@Headstall Whan your eyes get better (hopefully soon) I'd like to recommend Brian's new story Any Day. You'll enjoy the descriptions of the cottage and the planned renovations from chapter 8 onwards. Reminds me of some of your stories.
At least you are with him (which I'm sure your mum appreciates) and I hope you can comfort each other. Annecy is a beautiful town and the lake is great. I hope you get at least some nice weather.
And don't forget the Review Team welcomes your recommendation of a story. Short or long, we're happy to help you promote your favorite. And you'll also get the chance to be mentioned in the Weekly Wrap Up, the way @spikey582 was today for his awesome review..
Is that what we call a win-win-win situation? I'm very glad Aunt Kate got a nice bonus from defeating the nasty laywer firm. Kudos to Simon for calling Jeff at once to tell him.
Looks good. I like the Pot Luck idea. Hopefully, it will bring in more stories. But I also think it's a good idea to keep the themes, because it's interesting to see the differnt takes on the same topic.
LOL, you seem to be doing the rounds of stories with guys who are dragged out to bars by well-meaning friends and happen to find their soul mate. Did you use a special tag to find them ?
Thank you, you are most kind, and such encouragement is sorely needed to restart my writing. My motivation disappeared after I was given some rather harsh evaluations of several stories, and I haven't been able to work my way out of the slump yet. But I'm determined it will happen on day, and your praise is a nudge in the right direction.
I'm very glad you liked Frankie, he was a fun challenge to describe. I want to see him through the eyes of detective Kasumaki next.
So what is worse; the openly stupid and loud bigotry of Tyler or the ignorant and insidious ways of Nadine ? She can probably do more damage than him, so I'm glad Simon stood up to her.
Well, at least Nathan is honest. Poor guy, I hope he recovers completely, but I'm still disappointed about the drug use.
Oh, and Don added another reason to hate him.
I enjoyed the story, which started out simple from a fun prompt, but soon escalated into a complex story with lots of characters and twist and turns to keep track off. I was impressed you managed to keep it all straight. Do post-posting editing was a challenge, too.
In addition to coming up with prompts, you can also write a story review for the blog and get your name mentioned that way too. Simply send the text to @Renee Stevens or me. There are available spots in August.
They were both taking a risk, and Trent probably realized during their talk how big the danger of scaring Armie off was. But Armie rose to the challenge and dared to trust once more. I think he made the right choice.
Oohhh bickering and interfering aliens, and humans trying to outsmart them or at least help the benevolent faction. I like the concept, and maybe Zebron will be an important cog in the Psionic machine. All the new truths should distract him from the sordic politics of Earth.
It was clever to chose another woman as a sounding board, but he was lucky it was someone with good sense and empathy. Jealousy is not a sign of love but of insecurity. So what if you're attracted to someone else, as long as you don't do anything about it. If his girlfriend had been less insecure, they could have had fun discussing hot guys.
I'm going to do a Carlos Hazday. We need blog reviews of stories. The Review Team is too small to provide enough reviews. Currently, the two blog review slots for August are vacant. If you have a favorite story, why not write a few paragraphs telling us why you like it. Simply send it to me or to Renee Stevens to get your review featured.
No input from YOU - no blog reviews in August ! So if you like this feature, please help.
It's all gobblely gook for me, both your attempts to post and Albert's quote.
But you still have to remove the photo info from your quote, as Gary can't do that.
The next person Will has sex with, will be no 50 (if we include the 'other' category). If we only count anal and oral, Collin was the 47th sex partner and 23rd guy to fuck Will, as far as I can work out.
Fair enough, I don't blame you. I do have one chapter ready, but I feel it's unfair to post it when I'm not getting any more written. I'll send you a PM when the story is done.
I'm so impressed with this awesome story.The portrait of the social disabilities of an Asperger teenager is absolutely spot on, very well described and with both compassion and humor. Just brilliant - and let's you see all the silly high school drama and strange behavior of teens in a new way.
The ending may not be what you expect, but I find it realistic, considering the silly expectations of bigots who cling to stereotypes. But I admit an epilogue letting us know how Justin went on from there, would have been perfect.