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[dkstories] Chapter 39 and 40 of Dreams of Humanity

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Okay, no, as of the moment I'm posting this, the two chapters are not posted yet. They were just sent to Myr a few minutes ago by e-mail. With any luck, he'll have received them and be posting them, or at least one of them, in the morning. By the end of the day tomorrow, the last two chapters of Dreams of Humanity will probably be posted. That being said, I'm leaving town for the weekend and probably won't have net access...but I'll be happy to check the boards and my e-mail when I get back. Hopefully everyone will have enjoyed the wrap-up of Dreams of Humanity.


Have a good weekend!

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Oh my...once again, you've led us on an exciting journey, filled with space battles, moral points, tender moments and a really amazing way of ending the story. I look forward to a complete re-read at some point in the near future, now that the first part is finished. Incredible chapters - you litterally had me on the edge of my seat, and waiting to scroll down and see what was coming next. Incredible, incredible.







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Absolutely amazing... breathtaking.. brilliant writing... emotionally charged...


This story deserves a movie... and I can't wait to see part two of the Dreams of Humanity Saga


... I'm still blown away

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My blood boils....... :angry: not only that the Jordanites are using hostages & dirty tricks like that, but they also broke off their promise. Didn't they say they would release the boys when Garret let them go? :devil: This is here really their true face... I really don't know where this story will go. But I know for sure that peace is impossible if Empire's subversing ways continue. Perhaps a direct attack on Earth? I would surely enjoy killing Torrellini & the other Earthers...Please Dan, make the kids & the women safe & unbrainwashed. Also, please give graphic descriptions on the death of Torrellini & the Jordanite cook who accompany the boys....



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By the end of the day tomorrow, the last two chapters of Dreams of Humanity will probably be posted.


Have a good weekend!


So is there two more chapters to wait for or...? :huh: Lets hope it, how will we otherwise have a good weekend? :o

I havn't made any coments lately but have read all chapters with great enjoyment and lots of nailbiting. Wether this is the last chapter or not this propably means that Garret and the Republic has to take the fight down to Earth itself to get Paul back.

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Chapter 40 is the last chapter of "Dreams of Humanity" - there will be a Chapter 1 of "


." I think he's mentioned this already so I'm not giving it away, but I think he's already written that Chapter 1.



(of course - have I been able to read it? NO! I mean - why did I bother stalking him if I can't get early chapters - geesh...)

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Chapter 40 is the last chapter of "Dreams of Humanity"


So I read later in Dans blog.. This weekend will suck. :/


But wait... I'll go to the movie tomorrow (later today) with my favourite bonus sons :great: - and they will meet each other for the first time - hope they like each other (no they are straight and mostly straight :P ).


And then there will be more of 'Let's do it' coming :2thumbs::great:

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At last, you readers can see what wiped me out when I first read it. I encourage you to post your first reaction to these chapters.



First reaction


OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!



I can't believe that he ended it that way. God, poor Masako and Paul. So sad to see that happen and all I can do is hope that he can get the boys back somehow. I do hope that he strangles that bitch right then and there in the hangar though. Wonderful heart wrenching chapter.



Excellent chapter as usual Dan, I loved it with the above caveat in place.


Wow, what a couple of chapters and the emotions they evoked ran the gamut.



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My first reaction: Holy XXXX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Ch 39 made the think, up until the end, that Garret would win.


Now, he's lost his family, though he won the battle.


Very imaginative battle tactics!!!!! WoW!~


I also note that the Empire now knows the location of the Atrix Bolt-hole, and I'm sure that is relevant.


OK, I sure see why EMoe was in shock...


I hope trebs is right and there will indeed be a chapter one of _________________ (However, if y'all ask me, that title needs a little work... :P )


Wow. OK, I'll post more when I'm a little less shell-shocked.


Masterful work, Dan.


HAve a great weekend!!

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great conclusion.... i really hoped for a happier ending... like another person, i am also hoping that the mothers survived too.... in that universe, is it possible to track where someone warped to??? if possible, would it not been possible to send someone cloaked along with that escaping shuttle???




for sure, there is going to be major battle at planet Atrix in the next part.... wonder if Atrix will feel betrayed that they are in danger due to the people that they put their trust and loyalty to....

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I hope trebs is right and there will indeed be a chapter one of _________________ (However, if y'all ask me, that title needs a little work... :P )

[Jewish mother]This? Coming from the one with no title to his story when he passed it to his editor?[/Jewish mother]



for sure, there is going to be major battle at planet Atrix in the next part.... wonder if Atrix will feel betrayed that they are in danger due to the people that they put their trust and loyalty to....

I think they would see it as their service to House Atrix. They had been ramped up to fight all this time but never got the call to action. Now, its their duty to defend their home world.


Besides, if the Empire gets past the Atrix and figure out how to navigate the gauntlet, they'll have another egress into the Republic beside Calos...

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At last, you readers can see what wiped me out when I first read it. I encourage you to post your first reaction to these chapters.

I apologise, but since you asked for my first reaction (I've just read the last eight chapters through in one shot -- I was running a bit behind...).


The ending really disturbed and upset me. It wouldn't be as bad if this was not listed as the end of DoH. To me, this is NOT an ending. The first chapter of the next story is, to me, chapter 41 of DoH because DoH hasn't ended. For the readers who like to wait until a story is completed before they read it, this is a cruel trick to play on them.


I then had a thought and I've just gone back to chapter 39 to check something. Paul was hidden under a vehicle at the time his mother had died -- could it be that the Archbishop was using the 'fake' children then? Alas, the story clearly states that Paul's face was turned to the camera. Unless they are using trick photography, the Jordanites really do have the children.


I have really enjoyed this story and this ending has partially ruined that for me. It is very realistic and I can't fault it there, but it wasn't what I would expect for the end of a story -- practially nothing is resolved. The saving grace is that the story is being continued so I will be able to get a more complete ending at a later date.


I'll apologise again -- Emoe asked for first reactions. I have actually waited a few hours before I posted this so I could be clearer in my mind why I didn't like what I read, and it is mainly because it's not the end of the story.

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Having read most of the Do Over stories gradually as they were published I decided not to torture myself this time and waited until Dreams of Humanity was almost finished before I started reading it. I didn't realize it was only the first half (third?) of the story until finishing the last chapter. Anyway, I've really enjoyed DoH. It's an original story with very inventive world-building and I'm looking forward to the sequal.


I think I understand where the plot is going. Garret and Billy's wives needed to be killed off so that the two of them can be free to pursue their relationship now that they've done their duty to their Houses and produced offspring, and their sons needed to be kidnapped to give the Republic the motive to take down the evil Empire once and for all. While the kidnapping needed to happen to move the story along, it did seem a bit dense for a brilliant military commander like Garret to let the Empire's ship leave before confirming the boys in the shuttle were really his and Billy's sons.


At first I thought Garret and Billy were completely screwed, because with their sons being held hostage any military response would guarantee their death. But then I remembered that Masako gave away the location of the Atrix bolthole. Obviously the Empire will go after Atrix Prime next, and they'll send troops to the surface where they have no immunity to the killer diseases. Maybe they'll spread a deadly disease to the Empire, at which point the Empire would be at the mercy of the Republic. There was also mention of new advanced technology created at the Atrix Bolthole which might come into play. In the end I think that Garret and Billy will topple the Empire, get their sons back, and somehow make things better for the clones.

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  • Site Administrator
Having read most of the Do Over stories gradually as they were published I decided not to torture myself this time and waited until Dreams of Humanity was almost finished before I started reading it. I didn't realize it was only the first half (third?) of the story until finishing the last chapter. Anyway, I've really enjoyed DoH. It's an original story with very inventive world-building and I'm looking forward to the sequal.

I'm looking forward to the sequel, too. There is obviously a lot more of the story still to go.


I think I understand where the plot is going. Garret and Billy's wives needed to be killed off so that the two of them can be free to pursue their relationship now that they've done their duty to their Houses and produced offspring, and their sons needed to be kidnapped to give the Republic the motive to take down the evil Empire once and for all. While the kidnapping needed to happen to move the story along, it did seem a bit dense for a brilliant military commander like Garret to let the Empire's ship leave before confirming the boys in the shuttle were really his and Billy's sons.

Actually, I thought that was very realistic. The idea that they weren't his sons would never have occured to him or the captain of that ship. He probably could have asked for a video to confirm that they were okay, but there wasn't a lot of time. The Jordanite's forced the issue by starting to move. Remember Garret was tired -- he'd just been through a battle and the adrenaline levels were probably still on the way down.


At first I thought Garret and Billy were completely screwed, because with their sons being held hostage any military response would guarantee their death. But then I remembered that Masako gave away the location of the Atrix bolthole. Obviously the Empire will go after Atrix Prime next, and they'll send troops to the surface where they have no immunity to the killer diseases. Maybe they'll spread a deadly disease to the Empire, at which point the Empire would be at the mercy of the Republic. There was also mention of new advanced technology created at the Atrix Bolthole which might come into play. In the end I think that Garret and Billy will topple the Empire, get their sons back, and somehow make things better for the clones.

I had forgotten about the diseases -- that's a very interesting point. I don't think the new technology will make a big difference. They have mentioned one already in the story -- better detectors. I would be surprised if there was anything really amazing -- that's too much a 'pull a rabbit out of a hat' trick and I have too much respect for Dan to think he'll do that.


I was curious about the two boys. They couldn't have been prepared in advance (in terms of having them around) because the situation was too unexpected and there wasn't enough time. It is clear that the Jordanites will follow through with their threats to raise Garret and Billy's boys as servants of the Prophet, but who were the substitutes? My first guess was that they were clones, but I can't see the Sol Empire sending newborn clones to a frontline world. I'm guessing that there are two local women who's sons were grabbed at short notice while the Jordanites prepared to board the ship to take them away. I can't see any of the Jordanites doing that with their own children, though the Archbishop may have ordered it.

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Actually, I thought that was very realistic. The idea that they weren't his sons would never have occured to him or the captain of that ship. He probably could have asked for a video to confirm that they were okay, but there wasn't a lot of time. The Jordanite's forced the issue by starting to move. Remember Garret was tired -- he'd just been through a battle and the adrenaline levels were probably still on the way down.


I'm afraid I have to disagree. Garret has never trusted this man, not from the first time that he met him, nor the sect for that matter. Why would he start now. As I was reading this sequence I was thinking "I can't believe that Garret is trusting this guy now". The fact that no one with Garret at the time warned him of possible deception is also hard to believe.


Having said that I can't wait for more. The ending will make for an interesting part two.

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I'll apologise again -- Emoe asked for first reactions.
Thanks for taking the time to post from your gut. These two chapters weighed heavy on me and I struggled to get them edited as the storyline drew me in and I
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Hmmmm... I'm still digesting these two chapters.


OK, first point: do we know Maseko is dead? Not for a fact, we don't. Same with Imaline.


As for the Jordanite kidnapping, I see two possibilities; One is that the Hand swapped the kids, and has the real kids safe and sound. I consider this unlikly.


The second is that I find it very feasable that a religious fanatic would hand over their kids for such a stunt, especially knwing that Garret wouldn't hurt kids.


The woman in the life pod with the kids warned Garret to pretend they were his. My guess; the real kids were on the ship, heading for Earth. What could Garret do to stop them anyway?


I therefor think that the Jordanites now have the kids, probably on Earth. I also think that unless Maseko survived, nobody on the Republic side will know that the Empire knows the location of the Atrix bolt-hole.


The deaseses are a good point, but why would they need to land troops, really? They could always stand off and bombard the planet. Also, someone mentioend the possibility of the Jordanites now having a back door to the Republic; they do, and no one knows about it.


Well, this kills my theory that Garret would strike at earth unexpectedly from the Atrix bolt-hole!

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I think I understand where the plot is going. Garret and Billy's wives needed to be killed off so that the two of them can be free to pursue their relationship now that they've done their duty to their Houses and produced offspring, and their sons needed to be kidnapped to give the Republic the motive to take down the evil Empire once and for all.


Personally, I think this is rather selfish. While I may like the idea of Garrett and Billy pursuing their relationship, the mere thought that DK killed off the wives so these two could have one greatly...upsets me. To kill off both Masako and Imaline to further a plot line of Garrett and Billy getting together will undoubtedly turn me off from the story. (Although I doubt even that would prevent me from reading the sequel. I just need to know what happens! :/ )


Okay. First reactions?


I had refrained from reading Dreams of Humanity because, like others, I wanted to be able to read the entire way through without having to wait for chapters. When I read DK's post saying that Chapter 40 would be the last of DoH, I decided it was time to read it. I enjoyed every single word I read, and went through a roller coaster of emotions.


However, when I read the last couple paragraphs, I couldn't help but feel dismay. My first thought was "What the hell?!?!" (Accomanied by a rather loud gasp) Next thought was, "This is another Dawn of Tears!" (I was very disappointed with the abrupt ending). I quickly dismissed that idea though. My faith in DK as an author quickly silenced that irrational thought.


But, nevertheless, I was still dismayed by the ending and quickly logged on to GA to find other people's opinions. I wanted to see what other people thought about the rather abrupt and disappointing ending to one of the best stories I have ever read. My dismay ended rather quickly when I realized that this really wasn't the end (I'm still a bit disappointed that I have to wait though :P )


The ending really disturbed and upset me. It wouldn't be as bad if this was not listed as the end of DoH. To me, this is NOT an ending. The first chapter of the next story is, to me, chapter 41 of DoH because DoH hasn't ended. For the readers who like to wait until a story is completed before they read it, this is a cruel trick to play on them.


I'm gonna have to agree a little bit with Graeme here. The ending of DoH really wasn't an ending at all. Granted, there are many novels and movies out there that end with a cliffhanger of sorts. For example, take a look at the recent X-men movie. At the end, we see that Magneto gains his powers back. A big shock for many people, myself included. This leaves room for another sequel, which I'm sure the ending of DoH was meant to do. However, there is one MAJOR difference between the two.


The story of Garrett, Billy, Masako, Imaline, and countless others, by the end of DoH, has not finished. By the end of the third X-men movie, all the conflicts had been resolved (Well, most of them anyway). But, nevertheless, the main conflict had been resolved. However, this is not the case with DoH. The main conflict has not been resolved.


Sequels are meant to continue existing stories. Finished stories. Stories that had already resolved a large part of its conflicts. Sequels are merely a continuation, meant to add new spice to an old story or present it at a completely different angle (As I myself am not an author, I would like to know what other authors think about this) Take for example DomLuka's 'The Log Way' and 'In the Fish Bowl." TLW's story had finished. ITFB added spice to an old story, shook it up, and presented it in a different way. Another example would be DK's 'Do Over' and its sequels. By the last paragraph of DO, the story had finished. DOR continued DO, and like ITFB to TLW, it added spice to an old story, shook it up, and presented it in a different way.


I hope people are getting what I'm saying here. DoH has not been finished; thus, I can't see the second installment as a sequel. Like Graeme, I'll see it as Chapter 41 of DoH.


With that said...When's the next chapter coming out? :lol:

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Looking forward to the exciting conclusion.




Conclusion? This is NOT a conclusion. It is, at best, a semicolon, not a period.


That said, I'll go with the pretense that it's a bittersweet ending:


Masako and Immaline are gone, so Garrett can live life fully with his love Billy.


Paul is kidnapped, and by the time he's rescued after an upbringing with the Jordanites, he'll be brainwashed, damaged goods, incapable of ever becoming the proper heir to House Atrix. Fortunately, there are another three embryos waiting to go, and the technology to bring them to gestation exists--the same technology that enabled Garrett to come about. The next embryo can become the heir to House Atrix.


As for the impostor, the easiest way to treat him is to follow instructions exactly:


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I do agree that this was not an ending, per se, but as I recall Sci/fi books are noted for this: Many authors write a series of books.


I do not think DK killed off Maseko and Immaline just so Garret and Billy could be together. That would make no practical sense: Immaline yes, but Maseko? She was under no illusions of her husband's sexuality, and would have likely been thrilled for Garret and Billy.


That line about pretending those are his boys is really intriguing: I think the Jordanites want Garret in power, but subverted. I do hope he can save them before they are bought up by the Jordanites.


Rigel: Your suggestion about taking the impostor to Atrix Prime to die of the diseases would be condemning an innocent child to death. Those impostors are not the ones at fault here. Now, taking the entire Joradanite leadership to Atrix prime for that fate, now that I'd cheer!


And we still have a very, very alluring strategic conundrum: The Jordanites know the location of Atrix prime, and about its jump point to the republic. And no one, Garret included, knows that they know.


If Garret is their pawn, will they move against his bolt-hole? I doubt it. I'd bet they use the kids to try and force a stand-down to allow them transit.

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Rigel: Your suggestion about taking the impostor to Atrix Prime to die of the diseases would be condemning an innocent child to death.


Nonsense. If the Jordanites don't scream out, "Stop! Stop! Don't you realize the boy is a changeling?" then the death of the impostor is their fault, not Garrett's.


Besides, DK has killed off millions of characters for the amusement of his readers. What's a couple more?

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Since its inception, DOH has been envisioned as a multi-book story. From what I recall, I think there are more than two, but I can't find anything from DK that says that for sure. Some authors do a "story title: book 1", "story title: book 2", etc. Others change the name of each book in the series. We already know the next book in this series is titled Dreams of a Father. I for one can

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