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Do you kiss on a first date?

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I have a date with someone this weekend, that got me thinking about this. What is proper dating etiquette? Some people I know would think the other person wasn't interested if they didn't receive a kiss at the end or a first date, then again others would wait until the second or third date. Personally I've had dates where I've kissed the guy, and dates where I haven't. I'm usually not the one to initiate the kiss though. So to kiss or not to kiss on a first date?

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Proper etiquette? Hmmm. How about dropping your burger on the first date?




And yes, it's fine to kiss of first date :D. There are other things that you can do on a first date besides kissing ;)

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A kiss would certainly indicate that you were enjoying the evening. It would also indicate that you would be willing to see him again. If those are the things you want communicated, then pucker up, baby!

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I find a good night kiss to be rather romantic and shows interest in there being a second date. 0:)


...I find a good knight kiss to be rather romantic too. But I'm old-fashioned, really, REALLY old-fashioned.

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There is nothing better than a kiss if there is a connection. *sigh*



But... if not, don't do it!


You'll just know.



is that before or after the slap?

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It depends on the date, if it's a date where I wasn't really into the guy and it ended up being a free meal and a night out away from home. They'd get a small kiss kept tasteful of course nothing that could be lead on to more, because that's what were trying to avoid. But, if it's with someone I have an attraction for and that I have a connection there will be a more sloppier kiss, not enough to illicit sex on the first date but enough to make him come back for more. Once again because thats what you want him to do come back for more.

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Definitely depends on how the date has gone - of you want to continue it, maybe a kiss on the cheek. I don't think I'd kiss someone completely on the first date, but then again it depends if you're only seeing this person because you're dating. If you have a history of friendship, or if you've been sort of seeing each other but never gone on a date before, then kissing (or more!) is acceptable on the first date. Entirely depends on the context.

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Guest Mikey99

A kiss on the cheeks. Nothing more or it looks like you're begging for another date. You could always tell him you're looking forward to another date but a little perk on the cheeks shows you enjoyed the evening and in a happy mood. Third date is the perfect time to do the real kissing. :)

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  • 1 month later...

LOL, I've certainly done more than that on the first date 0:)


Yeah, I would kiss him on the first date. That lets him know you are interested enough for a 2nd date.


I'd have to say I completely agree with this though.


I was always more of an initiate kinda person. I don't like games, especially guessing games. If I liked the person I would attempt to kiss him at some point during the evening, if I didn't like him I wouldn't. If he beat me to the punch, then if I liked him I'd go with it, if I didn't I'd pull away. I liked to have all my cards on the table. If there was a "mutual kiss" then I'd generally plan for a second date, if there wasn't I'd write it off as a nice time out and a pleasant experience and move on with my life.


That said, I had a few "old fashioned" or "shy" boyfriends who were interested, but didn't kiss on the first date, and that was fine, but it was up to them to let me know unequivocally that they were nonetheless interested. Generally I always liked knowing that if I wanted to see the guy again I'd ask him out again, and if I didn't I wouldn't, and if he asked me I'd respond accordingly.

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Those of us that grew up in the 70s... LOL at your kiss on the first date question.


In those days you didn't date. That's what str8s did and only a Clyde would even seek their approval by emulating their behavior.


Oh... and it wasn't kissing on the first date that was an issue.

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What kind of dates have you been on?


not me ... i've been on straight date before ... she date abusive ... ate like a pig ... selfish ... etc etc

yes she would earn a slap ... but best to leave her to her own devices

perhaps she will have a date that will get her back

its hard to be a perfect gentlemen ...


I still have to say if there is mutual affection and trust ... then there can be a kiss

its winging it - no right or wrong - it feels like a gamble or chess game - it should be that way

sure its complicated or its simple and easy as pie

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