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Happy Birthday 1Broknangel


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Since I can't come and make you dinner, I made you this:



I know a broken angel

It’s her birthday today

I almost nearly missed it

Cept Ron was heard to say,

“Noticed what day it is

You shouldn’t cook today”

He’s right of course you shouldn’t

But if no one’s there to do

Order  in your fav take out

Pour yourself your a cuppa tea

And enjoy this special day!!


Happy Birthday 1brokNangel

Edited by Mikiesboy
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                                                                                              :wizard: :wizard: Happy Birthday!!! :wizard: :wizard:

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After we spoke yesterday, I promptly fell asleep and woke up past midnight(well that's my story and I'm sticking to it). Regardless it is now after the fact and though a bit late, I would like to...


Wish You


:wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :music: 1brokNangel :music: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard:


A Belated Happy Birthday!!!









I hope you had a great day


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                     HAPPY   BELATED















           I hope you had an awesome day!  :)

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          :D               :D      Happy Birthday, 1brokNangel!           :D                           :D



                          I hope it was a great one and may you enjoy many, many more. 


                                             I'm sorry my best wishes are belated!

Edited by Bill W
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