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New Year, New Life

Andrew Q Gordon


I was reminded by a certain someone that I hadn't updated this lately. True, the holidays were a real pisser, then with mom getting cancer and the unexpected trip to North Carolina so Grandma could see baby to 'cheer her up' it's been a bit.


Sadly I go back to work in 5 days. Can't believe my time off is all gone. It's been worth it for sure, but it was a lot more work than I figured. [i know all you parents out there are laughing at me wondering WTF I thought it would be like. - Shaddup!] The worst part of going back is something I sort of knew at the start - she is just starting to do things like smile at me, laugh, point to things she wants, etc. In short she's got her own personality now, just in time for me to go back to work. Mike is taking the next two months off, then we get the nanny.


We visited a daycare/preschool yesterday. The kids were SO cute. I had baby q over my shoulder and talking to the 'toddler' class. Well more like I was saying hi and stuff. When I held out my hand to one of them, he high fived me and that set off the mad rush. All the kids had to follow suit. SO cute. I hope lil Q is that happy in day care. The staff was real nice and the kids all seemed happy so that was good. God, I can't believe we're already thinking about day care - I mean cripes, we just got her. And it wasn't that long ago we were talking about getting her. Sigh, I wasn't prepared for this.


The more I speak to people with kids, the more I realize how lucky we are with her. Funny how at times I don't feel lucky, but hearing other peoples stories, we have it so good. She is really a happy baby, rarely cries, unless hungry and we're getting better at anticipating that. She laughs a lot, sleeps well - really well. We put her down at about 10:30 and she gets up at 6:30 a.m. Has since she was about 8 weeks. So we're lucky.


Of course then there are mornings like today where we're sitting in our rocker, settling down after eating and she decides it would be fun to see how far she can project her spit up. The answer is pretty far especially on my jeans. :P


Okay so I'll post a few pictures once I'm done with this then I have to do baby laundry. Look for them if you haven't seen them already.


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Enjoy the last days of your holidays and go bravely to work .

That's the misfortune of all fathers, to having too little time to share with your daughter. I made my own experiences and I miss all the moments I couldnt spend with my children !

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What shocked me was my perceptions as time went on. Those infant times are the easy days to me now! Then again, I have strangers tell me, enjoy your kids now, those are the easy days and I look at them cross eyed as I'm chasing them down in the store or listening to whines about how they just NEED that new toy.


Cliche, but time flies. Kids change so damn fast and its easy to feel like you're missing things. But when it counts, you'll be there. You'll have memories for her of these baby firsts and you'll continue to make them even when you have to work, I promise.


Thanks so much for sharing the pictures. She is adorable.

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Treasure each day as they all go by too fast! So sorry to hear about your mom and hope she was cheered to see the grandbaby. Going back to work sucks. At least you got some quality time off to bond with her and now you have a really good reason to not spend extra time at the office!


Mike will get to see some really neat stuff over the next two months too and it's so nice you guys could be with her for he first six months of her life.


You are both so blest and I think you are beginning to appreciate just how much. Sleeping through the night is a biggie.


God bless you and Mike and baby Q too!

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LOL--they really can project, huh? :P


It's lovely to hear how well you are all doing--that's wonderful. And you're right to get in now for a pre-school spot. Waiting two years on a list is a pain. But it sounds like the place you looked at was nice. :)


I have to say, though, reading what others have said, the first year for me was the hardest, after that it gets better. I love the toddler age! So Enjoyable--I guess I like to be able to do more stuff, lol. And they say the CUTEST things, hehe.


Anyway, she really is adorable, Andy. Good work.

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Bob - thanks I know exactly what you mean. It has gone by SO fast already. I already know I'm going to hate not being here when she gets home from school - like Mike will be. But as you say, I'll have to work to create my own things for us.


Cia - I don't need a cliche to tell me how fast it all goes by. The last 16 weeks went faster than any other time I can remember. It seemed forever waiting for her, but since then it has been a blur. I'll see how it goes when I go back to work and have less time with her each day.


Dave - I'm rather jealous of Mike because even when he 'goes' back to work, he works at home. He'll get to see so much more of her life than I will. Yes, I know I can make my time count, but I won't be there when she comes home each day excited to tell her daddy something - it will always be him who gets that first excited telling. But it's what happens to most families so I can't be too upset. Just jealous.


Anyta - The toddlers at the pre-school were by far the cutest. They were so friendly and happy and curious. The older they got the less interactive with us they seemed. So yeah, I'm guessing that will be the fun age too.

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Every stage is the best stage :) Make the most of each one.


For all the things you miss there will be another you catch. They change so fast there will be times when you get to catch the first thing :) just hope it's not chicken pox

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Nephy - you're probably right, and I planned to enjoy every stage - well not tweenage when she starts squealing for the twinkie little boy band members she has to meet or she'll die. :P


YB - It's called Family Medical Leave [FML for short 0:) ] and I got and took 16 paid weeks. :D


Lugh: Both - it's call School, but it's a day care until they're 5 when they have an optional kindergarden. Lil' Q may go to that because her birthday falls outside the cut off for Kindergarden, so if we let her go there, she can go right into 1st grade on schedule - if we want or she can go to the Public School Kindergarden instead.

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I just found this! WOW, she is adorable. Lucky parents! She will grow up way too fast. My little baby gets married in March. I have to agree with the comments above that every stage is special. Even the tweenage is fun, although my daughter did not become obsessed, and was still a delight. Enjoy every moment! As for work ---- well you already know what lawyering does to your life, and it only gets worse as your daughter gets older. I love the gallery, I wish I had seen it earlier!

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If you want your mom to have the best, I suggest you take her to University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston. It is the top rated cancer treatment hospital in the US. :hug:

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