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Are you out of the closet or not?

Dark Princess

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Hey. I was wondering who was out of the closet and who wasn't. So please let me know if you are and if your not and share with us why you are or aren't..





Im not out of the closet.  Im still locked in tightly. There have been some close calls believe me its hard to hide from your friends and family. I cant come out, my family will not accept it and neither will my friends. I do get accused of being gay sometimes but i usually try to hide it by then touching a girls breasts or something like that. . .  :thumbdown:



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I'm out to people close to me, like family and friends. People who see me walking down the street wouldn't really have reason to call me gay. (I don't really fit stereotypes).

If someone came up to me and asked if I was gay I would, first, prolly be speechless. Then I'd almost have a panic attack lol, but if they didn't look threatening I'd say yes.

When I'm out with my boyfriend, everyone asks if we are brothers. Depending on the person, we will say yes (we live in a small town, so to townspeople we usually say yes because we live together), sometimes we say no. We never say we are boyfriends unless its to an official, like if I get carded buying something using his debit card. It's also hard because he is in the closet except to very few people.


So i guess I'm out of the closet (I say im gay on my facebook, but that isn't open to the public) but I still have my foot in the door.




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I'm out to my parents, siblings, and friends. It was difficult but thankfully I never came out to a homophobic person... yet. Anyway, I was masculine and plays sports, so no one suspected that im gay till girls starts to asking me out, I told them no, I'm gay. Most people had a typical quote, "Wow... for a long time, I thought you're straight" and my classical reply is, "I know... I should win a Oscar for this" lol.


It was difficult because I played cricket too, so I won't disclose my sexuality for the fear of being kicked out of the team anyway. (A team that is in Alexandria region, away from my University)

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I'm so deep in the closet that I live in the next apartment. I came out to my best friend last month. Although he's not freaking, he's has made me realise that I should remain in the closet for a long time to come. This is kinda hard since I'm a little effeminate. But I always tell ppl who ask that I'm not. I can't afford to come out in a society were I'll be sent to prison for it. And even if that doesn't happen, my family will certainly be devasted.

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I'm only out to my girlfriend and one of my teammates way back in HS. I don't plan on outing myself to anyone in the future, cause 1) I have a girlfriend 2) My lifestyle just suited me fine 3) I'm not gay-gay. Just bi-curious :P

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I'm only out to my girlfriend and one of my teammates way back in HS. I don't plan on outing myself to anyone in the future, cause 1) I have a girlfriend 2) My lifestyle just suited me fine 3) I'm not gay-gay. Just bi-curious :P



Haha, I totally read that wrong at first and thought you said that you're not out to your girlfriend. I was wondering how that worked. :P


I am totally completely and utterly... here I am take me or leave me... well... with most things, some of the more totally freaky things I only talk about to people I trust but apart from that I don't hide anything. Just about everyone in my life knows I'm bi and no one says a word... they'd get a tongue lashing if they did. My daughter and her girlfriend live with me and they are completely open too. My daughter came out to me when she was 13 and to everyone else when she was 14, so I think it's a family thing :)

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I am to anyone who asks. The only people I've ever taken the initiative to tell were my parents and that's only because we're moving really close to where my boyfriend lives and it'd be kinda hard to go on pretending that he's a girl when they'll, you know, meet him and all that, lol. I did tell them not to tell anyone though. Not because I wanna be "in the closet" or whatever but I have this thing where I HATE people knowing things about me that I don't tell them. To me there are few things worse than meeting someone and having them say "Oh, I've heard about you _____ talks about you all the time." So I tend to be pretty private IRL. Online though I'm an open book, lol. It's weird.

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I'm out to my parents, my brother, one cousin, step-dad (his brother is also gay), my friend Wyatt (also gay), and my boyfriend's hag. There may be a few others, but they don't have a large presence in my life.


My boyfriend is deep in the closet, which is the reason for the hag. There is no way I will ever pressure him to come out. He may tell his parents some day, but if not, that's fine with me also. specool.gif

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Online, I'm out. My family and friends know I'm gay.


At work, I keep my personal life to myself, although they offer same-sex partner benefits. Texas is not liberal, and if I went to work someplace else, well, once you're out, there's no going back in. My partner and I live just outside a small town, and keep our relationship quiet, although a few people around know about us. Anyone who knows both of us knows about us.

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I am completely out at school and it feels so liberating. I'm really glad I'm at place where I can walk around holding hands with a guy and no one even thinks twice. I'm also out to my family and to my close friends (from high school).

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I'm out to one person... and we don't see each other very much cause of my work, we were both half way to completly passed out drunk so she was shocked but fine with it (her best friend is a lesbian as well), thankfully she respected my decision and hasn't told anyone


My mum still thinks that being gay is a choice or a phase, and all my work friends call their horses faggots (among other things) when they mess up - so I'm not coming out to them anytime soon

my sister calles me a dyke so I think she knows

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I'm out to my siblings in my hometown and completely out at school. It felt like such a chore to spend four years in the closet at college that I didn't even bother.


I tried my hardest not to let it define me at all, however. Most people know me at school as the kid with the hilarious column, not the one of two guys who are openly gay. I made sure to be a positive influence and have other things on my plate define me instead. It was great to watch guys I knew were gay- don't ask me how 0:)- come out as we got closer to graduation. Whereas when I did it, it was pretty risky and could have backfired (there were two hate crimes my freshman year and I mildly harrassed a couple of times) by the time I graduate, the atmosphere had changed completely. Even guys in my frat could be dicks at first and by the end of college, it wasn't a big deal at all.

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Kinda sorta not really but yes. wacko.gif Ok, so my parents know and so does my brother (but my brother doesn't really count). My doctor knows because during my annual physical I always get the sex question. I told her the truth and she asked 'guys or girls?' and I said guys. So she knows. One other adult that I really trust knows also. I never came out in high school because even though I wasn't a pushover and strong enough to defend myself, a group of retarded rednecks can make your life miserable. In college, sigh, not yet, sorta. When I go to visit my boyfriend up at his college everyone there knows I'm gay. I don't care that they know because they don't really know me and I have a very masculine look that says 'I'm no pussy fem-boy gay'. At my own college, I'm not out yet but I feel some of my girl friends may suspect based on some of the things they say but I don't know for sure. I plan to come out in college, but I need to prove my manliness and masculinity first to them so they don't look at me as the pussy faggot, but as the normal bro who likes everything we do but just happens to be gay.


I wrote a more detailed version here. Link.

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I'm out online and to my psychologist. I also told my mom, even though she doesn't take me seriously despite how much I stare at chicks, sketch ladies in compromising situations, and promptly grunt "no" whenever she points out a guy to me and asks if I find him cute. dry.gif I also told my brother, but he doesn't take me seriously, either. I mean, I don't have very many stereotypically "lesbian" traits, and I find some guys attractive, but if it's a phase to them, it's rather impressive that it's lasted from since I was a little girl. Thus, I'm not sure whether I'm not just in the closet but in Narnia, or whether I haven't been living in one to begin with.

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I didn't come out of the closet... I fell out of the closet on my face.

It wasn't easy, it took me a very long time to love and to accept myself.

I couldn't deal with the lying, I was only hurting myself.

I knew that right at the moment when I screamed out loud, "I'm gay."

Everything about my world would change, and regardless of the consequences, I could finally see myself.


And now I'm not ashamed of who I am anymore, "cause baby I was born this way."

So when people ask, I don't scream it, I--well I guess I "sing" it with a happy note.


Everyone is different, but we all need time and alittle bit of love to make a decision as big as this. (:

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I didn't come out of the closet... I fell out of the closet on my face.

It wasn't easy, it took me a very long time to love and to accept myself.

I couldn't deal with the lying, I was only hurting myself.

I knew that right at the moment when I screamed out loud, "I'm gay."

Everything about my world would change, and regardless of the consequences, I could finally see myself.


And now I'm not ashamed of who I am anymore, "cause baby I was born this way."

So when people ask, I don't scream it, I--well I guess I "sing" it with a happy note.


Everyone is different, but we all need time and alittle bit of love to make a decision as big as this. (:


B)................. Well here is my story, I knew when I was about 8 years old, I am now 58 years old. I married at 30 with my step-fathers prompting, I did and do love her, and had a child and everything was cool until my wife had a stroke 12 years ago. She became a different person after that, crap! My life went to shit, I mean faking your straight for 28 years was not enough, I thought I could last the time. I have never taken it up (you you what I mean) but have been serviced and have serviced way before I got married. So why would a gay guy get married? SOCIETY! I so wish I was born 40 years later, but that didn't happen, 'shrug' You 'new' kids have got it a lot better and I'm very glad for it. I made my bed and that said I have been faithful, until recently, I mean I have been faithful for 28 years, and she hasn't if it wasn't for her stroke I would have left her long ago. I'm stuck in a situation I created, on the upside? I'm not dead

from aids from living in SF, where I was headed back in the '70's. Long rant I understand, just needed to rant a bit!

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It's sad for me to read that a lot of people are in the closet, especially those who are afraid of persecution. :(


I came out in an impromptu way to my mother (she caught me snuggling with a guy at a con, then me making out with him.) I decided to psuedo 'come out' to my dad with a shirt that says 'I'm so Gay I Shit Rainbows,' but he hasn't said anything about it. My brother found out because a friend asked if I was gay when I had a relationship status up way back when.


So, I would say I'm totally out. It's a nice feeling.

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B)................. Well here is my story, I knew when I was about 8 years old, I am now 58 years old. I married at 30 with my step-fathers prompting, I did and do love her, and had a child and everything was cool until my wife had a stroke 12 years ago. She became a different person after that, crap! My life went to shit, I mean faking your straight for 28 years was not enough, I thought I could last the time. I have never taken it up (you you what I mean) but have been serviced and have serviced way before I got married. So why would a gay guy get married? SOCIETY! I so wish I was born 40 years later, but that didn't happen, 'shrug' You 'new' kids have got it a lot better and I'm very glad for it. I made my bed and that said I have been faithful, until recently, I mean I have been faithful for 28 years, and she hasn't if it wasn't for her stroke I would have left her long ago. I'm stuck in a situation I created, on the upside? I'm not dead

from aids from living in SF, where I was headed back in the '70's. Long rant I understand, just needed to rant a bit!


Thanks for telling Benji. :)

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I'm out. I don't care who knows and I don't care what people think. I don't look gay and I don't come across as gay. And if I tell people, and anyone has a problem with it, we'll dance. I have no problem with putting an asshole in their place.

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I am completely out at school and it feels so liberating. I'm really glad I'm at place where I can walk around holding hands with a guy and no one even thinks twice. I'm also out to my family and to my close friends (from high school).


You sound like one of the lucky ones. Congratulations! :)


B)................. Well here is my story, I knew when I was about 8 years old, I am now 58 years old. I married at 30 with my step-fathers prompting, I did and do love her, and had a child and everything was cool until my wife had a stroke 12 years ago. She became a different person after that, crap! My life went to shit, I mean faking your straight for 28 years was not enough, I thought I could last the time. I have never taken it up (you you what I mean) but have been serviced and have serviced way before I got married. So why would a gay guy get married? SOCIETY! I so wish I was born 40 years later, but that didn't happen, 'shrug' You 'new' kids have got it a lot better and I'm very glad for it. I made my bed and that said I have been faithful, until recently, I mean I have been faithful for 28 years, and she hasn't if it wasn't for her stroke I would have left her long ago. I'm stuck in a situation I created, on the upside? I'm not dead

from aids from living in SF, where I was headed back in the '70's. Long rant I understand, just needed to rant a bit!


I'm sorry to hear that Benji. I don't know if this is cliche but they always say you should live and not just be alive! I have no suggestions to be honest but they say it's never too late. :)

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I only spend time with people who know I'm gay. Otherwise it's just hard to be myself and lie through my teeth. I've known for a long time, I'm just not ready to be full out. I don't post pictures on here, as I've had shitty things happen with photos before. If someone wants to see what I look like, and I trust them then yes...I just wanted to get this off my chest, cuz a lot of people are wondering about this.


Thanks y'all!


Enjoy your weekend!

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Kinda sorta not really but yes. wacko.gif Ok, so my parents know and so does my brother (but my brother doesn't really count). My doctor knows because during my annual physical I always get the sex question. I told her the truth and she asked 'guys or girls?' and I said guys. So she knows. One other adult that I really trust knows also. I never came out in high school because even though I wasn't a pushover and strong enough to defend myself, a group of retarded rednecks can make your life miserable. In college, sigh, not yet, sorta. When I go to visit my boyfriend up at his college everyone there knows I'm gay. I don't care that they know because they don't really know me and I have a very masculine look that says 'I'm no pussy fem-boy gay'. At my own college, I'm not out yet but I feel some of my girl friends may suspect based on some of the things they say but I don't know for sure. I plan to come out in college, but I need to prove my manliness and masculinity first to them so they don't look at me as the pussy faggot, but as the normal bro who likes everything we do but just happens to be gay.


I wrote a more detailed version here. Link.


So you're gay, but a better class of gay? Well good on you. :thumbdown:


Do you need to please straights that much that you are prepared to marginalize the "pussy faggot" for your benefit?


It strikes me that your concept of what is masculine is nothing but a stereotype.


Please let go of the belief (that straights would have us believe) that sexual orientation and masculinity are interwoven. They're not.

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So you're gay, but a better class of gay? Well good on you. :thumbdown:


Do you need to please straights that much that you are prepared to marginalize the "pussy faggot" for your benefit?


It strikes me that your concept of what is masculine is nothing but a stereotype.


Please let go of the belief (that straights would have us believe) that sexual orientation and masculinity are interwoven. They're not.


Wow, where did I ever say or even imply that I was a better class of gay? You assumed something that wasn't even there. thumbsdownsmileyanim.gif Your ideas may work in fantasy land, but to make it in the real world you have to fit in, plain and simple. I would have thought you'd known that, but I guess not. My concept of masculinity is a classic definition, so if you don't like it then sue me. I do what I have to do to get ahead in a world where stereotypes persist and you won't get anywhere by being a stereotypical fem gay in my hopeful career field. Its called realism.

Edited by TetRefine
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My entire family knows I'm gay. My closest friend, as well as the group we hung out with, all pretty much knew. Sometimes it can be really fun coming out...


I was walking. These dudes were with some girl. They asked me if I thought this girl was "effable". I said, "I wouldn't know, because I only eff guys." The looks on those guys faces was absolutely hilarious!


I first came out to my family when I was about...14? I was pretty open about my crush on David Boreanaz and Chad Michael Murray, and I'd rent gay movies like The Broken Hearts Club(barf) and Get Real(really good movie). I had my first gay acquaintance when I was 15- we werent close but it was cool to have that.


I plan to come out in college, but I need to prove my manliness and masculinity first to them so they don't look at me as the pussy faggot, but as the normal bro who likes everything we do but just happens to be gay.



Here's the thing about me, Tet. I was a pretty effeminate kid growing up. Then my voice deepened at about 17 and my shoulders got broad. Now people generally assume I'm straight unless I tell them. It's pretty funny. I still just assume people figure I'm gay because that was how it was when I was a teenager.


I was at a bar with my friend Sherry, and this guy asked if I was her boyfriend. I told him no, I'm gay. He basically told me I didn't look gay. It's still kinda weird that I no longer read as effeminate. It's not any particular effort I put into it- I didn't need to "prove" I was masculine, and it's not something I aspire to at all, but people just kinda assume that based on what I look like.

Edited by methodwriter85
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