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New Year's Traditions


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I just spent a quiet Christmas with my parents. We have a few traditions for Christmas but nothing for New Years. We used to watch the "Twilight Zone" marathon but its the same episodes every year and we know them by heart. Though we live close enough no one in my family wants to drag themselves out to the Rose parade. I wish we had some fun things to do that don't involve dodging drunks on the freeways or early morning wake up calls. Does anyone do anything fun on New Year's Eve or Day?

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I just spent a quiet Christmas with my parents. We have a few traditions for Christmas but nothing for New Years. We used to watch the "Twilight Zone" marathon but its the same episodes every year and we know them by heart. Though we live close enough no one in my family wants to drag themselves out to the Rose parade. I wish we had some fun things to do that don't involve dodging drunks on the freeways or early morning wake up calls. Does anyone do anything fun on New Year's Eve or Day?


B) .........Well. after midnight, the next day we usually watch TV, Rose Bowl or what ever game I'm allowed to watch. :lol: If not there is always the bar to go to!!! :lol:

Edited by Benji
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I put my new years resolutions into action... even though I break them shortly after. :ph34r: I also watch sports that day too.. haha.. But to "welcome in the new year" I may or may not go out on the town... 0:)


At least with this short lived Holiday no cooking is involved, thankfully.

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I just spent a quiet Christmas with my parents. We have a few traditions for Christmas but nothing for New Years. We used to watch the "Twilight Zone" marathon but its the same episodes every year and we know them by heart. Though we live close enough no one in my family wants to drag themselves out to the Rose parade. I wish we had some fun things to do that don't involve dodging drunks on the freeways or early morning wake up calls. Does anyone do anything fun on New Year's Eve or Day?


On New Year's Eve, we get together with a big group of friends and see the New Year in together. We always have a great time. I find that New Year's day is a usually a bit flat for me. To everyone's disgust, I always take all the Christmas decorations down on N Y day. Once Christmas is over, I want them all put away. In fact, if I lived on my own, they'd all be down now! :-)

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Christmas time is the best occasion to celebrate with the remaining of our family, two sons, their wife and partner, 6 grandchildren and 3 greatgrandchildren, enjoying being together and remembering all the nice christmas we lived in the past when our lost son and daughter were still with us.

On New Year's Eve, we stay as usual the two of us (my wife ans myself) alone, celebrating at home the fact that we are both still alive and in good state after 57 years of living together, drinking a toast of Champagne and wishing ourselves one more year to go on, as we did till now.

Cheers to all of you, Lechaim to those who understand ivrit :rolleyes:

Edited by old bob
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During the New Year's, my family and I would gather in church or a friend's house for a countdown. :P Every year, I'd be summoned to play the piano, which quite frankly and painfully, I'm very reluctant to. Why? Because I either skip notes along with my heartbeats or miss an entire score page because I couldn't get the darn file to flip hehe.


Speaking of which, I think I'd suffer from a heart attack tomorrow.


Last Christmas and New Year, the pianist at church was brilliant. He perfected every song. This year, even though Christmas is over, he's not going to be around to play. Instead, I'm taking over as the pianist and to be honest, I'm scared! I remembered messing up a sonata at a piano concert. The awkward silence... brrrr.... I'd be playing 11 Christmas carols and songs in church in a few hours, including 3 songs for a youth choir, which I'm sure I'd mess it up terribly! Wish me luck! Furthermore, I have to play 13 songs on New Year's Day. Gulp! It's kinda suicidal and I'm not prepared.

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Beach cricket, then head to the pub where they play 70's rock classics until the Countdown, then I usually can't remember much else :P


haha, done that more than once.


above all else, our great Australian tradition is fireworks. Sydney's display is among the best in the world (and costs enough to eradicate half of the city's problems), but it doesn't matter where you are in Aus, you can guarantee there'll be NYE fireworks nearby. personally, I try to catch the fireworks wherever I am, even if it's on the telly, but NYE is an occasion I spend with friends. if Christmas is a family occasion, NYE is definitely a night for catching up with friends and sending off the old year in style.


that said, the last two NYE occasions have sucked. so this year, I'm throwing a massive house party and inviting half the neighbourhood!


maybe THAT can be my new tradition :D

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It sounds like everyone has some kind of fun plan! Good luck to all of you who are trying something ambitious like putting on a concert or making a difficult resolution. I'm still not sure what I will do besides eating Christmas leftovers. :P

Thanks for reminding we about the fireworks shows. The vegitation is much to dry in my area to have a show of our own but I will look for some on the TV. I know the one in Syney is spectacular. I hear they are going to have a good one in Las Vegas too.

Maybe I should make a resolution this time.

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New Years i usually go hang out with my 2 friends this has been the tradition since 2000 when the Millenium hit and y2k was going to come and the whole world was going to explode. I remember all of us out dancing and thinking "hey its almost midnight the world didnt explode yet" then when nothing happened we were actually dissappointed lol.


This year mom might have a few of her friends over at the house they are pretty cool so i dont mind. If it gets to crazy here then i'll go visit my friends. The Bars will be nuts with losers so i will stay away from that scene. I already got my new years resolution picked out it's been the same 1 for awhile "Too Start Smoking" i pick the worst resolutions since everyones usually are to get a man, to lose weight, to be married, have a baby etc then they are all dissapointed that none of that happened. So i pick a really horrid 1 that way i never will pick up the habit and that way i cant be dissappointed. i know i'm a freak lol.

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I'll be visiting an old friend I haven't seen for about 8 years. The last time I visited, we went to a party at a bridge club and saw the new year in playing duplicate. We may do that again this time, though I haven't played much in the intervening years and he's now a Life Master.


Over the years I seen the new year in while visiting friends in NY, CA, FL, and MS.


When I'm not traveling, I have a personal tradition of watching Marx Bros. movies, usually after a party or something at church. But the last couple of years I've not found stations with Marx Bros. marathons, so it's a ghost of new years past now.

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I'm gonna be dropping a note to Tim and Codey's grandfather at Codey's World...the day after this coming New Year's would have been Codey's 19th birthday, and I want to let them know that they aren't alone in missing him.

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Back when we were in Ireland, my family used to host a new years party for our close friends...here in India, we don't really do anything. Or celebrate Christmas as such, though we do go on family trips during that time. This year we went to Dharamsala (place where His Holiness the Dalai Lama has set up his government in exile)

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I meet with some friends and we cook something together. Usually we make something that takes a lot of time to prepare so we do not get bored till midnight. Shortly before midnight we go outside to watch the fireworks. Usually I go home around one because I am tired (I am always tired :*) ).



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Spending the night with family or good friends is a must -- other than that, my New Year's Eve (almost) always involves champagne, fireworks, and freezing weather.


It's also nice to spend New Year's Eve in other places -- Prague was cool, and so was Amsterdam. And it's always great to spend New Year's Eve in Salzburg, where my cousins live. This year I'll probably stay home, but going somewhere interesting for New Year is always nice. :D

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During the New Year's, my family and I would gather in church or a friend's house for a countdown. :P Every year, I'd be summoned to play the piano, which quite frankly and painfully, I'm very reluctant to. Why? Because I either skip notes along with my heartbeats or miss an entire score page because I couldn't get the darn file to flip hehe.


Speaking of which, I think I'd suffer from a heart attack tomorrow.


Last Christmas and New Year, the pianist at church was brilliant. He perfected every song. This year, even though Christmas is over, he's not going to be around to play. Instead, I'm taking over as the pianist and to be honest, I'm scared! I remembered messing up a sonata at a piano concert. The awkward silence... brrrr.... I'd be playing 11 Christmas carols and songs in church in a few hours, including 3 songs for a youth choir, which I'm sure I'd mess it up terribly! Wish me luck! Furthermore, I have to play 13 songs on New Year's Day. Gulp! It's kinda suicidal and I'm not prepared.


It won't do any good to play to fear. It never sounds right.

Time to practice. Work out the fear. Concentrate to whom your playing to and only play to him and not your fears.

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Would you believe - I don't remember what I did for two new years eve.

I can only assume I was at my aunts or at my apartment (alone).


This year - I will be with my aunts


Past years - I would be at my brothers or where ever I was invited or just be home.

I hated driving in snow. But actually I hated when I'm not a couple just a single guy.

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New Years i usually go hang out with my 2 friends this has been the tradition since 2000 when the Millenium hit and y2k was going to come and the whole world was going to explode. I remember all of us out dancing and thinking "hey its almost midnight the world didnt explode yet" then when nothing happened we were actually dissappointed lol.


This year mom might have a few of her friends over at the house they are pretty cool so i dont mind. If it gets to crazy here then i'll go visit my friends. The Bars will be nuts with losers so i will stay away from that scene. I already got my new years resolution picked out it's been the same 1 for awhile "Too Start Smoking" i pick the worst resolutions since everyones usually are to get a man, to lose weight, to be married, have a baby etc then they are all dissapointed that none of that happened. So i pick a really horrid 1 that way i never will pick up the habit and that way i cant be dissappointed. i know i'm a freak lol.


I like the resolution you made. I think I will make mine to loose my job while getting very very fat. :P

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