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Weekly Wrap Up (Jan. 2 - Jan. 8)



Good morning, good afternoon, good evening and good night if you are heading to bed 🛌

I wonder how many of you did the age old tradition of making New Year's resolutions. We are 9 days into the New Year and I'm also curious if you are still maintaining your resolution, or has it fell by the wayside already 😮 I know of one person who is trying really, really hard to keep up their resolution, but wonder if is good for their mental health. I mean, they have been on the earth for nearly 4 decades and to change something that has been part of their personality all their life, I wouldn't be able to do it. So, if by chance this friend actually comes on here and reads the Weekly Wrap Up, I myself give them permission to throw the resolution out :P 

We did have a very busy week here at the GA Blog, so should we look back at the week to see what appeared.

Monday, Cia brought us the January CSR feature. Go check it out and put a new story on your reading list.

Then on Wednesday, there was ask for everyone on site to come forward with a story and 3 questions they would like the story's author to answer. @astone2292will track them down and get you, and everyone else, answers to your questions. Check out this blog, especially for the Author that gave us answers this round!

On Thursday, Myr brought us a brand new blog that will be appearing on Thursdays. Check out the first episode of the Grammar Guide:

Friday was time for our trusty friends to come out with another couple of prompts to get you writing :) 

On Saturday, Comsie closed out the week with another informative article:

Goals, goals, goals! What is life without goals? Let's check out our goals for the past week:


Contests - 

Newsletter Genre Challenge - Stories Due January 30, 2022

Check out this great challenge here.


Ask an Author 3.0 - Submit a story you like and 3 questions you would like to ask the author about. Send them to @astone2292 or @Renee Stevens **Please submit so Aaron can have a  bank of stories and questions**


Blog Opportunities

Guess the Author: Open to all GA authors. PM @Renee Stevensor @wildone to participate

Story Review: Send it in to @Renee Stevens or @Timothy M. 


And here is the look at the past weeks postings on all our Authors and Poets!

Recently Updated 'Premium' Stories

  1. On Fire by Cia

Recently Updated 'Signature Author' Stories

  1. The Great Mirror of Same-Sex Love - Prose by AC Benus
  2. The Great Mirror of Same-Sex Love - Poetry by AC Benus
  3. CDMX by Carlos Hazday
  4. Ridley by Krista
  5. Audre Lorde Knows What I Mean – 2021 in review by AC Benus
  6. Waiting Outside The Lines by Comicality
  7. Ancalagon by Cia
  8. GFD: Dark Web by Comicality
  9. A Home For Christmas by Comicality
  10. On Fire by Cia
  11. GFD: Sins Of The Father by Comicality

Recently Updated 'Classic Author' Stories

  1. The Brilliant Boy Billionaire by Altimexis

Recently Updated 'Promising Author' Stories

  1. Never Too Late To Believe by northie

Recently Updated 'Author' Stories

  1. Incandescence by Demiurge
  2. At the Stars by Tsukihana
  3. Cyn's Poetry Collection by SoullessCynner
  4. The World Out There by Drew Payne
  5. Timothy by CLJobe
  6. WL's Mainstream Gay Book Reviews by W_L
  7. You Complete Me by Salander
  8. Silver and Gold by imogene_arant
  9. Dani the Hero by James Carnarvon **Complete**
  10. Running for Home by Lux Apollo
  11. Egaran Stars by Yeoldebard
  12. Eruption by quokka
  13. Bodark Creek by RichEisbrouch
  14. Spirit Wolves by kbois
  15. Sammy's Kitchen by Arch Hunter
  16. Good Guys Don't Date Bad Boys by Laura S. Fox
  17. Alex & Lang by quokka
  18. Empty, Open, Dusty, Dead by Mawgrim
  19. An Awkward Revolutionary by James K
  20. Crying Wolf by Tsukihana
  21. Dejection and Hope by Demiurge **Complete**
  22. Sacrum by C. Henderson
  23. Heart of Black Ice by lomax61
  24. Raising Evzen by Yeoldebard
  25. Do vaporwave kitsune count technicolor sheep? by Tsukihana
  26. Lux's Indulgences by Lux Apollo
  27. Mentally by Solus Magus **Complete**
  28. Never walk alone- Walk on by Andre Delport
  29. Live, Love, Lose by LittleCherryBlossom26
  30. Another Brother by quokka
  31. The Naughty List by Ken
  32. Tuct Side by Westley D.
  33. Never walk alone by Andre Delport **Complete**
  34. A Slice of Life by Xfighter1984

Recently Updated 'Poet' Stories

  1. Musings of a Wordsmith by JACC


Read, Write, and REVIEW!!! (and Recommend with a share to the forum topic!) 

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  • Site Administrator
6 hours ago, Krista said:

4 Decades, Steven.  groin GIF

I don't see any changes there...  so hopefully this wasn't a resolution? 

  • Haha 4
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