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Story Series

Series Must Contain 2 Stories to be viewed in the Browse by Series list
  1. Aspects of Dawn

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    Dreams of Humanity

    Epic science-fiction adventure and romp through the stars. Politics, space battles, religion, and cloning. Hang on tight, there is always some surprise around the next corner.

  2. Hybrid Journey

    Three stories. Multiple shifters. Each having a part in discovering, searching for, and trying to find a cure for their pups who have been cruelly altered.

    Follow their journey as they discover love, friendship and inner strength along the way.

  3. Sword of Kings

  4. The Hidden Ones

  5. Worth the Struggle

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    Rich Boy

    A series focusing on the rich son of a family of dark magic practitioners. He cuts his own path through life not as dark as his father wanted, but certainly not of the light.

  6. The Chosen

  7. Falcon Banner

  8. Camp Refuge

    This series begins with Guarded. Though, not absolutely required for Camp Refuge and what follows, it is good background to have. The tone of Camp Refuge is very different from Guarded, but they are connected, regardless.

  9. Splash Trilogy

  10. Ninth Pass Pern

    Dragonriders of Pern series set around the time of 'Dragonflight'.

  11. The Hudgins Saga

  12. Fort Weyr - Eighth Pass

    This is a prequel to Gone Away, Gone Ahead. During the Eighth Pass of the Red Star, two Weyrbred boys Impress dragons. The story follows D'gar and S'brin through trials and tribulations as they learn how to be dragonriders in a perilous time. Friends are made and lost and their love gives them confidence that they will survive to see clear skies again. But Thread doesn't care for human hearts. Thread just kills.

  13. Frontier

    The Sailing Adventures of the sailing yacht Frontier.

  14. The Grand Adventure of Thymestrys

    A magical world where fantastic creatures, gods, angels, and demons exist. A force is eating away at the lifeforce of Thymestrys. Will it be stopped? or will everyone just fade away?

  15. Board Members

  16. Las Vegas Trilogy

  17. Wrangler Butts

  18. KADA

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