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Cutting your own hair

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I've done my sons....that was hard enough! I couldn't imagine doing my own, even if it was short like a guys! Good luck is all I have to say... OH, and if you botch it you should have to share a picture, lol....

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Have you ever tried?



How did it turn out? :P





Got any advice for someone like me who doesnt want to spend a uberamount to get it done pro? :D


You are way too cute to mess with your hair. There are some things in life you should leave to a professional. Hair styling, brain surgery, and plumbing are the three that come to mind. biggrin.gif

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I've said it once and I will say it again... Pasta and Cheese????? blink.gif


Anyway... I regularly cut my son's and my ex's hair with an electric clippers and that's fine if all you want it allover fuzz but the last time I cut my own hair I was 8 my mother had left a scissors lying around and the result was .... interesting... moral of the tale... if you're going to let me anywhere near your hair make sure I have a clippers in my hand and not a scissors... if I have scissors... run away.

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I've never cut my own hair, but I cut my sons' hair while they were growing up and one of them still cuts his own hair now. It's pretty easy to do (another person's) once you get a little experience. Having a friend do it makes a lot of sense. Just make sure it's a good friend.


The comments about the cost of a professional haircut remind me of Hugh Grant's line in About a Boy. He has gotten a very casual, rather expensive hairstyle done at a salon and muses about "having my hair carefully disheveled".

Edited by MikeL
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I've done my sons....that was hard enough! I couldn't imagine doing my own, even if it was short like a guys! Good luck is all I have to say... OH, and if you botch it you should have to share a picture, lol....


:D I will get a picture if it turns out that it gets botched. I did do it in the end, but only trimmed the back so it doesnt fluff out at the sides anymore. If I'm ever sober enough to get a good picture, but drunk enough to consent to one.. I'll post it :P.



You are way too cute to mess with your hair. There are some things in life you should leave to a professional. Hair styling, brain surgery, and plumbing are the three that come to mind. biggrin.gif


Hehe. Well thats what I like to hear! :D Cant imagine doing brain surgery on myself. The mirror would confuse me and I'd go left instead of right or down instead of up and then I'd go loopy.



ask a friend or befriend someone who has had a training :P

My mum has done my hair for almost as long as I know :P


don't even try it. not only for reasons of skill, but just mechanically, it doesn't go well.


use my method! use your gay powers of charm to make a talented stylist-lady your friend and then have her invite you over to get your hair done for far cheaper than salon cost!


i <3 my lady.


I like this idea. I will ask around and be charming :D.



I've said it once and I will say it again... Pasta and Cheese????? blink.gif


Anyway... I regularly cut my son's and my ex's hair with an electric clippers and that's fine if all you want it allover fuzz but the last time I cut my own hair I was 8 my mother had left a scissors lying around and the result was .... interesting... moral of the tale... if you're going to let me anywhere near your hair make sure I have a clippers in my hand and not a scissors... if I have scissors... run away.


I like pasta, and with cheese.. pasta is.. fantastic. :D


I think, that I would have run away from you with scissors anyhow! :P



I've never cut my own hair, but I cut my sons' hair while they were growing up and one of them still cuts his own hair now. It's pretty easy to do (another person's) once you get a little experience. Having a friend do it makes a lot of sense. Just make sure it's a good friend.


The comments about the cost of a professional haircut remind me of Hugh Grant's line in About a Boy. He has gotten a very casual, rather expensive hairstyle done at a salon and muses about "having my hair carefully disheveled".


Yeah I hope bravery is the hardest thing to train. I could never be a pro.. way too afraid of accidentally cleaving off a huge piece of hair and being sued :P.


I like that line, it is very true. Last time I went to a salon I had something similar, too short though. I always seem to have it cut too short. :(




shave it


dont want the shaving rash



Look for a barber/cosmetology school in your area. They usually offer cheap cuts as they need the practice.


This is a good alternative to befriending someone :D. I will do some research.



I just shed. Sometimes I'll use the vacuum cleaner to pull out the lose hair or roll around on rough concrete.


Sounds... Beastly... :P



Hair. What hair. Sometimes I have to trim the nose hair or the hair on my back. Take care.


Louisiana Writer


Sometimes I trim.. no, I wont even go there. :)




Thankyou one and all for your responses :D.

*many hugs*

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Well, Mark Arbour already stated the obvious ;)


I "cut" my hair myself for quite some time before I changed to shaving.... it does work fine if you go for a crew cut and use one of those hair clippers. But everything else, i.e. a "real" haircut - better let somebody else do the job. Preferably a pro :)

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I just shed. Sometimes I'll use the vacuum cleaner to pull out the lose hair or roll around on rough concrete.











I generally shave it all off once a year, In the springtime when it starts getting warm outside. Then by the time it gets cold again, It's long enough to have some insulation up there to keep warm in this frozen tundra. If I'm in Texas for extended winter periods sometimes I'll get it trimmed some, But not spring shaved short.

Edited by Tim the Traveller
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My mother cut my hair until Junior year in high school... I did try once when I was like 9, but it turned out looking like I had the Batman Signal on my forehead... Dont ask me how.


I blame my mother for not getting any dates until Junior year as well. When she FINALLY let me decide how I wanted my hair, I guess my "gay man's intuition for style" hadnt appeared yet, coz it still looked kinda jacked up, but not nearly as bad. biggrin.gif Years later, I decided to just... not cut it, and now I gots me a rockin ponytail!


Also, when you ask your friends what color to dye your hair and they say anything BUT blonde... Listen to them... That was six months of Platinum Blonde that I will NEVER forget. Now I just dye it red, coz you know what they say about redheads... Theyre Crazy. And the people who dye their hair red? They WANT to be crazy! LOL



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My mother cut my hair until Junior year in high school... I did try once when I was like 9, but it turned out looking like I had the Batman Signal on my forehead... Dont ask me how.


I blame my mother for not getting any dates until Junior year as well. When she FINALLY let me decide how I wanted my hair, I guess my "gay man's intuition for style" hadnt appeared yet, coz it still looked kinda jacked up, but not nearly as bad. biggrin.gif Years later, I decided to just... not cut it, and now I gots me a rockin ponytail!


Also, when you ask your friends what color to dye your hair and they say anything BUT blonde... Listen to them... That was six months of Platinum Blonde that I will NEVER forget. Now I just dye it red, coz you know what they say about redheads... Theyre Crazy. And the people who dye their hair red? They WANT to be crazy! LOL




What about people who dye they hair green :)

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Hey another red head, even fake....we're gonna end up taking over..


Neph, I think anyone any who colors their hair green should have honorary red head status, lol.....or even cooler if there are any....

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You are way too cute to mess with your hair. There are some things in life you should leave to a professional. Hair styling, brain surgery, and plumbing are the three that come to mind. biggrin.gif


Awww Mark! You don't know how to play with pipes? :P

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Hey another red head, even fake....we're gonna end up taking over..


Neph, I think anyone any who colors their hair green should have honorary red head status, lol.....or even cooler if there are any....


What about people with purple hair? :blink:

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  • Site Administrator

Okay, anyone who colors their hair in any color that nature produces in a rainbow but not on a human head can and should be considered specool.gif .........



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Your best bet is definitely do go to one of the schools. They may be novices, but usually it ends better than anything I could do myself. Though making friends with a hair stylist is also a very good route. I have a really good friend at home who is one. I just go visit her at work, she takes one look at me and my shaggy hair, forces me into the chair and does it. No muss no fuss, only problem with hairstylist friends is you end up with what they want and are often the guinea pig...for better or for worse.

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I have curly thick brown hair which lately I've become intolerant of. It gets to the stage where I'm experiencing such self-loathing over my hair I act out of the heat of the moment and immediately shear it all (mostly off).


What makes it more annoying are the constant remarks like "Why did you cut your hair, you had such lovely thick hair!!" etc etc.


Short hair is way more practical especially during summer so I have no regrets, plus I'm cheap and I save money. Win/Win.

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