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How babies are made


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  • Site Administrator

OMG you mean I was made at a service station :o


I'm sure it was a high end, clean, environmentally friendly service station ;)

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  • Site Administrator

Well, I guess this would be an OK situation, but what worries me is that the air machine only works after you put money in it.   Would this violate some law or another?   It could even get a little complicated, especially if the machine decided it wanted custody of the baby.   That would become a difficult issue to decide on, since the machine was dependent to some extent on the man in order to accomplish it's mission.  


Now suppose the machine breaks down, and they need to find another machine to finish the job.  Which machine would be considered the father?   This could end up taking years to figure out, and by that time the baby will grow up machineless.   It would be terrible growing up not knowing who your real air machine was.  The court might even put the baby in foster care until they can figure out what to do, and we all know how bad foster machines can be.




Are you a lawyer by chance? :D:P

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haha, no not a lawyer  0:)  but I am learning to write copy, so sometimes I'm inspired, and sometimes not.  :)  This time I just had a more open view on the subject and had some fun with it.  Some day my copy will be seen everywhere, promoting everything from pizza to vacations on Mars.  Yes, I love to dream. ;)  The only drawback to writing copy is that no matter how good you are you never get to be famous.

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