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"Ewwww no" I'm offended :o


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So I was reading a bulletin my friend posted, which is a fun, little survey and one of the questions was "Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex" and her response was "Ewwww, no. That's gross"


I was offended at first but I started thinking about it. She believes that homosexuality is a sin but is not opposed to them having rights and being treated equal. She is nice as can be, and she's not homophobic, so why should I be offended at all because she thinks same sex kissing is gross?


Sometimes I think straight kissing is gross, so I'm not any better. Another friend posted a comment ( she is a lesbian) that said "There is nothing wrong with homosexuals! You should stop being so narrow minded!"


Would you find it offensive or what? :wacko:

Edited by Arpeggio
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No, I wouldn't be offended if someone found anything offensive... it's their right to do so. I would be sad that they felt that way... because I think that people get offended way too easily and it throws up artificial boundaries... but as long as they don't try foisting their personal opinion on me, or anyone else, and they don't make harmful judgements then that's their business not mine.


Personally I don't like watching passionate kisses, whoever is involved. I feel that this is something very personal and it makes me uncomfortable... that is my opinion. It doesn't mean that if I saw someone kissing passionately in public I would judge them because of the way I feel...well unless it was my daughter of course... everyone knows that parents (ie your parents) and children (ie your children irrespective of age... mine is 23) don't do sex :)

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If I were offended, it wouldn't last very long. I understand your reaction, it's instinct in a way. You feel as if she's disgusted by you, by homosexuality, but the more you thought about you, you realized that wasn't the case.


More than anything, if it were me, I would have bristled at the comment, asked her to maybe clarify and then go from there.


However, I'm with you on being disgusted when a couple make out in public, straight or gay or what have you. It's just too in your face and people are forced to watch, like a bad car wreck, lol. But what people do on their own time, their preferences, and so forth, it is what it is.

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There's a difference between thinking something gross and thinking that something is wrong or offensive.


The idea of my parents having sex is gross... but it's not wrong or offensive (otherwise I wouldn't be here :P)


The idea of eating witchetty grubs is gross... but it's not wrong or offensive and can be the difference between living and starving if you're lost in the Australian outback.


I might bristle if I was there when it was said, but, given time to think, I don't believe there's anything wrong with finding things to be 'gross'. That's a personal taste issue and everyone has the right to find some things 'gross'.

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I've seen some guys around that would be pretty gross to kiss.


B)........................Likewise, I've also seen some people smooching with their poochies, gross yes, offended no (weirded out knowing where that dogs tongue has been though, errrr! Not priceless) :wacko:

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No, I wouldn't be offended if someone found anything offensive... it's their right to do so. I would be sad that they felt that way... because I think that people get offended way too easily and it throws up artificial boundaries... but as long as they don't try foisting their personal opinion on me, or anyone else, and they don't make harmful judgements then that's their business not mine.


Personally I don't like watching passionate kisses, whoever is involved. I feel that this is something very personal and it makes me uncomfortable... that is my opinion. It doesn't mean that if I saw someone kissing passionately in public I would judge them because of the way I feel...well unless it was my daughter of course... everyone knows that parents (ie your parents) and children (ie your children irrespective of age... mine is 23) don't do sex :)


Major props to this response! :2thumbs::great:




I have a simple philosophy: I attempt to go out of my way to avoid unnecessarily offending anyone and I go out of my to avoid being offended. I don't always get it right. Occasionally I needlessly take offense and sometimes I accidentally put my foot in my mouth and upset someone. Sometimes I even get grumpy and tell them off intentionally. However, I definitely believe it's best to avoid being unnecessarily offensive or hypersensitive to others' words and actions.


I think your friend probably should have worded her response more carefully to avoid giving unnecessary offense; however, certainly the readers should give her the benefit of the doubt if at all possible.





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ew kissing is groce


your face is groce, your point is?


I agree with everyone else Lacey. Theirs a difference between thinking something is gross compared to thinking something is offensive.

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your face is groce, your point is?


I agree with everyone else Lacey. Theirs a difference between thinking something is gross compared to thinking something is offensive.


Play nice, Meeko



I wouldn't have been offended, it is their right... like others have said. :P Now if they keep doing it in public... then that's just down right offensive... "Get a room..." wouldn't be inappropriate, but heh.. that's for everyone just not you gays. :P

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Offensive hits you in the gut. You know what it is. There is no question. For the person hearing or the person speaking. I am guilty of this. Hit me. I hit back. I used to hit first all the time. Somewhere along the line I learned. What I really want is to like people. And be Liked. Why was it so hard to learn.

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Offensive hits you in the gut. You know what it is. There is no question. For the person hearing or the person speaking. I am guilty of this. Hit me. I hit back. I used to hit first all the time. Somewhere along the line I learned. What I really want is to like people. And be Liked. Why was it so hard to learn.



Beause there is a fear that if you don't hit first you get hit... and sometimes it's true, you do. But the times that you dont get hit you get a friend and one good friend is worth a million slaps in the face. Swords are forged in flame, the stronger the flame, the more blows of the hammer the stronger and sharper the blade :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I was reading a bulletin my friend posted, which is a fun, little survey and one of the questions was "Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex" and her response was "Ewwww, no. That's gross"


I was offended at first but I started thinking about it. She believes that homosexuality is a sin but is not opposed to them having rights and being treated equal. She is nice as can be, and she's not homophobic, so why should I be offended at all because she thinks same sex kissing is gross?


Sometimes I think straight kissing is gross, so I'm not any better. Another friend posted a comment ( she is a lesbian) that said "There is nothing wrong with homosexuals! You should stop being so narrow minded!"


Would you find it offensive or what? :wacko:


I don't I would feel offended by it, but of course it isn't a nice feeling you get when you read that as a not-straight person. I think I would ask her why exactly she finds it so gross. I mean, it's just about a person kissing an other person. Just like straight kissing, if you look at it that way.

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When done properly, kissing is incredibly erotic. However, to kiss properly does, I think, require privacy and is inappropriate in public. A peck on the lips or cheek, okay, especially at the airport. Open mouth kissing in public? No way. It's tacky, and there's nothin' worse than tacky.

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When done properly, kissing is incredibly erotic. However, to kiss properly does, I think, require privacy and is inappropriate in public. A peck on the lips or cheek, okay, especially at the airport. Open mouth kissing in public? No way. It's tacky, and there's nothin' worse than tacky.


Oh David, you are so stodgy.biggrin.gif

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Oh David, you are so stodgy.biggrin.gif


Stodgy he may be, but he's still right! :2thumbs:


I remember walking a woman acquaintance to the bus stop. As she got on the bus, she gave me a surprisingly intimate kiss. She knew I was/am gay. I was offended and grossed out to boot. That's been a lesson to me about acceptance and tolerance as well as a lesson not to climb too high up on my politically correct horse. I can imagine a heterosexual being put off by uninvited intimacy of the gay sort since the inverse was true for me.


Like the man said... gross hits you in the gut. It's not rational, it's not a thought process. It just is. I suppose acceptance includes accepting your own visceral reactions and other's visceral reactions in addition to accepting our differences.


Still, tact suggests better wording when referring to someone else's kissing. No? B)

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