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14 yr old Member Dustin


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Hey Ricky-

I haven't been around very much for several months and I just ran across this thread this morning--it blew me away!

As if it wasn't bad enough for a child to go through this--to then discover that it's your SON! :(

I was so thrilled to see the outpouring of love that this community has sent your way! Please include mine, since we understand that Dustin isn't out of the woods yet.

Big hugs to you, Dustin AND his mom.


ps: I'm actually glad that I got to skip the bad chapters and go right to the better ones! :) HUGS!


spiders are freaks anyway! I mean--8 legs? makes me love "Garfield" even more!

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Well it seems the kid still can't get a break. Back to the hospital for more tests. Having severe headaches. :(


Geeze when does it stop and start to get better.


He feel much the same I think, just make it go away.

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:( Sorry to hear that. Hopefully they will get it fixed soon. Keeping him. his Mother and you in thoughts and prayers.


Take Care


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Well it seems the kid still can't get a break. Back to the hospital for more tests. Having severe headaches. :(


Geeze when does it stop and start to get better.


He feel much the same I think, just make it go away.


Medicine isn't an exact science ... maybe we don't have the right experts ... in the room to make the right plan of care

Perhaps ... when ... accountability ... goes up 30% ... then there be seriousness taken

Well given that we best pray that its not at the level of bone knives and bear skins that ... cancer for example humbles this modern society


Its a matter of finding someone with the right expertise to render a care of plan

The issue is that a toxin was released in the neck and it made its way to the brain

No cure (anti-toxin) was administered ... it was wait and see


Perhaps finding a professor that studies this can be of more service than a medical doctor

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Dustin's headaches worsened and it was determined that he would need surgery. He will go in at 9 AM Saturday morning. Today in two hours. Those that pray please do. Those that don't please keep good thoughts.


Dustin's Dad


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Dustin, his Mother and you still have my thoughts and prayers and will continue to have them. Pushing as much MOJO his way as I can.


Take Care


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Ricky. Jesus, man! I so didn't want to hear this! What a wake-up call to all of us about how quickly life can turn upside down.


My tears and prayers (ya- I still pray) are with and for you and Dustin and Mom.


I really wish I could simply make it all just go away, but we know that won't work.


It's been FOREVER since I thought someone needed a hug like I'm giving your family at this moment, and you have it now.


Keep the strength, buddy!



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Ricky, I haven't posted in here before but please know that I think about Dustin and you and everyone else in his family.


*sending best wishes for his recovery*

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OK, here is the latest.

Dustin went through the procedure fine. There were some serious complications but all were handled just fine.


HOWEVER, during recovery he had some kind of an adverse reaction to some medications which cause some issues but I am assured that he is resting comfortable and all is well at this point.


I am happy to be returning to the U.S. where I cam be more involved with his recovery. I love Germany and have enjoyed the holiday. But it will be good to be in my own bed once again. So the 24th will be spent traveling.


So keep the good stuff going. He ain't done yet.

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Poor Kid. I sincerely hope that this is the last crisis for him. He definitely needs a break.


Nevertheless, thoughts and prayers will continue to be his and for all concerned.


Although not being privy to his treatment since the spider bite, and not being in the medical profession, I do have to wonder at the efficacy of that treatment because of all the crises that have occurred one after the other when all seemed to be going well for him.


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Poor Kid. I sincerely hope that this is the last crisis for him. He definitely needs a break.


Nevertheless, thoughts and prayers will continue to be his and for all concerned.


Although not being privy to his treatment since the spider bite, and not being in the medical profession, I do have to wonder at the efficacy of that treatment because of all the crises that have occurred one after the other when all seemed to be going well for him.



I can't help but agree. I would have thught that, given how ill he'd been that he would not have been allowed out of hospital until they were sure that there weren't going to be complications like this. DIdn't you say that you actually had to change doctors to get them to listen and give the right treatment?


There really is no excuse at all for anacephalic shock after an operation like that. Maybe you should start asking around


I have to wonder if this has to do with the whole issue of cost and that you get what you pay for which to my mind, in health issues like this just isn't morally right

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What was the surgery for? To remove the dead tissue caused by the spider bite? My mom was bitten by a recluse once but nothing nearly as bad happened except some the skin around the bite died and they removed it leaving a pretty good sized scar, she thought it was a common garden spider until the small bump on her neck got worse after a few days. When it first happen she didn't feel anything but then we thought she was getting the flu so we took her to the doctor and he told us.


We're from New York, where there are no brown recluse spiders there so we never thought such a small spider could be such a nuisance. Good thing it only bites in defense.

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Folks he is in a level one teaching hospital under the care of one of the finest neurologists in the country. He is in fact the professor. The place he had the stupid doctors was in New Jersy where he lives. No expense has been spared I assure you. And as for the allergic reaction, how are they to know? He has never had that particular drug. His allergic reaction was immediate and they responded in kind. He is in the ICU with a bedside nurse as a precautionary measure until the life span of the drug that caused the problem has expired.


Sorry if I wasn't clear on any part of my reports. As far as I know he is still in the ICU all of today. I'm waiting to see if there has been any change. We are packing for our return trip to the U.S. in the morning. So my wife and I will be traveling and won't be able to get an update until we land someplace.


So keep good thoughts.


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