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Do you prefer to read or write chaptered stories or otherwise?


20 members have voted

  1. 1. Which one do you prefer to read?

    • Chaptered.
    • Non-chaptered.
    • I don't read.
    • Both.
  2. 2. Which one do you prefer to write?

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I'm just curious.


I do understand that the reason whether writers chapter-ise their stories differs, but the basic concept for this topic and poll is that short stories and novelettes aren't chaptered whereas novellas and novels are. (Word count)





As for myself, I always found myself attracted to chaptered ones, because once I read a story I'm easily attached to the characters and I want to know more about them. However, I basically don't read 'In Progress' stories because I can't stand the wait. I always wait until they're "Complete."

Also, I enjoy the quarterly anthos so much. I found them short and easier to finish.

So basically I don't know which I'll choose..



I prefer to write short stories tho. Just because they're easier, as in shorter length.

I love writing longer ones tho, but I always find myself losing my muse and stuck halfway.






Anyways, I'm curious about your preferences. :P

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Well I wanna grumble first that there's no choice for both chaptered and non-chaptered. After that, what I want is to read chaptered stories because I like a story which is very well developed. Although I do write chaptered stories, I would much rather write short stories which is perfect for my impatient and lazy attitude ^_^

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I guess both.


As long as a story is good quality i will enjoy it no matter how long it is.


Sometimes I like to read things that are self contained and easy to read in one sitting, other times I like to get caught up in a chaptered story. I even like cliffhangers, they get the blood racing and the anticipation sharpened.


I find it difficult to write short stories because the word limit is too confining and restricting. I have written short stories and enjoyed the experience but only when i have a self contained image of what I want the story to be and where i want it to go.


I gues both to both then really

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Well I wanna grumble first that there's no choice for both chaptered and non-chaptered. After that, what I want is to read chaptered stories because I like a story which is very well developed. Although I do write chaptered stories, I would much rather write short stories which is perfect for my impatient and lazy attitude ^_^



I guess both.


As long as a story is good quality i will enjoy it no matter how long it is.


Sometimes I like to read things that are self contained and easy to read in one sitting, other times I like to get caught up in a chaptered story. I even like cliffhangers, they get the blood racing and the anticipation sharpened.


I find it difficult to write short stories because the word limit is too confining and restricting. I have written short stories and enjoyed the experience but only when i have a self contained image of what I want the story to be and where i want it to go.


I gues both to both then really





Now I've added both to both, you both. :P




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For reading, most certainly chaptered and complete. I read so quickly that I have a hard time keeping up with in progress stories since I'll have 20 or more going sometimes. Short stories are nice but usually just leave me wanting more as a reader.


As a writer I prefer to really get into a story and explore the characters and the world they live in. Longer stories let me do that. Short stories are good for exploring writing styles and to get ideas written out but I often find myself having to throttle back to end them.

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Reading I like to read chapter and agree that I prefer completed stories. That doesn’t mean I won’t read a work in progress, but I am going to bitch and moan about it until the next chapter is up.


As far as my own personal writing, the majority of it is chaptered stories. I’ve have a certain length that I’m comfortable with that’s not too short and not too long, putting it in the 6-10 chapter range. Only time will tell how well they are received.


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I now prefer long chaptered stories. It usually takes me a while to get attached to the characters in a story so the length is necessary for me to get lost in a story. I used to filter my searches to stories with at least 20,000 words to make sure I get that length. I still read short stories, but they just don't give the same emotional highs and lows that I look for in a story.


As for writing, the last person who got tortured with my writing is my English teacher in 4th year high school.

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I read chaptered and non-chaptered stories, although I prefer stories that are not too long. I always write non-chaptered stories. I only cut a story into chapters after it's finished. I think uploading chapters of a long story is more convenient for the reader.

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I read, fullstop!

chaptered, non-chaptered... doesnt mater, really!

But i will have to agree that mostly, in longer stories, chapters are required! :)


as for writing, uh, well... I do prefer shorter ones, because


a) I am lazy,

b ) I am easily distracted

c) I lose the flow! :(


so... if i can write it, or at least outline it in a single sitting, i wouldnt mind writing multi-chaptered stories. (or so i hope!) ^_^

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I'm one of those who love to read. I will take short stories and devour them.. I like the fact that they won't consume much time to read and I know I can finish them and not feel guilty. However, I also love longer works so a character can be fully developed. Those I want the time to sit and read and enjoy. Then you have authors like Lugh and Renee who write short stories with their characters but they just keep bringing them back in new stories so you feel like they are old friends who you just don't get to see enough of.


As for writing, I'm sort of the same. I have an ongoing story now that I am so enjoying. I know exactly what I want and I am taking the time to develop it; so far all who have read it have only said nice things. Occasionally though I get an idea and just have to put it down. They become my short stories, whether for the Anthologies or just something written so the characters are out of me head which allows me to go back to my ongoing one. I think it is really just a personal choice and you gravitate toward what you enjoy most.

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I like to read both chaptered and short stories. I seldom wait for a chaptered story to be completed; I start in as soon as I read about it in the forum and I keep reading (and waiting for the next chapter) if I like the story. I prefer that the author use a regular posting schedule that's reasonable (i.e., weekly). A couple of chaptered stories I'm following seem to be on an irregular 'at least several months between postings' schedule. Arrgh!


I write both chaptered stories and short stories. I prefer writing short stories because I think about plots and characters and situations and resolutions that best fit as short stories.


I also like to write flash fiction -- now there's a short story category that's really short! Flash fiction can be difficult to write; stories tend to want to go beyond the 300 or 500 or 600 words that some flash fiction anthologies specify. For example, "Write a story on the topic 'Cold' that doesn't exceed 500 words." The challenge is to have the story include all aspects: one or more interesting characters, a protagonist, an antagonist or an issue that leads to a conflict, action, a crisis, and a resolution. I also find it fun to force-fit a flash fiction story into the exact word limit. No more than 500 words? How about exactly 500 words? Now that's fun!


Colin B)

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I just write and write and then slice it up ... I like making the chapters not too long ... for the many easy readers ... long chapters can be complicated ... esp to edit


Perhaps I don't have your skills as a writer ... but ... I try ... and I try ... to write from the heart


Short Stories has always been easy to write ... you can be done with the feelings in a short period of time

my novel took me 14mns and in that is like nine months of writing


no formal outline ... trying to discover the story and its characters is interesting

I have not read hundreds or thousands of books

because the original story must come from you ... not from a mind clutter with someone elses work


each year a movie produce ... its getting harder to experience an original story

like the string of vampire and werewolf tv series and movies

all borrowing from each other ... you wonder when all the author will sue each other JKR holds the monopoly

there is yet an author to rain on here parade


a novel will rise within you ... its a deep inspiration ... that you discover ... perhaps your journeys ... will help you write those tales

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