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[DomLuka] WOOHOO TOU ch. 19

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whimper... this chapter has reduced me to incomprehensible mumblings... so good. must have more. I MUST! I MUST!!!


I ache for Quinn, I see so much of myself in him it's frightening. Does anyone else feel this way? And finally, good for Marissa, she's giving Quinn what he deserves. He never even gave her a chance.



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he thinks too much. i barely have a though a year. lol. so he isant like me at all. and i dont know what to think of mar. cause it think her mother saw the same thing she saw. lol. and NOOOOOO. why did it have to end like that. >_< T_T :angry: :wacko: <_<:pissed::thumbdown::/ and is it me or does jude and luke from desert dropping seem similar

Edited by Bao
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Yep I thought it was an excellent chapter, and yes I can readily identify with Quinn. Also I agree Jude and Luke are kinda similar, but I think Jude's much hotter, sweeter, and cooler. I wish he'd quit smoking though lol. Also I hope Quinn has the good sense to at least pop his head in the door and tell his mother he's home on time, before he starts talking to Mar. Anyway have a great day everyone!

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wow it's already up!


Quinn got to spend a lot of time with Jude so I loved this chapter.


I really hope that Marissa doesn't give him a hard time though. Well, actually he deserves it for not explaining anything to her but at the same time Quinns been though a lot of s*** lately so hopefully she doesn't totally freak out.


And Taylor! lol I don't know why I love Taylor so much. He's just a cute little guy. I'd love for him to have his own story. :2thumbs:

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Dom does it again. Lol for much of Quinns time with Jude, his curfew kept nagging at the back of my mind, and then when you-know-what happened, I wondered if Dom had been reading some of the other threads and answered our prayers :worship:


And now he leaves us with the worst cliffhanger yet! Marissa knows!



And how dare that BITCH call an El Camino ugly! All of my respect points for her have been diverted to Taylor! Poor guy needs em (yea Dom made us love him it seems :wub: ).

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MARISSA!!!! :blink:


And I agree with AFF. I sure hope Quinn runs in to say hi to mom to get credit for being on time.


Thanks Dom for a great chapter. And you are starting to spoil us again :2thumbs: . There was only a 5 day gap between TOU CH18 and TOU CH19.



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I have always liked Taylor. I couldn't help but giggle when Jude revaled that Taylor likes Quinn. I am a bit worried about Marissa's reaction. I hope she reacts better than the females in TLW. Maybe she can knock some sense into Brad.


Dom you have given us another great chapter. :worship: I can't wait for Chapter 20.



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So, we finally, finally have some more Quinn/Jude action (Not that finally is perhaps an appropriate word, as the way the chapters are written means it is easy to forget that the past five or six chapters probably haven't covered so many days in TOU time, and that the entire story has only been over the timelime of a month or so to this point.) But, yes, hot, yum.


Some more general observations:


Firstly, It really seems to me as if Taylor and Jude do have a history of sorts. I have virtually nothing to back me up on this asides from my gut feeling, however.




"Why were you apologizing to Jude?" she immediately asked. "I hope you?re not fighting with your friends again. You and Brad are still getting along, right? When I brought you up last night he got quiet."


"We?re fine mom... look, you know how you said I could go do something with Jude this weekend?" I needed the focus off of me and Brad. I couldn?t even go there right now.


Here, Quinn's Mum is clearly saying that she has talked to Brad and he hasn't said anything about Quinn's revelation - something Quinn has been so worried about - and he entirely ignores it! Classic.


Thirdly, the set up with the cliffhanger is rather clever, but I'm not sure if anyone else has noticed it. Quinn's mother suspects that Quinn is partaking in carnal behaviour (quite rightly) with a new girlfriend (not so correct). The first thought she had in the previous chapter when he asked to go out with Jude on the weekend was whether this girlfriend would be there. Imagine the scene when she comes outside at 12:15 and finds Quinn and his ex-girlfriend in the driveway... Depending on Marissa's reaction, this could be a critical moment. If she says nothing, which is what I am suspecting at the moment, then the real test will be what Quinn will say when his mother expresses her delight that the estranged couple are back together. It could be the moment of truth for Quinn...

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Super chapter, Dom. Well it was until Marissa showed up. :thumbdown:


I'm not getting Marissa at all. Someone help me out here. What exactly does she want from Quinn at this point? Their relationship was one of convenience for both of them. I mean is she really going to be pissed off at Quinn for "using" her when it seems she was doing the exact same thing? She's basically threatening Quinn at this point - talk to me or you'll regret it. She's threatening to out him. She's got Quinn by the short and curlies. I am really starting to resent her. What does she want from Quinn? :angry:


Awwwwwwww, Taylor! :wub: More Taylor. More Taylor. :lol:


I'm a little pissed with Jude for telling Quinn that Taylor likes him. I get that that was a condidence between Taylor and him and now he has gone and betrayed that confidence. Jude himself expressed some regret over telling Quinn. I think I understand why he did it - Quinn is so clueless. :lol:


The lack of resolution between Brad and Quinn is killing me. Dom, exactly how long are you planning to stretch that out? :2hands:


Quinn got some! :great::2thumbs::wub:



Conner :boy:

Edited by Conner
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Marissa's going to freak. Not necessarily because Quinn's gay. In her self-centered little life, the fact that her long term, perfect boyfriend is gay will reflect badly on her. She'll want to keep this information as quiet as possible. Think about the tizzy she was in when there was that 'rumor' that she was gay. Imagine the melt down this will cause.


So, we have Marissa pissed because this will look bad for her.


Bree is pissed (although getting over it) because she wasn't the first to know.


And Brad is pissed because his best friend kept a big secret and has been lying to him all this time.


With such wonderful and comforting support from the people closest to him, I can't imagine why Quinn is such a basketcase. :wacko:



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Marissa's going to freak. Not necessarily because Quinn's gay. In her self-centered little life, the fact that her long term, perfect boyfriend is gay will reflect badly on her. She'll want to keep this information as quiet as possible. Think about the tizzy she was in when there was that 'rumor' that she was gay. Imagine the melt down this will cause.


So, we have Marissa pissed because this will look bad for her.


Bree is pissed (although getting over it) because she wasn't the first to know.


And Brad is pissed because his best friend kept a big secret and has been lying to him all this time.


With such wonderful and comforting support from the people closest to him, I can't imagine why Quinn is such a basketcase.

Edited by Rocketcnj
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Hi all,


yeah, Quinn and Jude got closer and got frisky:) woo hoo:)


and I am with Sweet Mag and Conner, I so agree..I always liked Taylor..I think he is cute and smart and sexy in his own way..I hope he gets his own BF.


I do wonder if Jude and Taylor had a prior relationship..I somehow don't think so...but maybe they hooked up and realized they were better friends then boyfriends.....time will tell in future chapters.


I am surprised Jude told Quinn that Taylor liked Quinn.....but well its not so bad to know...I don't think it did any harm...and the more important part is that Quinn got to know more of Taylor's background...which helps fill in spaces and let's Quinn know more about Taylor..who, is a hero to me since as Quinn said Taylor saved him at a very crucial point by getting him away from the homophobic counselor and to a "Gay friendly" one...it really helped Quinn a lot.


I am also worried about Trina..I really think she is a good person..and I feel for her..she lives alone...and is missing classes, getting drunk and it appears has emotional pain/issues...thankfully, she has amazing friends in Jude, Tayor and Quinn.


Marissa..well, what is her problem and why is she anywhere near Quinn (I find it odd that she was in her car watching Quinn kiss Jude)....and I feel Sharon got it right...Marissa is more concerned with how this will look that the most popular girl in school has a former boyfriend of a few years who has broken up with her and is Gay....there are already rumors that Marissa is a Lesbian...so, if it gets known in school that Quinn is Gay, rumors will probably circulate that they really are both Gay and used each other for "cover" or as each others "beards"....Marissa would be freaking badly....


In any event, the last few chapters are amazing..


As to issues with Brad, I am hoping that somehow he comes around..I don't think it will be a close friendship restored.....but maybe Brad will be more accepting of Quinn..I also feel Brad has anger issues that Quinn never told him all these years....and thought best friends meant they shared such things...but I am not sure that Brad has totally processed that Quinn had his own self loathing issues so he just couldn't tell his best friend based upon fear of losing a best friend plus Quinn couldn't accept himself being Gay..he is much better but still has some issues as we saw in Ch. 19


So, even though he knows Quinn over thinks everything and so on, I am not sure Brad, in his anger, hurt and plus a lot of his own family issues, sees that this was amazingly difficult for Quinn....so, time will tell, to see what happens..plus, if Brad takes the time, he will see that Quinn came to him first even before his own sister (Quinn gets hit on both ends..his sister is upset on that point too with Quinn)


I loved the chapter...Quinn and Jude bonded as boyfriends and get along well as friends as well as very hot sensual/sexual/hot romantic passion that they have for each other:)


all in all a YUMMY chapter! as have been the last few chapters..well the whole story...its my favorite of Dom's so far...



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Thanks Dom!!!!


A great chapter! The ending kept me hitting the refresh button to see if Ch. 20 had magically appeared. :angry: It's alomst cruel to leave off there.


If I was Quinn the second thing I'd do (after letting Mom know I made it by curfew) would be to ask Marissa why she was watching his house at midnight??? That just gives things this whole stalker vibe.


I think Bree will be a whole lot more empathic to Quinn's plight once she's read the journal and then thinks back to the night he was trying to burn it in the back yard. The picture of him & Jude kissing will help her shake any thoughts that she might have had a chance with Jude if it weren't for her brother.


I still think Brad's issues with Quinn are because he thinks Quinn shouldn't have "hid" being gay from him. I'm hoping that when Bree comes around, she'll smack her other "brother" up side the head and explain things to him.


As I said last chapter, I still think we'll see Brad do somewhat of a fade and Taylor will move into the role of Quinn's best friend once he realizes that it'll never happen between them. I loved Taylor from the start (ok, after the party at Trina's to be more accurate). Dom's explaining his background and showing Taylor (who doesn't have much) buying groceries and trying to take care of Trina only made his stock rise up.


And most importantly, I LOVED to see that Quinn finally got some... maybe in Ch.20 Jude will get some loving! :2thumbs:

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OMG! What an excellent chapter, I actually *squueee*-ed when I saw that it was up, can't wait for the next chapter! Oh, and I don't think Marissa will tell anyone, I mean, like someone said he was he 'perfect bf' she won't want anyone to know that he's gay will she?


Ben...I agree with you..but in the back of my mind, I wonder if Dom will make her pull a Janie on Quinn or try and blackmail or some other evil kind of thing.....it will be interesting. I wonder what anyone else thinks on this point.


Rable Rouser..I thought the same thing when I read the lines about Marissa (being in her Mom's car....was she following Quinn..how else would she see him in the dark at midnight kissing Jude and I doubt he was under a big street light so the light shined in the car...he commented on that no one could see him and Jude as they drove in the dark so they held hands and Jude even once kissed him at a stop light (ah maybe that's where Marissa saw them.)


maybe I am over thinking it...but I bet Dom throws in a really interesting story line with this situation.


stay tuned as the saying goes...Dom keeps getting better and better!



Edited by Rocketcnj
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