authors!   In AtA #19, we had qu

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Author Interviews

Premium Tuesday: Social Skills

It's time for another look into the Premium Section of Gay Authors. As most people know, the Premium Section is our way of saying Thank You to those who help support Gay Authors by purchasing a Premium Subscription. There are quite a few stories that have either only posted in Premium or have been moved to Premium for one reason or another. This week, we are showcasing "Social Skills" by Sara Alva.   Social Skills by Sara Alva   Connor Owens is a violinist, a college fres

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Featured Stories

September Csr Selection: The Phantom By Dark

I like going through stories on GA and finding things that might not follow the usual run-of-the-mill story path. This month, we're going to have some fun with something the author is describing as fan-fiction of a fan-fiction of a fan-fiction... But, since the author is Dark, I'm sure readers are in for a great ride! The Phantom by Dark   Length: 34,195   Description: Meet Mark. He's a TV reporter for a city called Necropolis. Meet Gerry. He's haunted. In a city infested wi


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

Weekly Wrap Up!

Hope everyone had a great week and for many, hope you are having a wonderful extended weekend!   Reminder: SonoLuminus has decided to participate in Light the Night, a walk to raise funds for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. She has dedicated her walk, and even named her team, in memory of Robert (aka Trebs) who passed away on August 7th after a long battle with Mantle Cell Lymphoma. To learn more about Light the Night and how you can help support SonoLuminus, please visit the lounge topic.

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

Writing Prompts #350 & #351

Hope everyone has had a great week so far. To start your weekend off right, we're bringing you two new prompts supplied by our resident prompt guru, Comicfan. Don't forget to share your prompt responses in the Prompt Forum , you might just find yours being shared next week! Enjoy!   Prompt 350 – Creative Tag – List of Words Use the following in a story – farmer, bluebells, a toad, a pond, and a book.   Prompt 351 – Creative Tag – The Curse Your family believes it lives under a curse. They sa

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

Premium Tuesday: Comfort Only

I hope that everyone had a great start to the week! It's time to take a look at yet another of the offerings to GA's Premium Subscribers! While the majority of content on Gay Authors is free and will remain so, Premium Subscriptions are available as a way for members to help support the site and keep it open. To say "Thank You" for the support, GA offers stories that are only available to Premium Subscribers. One such story is "Comfort Only" by RCMills. Comfort Only by RCMills

Csr Discussion Day: In The Depths Of Despair By Inthemindofsunshine

August has come and gone, and I'm rejoicing. School starts in just over a week, but the week left is packed full of fun and games with swimming, library, swimming, an outdoor pool/playground/putt putt/lake resort, and camping prep for our big camping weekend. A last hurrah of all our favorite fun of the summer. But what happens when games aren't fun? At least... maybe not for InTheMindOfSunshine's characters in her story, In the Depths of Despair. What did you think of the story? Make sure you s


Cia in CSR- Can't Stop Reading

Weekly Wrap Up!

Before we get started on this weeks weekly wrap up, I have a reminder and an announcement that I'd like to start out with.   Reminder: SonoLuminus has decided to participate in Light the Night, a walk to raise funds for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. She has dedicated her walk, and even named her team, in memory of Robert (aka Trebs) who passed away on August 7th after a long battle with Mantle Cell Lymphoma. To learn more about Light the Night and how you can help support SonoLuminus, ple

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Weekly Wrap Up

Writing Prompts #348 & #349

I hope everyone has had a great week up until this point and that everyone has a wonderful weekend as well. Friday has once again graced us with it's presence and with it we have two more prompts from the prompt guru, Comicfan. As always, we're also sharing a previous prompt response. Don't forget, if either of these prompts trigger a response from you, share it in the prompt forum and maybe you'll see yours featured next week!   Prompt 348 – Creative Tag – First Line “Can you give me one reas

Renee Stevens

Renee Stevens in Prompts

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