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Rest In Peace: Ghostryder15 (1946-2013)

Renee Stevens


It's with great sadness that we report one of our Classic Authors, GhostRyder15, passed away in October 2013. Ghost Ryder was one of Gay Authors' original Hosted Authors, joining the site back in 2005. A military veteran of the United States Navy during the Vietnam War, it is no surprise that his stories are military themed.


Today we honor Ghost Ryder's contributions to both this site and gay fiction. May he rest in peace knowing his stories will continue to live on here at Gay Authors, allowing new readers to experience them.


In honor of his passing, we feature a review by Andy78 of his completed story, Kombat Kids.



Ghost Ryder


Reviewer: Andy78
Status: Complete
Length: 283,898


When I was first thinking of reading Kombat Kids, I was initially apprehensive as I am not a fan of the military genre in any format; I never even got into TV series such as JAG, NCIS, North and South, and SeaQuest. However, I was pleasantly surprised not only by the story, but even found myself being drawn into the genre. Also, when a new military term is introduced in the story it is explained, which makes it easy to follow the use of these terms and they eventually become familiar.


Kombat Kids is set in Washington State near the Columbia River, and focuses on Unit One. The local area has a number of church-run groups and of course there is Boy Scouts; however gay children have been made to feel extremely unwelcome and have been left feeling ostracised.


The story starts with Phillip Martin (the son of the town’s sheriff) telling his father that he is gay. Sheriff Martin has no idea how to help his son through this time, and feels unable to answer his questions. So he turns to Matt and James Bateman for help. Both brothers are openly gay and are ex-military; Matt having been a SEAL, and James having served in army airborne.


After uncovering the rampant homophobia in the community’s children’s groups, James and Matt decide to form Unit One, which the Bateman Brothers decide they will run like a military training camp; complete with weapons training, fitness training, and even its own Judge Advocate General group. Phillip becomes the poster child for, and a very prominent member of, Unit One.


Although initially the Bateman brothers keep Unit One independent without any external support, they soon attract the attention of Sheriff Martin’s brother-in-law, a US marine general. Once he gets involved, the story goes from strength to strength, and in my opinion is the source of some of the best overall plotlines in the story.


Not everyone in the community is happy however with the formation of Unit One, and they go to extreme lengths in order to try to close down the unit; lengths which have dire consequences for several of the kids.


There is a lot of sex in the story, probably the most I’ve seen in a story here on GA given its length. Though, as with other authors here, GhostRyder15 has managed to avoid it reading too much like smut. However, the way some of the couples first come together, and some of the sex scenes do have a very Nifty-esque feel to them.


There are a few negatives with the story; however they are all technical issues. The speech tags are poorly punctuated, and there are minor issues with spelling, continuity errors and general formatting. Whilst these issues are numerous enough to be obvious and are a frequent stumbling block, and numerous enough for me to usually move on to a different story, the story itself is of more than sufficient quality that any reader should try to, if not forgive these errors, at least overlook them.


Forgoing these technical errors, I’d give the story itself an 8 out of 10.

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RIP Ghost Ryder.  Always sad to hear of a passing.  But hey, you're in a better place now.  No war.  No conflict.  Just peace.  Besides, you'll always be with us.  Your footprints cannot be erazed.  

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RIP - I also put off reading Kombat Kids for a long time as I didn't think I would like the military themed story but when I did start to read it I was hooked for start to finish and have read it several times since.

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RIP GhostRyder.  I don't believe I have read one of his stories, and I will have to check them out.  I hope his family and friends find some peace in their good memories.  And I think it is nice that his writing will touch people who may come to this site years after he has already passed.  That is the amazing thing about any form of literature.  I am sure he has touched the lives of many people he  never even knew read his work.  Just as all of the people brave enough to share their work on this site do.  Thanks, also, GhostRyder, for fighting for our nation.  I hope you are in a beautiful and peaceful place smiling at all the kind words being said and thought about you.  RIP

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We should never forget those who have come before us. I've only read one work by GhostRyder but now I have a sad reason to read more. He was one of the early ones to blaze a trail here at GA. May  his family and friends take comfort in their memories as we take comfort in the stories he has left behind. Rest in peace.

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Several years ago I started reading his stories while on my boat on vacation. I would find a coffee shop and download a bunch of chapters and read them. As others have said I was surprised at how hooked into them I became.  Unfortunately I moved to other authors/stories after that voyage. I hope I left comments. I hope to also go back and read on.  I recommend hitting the classic writers: Dom, Vlista et.al.  I try to from time to time.  Pax. 

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'Kombat Kids' has long been one of my favorite stories. I, as many others have said, normally eschew military and war themed stories, but something about this one drew me in from the start. His characters both adults and kids and his focus on the camaraderie, friendship and support that comes with belonging to a military-like give this story it's power. At one point, Ghost Ryder and Jamie Haze had started a 'Kombat Kids'/'Somerset Farm' cross-over that promised a lot of potential given the similarities of the stories, but it was abandoned and now will never be finished.


Rest In Peace, Ghost Ryder 15. Thank you for the legacy and memories you have left behind.

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