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Sorry but you are not going to keep a secret by sleeping with 24 people.


The exact point I signed in today to make.


If you have been with 24 people in one town, you do not have a secret.


But if Zach's past comes back to bite him in the butt, he can at least be with Will openly. 


And that is a good thing? What will someone as self centered as Zach be like when his dream is crushed? And when he blames Will for it?


It doesn't matter if there are rumors- what matters is if there's proof, and I don't think there would be.


What strange little fantasy world do you live in?


Many people's lives and careers have been destroyed by rumor.


Also, a rumor is when a few people start talking about something, 24 prople who can talk about what happened is a whole different story. Just ask Bill Cosby what it is like when someone 30 years in your past says something publically (or Tiger Woods).

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That's the thing about rumors - people don't need "proof" to believe or disbelieve them.


And it does matter because should those rumors resurface during his college career it would affect both how he is treated on the college gridiron and his chances at the NFL.   Remember - this is all taking place long before the first openly gay man got drafted this past year, and as I recall, that man hasn't made a whole lot of progress beyond "getting drafted". I can't help but wonder if that is all due to a need to develop his talent more or if his sexuality is playing a role.


I think you're right Kitt. Just the rumor of Zach being gay will prevent him from being drafted and would derail his whole football career. He may have to get a girlfriend to get rid of the problem, but it would have to be someone 'religious' or a trusty girl who was in on the scam (since he can't 'perform'). Marie would be a good choice, but she's probably too much of a snob to date a Claremont Hayes. :lol:

Edited by Timothy M.
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It's been rumored for a loooooonnnngggg time that Troy Aikman is gay, and he wound up leading a 3-time football dynasty and now has an active sportscaster career. The rumors probably went back to his college days. If there has been video proof of Aikman playing hide-the-sausage with another guy, it's be a different story, but there's not and he's been pretty much able to go on with what seems to be the biggest open secret of the NFL.




And that is a good thing? What will someone as self centered as Zach be like when his dream is crushed? And when he blames Will for it?



Yeah, I don't see a happily-ever-after here. Zach could very easily turn on Will if he decides that Will is in his way. He's at his core a pretty ruthless person.

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Yeah but Troy didn't have Wally Hayes as a father nor did he have a cousin who is the grandson of a billionaire and the son of another billionaire. People would be watching Zach more then they did Troy.


You also have to consider the fact QBs are less expendable then running backs.


And there is also Troy got married (then divorced) and had two kids with her while raising a third. Do you see Zach doing that and seeing Will put up with that? I don't.

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Yeah, I don't see a happily-ever-after here. Zach could very easily turn on Will if he decides that Will is in his way. He's at his core a pretty ruthless person.


But if Zach gets outed due to having been with 24 guys in Claremont, how does that become Will's fault? He might more reasonably blame his parents for not letting him have any money, so he had to be a 'whore'. But there's the other 14 guys too. Even if two of those were Gathan and John, it's still potential trouble.

In addition, Zach has noted more than once that Will is even more careful about not doing any public PDA than Zach himself is. So I could see resenting Will, if he made him choose between football and love, but that's not the case. And I think Zach is much too strong-minded and intelligent to turn bitter and discard his whole life even if losing his football career. He'll have a difficult time yes, but I have trust in him. If I'm wrong I'll admit it gracefully.

Edited by Timothy M.
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And there is also Troy got married (then divorced) and had two kids with her while raising a third. Do you see Zach doing that and seeing Will put up with that? I don't.


The family history would seem to indicate that wouldn't actually raise too many eyebrows. Times have moved on and Will is not JP or Brad but there is precedent here.

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But if Zach gets outed due to having been with 24 guys in Claremont, how does that become Will's fault? He might more reasonably blame his parents for not letting him have any money, so he had to be a 'whore'. But there's the other 14 guys too. Even if two of those were Gathan and John, it's still potential trouble.

In addition, Zach has noted more than once that Will is even more careful about not doing any public PDA than Zach himself is. So I could see resenting Will, if he made him choose between football and love, but that's not the case. And I think Zach is much too strong-minded and intelligent to turn bitter and discard his whole life even if losing his football career. He'll have a difficult time yes, but I have trust in him. If I'm wrong I'll admit it gracefully.


My prediction if Zach is outed - Will will stare at Zach's awesome ass as Zach stares out the window at Escorial. Zach will have been floundering for a week. Suddenly Zach will notice the eyes on his ass, Zach will make a decision and then fuck Will into next week. (Mark you really should put something like that in one of your stories...  :P)


Zach will be pissed off and then he will move on.  Wally (or which other idiot is responsible) will suffer but Zach will dust himself off and move on. 

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Kitt did hit on the best line of the chapter!


But the best conversation was this:


 “Dude, you screwed around with one of your students?” I asked Grand.  He turned bright red, while the rest of us were trying not to laugh our asses off. 

        “He wasn’t my student, he was working for me,” he snapped.

        “So you screwed around with an employee?”  He gave me an exasperated look.

        “If I am not mistaken, Sam was also working for you as a TA,” Grandmaman said.  I think she was enjoying this most of all; she loved to give Grand a bad time about his slutty ways.

        “That is correct,” Grand said, in his stuffy voice, and that was too much for me, Dad, Zach, Frank, and Grandmaman.  We started laughing, and ultimately that made Grand shake his head and grin. 

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Kitt did hit on the best line of the chapter!


But the best conversation was this:


 “Dude, you screwed around with one of your students?” I asked Grand.  He turned bright red, while the rest of us were trying not to laugh our asses off. 

        “He wasn’t my student, he was working for me,” he snapped.

        “So you screwed around with an employee?”  He gave me an exasperated look.

        “If I am not mistaken, Sam was also working for you as a TA,” Grandmaman said.  I think she was enjoying this most of all; she loved to give Grand a bad time about his slutty ways.

        “That is correct,” Grand said, in his stuffy voice, and that was too much for me, Dad, Zach, Frank, and Grandmaman.  We started laughing, and ultimately that made Grand shake his head and grin. 


When I read this I really did laugh out loud. It's always good to remember that Grand used to be just horny old (young??) JP Crampton. I love that the family can still make him blush. 

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   One thing I'm kinda surprised about is that we never did the whole "Will bangs a teacher" storyline. If we had to do the Tony storyline, I thought it might have worked if Tony had been a student teacher at Will's school or something when Will was 15 or 16. That could've been interesting, and it would have been an organic reason to have Will and Tony interact so much despite the age difference. Oh, well.

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   One thing I'm kinda surprised about is that we never did the whole "Will bangs a teacher" storyline. If we had to do the Tony storyline, I thought it might have worked if Tony had been a student teacher at Will's school or something when Will was 15 or 16. That could've been interesting, and it would have been an organic reason to have Will and Tony interact so much despite the age difference. Oh, well.


Despite the fact that Tony didn't have universal appeal, there was no need for him to have some sort of student-teacher link to spark a relationship with Will.  The family history and link was better, and more logical for that point in the story.


Besides, who says Will can't still bang a teacher?

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Besides, who says Will can't still bang a teacher?


Oh man, I so want that to happen. Who HASN'T had the hot teacher fantasy? (Although none of my high school teachers did it for me...I have to go up to college for that.)


Just don't make it as boring yet creepy as Aria and Ezra on Pretty Little Liars. Yuck.


Tony lacking universal appeal...*wants Private Tim to go on another rant about Tony*

Edited by methodwriter85
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God, the 2000's were depressing. Mark is really not shying away from ugly this decade got. 



I don't quite get Darius--there was no clue about this on his part...I'd have thought something would show up with how close the brothers are...it just doesn't fit his personality.


Darius planned on going to Annapolis, but changed his mind when he realized that someone was more worthy that deserved to go in his place. And because Ella was staying in California, most likely.


Darius has also been pretty much an enigma regarding his own wants and ambitions. He's around and he listens to his brothers and gives them advice, but we rarely ever see him offer that much up about himself. He's very closely guarded. JJ even noted that one time.

Edited by methodwriter85
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Two things.


1.  If Darius is a single naval Lieutenant (O-3, analogous to a Captain in one of the other services) around 2006-2010, timing which fits perfectly, he has about an 80% chance of being sent to the sandbox at some point in his career regardless of his actual specialty.  I know multiple submarine qualified LTs who were plucked from their normal shore duty assignments and sent to be powerpoint warriors in Iraq under the Individual Augmentee program.  The good news is that he would most likely BE a powerpoint warrior in a remarkably frustrating staff job unless he is in the intelligence, civil engineering, medical, aviation, or special operations communities.  


2.  If Darius is to go to war in his own way, so too should Will.  Make him a journalist.  Send him to journalism or law school (or both), make him activist, and have him end up with a blog.  He has the attitude and resources to seriously piss off a lot of governments.  Think Glenn Greenwald.

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Journalist. It's an interesting idea, but didn't Will basically say that he can't stand English class or something? He's more of a math/science guy. Then again, Mark and I know one math guy who has managed to also be an incredible writer. Will's very articulate but I haven't gotten the impression he likes to write.

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especially by exposing them when they are being stupid, hypocritical, dishonest or vain.


Will ain't Tonto.


Will is the hypocrit in change.


"Don't tell me how to live my life or tell me I am stupid for doing it and don't call me vain because I think I know better than people with much more life experience than my sheltered, cloistered Malbu/Palo Alto billionaire scion life at 16, but let me tell you based on my life experience how wrong and stupid you are."

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I honestly haven't decided what Will's career path will take, which makes sense, since at 16, he probably wouldn't know either.  I can see him being an activist, but he seems to have a relatively short attention span at this point.  To be a true anti-war crusader, he'd have to have a major, long-term commitment to the cause.  I'm not sure if that's the case, but then again, if something happens to Darius, that could certainly motivate him.

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snapback.png Reply from Mark Arbour (author)

You know, everyone can rant at Alex, but once again, he hasn't done anything wrong. He slept with Mary Ellen when he and JJ didn't have a formal commitment, but he told JJ about it to the degree that JJ let him. The problem with Alex is that he follows the letter of the law, but not the spirit of it.
Mark, I hope you didn't think I was ranting about Alex. I agree that he did nothing wrong. However, I think it was rather stupid of him not to ensure proper birth control. I would think, with his Title, he would be a constant target of opportunists. I would also think he would be raised with warnings of this sort of thing. He has allowed ME to get the better of him, despite that. Maybe he didn't know of ME's past behaviors or reputation, but that shouldn't matter... he should automatically default to caution in sexual situations. As far as not telling JJ about ME...you are right that he wasn't required to and JJ didn't want to know. But knowing ME would be at Goodwell, I think he would have been wise to prepare JJ for any kind of comments or attentions from ME so that JJ wouldn't get blindsided. I like Alex, and I think he has been good for JJ, but this is some serious shit and JJ needs him right now. I hope Alex overcomes those ingrained manners and goes to console and support JJ. Everyone at that table knows why he excused himself so I hope it is Alex to the rescue so he can see first hand the impact this has had on JJ, who is, for all intents and purposes, his partner. I thought this chapter was outstanding Mark. Cheers...Gary
Edited by Headstall
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