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The house is on fire!


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So, what if your house was on fire and you only had time to get 3 things out of your home, what would they be?



(For the sake of things, let’s say that all of the people and your animals are already safe outside waiting for the sexy firemen!)



Mine would be:




1. Our daughter’s baby-book


2. My Grandmother’s brooch (it’s gaudy and ugly as hell, but that’s not important)


3. The painting we bought in Greece



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Oh I hate these.....I can never choose.....


Okok.....here we go.....


1. My laptop


2. My Xbox 360


3. My signed David Carradine Kill Bill sword.



Now I have to take a few minutes to cry inside at the thought of all my other wonderful things burning up....

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Hm this is difficult. If the house is really on fire, I guess I'd just grab what I could and run, probably come back if the fire has not yet spread wide.


Having said that, here are my three things:


1. My laptop (it's really shiny :P )


2. My Harry Potter boxed set (ok so these are technically seven, but they come in a box so I can grab the whole thing and go ^_^ )


3. The hard disk that contains all my movies, music, stories, poems, etc.

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hehe, fun


1) I'd take whatever appliance has my most updated work changes


2) I'd take my wallet--because all those cards and stuff would be a pain to cancel, renew etc


3) And the nook. Hey, my books are on there.


Yeah, selfish much :P (but all our important kid stuff is in photos--that's online and is saved where my work is saved)



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1. laptop

2. violin

3. ummm wow I'm really trying to think of a third that stands out among all the 'rest' . . . hm, I think I might have to go w/ grandmother's brooch as well. 'Cept mine's not gaudy :P

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We went through this for real a few months back, when the neighborhood was evacuated due to wildfire. My partner chose for me, and I couldn't have done better. He saved for me:


a 500-year-old Persian dagger

my laptop

my desktop file with all my current bills in it

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My 3 would be:


1) Photo albums including those on Disc (I have them all stored in 1 box, so I count as 1 item)


2) My Grandfather's railroad pocket watch


3) My lockbox that contains my important papers like my will, insurance policies, etc... (Even though the thing is supposed to be fire-proof)



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My three:


1. My Wallet and keys (they are kept together in my bureau at night so I'm counting them as one item)


2. My laptop (it's always ready to grab)


3. My network hard drive (disconnect two cables and it's ready to go)



Colin B)

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hehe, fun


1) I'd take whatever appliance has my most updated work changes


2) I'd take my wallet--because all those cards and stuff would be a pain to cancel, renew etc


3) And the nook. Hey, my books are on there.


Yeah, selfish much :P (but all our important kid stuff is in photos--that's online and is saved where my work is saved)




sorry off topic but...


Hey i just got the nook for Christmas. Too bad i ran past my credit card balance to get those books, now my credit is in bad shape and i owe a good $600 :/

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Mine would be..


1) My precious Laptop


2) My wallet


3) A bag that i could put my keys, Cell phone and more Posted Image (A bag is still one Posted Image)

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1. Passport and immigration docs, because without those, I could be pretty screwed; and puppy papers so she's not screwed either

2. laptop, because it has all my school stuff on it

3. My little pillow (can't sleep without it)


I would also take my cell phone because it has unlimited internet, but it's always in my pocket so I would already have it on me anyway ;)

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My laptop

My two favourite paintings


I would then have a nervous breakdown because I couldn't take the rest of my paintings and it would be like losing part of myself.


The only other thing I would regret losing is my goth dolls

Keys money, phone, cards, material good mean absolutely nothing to me.

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When my house burned down, I got out with my two dogs and the clothes I was wearing.


If it happens again, priorities will be:


  • Keepsakes - photos & mementos that can't be replaced
  • Important Documents - wallet, passport, household inventory (last time insurance adjuster wanted to see proofs of purchase), mortgage papers,etc.
  • Data backup - music, photos, videos, etc. that would be difficult to replace but not impossible

And just an FYI....although nothing in the fireproof box ignited, the entire contents was turned to charcoal. Off site safe deposit box is recommended as is "Renters Insurance" (to cover your property loss and your liability when the landlord sues you for burning down his house).

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Funny how this thread got started. Just talking about when I caught our condo on fire a couple years ago. We were trying to put it out instead of doing the smart thing and getting out (we both got a few bad burns):(




Brought up the subject of what if…




There was a lot of damage, but what if ???




Didn't own anything valuable back then :P

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  • 1 month later...

I could never choose. I'm a very materialistic person and I love my stuff and would hate to watch it all burn. If I couldn't save everything then I'd just have to burn with it. How could I go on after seeing my book and CD collection go up in flames? What about my computer? It's got all my writing and photographs stored on it. I couldn't watch years of worth go up in smoke.

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Hmmm. Rough question.


1) My mother's ring - It is about the one thing of hers I refused to give up.

2) My scrap book - It has all the important documents and papers in it. (Others I keep in a bank vault)

3) My bag of smurfs. (Sorry but have been collecting the little blue guys since I was like 13 and I keep them all in a bag that I trade out to put on display.)

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  • 1 month later...

Evacuated today. Over 14,000 acres burned, and probably lost my house. Dave and the dogs, camping gear, an armful of clothes, and a small box of papers. That's about all.

Edited by rustle
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