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What's your favourite Salad Dressing?

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Apparently, this question is one of those that marriage counsellors ask to find out how well you know your spouse. It is usually a good indication of how attentive you are to your partner etc.


So, in the spirit of getting to know everyone better, I though't I'd ask - What's your favourite salad dressing?


Mine is a nice pomegranate and port vinaigrette... I like the contrasts in flavour between sweet and sharp, and drizzled over sun dried tomatoes and lettuce....


So how about you... ?

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Ranch! I love ranch. It's got many uses besides salad too, which is part of the reason I love it. :D


You have my mind in knots :)


Right you are. Never, ever post anything before the second cup of coffee. :)


Never DO anything before the second cup of coffee


So does anyone like anything a little more unusual?? anyone embrace the extra-ordinary?




Blood doesn't really go well with salad... cheese and garlic are so much better


Bleu Cheese, with extra Bleu Cheese added.


Ditto but I also like garlic mayonnaise or just plain mayonnaise at a pinch. I suppose not technically a dressing but a big blob on top shakes down nicely.


Of course my home made garlic and herbs with 50/50 oil and vinegar steeped for a few weeks in the sun is pretty good too :)

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Of course my home made garlic and herbs with 50/50 oil and vinegar steeped for a few weeks in the sun is pretty good too :)


Don't leave us hanging -- inquiring minds need to know your herbs of preference. Or for that matter oil and vinegar too.


Please B)

Edited by Eddy
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Caesar, or i make my own Chinese dressing. The recipe was just on the back of a packet of friend noodles, so i was like, "what the hell, why not?" and now i love it.

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