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Black Friday- Are you brave enough to go?


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Well, I have a little time in between watching the turkey and making appetizers, so I thought why not plan out tomorrows mad rush.


I know I will be running around tomorrow mornig like a crazy man, clawing Call of duty 2 out of a pregnant mother's hands, Stampeding to Best Buy to get their door buster laptop deal for my sister, and fighting a mob for the last $500 50' inch LCD TV from Wal-mart.


Anyone else feel like they are brave enough to join me on this yearly tradition of savvy shopoholics and insanity?


For our European, Asian, and African members, Black Friday is traditionally the friday after Thanksgivng holiday in the United States, where retailers try to push out their excess inventories and start off the consumer invasion of the holiday season. I know many people, including myself, understands the vanity of such sales, but there's just so many bargains to say no to.


My sister needs a new laptop for college, she destroyed my old Dell, which I let her have last year. The family TV that we have is fine, but $500 for a 50" inch LCD even at 720p is too good a bargain. My old venerable 80 GB PS3 has burned out and the repair for it would costs $150 according to Sony, so I thought fine I'll just pick up a new one, 120 GB, with these new deals out with coupons and rebates that reduce costs down to around $250, about the same price as the Wii use to go for.


Am I being a brainwashed by consumerism or just a savvy consumer?

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I'd say brainwashed by consumerism :P


Getting a good deal isn't bad though. It's just when it becomes all those things you don't really need. How much more money do you end up spending in the year because of 'sales'? When I'll end up going shopping the rest of the time anyway. I'd rather go shopping when I need something. But I see your point.


I don't shop much. Just realised I haven't been in ages. Doesn't mean I don't somehow waste my money in other ways :).


also, I don't like getting stressed while shopping more than I have to. sales time is always crazy.

Edited by Smarties
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My dad and I plan it out every year and hit the routes like madmen.

We gotz our eyez on a new 52" Sony LCD....and maybe some furniture.


Best Buy didn't seem to have many good deal this year but maybe it varies by location.


And Smarties is right...Black Friday sales make people buy more than they need. You end up with goodies that you think you've gotten great deals on, when you wouldn't even have thought to make those purchases in the first place....but what the hoot, it's not a bad thing to want/have things = )

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Lol Im brave enough I go every year. Key is dont sleep! Some places are gonna be open at midnight. And I think this year the plan the family and I have is to divide and conquer to get those doorbusters. I LOVE BLACK FRIDAY!




But honestly there only good deals if what you buy is gonna be put to use. So im mostly clothes shopping I dont really need appliances and other hardware.



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Seems like a mix reactions.


I feel kind of used by the consumer economy, but I do want to get good deals for things I want. I feel like I am being a bit vain on things like the PS3. The TV is questionable, but reasonable at the price. The laptop is very necessary and the only reason to go to Best Buy this year if you have a college kid or in my case a younger sister.


I could live without call of duty 2, so If the sale item runs out, I won't buy it at regular prices.


It's an interesting American tradition; something unique to the US. I really do enjoy the fun crowds and bitter cold temps, (People in the South are so lucky during this day).

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You can get deals all weekend long no really need to deal with the crowds/deal with friday, plus black friday was about when the stores got out of the red and into the black.


And I will be working at my job so no, and dealing with the crowds no thanks.

Edited by Drewbie
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Absolutely no! I think the whole idea is simply ridiculous! And as Mark said, just to save a few bucks? I don't think so! On the news the had someone talking about it and said the stores only carry like two items of the said sale... eg. the very inexpensive laptops/pc's, tv's, etc. the first people to come in will rush to grab them (trampling anyone who gets in their way!!) then you are left with the more pricey choices!

I suffer from insomnia, I'd rather stay in bed, nice and warm...

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The only thing that makes it worth it is the fact that I only buy things I was planning on getting anyway. Since its so cold and wintery in Boston, Black Friday is a wonderful time to get clothes. The insanity is cut down because the mall doesn't open til 6am. So while the rest of you are at the store at 4 am and waiting in line. I am still in bed til 4:30! Thank God for the small things in life. I just feel bad for the boyfriend who is coming along for the entertainment....the poor thing has no idea what he is getting into.

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The only thing that makes it worth it is the fact that I only buy things I was planning on getting anyway. Since its so cold and wintery in Boston, Black Friday is a wonderful time to get clothes. The insanity is cut down because the mall doesn't open til 6am. So while the rest of you are at the store at 4 am and waiting in line. I am still in bed til 4:30! Thank God for the small things in life. I just feel bad for the boyfriend who is coming along for the entertainment....the poor thing has no idea what he is getting into.




I know what you mean, we should go shopping sometime.


By the way I got an epiphany while waiting in line.


Well for the cold and huddled masses waiting at Best Buy; it was quite a sight. Waiting in line starting at 7 PM to 4:55 AM, the line kept growing and temperature kept falling. The zeal of excitement and promises of bargains for everyone was all that kept the ravenous hordes at bay from killing each other for the first spot in line. I sat there waiting for the vouchers to be passed and being lucky enough to be among the first 30; I got the majority of my shopping list done.


I've learned a few things during the night that have given pause and a deeper sense of understanding for the homeless. I merely had to spend one night outside in the cold of my own free will to purchase a few goods; other people around the area are not so lucky. Beyond the long lines of consumer, there were homeless people sleeping in makeshift sleeping places and collecting soda cans. Some wayward consumers at first glance thought they were one of them; crazy enough to brave the frosty weather for a new electronic gadget or tool. At first glance, the Best Buy Customers looked like homeless people as well waiting in line with sleeping bags, plastic trash bags to water proof their spot, or the ubiquitous dirty look due to being stuck in a parking lot for the night.


There's a big difference between us, consumers, and the homeless; we get a chance to go back home and enjoy thanksgiving leftovers, while we wrap presents for our loved ones. They do not have any of our creature comfort and I finally understand how hard it is to live like them.


I know it sounds tripe and kind of stupid from a guy that just spent several hundred dollars on a laptop for his sister and a new Ps3 gaming console for himself. It is such a duality in my mind right now; perhaps, it is due to 24 hours with no sleep, but I do feel guilt over my purchases. Though, it is not enough for me to return them; I do have guilt over doing that in the face of such reality that I learned.

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I went in to work early this morning to cover for the supervisor since she was off. I passed by a local Diner around 5 am and the place was packed. Normally, when I go by around 6:25 am, there's only about 6 vehicles. So people were either getting breakfast before they hit the stores or were getting something to eat before heading for home.

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Unbelievable. I don't really hear of sales like that in the UK. Apart from maybe one of the women's clothes stores. Can't believe you were queuing from 7pm, that is madness :).


--and yeah shopping can be fun in itself :).


We have mega sales starting boxing day. But I presume you do too. They go over into new year sales. The biggest thing advertised on the tv then is sofa's!


it is good to be reminded of the little (or rather big) things like that W.L at times.

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Rob & I have baked and made candies for the last 4 years...


The last time we went to the malls and shopped on any Christmas shopping sales he was literally walked over by not less than 5 people, each of whom tripped, then tried to blame him for it. We have never regretted changing our gift giving habits.

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I went and got some things, but was continually thwarted by the resurgence of plaid. I am not a lumbejack so for plaid shirts to be the sole type of long sleeved button down shirt was reason enough to be back home in bed by 10am after only 3 hours of shopping and an hour of driving around.

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I went and got some things, but was continually thwarted by the resurgence of plaid. I am not a lumbejack so for plaid shirts to be the sole type of long sleeved button down shirt was reason enough to be back home in bed by 10am after only 3 hours of shopping and an hour of driving around.


I never did understand why plaid came back into fashion, but I guess odd things do happen. I am more of a striped polo shirt and jeans person with a few wool sweater thrown in to balance my winter clothing, which I rarely wear to be honest.


It was exhausting, but fun throughout the weekend of sales and deals. I slept for most Saturday and sunday to make up for Friday's insane rain soaked and pneumonia inducing shopping frenzy.

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I never did understand why plaid came back into fashion, but I guess odd things do happen. I am more of a striped polo shirt and jeans person with a few wool sweater thrown in to balance my winter clothing, which I rarely wear to be honest.


It was exhausting, but fun throughout the weekend of sales and deals. I slept for most Saturday and sunday to make up for Friday's insane rain soaked and pneumonia inducing shopping frenzy.


How do you not freeze? I swear Black Friday is the time for me to stock up on winter clothes. Every year I forget how cold Boston is and buy more and more layers.

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I worked on Black Friday. Luckily, the mob died down considerably after 1pm, when the Early Bird sale ended. There was a point when a customer asked me to find something for her in the stock room. I turned around, walked five... no, THREE steps, and another customer stopped me to ask a question. I answered and took one more step before another customer started asking me about Barbie dolls (like I f**king care that you can't find the one your little bitch daughter wants), then ANOTHER asked ANOTHER question. This was in the span of about 20 seconds, and I had moved about ten feet from the original customer.


Thank GOD it's the LAST one I will ever work. Each future Black Friday will be spent in bed until noon, followed by online shopping. My favorite online retailers, Tiger Direct and Crutchfield, both had deals, though only TD got my business. They had a good deal on an HDMI cable, which is all that my sister wants for Xmas. Crutchfield still hasn't had a sale on the car radio I want, only the garbage radios or the ones that are still too expensive.

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