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Your grandfather's wedding??? :blink:


WOW! What a horndog he must be! :P So, does this run in the family or what? :P


Great smile, gorgeous eyes....and look at those pearly whites! :wub:


I'm not talking about your granfather, either. :lol:



Thanks Conner! Your sweet. :) Yep my grandfather is married at 81 (my grandmother passed away last year, he met his current wife at church) to a 67 year old.

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For reasons unknown, I always get bubbly when I wear a hat or a cap. :D




Here's a recent weird shot of me haha. I thought I was going to fall. I had to use my left hand to support my weight on the crutches. I had a friend who asked me if I just got back from Africa. :blink: I told him my doctor gave me this hat haha. :P

Adorable picture Jovian. Although that hat does creep me out a bit. I just don't like hats. But hey, if hats make you happy then go for it! (Even though that hat kind of scares me j/k :) )

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  • 2 weeks later...


Here's a pic of me and robbie from a few months ago when we went to NYC... I just now got around to uploading it :)


Sorry it's a bit shakey.... And no... nothing happened :P

Why don't I remember that being taken...
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I just uploaded my New Years pics! Yay. And it's pretty great to start off the New Year with pretty much the same people that I have been celebratin New Years with since high school. It's nice to know that friends actually can be held onto...or something, even with college and all that rot. I cherish mine. They're a better family than I could have asked for. Anyway, I wanted to share it with you all.


Starting with a pic from high school with just four.


Twinners!!! (before Jesse's surgery and he still had braces) ...and their best friends.

Posted Image


First new Years after high school with a couple new additions to the crowd...*snort* That hat was around forever.



And here we were LAST year...and that ridiculous hat was still very much in almost every picture, but it was retired shortly after that.



And Finally THIS YEAR!!!! (notice the new hat...)



That couch was WAY too small to fit everyone.


Hope all of you had a great New Year!!!

Edited by J.Ross
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  • 2 weeks later...

I am sad I didn't find this thread sooner. Quite a few of the photos are "no longer available" :/ But, after nearly an hour of paging through all 49 pages of posts, do you know what makes me interested in this thread***?


There's all these people who all have their own look from all walks of life. Everyone is just "regular people" -- and I mean that in a nice way. I think there is still this common misconception in the straight world at large that gay people have a certain "look" about them. And it's just not true. There are hot people, average people, effeminate looking people, butch looking people, odd looking people, and everything in the middle and going to the extremes on both ends. The point is, you are who you are. Gays, straights, and everyone else come from all walks of life and come in all shapes, sizes, and colours*. I wish people would understand that and I get frustrated that there is so much hate in the world (and not just against sexual orientation).



Where's my picture? Hell no. I read terms of service here and it said no patently offensive posts, and I can assure you my picture would crack your monitor so fast, you'd be running to lawyer to file suit for redress.


A few of you that I know from other boards have seen my photo (e-mail) and once you get to know me -- that means we're on a first name basis -- and if you ask nicely, I might email it to you. But you have to sign a release form for any damage caused to your eyes, monitor, or psyche first. I am a very camera shy raccoon** :)


I apologize for this random and disjointed post.


* Except Mauve. Don't ask. You don't want to know.

** And besides, I'm afraid someone might recognize me and that would be bad.

*** I mean aside from the fact that there were a few photos that made me go "Wow, I wish I had HIS phone number!" And of course the obligatory "this makes me feel so old" bit as well.


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