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Saying THANK YOU to Kitty

C James

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This is an open THANK YOU to Kitty.


Right now, Kitty is incredibly busy preparing the anthology, which is a HUGE amount of work. (I've only recently learned how much).


It was Kitty who helped get me started in online writing, and Kitty's anthology was my first online venture. This is true for several other GA writers too. Kitty has helped me in many other ways, as she has many others.


So, Kitty, THANK YOU for all that you do!! :wub:


Best Wishes,


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I agree! Thanks, Kitty!! :2thumbs::great:


Not only is she an admin around here, but she also does the anthology, mentors, edits, is active in the forums, AND she still found time to help me with my story! :2thumbs:


Thanks Kitty! I really appreciate all that you do around here :D



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You're great Kitty. Some time this weekend I hope you have a moment to sit back, and have a nice bottle of tequila and drink yourself blind!




I know the rest of you work hard too, but I can't imagine the workload this anthology thing is going to present.


Take care of you and thanks to all of you!

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You're great Kitty. Some time this weekend I hope you have a moment to sit back, and have a nice bottle of tequila and drink yourself blind!




And I'll provide some Grand Marnier and a blend of lime/lemon juice...with just a splash of OJ...and crushed ice in a shaker. Maybe someone will provide a salt-rimmed grande cocktail glass? :2thumbs: Take it from there, Miss Kitty.


Seriously, you are part of the glue at GA. Thanks much.


Jack B)

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Kitty, you are wonderful. But then, what else can a person named "Kitty" be? :P


Thank you for all you do, especially for the advice you give in the kindest way--by sharing your experiences. Your eyes are often much clearer than mine. Thank you for letting me look through them upon occasion. :hug:

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  • Site Administrator

Thanks, Kitty, for all your hard work. I'm aware of some of the things that go on behind the scenes, but I'm sure that's only a small percentage of everything you do.


Graeme :)

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Kitty, you ro><0r my so><0r! (I apologize profusely for the "leetspeak" but it was necessary :P ) For all that you do, from the anthology to the board management to the advice you give members....Thanks!

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0:) Just wanted to add my appreciation as well.


Kitty was the one who offered to make me a shared-hosted author...something I'm still grateful and really can't thank enough for. And she seems so keen to always lend people a helping hand or listening ear here and there. Sort of like the caring 'mother' of this community


Thank you~


:D Hartelijk dank!

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Hi Kitty,


I don't think I've actually met you yet but I wanted to say thanks for all the hard work you do! It doesn't take long to realize how much of you is put into this site and I think you should know that it is truely appreciated!



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