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Irrational Fears, what are yours?

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hmm..irrational fears


It's weird, but I fear of sneezing when I'm driving, since we close our eyes and whatnot


and also falling backwards down the stairs :(


Congrats on your first post, dude! :great:


Those fears seem pretty sensible to me. You could get quite seriously hurt from both those incidents. ...wait, I'm not helping to assuage your fears am I? :unsure:


Take care and have a great day :)



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A lot of things. I'm pretty wimpy.


1. Completely irrational? Lizards. Big/small- doesn't matter. Even photos or drawings. Even the word freaks me out. I keep the blinds open in my room at night so that enough light comes in for me too check my bed for lizards every so often.


2. Snakes, but only slightly more than most people. I'm not scared of pictures but would never go near the real thing.


3. Aging physically. I want to be young and beautiful forever! But who doesn't?


4. Old children. Benjamin Button as a baby was so scary!!! And this sounds really mean but children with the disease Progeria terrify me. That's the kind of thing I imagine when I'm home alone. :ph34r:

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I hate being unable to tell them apart. I don't know why it scares me so much,. :P


I'm with Mark Arbour, I find the possibility of being with a pair of identicall twins intensely erotic and exciting beyond belief! :lmao: (Especially if they do everything the same, including kiss, and taste the same) And to someone who I was discussing the possibility with, you were right on the author... :worship: ...and I am now an official domaholic.... B) ....with a whole new list of stories to keep tracking... :wacko: ...


My worst fears are:


1. Very high bridges (which presents a challenge when driving our RV),

2. Heights with wide spaces above and away while being on a narrow, open-air hallway/catwalk,

3. Spiders of any kind whether harmless or not, and

4. Either being rejected or unforgiven after apologizing (this bothers me more than rejection) by others.

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Oddly enough I no longer have a fear of death, I went thru to much shit, prolonged pain is something I wouldn't want to feel before death, but it would only be excruciating pain that I would fear now.

Hi Benji, I'm just a few years :P elder than you, but I went the same way. Death is normal, natural, but my fear is painful agony. When my time comes, I just hope that people around me will help me to "go through" without pain. I cared about it. Did you allready hear anything about "Exit (ensuring choices for a dignified death)" ? If not, see exit.

Edited by old bob
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1. Very high bridges (which presents a challenge when driving our RV),

Forgot that, though I'm mostly over it now. I have a mild fear of railings when driving. It's not the height or the water, it's the fact that I feel like there's a railing all up in my space. I similarly hate narrow roads with barriers on the side. Again it's not even the narrow road I mind, it's the damn barrier itself.


4. Either being rejected or unforgiven after apologizing (this bothers me more than rejection) by others.

Well, I'm a big fan of forgiveness, and I definitely try to let go of any anger or resentment and move on. However, I don't think forgiveness is something someone can willfully give. I think it's a process and an emotion. You can "accept" someone's apology, but that doesn't necessarily mean you've forgiven them. To me what "accepting" an apology is about is saying "I acknowledge that you're taking responsibility for your part in what happened, and I'm going to consciously make an effort to move on." I don't think someone can turn it into "I'm no longer hurt or angry about what happened." I just don't think people can control their emotions that way.


That said, I definitely can't stand for people I like and care about to be hurt or angry because of my actions either so I can certainly see where you're coming from, I just don't think it's necessarily something I can say is their responsibility to overcome instantly at the time of my apology.


At the same time though, I think the person does have some control over the process of forgiveness. I don't think they can force it, but I think they can definitely prevent it by dwelling or being negative and bitter. That part is largely their responsibility. I also think that it's possible to actively work toward forgiving someone, and if they aren't doing that then I can see your point as well.


I do think the apology itself is very important in the forgiveness process. If it's a relatively mild offense then I think very often just the act of acknowledging responsibility for it and expressing remorse is enough to evoke the emotions of forgiveness. With more major things though it's going to take some time and some effort on both people's part, in my opinion.


Also, I hope you don't mind, but I'd like to start a thread related to this topic :)



Hi Benji, I'm just a few years :P elder than you, but I went the same way. Death is normal, natural, but my fear is painful agony. When my time comes, I just hope that people around me will help me to "go through" without pain. I cared about it. Did you allready hear anything about "Exit (ensuring choices for a dignified death)" ? If not, see exit.

That is a great and very important thread! :worship:


Fear of going blind


Well you know if you didn't always...









...read in dimly lit rooms ;)









Just my thoughts :D


Take care all,


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Shame on you. Spiders are great! :P



Lacey, the poster was looking for irrational fears...and I can handle snakes, probably 'cause I know they eat vermin and spiders... :P

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Long-distance flights.


The day before leaving, I always freak out and want to cancel the flight. It's all good as soon as I'm on the plane.


OOPS! I read that as "Long-distance fights." :lol:


I was thinkin, "yeah, it really sucks when you argue with someone and you can't be there to work it out in person." :boy:

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I just figured out another one:


3. I am afraid of tall guys beating me up. I guess it's something from childhood experiences in elementary school.


Additionally, my ex-roommate who was extremely tall 6'6"; I had a crush on him after learning not to be afraid of him. Strange, I'm afraid of something that I might love.

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I just figured out another one:


3. I am afraid of tall guys beating me up. I guess it's something from childhood experiences in elementary school.


Additionally, my ex-roommate who was extremely tall 6'6"; I had a crush on him after learning not to be afraid of him. Strange, I'm afraid of something that I might love.

Aww :hug:


I hope you didn't have too rough a time in elementary school.


I'm not particularly intimidated by tall people, but I think in general it's natural and unavoidable to be a bit wary at first when encountering people much larger in size. For most of human existence we spent our time sizing each other up and deciding if the other person was a physical threat. Someone much larger than us would have been, so even if there's no real danger, I think that's at least partly instinctive.


Personally I definitely have a preference for guys around my height give or take an inch or two. If it's more than an inch or two then my preference is definitely that they be shorter. That's not to say I wouldn't date a guy who was a good bit taller, but it wouldn't be my natural preference, just not necessarily a deal breaker, lol.


If the guy is taller though, I'm more comfortable with him having a very slight build. Tall and skinny is okay, but tall and muscular/bulky tends to not be what I'm attracted to. It undoubtedly has something to do with subconscious power/dominance issues, but it would take a lot more effort on my part to be with someone a good bit larger altogether. Anyway, I don't feel badly about it, because it seems like most tall, muscular guys are in high demand with the ladies and gay boys, so I'm sure they can do without my romantic affections :rolleyes: (Anyway, if I fell in love with the guy for other reasons it would still be okay, just not what I'm expecting or seeking).

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Death by fire, of course this was cause I was stuck on a freaking submarine out in the middle of nowhere for long periods of time. Strangely enough, I was never afraid of the risk of drowning.


Dog poop. can't stand it, makes me want to vomit, of course, I can pick up kitty poop with no problems.


and last, but not least, when other people are doing the driving and I'm not. drives me up the wall when I'm a passenger, half the time I'm trying to not stomp my feet as if I have brakes on my side of the car.


Not being able to finish Sunny's Angel up


That's all I can think of at the moment, I'm sure there's more though, just haven't really thought about them





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There is no worst than them. I often scream when I see one near me. Sometimes, they come in my room. :( I go in the opposite corner and try to ignore them. :( Can you believe that even with my 'shoo' they don't go away?


Pets of devil, I tell you.


Take care,


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There is no worst than them. I often scream when I see one near me. Sometimes, they come in my room. :( I go in the opposite corner and try to ignore them. :( Can you believe that even with my 'shoo' they don't go away?


Pets of devil, I tell you.


Take care,


OMG in your room?! That's awful! How do you sleep?

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