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2024 Anthology Entries Due Tue October 1 ×

Do you have talent?


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so this is where i want you to post your talents. What are you good at. I'll start of this vid. Me playing falling slowly by glen hansard. Not saying im amazing but its one of my talents lol



Click the link VVVV it isn't a virus..




If posting links to youtube links aren't allowed I honestly didn't know

Edited by Gaytron87
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so this is where i want you to post your talents. What are you good at. I'll start of this vid. Me playing falling slowly by glen hansard. Not saying im amazing but its one of my talents lol



Click the link VVVV it isn't a virus..




If posting links to youtube links aren't allowed I honestly didn't know


B)....................... I'm pretty sure as long as the posting of links do not violate the GA policy, your good, remember no porn links in here or sites that lead into one.


Now for my talent!!!! 0:) Wait......... I don't have any!!! :(

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I can play the piano, but never thought of uploading any video's about it... :o Maybe i will one day now! My New Project.


As for My Critique.

The Guitar....didn't help your voice....seems like the lyrics kinda were unknown, and you were just reading them. I'd like to see a song done with the music of the song...not the voice of the original artist...basically a karoke version. I want to see your talent.


You voice is great, you hit the notes, you did the song really well. But i'll warn you, this song won't get you remembered or anything, the origianl artists i havent even heard of but that may be because i'm canadian.....so who knows.


Either way Well Done! :D

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I've been told I have the voice of a rugged angel lol. Not sure what that means, but OK. :)

I also write lyrics and such. And I'm good at surfing. Guess that's pretty much it!

Besides being an AMAZING kisser! hahaha, just kidding....... ;)

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This was really good, Gabe. I ballroom dance, but that isn't really a youtube-able talent.



Now that i'd just enjoy doing with you if i knew how. Wana Teach me through youtube? hahahahahhahaha jk

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Don't know about talent, but in the waning days of my 73 year, I've purchased a Yamaha YPG635 Digital Piano and I'm having fun taking piano lessons. :)


I was in the choir and I sang in an acapella quartet in the days of yore, when I was a nerdy high school student.

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Talents hmmm... I don't want to brag but i have been told by reliable sources (kind of ;) ) that I have certain talents which are usually... but not exclusively exercised in the bedroom... or dungeon devilsmiley.gif


Apart from that well... I don't have any astonishing talent but I'm kind of good at a few things... I do freestyle embroidery and cross stitch. I've trained with a sword... and apparently i die well. And I paint. Not so sure whether that it a talent or just a conceit.. but they're in the gallery if you want to take a look.


Gabe I really loved your voice and you can come sing to me any time you like.

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Talents hmmm... I don't want to brag but i have been told by reliable sources (kind of wink.gif ) that I have certain talents which are usually... but not exclusively exercised in the bedroom... or dungeon devilsmiley.gif


Apart from that well... I don't have any astonishing talent but I'm kind of good at a few things... I do freestyle embroidery and cross stitch. I've trained with a sword... and apparently i die well. And I paint. Not so sure whether that it a talent or just a conceit.. but they're in the gallery if you want to take a look.


Gabe I really loved your voice and you can come sing to me any time you like.


Don't forget you can write really well!

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idk, I used to sketch but lost the drive to do that years ago. I was always just good not great. Same with singing. Umm, I enjoy nature photography, though I just post them here, I don't do anything with my pictures otherwise. You know, other people will often view stuff we do as 'great talent' but I've found most people have a hard time seeing it about themselves. We have a ton of really great writers on this site, perhaps they are too humble to want to list writing :D but they should! No matter what it is, music, art, writing, sports... when we do things we are creating and sharing ourselves, always a valuable contribution.

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B)....................... I'm pretty sure as long as the posting of links do not violate the GA policy, your good, remember no porn links in here or sites that lead into one.


Now for my talent!!!! 0:) Wait......... I don't have any!!! :(

Very cool but i'm sure you can do something



I can play the piano, but never thought of uploading any video's about it... :o Maybe i will one day now! My New Project.


As for My Critique.

The Guitar....didn't help your voice....seems like the lyrics kinda were unknown, and you were just reading them. I'd like to see a song done with the music of the song...not the voice of the original artist...basically a karoke version. I want to see your talent.


You voice is great, you hit the notes, you did the song really well. But i'll warn you, this song won't get you remembered or anything, the origianl artists i havent even heard of but that may be because i'm canadian.....so who knows.


Either way Well Done! :D

lol well its not a career. Just a talent. Same way i post things on here. I write for the love of writing thus i sing because i love it.



I can sing and play the alto saxophone. I can also write. ;)





This was really good, Gabe. I ballroom dance, but that isn't really a youtube-able talent.


lol sure it is. So long as you can get a video of it

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I've been told I have the voice of a rugged angel lol. Not sure what that means, but OK. :)

I also write lyrics and such. And I'm good at surfing. Guess that's pretty much it!

Besides being an AMAZING kisser! hahaha, just kidding....... ;)


Lol i would have to hear your voice to know what they mean.



I play the saprano Clarinet.



I've been told I can write. I'm also a decent programmer. Play a bit of music. Did I mention I can write?


LOL i think you can write lol


Don't know about talent, but in the waning days of my 73 year, I've purchased a Yamaha YPG635 Digital Piano and I'm having fun taking piano lessons. :)


I was in the choir and I sang in an acapella quartet in the days of yore, when I was a nerdy high school student.

Piano is fun. Learn chords and scales. start making your own music


Talents hmmm... I don't want to brag but i have been told by reliable sources (kind of ;) ) that I have certain talents which are usually... but not exclusively exercised in the bedroom... or dungeon devilsmiley.gif


Apart from that well... I don't have any astonishing talent but I'm kind of good at a few things... I do freestyle embroidery and cross stitch. I've trained with a sword... and apparently i die well. And I paint. Not so sure whether that it a talent or just a conceit.. but they're in the gallery if you want to take a look.


Gabe I really loved your voice and you can come sing to me any time you like.


painting is a talent. its creative. The idea its something that you like doing. if you like it other people will too and some won't. Some people don't like Van Gogh does that make him any less talented?? and thanks



idk, I used to sketch but lost the drive to do that years ago. I was always just good not great. Same with singing. Umm, I enjoy nature photography, though I just post them here, I don't do anything with my pictures otherwise. You know, other people will often view stuff we do as 'great talent' but I've found most people have a hard time seeing it about themselves. We have a ton of really great writers on this site, perhaps they are too humble to want to list writing :D but they should! No matter what it is, music, art, writing, sports... when we do things we are creating and sharing ourselves, always a valuable contribution.


You should post a pic on here. A sketch and a photo.



In honesty I dont believe in the concept of talents, so I dont really think I have any :P


That said, if I did have a 'talent' I'd say it involves boardsports most likely.


Well what concept do you believe in?






I draw a little.



Very cool


I have written a few poems. I can sing (in large groups).


Post a poem in here then.



Does any kind of talent work for this? I'm really, really good in the kitchen! (Pictures soon, Sky, I promise!)


LOL yea that works... But only if i get to taste

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Neph, you totally have to teach me to freestyle embroidery and cross stitch!!!!!!! I've been playing with stuff like that for a bit but never really got the hang of it :(


my talents......

bossing people around

making to-do lists

acting silly

doing too much in too few time


ohyeah and I have been told I can write..... sorta......

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Talents? Well, I doodle, and I take photos sometimes. Here's a doodle ^_^ And here's a photo ^_^ I can do some cool tattoo designs too; here, let me show you ^_^.


Other then that, I write ^_^. I think I'm a better writer though.


I used to play flue, but I quit. I just lost the drive to make music. So, I sing off-key to monster ballads and Japanese punk-rock songs, while I cook ^_^. Somehow, as if by magic, I can delve into an empty pantry and whip up a pretty decent dinner for three people.

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