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[DomLuka] With Trust Ch 12 Discussion

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Mike, I think that Milo is actually scared that Hailey knows about Nelson. For now, it's going to create tension. I'm also wondering the reason why Milo is so afraid of people finding out. Does he really have reason to be scared?

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Mike, I think that Milo is actually scared that Hailey knows about Nelson. For now, it's going to create tension. I'm also wondering the reason why Milo is so afraid of people finding out. Does he really have reason to be scared?


I think the parents are the hurdle in this case. Clearly we don't have enough information yet but Milo's Dad is being painted as the wealthy, career driven Dad who neglects his son to marry a younger woman. Emily Hill is still an enigma too. Nelson's mum suggests that she's really nice but what proof do we really have of that? Mean two-faced bitch or misunderstood and sincere? Juanita the maid who's not a maid is still a pretty big question mark too. Consider also that we don't have a satisfying reason as to why Milo left his private school either.


It's tempting to view Milo as being a paranoid closet-case but we don't really know enough to be sure about that. His fears may be fully justified.

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Hailey will probably be okay, but she's dealing with two separate issues:


1) Discovering that Nelson is gay

2) Discovering that the love of her teenage life is not going to be hers in the end.


It's funny that both Brandon & Hailey are hot for Nelson, but Nelson's attracted to Milo. My guess (which is usually wrong) is that Nelson's going to have a fling with Brandon before WT is done.

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It's funny that both Brandon & Hailey are hot for Nelson, but Nelson's attracted to Milo. My guess (which is usually wrong) is that Nelson's going to have a fling with Brandon before WT is done.

I thought the same thing.

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I don't think the fling is going to happen. I think Milo and Nelson have a storm ahead of them now, but like all seamen, they'll weather it and come through 10x better off then they were before. Now we just need chapter 13. I have a sad feeling Jame is going to find out and destroy Milo's life, or at least try too, or, perhaps he'll try and destroy Nelson's, or, hell with it, perhaps both.


But then, Perhaps Jame will surprise us and turn into a staunch supporter. I shall wait and see, with bated breath...



~Holding his breath,


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It's funny that both Brandon & Hailey are hot for Nelson, but Nelson's attracted to Milo. My guess (which is usually wrong) is that Nelson's going to have a fling with Brandon before WT is done.


I'll keep you company in wrongville because I think that fling is very possible.

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Hailey will probably be okay, but she's dealing with two separate issues:


1) Discovering that Nelson is gay

2) Discovering that the love of her teenage life is not going to be hers in the end.


It's funny that both Brandon & Hailey are hot for Nelson, but Nelson's attracted to Milo. My guess (which is usually wrong) is that Nelson's going to have a fling with Brandon before WT is done.


Indeed, which is why I think trouble is possible. Pain from one problem may overshadow her normally caring nature.


I shall also join you in the fling camp. It's hard to predict a long way in advance but i'm thinking Nelson's attraction to Brandon, mixed with some sort of party and Nelson's apparent (and baffling) inablity to realise Brandom is gay will result in an interesting read :P. I think Milo will need to warm up pretty quickly because the one-sidedness and lack of reciprocation may push Nelson to do something he wouldn't normally do.

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Indeed, which is why I think trouble is possible. Pain from one problem may overshadow her normally caring nature.


I shall also join you in the fling camp. It's hard to predict a long way in advance but i'm thinking Nelson's attraction to Brandon, mixed with some sort of party and Nelson's apparent (and baffling) inablity to realise Brandom is gay will result in an interesting read :P. I think Milo will need to warm up pretty quickly because the one-sidedness and lack of reciprocation may push Nelson to do something he wouldn't normally do.

If Milo remains reticent, it would seem that a fling with Brandon is almost inevitable. What happens when Milo hears about that?

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I think Milo is stuck in his own world, so i'll agree there. But, I also think Nelson is starting to love the quiet boy who is as yet still a mystery to him. Something will have to give there. But, I also think that, if worse comes to worse and Haily outs Nelson, Brandon will support Nelson. I don't think Milo will walk away from Nelson and his relationship though, he doesn't seem that cold-hearted to me. He also doesn't seem to care what other people think. I'm also thinking Nelson needs to take his gaydar in and either ask for a refund or get an upgrade, his is broken. But... I'm sure there have to be other people who know about Brandon. How many other boys has he landed in the sack?


I am sure that, if something were to happen between Brandon and Nelson, Milo would walk in on it before it got fully started (I hope). That'd make for some...uh...interesting reading....and perhaps get Milo to open up and realize he's being a complete idiot.


I've lost the rest of my train of thought, so I'll leave it there for now. Other thoughts?

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Brandon did seem a bit eager to get Nelson drunk. It would have been interesting to see Brandon's reaction if Nelson had grabbed him by the arm and said, "Okay, Brandon, I'm putting you to bed."


But I also have to wonder if Brandon would have been doing the things he was doing if he's had less to drink and smoke.

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I think Milo is stuck in his own world, so i'll agree there. But, I also think Nelson is starting to love the quiet boy who is as yet still a mystery to him. Something will have to give there. But, I also think that, if worse comes to worse and Haily outs Nelson, Brandon will support Nelson. I don't think Milo will walk away from Nelson and his relationship though, he doesn't seem that cold-hearted to me. He also doesn't seem to care what other people think. I'm also thinking Nelson needs to take his gaydar in and either ask for a refund or get an upgrade, his is broken. But... I'm sure there have to be other people who know about Brandon. How many other boys has he landed in the sack?

I don't think Brandon is out or even considers himself gay. There's mention of him getting more girls than Caleb, and that's quite a few. And he's also on the football team.


He probably just wants a roll in the sack from Nelson.

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Brandon did seem a bit eager to get Nelson drunk. It would have been interesting to see Brandon's reaction if Nelson had grabbed him by the arm and said, "Okay, Brandon, I'm putting you to bed."


But I also have to wonder if Brandon would have been doing the things he was doing if he's had less to drink and smoke.


I'd say at the very least, that if Brandon had managed to get Nelson alone in a dark room that Nelson would have left with no doubts about his sexuality. Alcohol lowers inhibitions, it doesn't create new sexual desires, it just ... allows repressed things to float to the surface. Maybe he does it deliberately because he's scared. Or maybe he doesn't think Nelson is gay at all and just wants to get him drunk so he can take advantage. I hope that's not the case but it is possible.



I don't think Brandon is out or even considers himself gay. There's mention of him getting more girls than Caleb, and that's quite a few. And he's also on the football team.


He probably just wants a roll in the sack from Nelson.


And all of these things don't amount to the perfect disguise? Maybe he goes through girls so quickly because he doesn't them to get to know him too well. But then if that's his game he's being very reckless with his disguise. This is why I love Dom, I never really know where things are going till they get there.



Alright... Maybe he's bisexual??? Or, he's just trying to find out if Nelson is gay by getting him in the sack. Either way, won't be nothing good coming from it since he saw how Nelson reacted to Haily kissing him.


I KNOW, awesome huh? Dom really should release a new chapter and put us all out of our misery :P

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This chapter reminds me why I'm a Domoholic. It's soooo nice to see Dom writing again! :2thumbs:


I tend to agree that Nels will end up having a fling with Brandon at some point. Brandon may be more interested in getting Nelson into the sack for a little R&R, but the way he acted when inebriated was pretty bold for a football player. Then again, Nels called him a 'fun drunk'. I strongly suspect Brandon's fully gay and closeted, and that his going through girls without forming long-term relationships is a classic case of overcompensation. It's interesting that Brandon latched right onto Nelson - did he actually somehow realize Nels is gay, was it gaydar, or did he just find Nelson to be hot? It was so funny, the way that Nels was oblivious to the whole thing, but I think he was preoccupied with Hailey.


Will Hailey out Nelson? I doubt it, but with Dom, all things are possible. Far more likely, although still more likely not than so, is that she might out Nelson to Caleb. If she does, how Caleb reacts to it could set the stage for the rest of the story.

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Nah, I don't think anything will happen between Brandon and Nelson!!! Nelson doesn't seem to have any heart right now for anyone else but Milo. The only way I can see something happening between Nelson and Brandon is if Brandon grows some balls and tells Nelson he thinks he's sexy, and I just don't see that happening because that doesn't seem to be the way Brandon plays. Especially if he needs all that alcohol to help him get a boy in the sack. Now, if something were to happen where Nelson and Milo stopped seeing each other, I think Nelson would be far too miserable to even consider messing around with another boy. Especially if he was outted at the same time. He would most likely be too busy being miserable and hiding from everyone.


I know if I was on the verge of losing all my friends because of who I liked to get in the sack, I'd probably be hiding out in bed with a tub of ice cream and a lot of booze. Just a thought.

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Nah, I don't think anything will happen between Brandon and Nelson!!! Nelson doesn't seem to have any heart right now for anyone else but Milo. The only way I can see something happening between Nelson and Brandon is if Brandon grows some balls and tells Nelson he thinks he's sexy, and I just don't see that happening because that doesn't seem to be the way Brandon plays. Especially if he needs all that alcohol to help him get a boy in the sack. Now, if something were to happen where Nelson and Milo stopped seeing each other, I think Nelson would be far too miserable to even consider messing around with another boy. Especially if he was outted at the same time. He would most likely be too busy being miserable and hiding from everyone.


Brandon's been pretty darn flirty with Nelson when he was sober. He's done many things to try to get Nelson in a position where Brandon could make a move on Nelson.


Sure, Brandon's not coming straight out and saying 'I think you're sexy', but that's typical behavior for closeted/confused teenagers. Nelson isn't out, so Brandon is still taking a risk of outing himself. And rarely do guys at this level come straight out and say what they want (sans alcohol).


I mean, look at Nelson & Milo. It took Nelson 4 Chapters of flirting with Milo and still Milo didn't know his intentions. Nelson had to flat out come out and do his 'I'm Nelson, and I'm gay...' lines to make it clear to Milo.


And again remember these are 17yo teenagers. Nelson may not have the heart for Brandon, but he sure has the lust for him. Nelson the character doesn't seem to be the type to have a problem with a hookup.

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It's most likely traitorous, but I would love to see Brandon and Nelson get together (for more than just a "fling"). I love Milo, but I hate seeing Nelson so easily manipulated by everything he does. Milo is just too much drama. Brandon, on the other hand, seems to be someone who would be good for Nelson (from what little we've seen obvs).


We'll see what happens. But I think I'm on team NBITE. :ph34r:

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