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Two Cents Question 1/28

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I really loved the responses we got to the 'anti-gay pill' question we had before. So I figured that, since we had everybody putting in their two cents, I might bring over some more questions that we've talked about in the past. I really love the amount of wisdom and variety of opinions that come with questions like this. So feel free to comment whenever you like. Cool?


There are no wrong answers, just say what you feel.


Let me ask you guys something. If you live in a major metropolitan city, I'm going to assume that there is a 'gay section' of town where you can go and be yourselves. (Not always, but in a lot of places there is) Do you think that having a separat 'gay' section is a good thing?


If there was a gay district, gay schools, gay societies in general....would it help the gay tolerance situation? Would it be better to bring up gay and bi people in a community of their peers where they wouldn't be judged and criticized for what they feel? OR...does it further separate us from the social 'norm', and make it easier for heterosexual people to see us as strange and different? Shoving us into little areas where they wouldn't have to 'deal' with us?


What do you think?

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I think it's a good idea, up to a point. Having a community of peers to interact with is very useful for those who are uncertain or unsure -- that's true, regardless of what the community is about. It could be a community of model train builders, for example.


However, such communities are not always inclusive. For example, the local model train builder community may not be appreciative of those who work with Thomas The Tank Engine trains. Also, outside groups can gain a perception about the total community based on the actions of those that particular community, something which may not be accurate.


Communities can become ghettos, and stereotyping ghettos at that. I have been told that the 'gay centre' of Sydney is very much for those who like clubbing and casual hook ups, and there are a lot of gays who are not into that. But that area is also the most visible part of the gay community, and people can get their impression of what gays are like by that community. And that's where the danger in having such communities lie. By their very nature, they only contain a subset of all gays, but they can be taken to represent everyone who is gay.


I see the benefit in having gay centres, in that there is somewhere someone can go to learn more about themselves and a place where they can feel comfortable (though not everyone is comfortable in those places). But I can see the downside, too.

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about 4 years ago in NYC - i decided to visit Greenage Villiage and the park built on top of a pier near the village. Saw nothing gay about it except plenty of bars and eating places.


The park was the best thing. Kinda reminds me of all seals bunch up in pods. All mix of people. Nothing to worry there. If girls or guys or st8 are making out or just sunning themselves - it was paradise. Never saw any one pick up any body. No one bother me. It felt good.


Now try that in central park. Thats another story.


Side note for Separation - there was a topic -


NYC has someone called it the Milk High School - I didn't know it was referring to Harvey Milk. A Gay HS that opened up in 1984. Eight years too late for me. Hey if I had one in my time. I'd go. I suspect bulling should be less in that school compared to a str8 school.


I hear Illinois is considering starting one too.




I remember watch QAF a while back and also seeing some of the Gay parades on TV around new years. My reaction was that it was too gay for me. My feelings for that is because there is too much persecution riding on my reaction of how homophobes beats their will into me. So I be afraid to be caught by a homophobe.

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