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Where do you see yourself in 10,15,20 years?

Guest cia's husband

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Guest cia's husband

Well after a freind at work has been having a run of bad luck with family members. A couple of his family nearly died in a car crash. Got me thinking about a few things. I was nearly killed once in a car crash not more then 3 weeks after marrying my wife. It almost killed the both of us. Since then we have tried to live life everyday to the like it will be our last. Some days its easy to do but with kids and work, etc.. its hard to do. So thinking of the bigger picture. Thinking of the future without kids say 20 years from today. I see myself with my lovely wife will be close to 30 years of marriage. seeing the country or world. She has always wanted to see Ireland and I would like to see Norway the land of my family before I die. Coming home to the kids for the holidays. Maybe grand kids!!!!!! LOL Maybe. So where do you see yourself in 10,15, or 20 years??? I'm thinking real world not fantasy life. That could be a different topic.


Happy Holidays

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Well after a freind at work has been having a run of bad luck with family members. A couple of his family nearly died in a car crash. Got me thinking about a few things. I was nearly killed once in a car crash not more then 3 weeks after marrying my wife. It almost killed the both of us. Since then we have tried to live life everyday to the like it will be our last. Some days its easy to do but with kids and work, etc.. its hard to do. So thinking of the bigger picture. Thinking of the future without kids say 20 years from today. I see myself with my lovely wife will be close to 30 years of marriage. seeing the country or world. She has always wanted to see Ireland and I would like to see Norway the land of my family before I die. Coming home to the kids for the holidays. Maybe grand kids!!!!!! LOL Maybe. So where do you see yourself in 10,15, or 20 years??? I'm thinking real world not fantasy life. That could be a different topic.


Happy Holidays


B).............Hey Cia's husband! Haha! I wish I could tell you that in ten years I'd have moved up north in my state, don't see that happening unfortunately. So my 'faithful' 27 years coming up will remain in Vegas, unless I hit the mega-bucks :lol: I've already seen a lot of the world, I wish I hadn't and I'm glad I did, 50/50 I guess.

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10 years from now.....


Practicing nursing at my local hospital. Living in a little apartment with my dog and maybe someone special. Hopefully either raising some foster/adopted/bilogical children.


I know it doesn't sound like much but I'm a simple person and I like the simple life. You said realistic so I left out my fantasy of being a published author or being well traveled. I'd like to visit Ireland, Germany, parts of Britan and England but if it ever happens is beyond me.

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10 years from now: Most likely running for political office, probably state senate, unless I get super rich, then I'll run for US Rep/Senate. Married to a wonderful man and either adopt a few kids or artificially inseminate.


15 years from now: Probably stay in political office, fighting off press and egomaniacs. Experiment with new forms of sexual intercourse with my partner (I have some interesting ideas to keep our romance fresh :P ). Get the kids through school and teach them to be themselves.


20 years from now and more: I'll finish my political career with the American version Cursus Honorum (No it's not a curse), I'll run for the Governorship of my home state. I know most people would think why not go for President, but I prefer serving my state's people if I do get the chance. Let's see, I'll probably go back to what I am doing now after politics as a consultant with seven figure income. My partner will probably demand we retire early after the kids are finished with college. I'll end my days in the arms of my partner at our home on the Cape with me writing my memoirs.


How's that for a life? :P

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in 10 years i will hopefully have my own home with a partner and i hope to have adopted some kids that are not likely to be adopted and i will want to be working in some sort of childs psychology area or working frontline with disadvantaged kids and helping them get better lives. I will be living close to my family and probably see my mum and sisters everyday. Other than that i have no clue, i don't want much just to be with my family and start one of my own and to get into the work i want to do, other than that i'm happy.

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10 years from now, I'm seeing myself finishing my PhD in the States (I know it's ambitious) and teaching in a English-speaking country. Doing some freelancing writing. Hopefully working on my first book. Having an apartment of my own, not too big if I'm living alone. Probably having a dog, a beautiful Husky. Still desperately looking for love. Having a few heartbreaks, it'll help me along my life. I don't have much thought now for my romantic life 10 years from now. It's too much chances involved, I guess. I will always believe in love, just probably wondering if I have missed the ONE.


I think I'll be contented not having a steady partner. Don't get me wrong, I'm a hopeless romantic. It's just...





It's Christmas time. Time to cheer up.

10 years from this day, I'll be doing some final Christmas shopping and wrapping the presents myself. Will hold a small party with some close friends, including flying my best friend in the Netherlands to me. biggrin.gif

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10-20 years, I think I'll be married, hopefully - because I'm basing it on how well Aaron and I are getting along.. lol, although I'm not in any rush. I'll also probably still be working as a Physical Therapist, if I don't change or go back to school. I don't really want to, but I get bored with routines...


I don't want kids, Aaron does, so I'll probably compromise with two (I don't want to raise a single child) - I can't have children so they'll be adopted.. or surrogate carried.


Moved into a house that I own and like, although I'm picky.. lol.


Let's see.. hopefully I'll still be alive. ;)

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I recently started thinking about this also, because I was thinking about where I was and what I was planning ten years ago.

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10 Years from now, potentially finishing Med School, depending on what I eventually decide to get into. If I get into general practice, then I'll be done, if I specialize/get into surgury, probably finishing my last or second last year.


15 years from now, Probably working insane hours as a doctor of some kind, potentially married to someone or another. Probably starting a family somewhere around here. I'd like to be well into my career before this however. 2 Kids max, trying the first time for a boy, if no luck, round two, after that call it a game.


20 years from now, Possibly thinking about retiring, or already having done so. Travelling, snowboarding full time, enjoying life basically. Should be well into having a family by then I think.


Thats what I've decided thusfar :P

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10 years(27 years old) - Still here in shitty Arizona. Alone. Dead-end job. College dropout.


15 years(32 years really old) - Still in Arizona. Still Alone. Still in same dead-end job. Having a midlife crisis that consists of wishing I had the wealth to have a worthwhile midlife crisis.


20 years(47 years ancient) - Most likely deceased, don't/never expect(ed) I'd(ll) live past 29. If still alive, still in Arizona. Still Alone. Maybe an STD to spice things up.


You said to be realistic...I'm feeling rather pessimistic tonight.

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i was thinking it might be super morbid of me to say dead, but i guess i'm not the only one that thinks that...haha. and not dead in like a bad way...well, i don't know dead in a good way, but, yea. i don't even want to turn 19... :/

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10 years from now.....


Practicing nursing at my local hospital. Living in a little apartment with my dog and maybe someone special. Hopefully either raising some foster/adopted/bilogical children.


I know it doesn't sound like much but I'm a simple person and I like the simple life. You said realistic so I left out my fantasy of being a published author or being well traveled. I'd like to visit Ireland, Germany, parts of Britan and England but if it ever happens is beyond me.



You're welcome to come stay with me any time hun... that goes for any of my friends here. I am used to having 'open house' to strangers and have never had cause to regret it. I ran a druid grove for 15 years and often had people come to a meeting/festival and stay over. I am a gregarious person and like company and I am a Welsh girl through and through which means that hospitality ranks just behind honour in my make up. You will be well fed and fussed but you may have to sleep on the sofa. You will be forced to watch cartoons and will probably have to play computer games or crawl around on the floor pretending to be a soldier, elf or some kind of animal (although this danger will probably decrease over the next 10 years when it will be replaced by 'listen to bad music and cope with a sulky teenager who will hate you on principle :) )


I hope I will be like my Uncle Raymond who at 80 taught ball room dancing to women thirty years his junior.


I'll join that class Sam :)


10 years(27 years old) - Still here in shitty Arizona. Alone. Dead-end job. College dropout.


15 years(32 years really old) - Still in Arizona. Still Alone. Still in same dead-end job. Having a midlife crisis that consists of wishing I had the wealth to have a worthwhile midlife crisis.


20 years(47 years ancient) - Most likely deceased, don't/never expect(ed) I'd(ll) live past 29. If still alive, still in Arizona. Still Alone. Maybe an STD to spice things up.


You said to be realistic...I'm feeling rather pessimistic tonight.


I send you the wish that none of your dreams come true but that they are replaced by far more positive ones all of which come true :)


20 years: Dead. Have a party.guitar.gif


Let's modify that to.... Having a Christmas part to celebrate the fact that I am very much alive... shall we :)



As for me...


10 years (55) Coping with a moody teenager, having a great life with someone who loves me and working in a 'alternative therapy' shop using my herbal skills to help people. Still feeling like I am 18 and dressing to shock.


15 years (60) Retired in my cottage by the river. Growing herbs in my garden to keep myself and my family healthy. Growing into the crone gracefully and occupying the space of 'wise woman' in the community where I live. Becoming more spiritual and self sufficient and pracicing magic more frequently and holistically


20 years (65) extending the above while still feeling 18 and more in love than ever with my parnter who will sit with me in front of the open fire of an evening and reminisce about all the things we have accomplished over the last 20 years. Looking forward to the frequent visits of all our frinends and still writing for GA :)

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For me... this is slightly hopeful but...


10 years(26/27): I will be in some college studying to get my Ph-D in Anthropology or Philosophy, proubly part time teaching too. Looking for or having a partner to share my quirks with.


20 years(36/37): I would be hopefully teach my chosen degree at a college, somewhere. Having the ups and downs of life, maybe adopting a few children along the way. My patner still dealing with my quirks. Also I would still be studying, something or another.


30 years(46/47): Hopfully still teaching and learning. trying to survive neiaces or nephews. Living near family, may it be mine, his or any extened family. Maybe going into a new field of study.


My plans are to become a scholer of some sorts, if not still teaching...


But i don't know this is a long time away, there is always one fact that messes with you.... its cauld life.

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In ten years (31) I will be in Chicago, working for a graphic design firm making much more than I spend, but only a moderate/good salary (50 000 - 60 000). I will be moving from a tiny studio apartment to a small three bedroom apartment and car shopping for my second new car ever because my Mazda will be off warranty. The reason for the move is because I'm applying to be an adoptive parent and "adequate space" is required. I'll be filing my application in the hopes of being approved even though I'm single. Though flexible work hours benefit this application.


In fifteen years (36) I will have two kids. One boy and probably another boy, but possibly a girl. I'll be just starting the teen years with one of my boys, the other will want to be just like his big brother. I'll be at wit's end with them, but I'll be one of the most valued members at my design firm.


In twenty years (41) I'll have a child getting ready to graduate and go off to university, one around driving age. Eek. I'll still be working at the design firm earning around the same salary.


Heh, I wish. Though the perfect scenario has a hubby in there somewhere, probably around 10 years. :wub:



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10 Years (27) - Just finished my PHD in Drama and Understanding Playwrights , Happily Married to my boyfriend i hope and living somewhere in england :) Writing happily for GA.


15 Years (32) - Running my own private acting school earning lots i hope :D Still happily married. Maybe take a year off and go on a backpacking holiday :D Writing for GA and maybe some freelance writing work for local newspapers.


20 Years (37) - Drama Teacher in a secondary school/university lecturer/drama examiner and earning more than before i hope :D / Doing the private business at the weekends. Busy Busy Busy.

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You're welcome to come stay with me any time hun... that goes for any of my friends here. I am used to having 'open house' to strangers and have never had cause to regret it. I ran a druid grove for 15 years and often had people come to a meeting/festival and stay over. I am a gregarious person and like company and I am a Welsh girl through and through which means that hospitality ranks just behind honour in my make up. You will be well fed and fussed but you may have to sleep on the sofa. You will be forced to watch cartoons and will probably have to play computer games or crawl around on the floor pretending to be a soldier, elf or some kind of animal (although this danger will probably decrease over the next 10 years when it will be replaced by 'listen to bad music and cope with a sulky teenager who will hate you on principle smile.gif )




As for me...


10 years (55) Coping with a moody teenager, having a great life with someone who loves me and working in a 'alternative therapy' shop using my herbal skills to help people. Still feeling like I am 18 and dressing to shock.


15 years (60) Retired in my cottage by the river. Growing herbs in my garden to keep myself and my family healthy. Growing into the crone gracefully and occupying the space of 'wise woman' in the community where I live. Becoming more spiritual and self sufficient and pracicing magic more frequently and holistically


20 years (65) extending the above while still feeling 18 and more in love than ever with my parnter who will sit with me in front of the open fire of an evening and reminisce about all the things we have accomplished over the last 20 years. Looking forward to the frequent visits of all our frinends and still writing for GA smile.gif


Nephy have I ever told you how much i adore you? I have to admit that I am touched by your offer to come and visit. One of these decades I might just take you up on that.


I also like your time line, I'd like to follow something similer myself.

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Let's see, this is a hard question to answer because I really have nothing planned for after college. It's gonna be tough.... so these are the possible scenarios:


Career Wise


3 years, traveled lots, spend a semester studying abroad, maybe Paris or Rome, who knows


4 years, Graduate from either Williams College or Brown University (*crosses fingers*) with a double/triple major in, possibly, pscych, pre-Med, and linguistics. Also, maybe some training in advertising and graphic design (High-five Tarin!)


8 years, maybe have finished graduate school and have a damn great job in a city, maybe New York or Toronto.


10 years, have a fully solid career and or interest.




3 years, have experienced the joys of college, you know f**k girls and stuff (only to double check that i'm gay, ;) , you know, educative purposes :P ).


4 years, have really really serious relationship with someone. Soul mates, kinda thing. Have him sleep in my dorm and just do crazy wild things with him. So that later on I can say, we he and i were dating, our first time was like this, we would so much crazy shit. Clubbing and night outs, stuff like that.


10 years, this is the combination of 8 years and 10 years. I want to be married or in a relationship such as that. By the time that I'm 28, i don't want to be still partying or sleeping around. I want a stable home, with someone that I care about. I know it's weird, but I would like to have kids with that someone and have a family. I don't want to end up 30 and still be thinking that i'm some firecraker who can go clubbing every weekend.




yeah...... the max i can think into the future is 10 years

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