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I really do hope Wade goes back to Washington after graduation in '02 to work as an activist. The Bush administration sure is something to see up close.


Yes, he could go to work with my friend Mark who was a lawyer in the Bush Administration. Mark threw the best gay parties in DC, usually Naked Martini Parties, bow tie optional.

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I really liked Chapter 66 and I really liked the twist that Darius was looking to get an appointment to Annapolis. I think that would be great for him. And I think Chico is bad fall back school, San Diego State, sure, Long Beach State, maybe and even San Jose State given its proximity to Escorial..... but Chico?? Or go the route of going to Santa Barbara City College to transfer into UCSB since SBCC students got to use UCSB dorms, it was a lot like being at UCSB.

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the hell.........I'm so pumped for the next chapter so much....but clair???? WTF is she doing?............Wierd!!! :o I think someone as stupid as fred would've tried to charge robbie for assult and battery. Oh well.

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Chapter 66 was great... I loved the scene between Darius and Brad. I agree with earlier comments that Brad's introduction to Darius was special... It was one of the few times in any of the early stories that I thought Brad had any potential. I do wonder how anything between Darius and Ella would play out more because of the distance than anything else, plus when in your teen years two or three years age difference can be major.


Darius getting into Annapolis and then into the Navy could pave the way for some major stories over the next decade. Just look at all of the issues that could rise up from him being in the Navy, it was a decade when all the military was tested so often.


Brad and Robbie have grown a lot in this story but they still cannot keep their mouths closed... Neither of them are the ones that should be spilling any beans about Ella's parentage and certainly not in the manner it is about to come out. As much as they have both grown in this story, it is things like this that shows how immature they both are in some regards.


Clarie in Claremont, hot damn....


Keep up the great work Mark, can't wait for the next chapter of this great story.

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Just in case anyone wants to know Millenium is the 7th longest story on G.A. Another 10,000 words and it'll be 6th. But mark would have to double the amount of words he has now to beat #1. But i'd think the CAP saga would probably be the longest if all the stories were added together. possibly?

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Just in case anyone wants to know Millenium is the 7th longest story on G.A. Another 10,000 words and it'll be 6th. But mark would have to double the amount of words he has now to beat #1. But i'd think the CAP saga would probably be the longest if all the stories were added together. possibly?


As a matter of fact, it is. Check out "longest series".


Catholic school for Darius, and Jesuit no less??


I think you'll find that the religious aspects at Santa Clara are muted, to put it mildly.

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And I can't see Brad really caring that much, when it comes to college. Now, there's no way over Brad's dead body he would have sent the kids to Our Lady of Malibu for primary school, but for college, I think Brad would have been okay with whatever his kids chose.


I'm rooting for Darius to go to Anapolis and wind up in the navy. Did the navy play a role in Aghanistan?


I did like how it was implied that Darius realizes he totally screwed himself out of having a chance at Cal or even UCLA. It's more realistic this way- and reflective of how college admissions starts to get tougher as Generation Y starts to flood the colleges, starting with Darius's cohorts.

Edited by methodwriter85
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West Point could be cool, as well. Whatever gets Darius into the War on Terror, I'm down with.


I have a feeling that Darius will be another Ace. When 1968 ended, I thought we'd have a romantic escapade for Ace and Brad - I would have swoon like a girl; I really liked Andre. I'd probably sulk for an entire day if anyone other than Ace steals Brad away from Robbie.


But of course, I can see how realistically, we need at least a few straight relationships in the saga, and seeing how this is GA, there is really not much demand for development on straight relationships, hence Ace was shelved as a side-character.


And I have a feeling that Darius will be shelved too. It would be interesting to have another Andre case though where a straight guy falls in love with a man.

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Is it possible that I have received two notifications about chapter 67 (chapter + update) and that there is no such thing as chapter 67 yet? Maybe it is just my "need for a fix", but it could as well be some sort of bug in the system...

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Is it possible that I have received two notifications about chapter 67 (chapter + update) and that there is no such thing as chapter 67 yet? Maybe it is just my "need for a fix", but it could as well be some sort of bug in the system...


That's an issue with the new system. I posted the chapter last night and set it for publication today. It sent out notifications then, even though it won't hit the pages here until around 6:00pm.

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And I have a feeling that Darius will be shelved too. It would be interesting to have another Andre case though where a straight guy falls in love with a man.


It looks like Darius is going to marry Ella and make lots of babies(they're a fertile family), so it doesn't look likely. I think the problem with Darius has been that he's been somewhat isolated- he wasn't in college with Matt, and he's not in middle school with JJ, Will, Marie, and John, and he didn't really have any immediate contemporaries in the story. I'm assuming that's why Gathan and Ella got added- to give Darius some people immediately around his age that he can interact with.


I do think Darius could play a bigger role than Ace did- he's got a bit more sense and wisdom than Ace did...he works as the protective older brother to the group in a way that Brad and Ace really couldn't pull off with Billy and Claire. The Be Rad crowd was way too close in age. Gen 4 is a little more spread out.

Edited by methodwriter85
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Hey did isadore break chains with Clarmonts Crampton construction??? That was a wonderfull end to a cliffhanger mark. And now we focus on the assult with omega.......for some reason i have a feeling this story is almost over......almost. I wonder if were gona change narrators in the next story? it wouldn't suprise me if we went to matt, or even a sub character like cody. Either way....im always excited for the next chapter.

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:2hands: :2hands: :2hands:


Chapter 67 was great!!! I love how Mark is able to pull things from other stories in this series and work them into the current one. I believe that is one of the strengths of this series is the continued development of the different people in different stories over generations.


I thought the situation with Ella was handled really well, mostly because Claire was there and kept everything on a more even keel. I do think that with Gathan going to Stanford and Ella moving to Palo Alto, they will add a lot to the next stories in the series.


I loved the scene at Crampton Construction, but felt that once again Brad showed his immaturity to some extent. I think once again, Claire really stood out in that situation. I believe if the chapter that I read back in The Land Whore is correct that JP should own 7.5 percent of the stock, he gave up half of his 15% to help break Isidore away from Crampton Construction without causing a war back then. I would assume that Claire and Ace own the other 7.5 percent that is being referred to but can't find anything in any of the previous stories that says who owns what. I am assuming that Ace and Claire inherited the shares when JP's parents died. I would assume that Brad would not have received any of the shares since he already had a sizeable inheiretance from Tonto. Could someone confirm if this is correct or advise what story the information is in so I can go back and find it?!?!


I am going to put this out there again and I am sure it will be blasted as it has been in the past, but I really think that Claire should be either a sole narrator or a co-narrator on a story. I am sure that in the end, Brad will grow up and assume the position as head of the family when JP passes but right now if something happened to JP, Stef, and Isidore; Claire seems to me to be the one person that the rest of the family actually listens too. I know that because Stef will leave all or most of his fortune to Brad that he will be the one with the most material wealth but he just doesn't seem to be able to keep a lid on his temper or emotions enough to hold the family together at this time. Claire is always there to smooth things over or to make sure that everything gets handled in a way that doesn't tear something else apart. Now I realie that usually with a narrator we get quite a few glimpses of their sex life and even though Jack would be involved, I am not sure how much hetero sex I really want. Maybe that is why she would be better as a co-narrator, she could handle other aspects of the story besides the sex... LOL...


Well once again, Mark has turned out a great chapter... Can't wait for the next one, I just love this story...

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I like the fact that Brad is unpredictable and just a little unstable. If he controlled his temper or never threw a fit, how much fun would that be to read. He brings excitement to every interaction, because you just don't know how he will react in any given situation. just my two cents

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I like the fact that Brad is unpredictable and just a little unstable. If he controlled his temper or never threw a fit, how much fun would that be to read. He brings excitement to every interaction, because you just don't know how he will react in any given situation. just my two cents


I agree with you. Nothing like a loose cannon to liven up a story.

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