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October C S R Discussion: Wolf Like Me By Dayne Mora



Did you find the time to read Dayne Mora's Wolf Like Me? Or re-read it? Because today's the day to share your love! Check out the feature from October 3rd if you need incentive. Otherwise, make sure you don't spoil it for readers who haven't had a chance. If you have something you want to share that might reveal too much, use the spoiler tags. Simply type [spoiler ] and your text then [/spoiler ] without any spaces between the brackets and the words and your text will disappear. Everyone can enjoy the interview I did with Dayne, though!


What’s something personal about you people might be surprised to know?
That’s a tough question to answer since y’all already know the surprising personal thing (that I write gay romance/erotica). Everything after that is kinda…meh. I do have a weird talent—I can read upside down and backwards.


What’s one location you’d love to go to research for a story?
Somewhere lush and green, with lots of flowers. But no bees. Those things scare the hell out of me.


If you had to only work on one project for the next year... what would it be?
I’ve been working on a story about a “Gary Stu” character whose life is turned upside down by a well-meaning god of romance. It’s the first time I’ve planned out a story before writing it, so I’m anxious to see how it goes.


Do you write steadily each day or in a flurry of inspiration-filled moments?
Totally in a flurry. I sometimes frustrate myself if I schedule my writing. One day, I wake up ready to go, the next day, I can’t get into it until I sit down to dinner. Right now, the computer is getting in my way, and I’ve been getting more done with a pen and paper (which is not my norm at all).


You said your characters inspired Wolf Like Me (formerly Efrain and Cory) and forced you to write. Did you use any visual inspiration for the characters, or did you see them vividly in your head?
I saw them in my head. The first glimpses were rather fuzzy, becoming clearer as their narrative evolved. By that point, I’d become possessed and felt compelled to exorcise the scenes playing in my mind.


Explain your title. You went from the character names to a title that might indicate a paranormal theme. When did you get the inspiration to change it and why did you pick that?
The title comes from “Wolf Like Me”, a TV on the Radio song about giving into one’s animalistic sexual urges, which fits Efrain quite well. I’d always been dissatisfied with “Efrain and Cory”, and had been tossing around title ideas for a while. About the time that I decided to split the story up into a series and was working on a title for the second book, I decided to rename the first book and use the original title for the series (which eventually got changed to EPIC). The next book titles will refer to Indie and Preston.


Bad jokes… a habit of yours or just your characters in this story?
Both. I also give people weird nicknames in real life, too. I even warn my students about it when I introduce myself.


If you had to pick celebrities that could play your characters, who would you pick? Why?
Efrain – William Levy has the face and body, but also looks like the kind of guy who’d take a bite out of you. However, if this were to be narrated or animated, I’d want Freddie Prince, Jr. (who has voiced some of my favorite male characters).


Cory – I try not to, but Channing Tatum always comes to mind with Cory. The looks are there, but Tatum seems like an approachable and likeable person. Plus, he has the moves (Magic Mike, anyone?). Chris Evans also works, especially with his comedic ability.


Preston – Jason Carrion (better known as April Carrion) is as pretty out of drag as he is in it, and has that right amount of sass and sweetness.


Indie – I’m still out on Indie. The closest I can get is Leo Moricchioli, a Norwegian musician who makes metal covers of non-metal songs. The guy is amazingly talented, and a total goofball. He’s almost like an older bizzaro world Norwegian breeder version of Indie.


If you could say one thing to readers about Wolf Like Me, what would it be?
My favorite scene would have to be Efrain and Cory’s first hookup—the scene that started it all. I was only writing it down to get it out of my head, but was so hot I couldn’t stop. Funnily enough, it even got my husband (who is hella straight) hot and bothered. (Yeah, the hubs read the first four chapters.)


Book 2 of your series, E.P.I.C., that started with Wolf Like Me has a story in progress at 20k+ so far. Do you foresee this book hitting the 100k+ count that the first story did?
Possibly. There are a lot of things in the works for the titular characters—more antics, more sex, more BAM! GAY DRAMA!—that I might end up hitting that mark even in a third or fourth book.

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The last Q&A is my favorite :-) More bam! gay drama, oh yeah! I could live with an entire book for Preston and Indie <3

(I think there is a typo in the name of the Indie actor's name)

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Have you replaced your word processing program? Is there a chance for more EPIC chapters before the end of the year?


I owe you a response to your last PM. I haven't forgotten you! (You'd be hard to forget.)

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One can never have enough hokie poking.

The Hokies aren't my favorite team right now. Although at least they're in the ACC instead of the despised SEC!

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Maybe you can guess, who's my favorite character... What's wrong with Preston's 'dimensions'?

Preston is pretty average, which makes him look smaller by comparison.  Although, I'm not sure Indie would mind either way since his "upgrade" is not just hotter than his ex, but noticeably bigger. 

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Great interview..

I certainly join everyone in their enthusiasm for this series.. I agree with Gary about you writing memorable characters that jump off the page. It's what I love most I think, and there is so much to love.. 

Glad to hear there are more books planned, and Prestoncentric at that. I love me som Preston.. 

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I think it's a nice contrast between Indie and Preston in height and confidence (the other way around). Efrain and Cory are pretty evenly matched when the drama is on average level.

Preston is pretty average, which makes him look smaller by comparison.  Although, I'm not sure Indie would mind either way since his "upgrade" is not just hotter than his ex, but noticeably bigger. 

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