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  • wildone

    Weekly Wrap Up (Sept .22 - Sept. 28)

    By wildone

    Depending on where you live, how many days do you have to get in your entries for the In Too Deep annual Anthology? Calling on Poets, Authors, and even readers to get them in. So how many days do you have to the end of October 1st? 1 days 2 days Oh crap, still not too late but pushing it   I am just back from a relaxing week up in the mountains at the lake where I was having a nice, quiet birthday . I'm refreshed and rejuvenated, got a hair cut today as well. I was going to go f

Feb 2022 Reading Report

February 2022 Reading Report Top 8 Most Recommended Stories Spirit Wolves by kbois Jay's Loelife by Mrsgnomie Boss Nanny by Mrsgnomie In Our Darkness by C. Henderson Farmers' Market by Yeoldebard I Hate This Town by Demiurge Timothy by CLJobe Corporate Galactic by astone2292   Top 10 Stories Per Primary Genre for February 2022 Top 9 Most Read Fantasy between 02/01/2022 and 02/28/2022 This Strange World Needs A


Myr in Reading Archive

Weekly Wrap Up (Feb. 20 - Feb. 26)

Cooo, loo, coo, coo, coo, coo, coo, coooo!   Cooo, loo, coo, coo, coo, coo, coo, coooo! Take off you hosers!!! If you under the age of 40, and never watched SCTV or not Canadian, you probably have no clue what I'm quoting and wondering also what I'm drinking too! Although SCTV was moved to the US after a lot of years of success in Canada, I think it was the precursor to SNL but not sure how many watched it. I'll put in a post below a clip of this video that I was just serenad


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up

Story Scope

It's something that I still struggle with more often than many of you may think. More times than not, I think in terms of a 'story'...and not in terms of a 'plot'. I've talked about this before in earlier articles, but just to reiterate really quick...the plot is the beginning, middle, and end of the story that you're trying to tell. The story is what exists OUTSIDE of the plot. So that could be a million stories all building up to a culmination of the story you're writing, and then reaches out


Comicality in Writing Tips

Happy Fairy Tale Day...

Who doesn't love a fairy tale?  They are the stuff of childhood, memories of the distant past, lessons for the present, and fodder for the future.   This coming weekend is Tell a Fairy Tale Day.  So, I proposed we tell each other some fairy tales, based on the tropes and ideals of the genre.  Hopefully these prompts will get you conjuring up your own scenarios of a child eating someone else's porridge or a lonely orphan girl who meets her prince, only to flee at midnight.   #25 - Story

Cole Matthews

Cole Matthews in Prompts

Grammar Guide 8 - Regular vs Irregular Verbs

This week we are back to where the action is... verbs!  English is the Rube Goldberg Machine of languages and it has a lot of oddities.  One of those is this whole concept of regular vs irregular and verb forms. This also ties in with Grammar Guide 6's topic of Verb Tenses.  Be sure to check that out as well, if you missed it. Verbs have 5 Forms: Infinitive - the basic form of the verb ➡️ walk Simple Present - Used when the action is happening right now or or happ


Myr in Grammar Guide

February Classic Author Excerpt: The Other Side by Mellicat

Did you catch Monday's feature with the graphic for this month's Classic Author feature for The Other Side by Mellicat? We try to bring these older stories to light so new members won't miss out on the great content from our past promoted authors who might not be actively be posting on GA anymore, and this is no exception. To tempt you further to read this coming of age story about 3 college graduates going about this great adventure called life, I'm sharing an excerpt below. Enjoy, and I hope y


Cia in Classic Feature

February Classic Author Feature: The Other Side by Mellicat

Life... it's those dramatic events that keep on happening while we try to keep our heads above water! The last few weeks have been a strong reminder of that for me, and my daughter's 18th birthday this last weekend just drove it home. What happens when these young adults all finish school, split to New York, California, and Texas, and start to find their way in life on The Other Side by Mellicat? Well... I hope you'll read it and find out!    Length: 29,083 Description: Thre


Cia in Classic Feature

Weekly Wrap Up (Feb. 13 - Feb. 19)

Well Howdy  I'm in a great mood today! Why? In most provinces of Canada we have a stat holiday on Monday that is called in most places, Family Day  I know my American cousins to the south can't believe how many stat holidays that we have up here. I don't think so  So here is my rundown of stat holidays in Alberta which is the province I live in. New Year's Day - January 1st Family Day - 3rd Monday of February  Good Friday - changes yearly Easter Sunday (not an actual stat day, bu


wildone in Weekly Wrap Up


I've always been one of the biggest movie fans that you will probably ever meet in your life! Hehehe! Just let me throw that out there before I even get started! There is something about a truly engaging, cinematic, experience that makes me squeal with delight whenever I'm lucky enough to be a part of it. It's something that I really wish that I could deliver to you all with my stories as a full experience too when I'm writing. But I'm limited in that respect, unfortunately. I can't show you guy


Comicality in Writing Tips

February 18 - Black History Month Prompts

February is Black History Month in the US.  It is a time when we celebrate the achievements of African Americans and honor their struggles and triumphs in US history.  Black History Month started in February 1926 as “Negro History Week” by Carter G. Woodson – a historian who helped establish the field of African American studies.   It has since been expanded to include the entire month of February and is now celebrated in many other countries besides the US.  Here are two prompts in honor of Bla


Valkyrie in Prompts

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