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Nice to see someone from Tasmania. Your state has to be the most beautiful of all.

Tasmania is very beautiful, but the other states have their beauty, too. There's something awe inspiring about the Flinders Ranges in South Australia, and Kings Canyon in the Northern Territory, too. You just can't compare them with Tasmania, because they're just too different :)


Nice photos of NZ. ;p

Now I have the urge to goto NZ and take in the beauty lol.

New Zealand and your eyes are gorgeous.. shew. I'll have to go see New Zealand sometime. :)

I love New Zealand, though I haven't seen a lot of it. The North and South islands are very different in nature, but both are definitely worth seeing.


They also produce some of the best white wines in the world, in case you're interested....

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thanks for all the compliments, guys. New Zealand was amazing :)


(and definitely worth the effort)


Tasmania is very beautiful, but the other states have their beauty, too. There's something awe inspiring about the Flinders Ranges in South Australia, and Kings Canyon in the Northern Territory, too. You just can't compare them with Tasmania, because they're just too different :)

don't forget Federation Square, Graeme :P


upon seeing it, my friend had the wisdom to ask, 'so when is it completed?'

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  • Site Administrator

don't forget Federation Square, Graeme :P


upon seeing it, my friend had the wisdom to ask, 'so when is it completed?'

:lol: LOL -- I don't consider Federation Square to be a thing of beauty :P The Yarra Valley, maybe, but not Federation Square. Any your friend shows a large degree of wisdom....


I rarely go into the city, so I don't have to look at Federation Square very often, but I can't go past it without rolling my eyes.

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Tasmania is very beautiful, but the other states have their beauty, too. There's something awe inspiring about the Flinders Ranges in South Australia, and Kings Canyon in the Northern Territory, too. You just can't compare them with Tasmania, because they're just too different :)

It's a matter of taste. :D


I just simply find Tasmania the most dazzling of all. I know other states and territories have their own beauty and natural wonders, but Tasmania won me over. :P


Of course, if I ever go to Australia, I'll try to explore as much as I can...especially Queenland (my grandfather spent most of his time there out in the bush and brought me good stories, kangaroo skins, and Aussie money), NSW, Northern Territory... Ehhhh I'll even try to check out all of the states/territories. You don't have that many compared to the USA. :D


Plus, Australia will be a good place for me to get used to driving on the wrong side of the road when most of the highways are out in the bush, countrysides, and outback. I'm just a little scared of learning in the middle of a UK city trying to focus on the traffic, get the manual stick right (I have basic skills of using it), and not accidentially go on the wrong side. I dunno how you do it when you rent a car in the USA. lol

Edited by Jack Frost
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  • Site Administrator

Plus, Australia will be a good place for me to get used to driving on the wrong correct side of the road when most of the highways are out in the bush, countrysides, and outback. I'm just a little scared of learning in the middle of a UK city trying to focus on the traffic, get the manual stick right (I have basic skills of using it), and not accidentially go on the wrong side. I dunno how you do it when you rent a car in the USA. lol

When I'm in the USA, I hire a car that's got an automatic transmission -- I'm not even sure it's possible to hire a manual transmission vehicle, at least with the companies I hire from.


The biggest problem is actually car parks, not the roads. The roads tend to be easy because you're following other people. But car parks have people driving everywhere, I keep finding myself on the wrong side....


We're getting a bit off topic :D

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When I'm in the USA, I hire a car that's got an automatic transmission -- I'm not even sure it's possible to hire a manual transmission vehicle, at least with the companies I hire from.


The biggest problem is actually car parks, not the roads. The roads tend to be easy because you're following other people. But car parks have people driving everywhere, I keep finding myself on the wrong side....


We're getting a bit off topic :D

FYI, car park = parking lot or parking garage. Parking lots and garages are easy. Follow the arrows and the "Park" and "Exit" signs and look out for the other idiots who aren't following the arrows and signs. :D


Oh, yes, exit = way out. While looking for a subway (tube) exit in London, I kept seeing signs reading "Way Out" and couldn't help wondering how far out the English version of our common language had become. Then there is "Mind the Gap" (watch your step when getting on or off the train).

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When I'm in the USA, I hire a car that's got an automatic transmission -- I'm not even sure it's possible to hire a manual transmission vehicle, at least with the companies I hire from.


The biggest problem is actually car parks, not the roads. The roads tend to be easy because you're following other people. But car parks have people driving everywhere, I keep finding myself on the wrong side....


We're getting a bit off topic :D



You need to stop letting the dingos and kangaroos distracting you to make you drive on the left side of the road. :P


Anyway... *coughs* Moving on... No more topic...


car park = parking lot or parking garage.

exit = way out.

I perfectly understand his terms without resorting to translation. It doesn't take much of a brain to figure it out.


I didn't even notice Graeme said them differently until you pointed it out needlessly. :P

Edited by Jack Frost
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I perfectly understand his terms without resorting to translation. It doesn't take much of a brain to figure it out.


I didn't even notice Graeme said them differently until you pointed it out needlessly. :P

Well, excuse me. Of course you didn't notice; you're Canadian.
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Silly Pennsyltuckian in Canadia... lol yeah I noticed his language was different from ours in two places. There was car park, which is actually often used in the US to refer to a multi-level parking garage, and there was "hire a car". When he said that I thought he meant that he hired a chauffeur, but I don't think you could pay a car to drive you around... you have to drive the car lol. Then I figured "hire" for him is "rent" for us.

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Silly Pennsyltuckian in Canadia... lol yeah I noticed his language was different from ours in two places. There was car park, which is actually often used in the US to refer to a multi-level parking garage, and there was "hire a car". When he said that I thought he meant that he hired a chauffeur, but I don't think you could pay a car to drive you around... you have to drive the car lol. Then I figured "hire" for him is "rent" for us.

I knew what "hire a car" meant.


It proves that my PA brain is smarter than your Joisey one.


Well, excuse me. Of course you didn't notice; you're Canadian.

Canadians say "parking garage/lot", "rent a car", and "exit"...not "car park", "hire a car", and "way out". Sure we spell some words like the British, but our vocabulary is American influenced. More like North Americanism, not Americanism. :rolleyes: Edited by Jack Frost
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Canadians say "parking garage/lot", "rent a car", and "exit"...not "car park", "hire a car", and "way out". Sure we spell some words like the British, but our vocabulary is American influenced. More like North Americanism, not Americanism. :rolleyes:

Thanks, Jack. North Americanism it is.
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There's a photo of Trebs and I in this new album...https://www.gayauthors.org/forums/index.php?autocom=gallery&req=user&user=212&op=view_album&album=128


More pics will be added soon including a 'Guess the celebrity' selection of pics. :)

Cool pics, Dan! I've just checked them out.
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I was being phonetic to reflect your silly accent.

You think I have an accent? HAH! I've only lived in this state for the past 12 years. The 9 before that were spent in south Florida... *sigh* I miss that state so much... but no, I have no Jersey accent. Attitude, sure. Accent, no.


B) ...........It seems to have worked on both of you! perhaps a new thread Canadian vs New Jersey!

This has little to do with Canada, though his poor choice in places to move to from Pennsyltucky does play a small part.... LOL j/k.
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Zilar: I forget the word for cute. Just "leuk". :P


You think I have an accent? HAH! I've only lived in this state for the past 12 years. The 9 before that were spent in south Florida... *sigh* I miss that state so much... but no, I have no Jersey accent. Attitude, sure. Accent, no.


This has little to do with Canada, though his poor choice in places to move to from Pennsyltucky does play a small part.... LOL j/k.

Ew, a Joisey-Southern accent combo. I don't get it. "Y'all from Joisey" is so wrong.


At least I have no shame speaking like a real Pennsylvanian from the Valley.

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Zilar: I forget the word for cute. Just "leuk". :P



Ew, a Joisey-Southern accent combo. I don't get it. "Y'all from Joisey" is so wrong.


At least I have no shame speaking like a real Pennsylvanian from the Valley.

South Florida has no accent. Once you get past Ocala, it's normal, and I have remained that way since birth, so no Jersey influence either.



Zilar, I know you don't believe it, but I believe there was once a cute boy who grew up to be a cute man, judging by that picture. :wub:

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