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Running with the Pack - 22. Chapter 22

Ethan’s free hand trembled as it rose to cover his mouth. A tear rolled down his cheek, soon followed by a steady stream. He stared at Aiden, who remained kneeling before him; the moment felt like an eternity. All around them everything quieted. If Ethan could have torn his attention away from his mate, he would have seen all eyes focused on him. Everyone held their breath, waiting for his answer.

Nodding at first, Ethan struggled to find his voice through the deep emotion. “Yes… Yes I’ll marry you.”

A thunderous, deafening cheer rose from the crowd. Aiden stood and lifted Ethan off the ground, spinning him around in a tight hug. The kiss they shared was passionate.

Resting his forehead against his mate’s, he sighed happily. “Thank you, Pup. Thank you for making me so happy.”

People approached the couple, patting them on the back, shaking their hands, and offering congratulations.

The alpha drew everyone’s attention. “Ladies and gentlemen, it would appear this graduation party’s now an engagement party as well. Let’s hear it for the happy couple.”

Another round of cheers went up before people returned to dancing and enjoying the party.

Mary and Rafe walked over to the boys. She kissed both on the cheek, while Rafe shook their hands.

The pack enforcer gave Aiden a stern glare, his index finger inches from the young man’s face. “I expect you to take good care of our son. You hear me?” He broke into a huge grin unable to contain his joy.

“Yes, sir. I understand and give you my word. It will be a true joy to comply.”

Casey and Trevor also made their way over to congratulate their friends.

“Gotta say, bro. You got style getting down on one knee in front of everyone here. Congratulations.” Trevor bumped fists with his longtime friend.

Casey picked them up, one in each arm and hugged them. “Congrats bro and little bro.”

“Thanks, guys. It means the world to me that you could both be here for this.”

“Wouldn’t have missed this for anything,” they said simultaneously.

The alpha and his mate made their way over to congratulate the couple. Finally, Craig and Marsha joined them. She kissed their cheeks, and he looked at his son in a new light. “You really have grown up. I’ve missed so much in the last two years. I am so proud of you and happy I could be here to see you propose.” He hugged them both.

By eleven, the party was thinning out. Aiden and Ethan approached John and Jackie Stockdale.

“Alpha, Ma’am, I can’t thank you enough for hosting this party for all of us.”

“Gentlemen, it was our pleasure.”

“Good night, Alpha, Ma’am.” They both tipped their heads in respect before taking their leave.

They made the rounds saying good night to the rest of the partygoers before heading back to Aiden’s place.


Arriving at the apartment, they gazed intensely at each other, peering deep into the other’s eyes.

Aiden once again laid his forehead against Ethan’s. “Thank you for saying yes, Pup.”

“Thank you for asking.”

The two made their way to the bedroom. Nothing was rushed. Everything was done with feeling, from slowly removing one another’s clothes, to the gentle foreplay. Each perfectly in tune with the other. Aiden drove Ethan crazy running his chin stubble over the sensitive area at the base of his neck while play biting the spot.

They had made love three times already, switching positions and taking turns, each completely giving himself to the other. Aiden was deep inside his mate, feeling the incredible tightness around him even after all they had done. He went slow, almost teasing, as they kissed, allowing their tongues to freely dance. Their eyes were open, Ethan’s lit with his sapphire blue glow, and Aiden’s sparkling with amber. He moved his kisses back to the base of his mate’s neck, knowing how much his pup enjoyed it. It was also one of his favorite spots to nibble since it would someday bear his mark. Ethan clawed his mate’s back with need.

Perspiration covered Aiden’s body from the pleasurable exertion. From his matted hair, small rivulets ran down his face. It rained down on Ethan, mixing the two scents into one. Never taking his focus away from the eyes above him, he licked a drop from the tip of Aiden’s nose, savoring the salty goodness. As their lovemaking intensified, the sweat rose from their bodies in a steamy mist. It coalesced into tiny snowflakes that drifted down, reverting to steam as it neared their overheated bodies.

“I love you, Ethan. I’m yours, now and forever.”

“I love you too. I want to be yours forever.” He turned his head, baring his neck to Aiden. It was the first time Ethan openly stated his love; his voice, eyes, and actions showed just how deeply he meant it.

A steady amber glow built in Aiden’s eyes that matched the growing brilliance of Ethan’s blue eyes, like a light bulb slowly brought to full power. Their combined intensity continued to build. The declaration of love matched Ethan’s actions.

Aiden sensed something within him he had never before experienced; a power that seemed unlimited, that felt like pure love. When the energy flowing through his body reached its peak, he began to shift. He could feel the transformation start, but knew this was something different. For the first time since he initially went wolf, this was not a shift he initiated by conscious thought. There was no way he could stop this even if he wanted to, and he did not want it to stop. His wolf told him not to fight it. This was meant to happen, what was always meant to happen for their mate.

His mind relaxed, letting the shift take him; he never stopped making love to his pup. His soft, dense, black fur erupted across his skin, covering his body as he increased in size. His face transformed into a more wolf-like appearance with his nose and mouth elongating into a canine snout. The fangs dropped, extending more so than normal, and his mouth filled with razor sharp teeth. The ears became long and pointy, moving to the top of his head as it reshaped itself. They turned forward, listening to his mate’s heartbeat. Unlike every previous shift since he had his very first, Aiden did not transform into his full lupus wolf.

Ethan felt the change above him. His eyes opened to something similar to a lunis wolves, only far larger. There was no fear in Ethan seeing this beast above and inside him. It was still Aiden staring at him through the intense amber glow.

Something about his mate’s new form increased Ethan’s arousal to incredible heights. He wrapped a hand around the wolf’s neck, tilted his own head even more, baring his neck in offering. He pulled the huge beast in close.

Aiden never let up the gentle but insistent pumping, as he remained buried deep inside his mate. The increased size in there almost reached the point of discomfort for both. Sniffing the soft smooth skin of his pup’s neck, he ran his coarse tongue across it while Ethan’s fingers caressed the beast’s fur, holding him close.

Aiden increased the speed of his thrusts until he was pounding away out of pure instinct. His pup writhed in pleasure, begging for more. As their lovemaking hit its climax, the wolf/human hybrid sank his fangs into the tender flesh of Ethan’s neck. The wolf tasted the coppery fluid that was his pup’s blood as his saliva mixed with the wound. They both exploded at the same time; Ethan between them coating his stomach and the beast’s fur, and Aiden filling his mate as he drank in more of the sweet tasting blood. He carefully extracted his teeth from Ethan’s neck and lovingly licked the wound clean. The wolf threw his head back and howled triumphantly, rattling the windows, and being easily heard outside the soundproof apartment. An announcement to the world he and his pup had become truly mated.

With the mating complete, Aiden’s body returned to human form, the amber glow fading from his eyes. As he gazed at his mate, he was drawn to the fresh mating bite, and then to his pup’s eyes. The glow in Ethan’s eyes also diminished, becoming dimmer by the second. Even their normal brilliant shine was disappearing, almost going dark, as his body began to convulse. Blood spurted from the wound, pumped out with the beat of his heart. Aiden grabbed a nearby shirt and applied pressure to the bite, worried he’d nicked a major artery.

As soon as the convulsions stopped, Aiden bolted out of the apartment, banged on Casey’s door across the hall, and ran back as his pup’s body was racked by another round of convulsions. The color seemed to leave him, and Aiden worried he had killed his mate. His hands shook badly, he applied continued pressure to the wound, and tried to pick up his phone to call for help.

Casey came running in when he saw the door open, awakened by the deafening howl. Aiden’s panic-stricken face turned towards his friend with tear-filled eyes. “He needs help. I think I killed him. He didn’t react this violently when he was bit before, and the bleeding’s bad.” He rested his forehead against the smaller body. “Pup, please stay with me.” His voice pleading as he brushed a few stray hairs off Ethan’s face with a gentle finger.

Calling for medical help, Casey held his friend. Aiden cradled his mate to his chest, never letting up pressure on the wound. The shirt soaked with blood worried both young lycan. Ethan’s color got paler by the minute as he seemed to be fading. After the fifth round of convulsions, it finally stopped. His breathing was shallow and erratic, and he was completely unresponsive. Aiden continued to cradle him while Casey checked his brother’s pulse. He could feel it slowing and becoming faint until it was barely detectable. To them both, it looked like Ethan was slipping away.


Since parting company with Chris, Michael had been driving around the northeast. He searched for spots he’d heard rumors about when his father thought he wasn’t listening, or listed in files he’d stolen when no one was looking. Places respectable wolves did not go, and pack or Lycan Council laws had little meaning. He was still pissed at his former pack, and especially at three people he most blamed for his exile, his father, Aiden, and Ethan.

At their first stop after leaving Parker Valley’s territory, he told Chris he wanted to go camping before heading to Oregon and their new pack. Chris, who finally had second thoughts about what they had done, did not want to cause his family any more grief by not going directly to their destination as promised. He also was unwilling to risk a death sentence if he did not follow through. He told Michael he would not go along with him this time. The two argued about Chris not following as expected.

“You’re nothing but a fucking coward.” Michael yelled. “Running off doing as you’re told like a good little house dog, while you cower with your tail between your legs. You’re having your life dictated by an alpha that isn’t even our alpha anymore. Controlled by people that banished you from your home, and sold you off to another pack. Guess you are nothing but a worthless stray dog now.”

Chris reached his limit, and with a loud growl swung his fist as hard as he could. He landed a direct hit on Michael’s nose, knocking him to the ground. Shaking his head, he at last clearly saw the person he thought was a friend.

Chris seethed with anger. “What the fuck is wrong with you? I’ve been your friend for years. I’ve always stood by you, even when you were an ass towards me. Even with everything you’ve done to me. Always following, and always listening to you talk about how you were going to be the next great alpha, just like the rest of your family. And as your best friend, I’d be your beta. I let what I thought was friendship blind me to the bullshit I was doing with you and for you. I’m not gonna risk being put to death to go camping or whatever the fuck it is you’re really thinking of doing.”

He paced back and forth in front of where Michael sat on the ground. With a slight shift in the breeze, Chris picked up a mixture of scents emanating from Michael: Anger, rage, and something else. Chris became even angrier as he realized it was also arousal he scented. Glaring down, he noticed the bulge in Michael’s shorts. “I should’ve known punching you would turn you on. You’re one fucked up bitch.” Utter contempt filled his voice. “You’re on your own. This friendship is done. I wonder if there ever really was a friendship to start with. No friend would have done the stuff you did to me or the others.”

He took a few steps away, but stopped and rounded on Michael again, his voice dropping low and threatening. “We should’ve been put to death for what we did, but were given a chance to live and to change. I’m taking that second chance, and plan to make something of my life. I hope someday I can atone for my crimes because there’s a hell of a lot of them. Go and do your camping. I hope you get everything that’s coming to you. I’m sure you’ll turn up in a day or so in Oregon with your tail between your legs and another lie. You’re as crazy as a rabid mutt. You should be put down like one.”

Getting in his car, Chris gunned the throttle and angrily drove off, leaving his former friend in a cloud of dust, still on the ground with a bleeding and broken nose.

Michael would take care of the injury the first chance he had to shift into his wolf, but for now, the pain fueled his own rage. Feeling abandoned by everyone now, Michael held on to the anger, knowing it would lead him in the right direction. He’d thought perhaps he could get Chris to follow him yet again. His friend had always been so easy to manipulate and control in the past. He figured there were always more out there like Chris.

Looking at his ankle, an evil smile spread across his face knowing his GPS monitor was well-hidden in the trunk of Chris’s car. It was plugged into an accessory jack to keep it charged. He placed it there when Chris went inside the gas station to get something to drink and use the restroom. He managed to get it off without breaking any of the fiber optic strands in the cuff by using a difficult trick he learned one year at summer camp, starting his shift slowly at one specific point in the body, making the area more flexible than normal before the bone could reform. It was painful to do, but it had its uses. When he checked it after it slid off past his foot, the status light was still green. Now it was traveling along the route he was required to take, along with his traitorous former friend. He hoped when it was discovered, Chris would be implicated in helping Michael escape. He thought with luck, Chris would be put down because of it, saving him the trouble of doing it later.

When Michael turned eighteen, he gained control of his college trust fund. It wasn’t nearly as big as the one he had expected to receive when he graduated, or what he was supposed to have gotten when he became alpha. He felt it was enough for now. Backtracking from where he and Chris parted company, he headed into New York State, careful to stay clear of the border for any nearby packs. He turned off his cell phone, and the first chance he got, purchased a disposable one.

It took him several days and multiple false leads to find the place he’d heard about. It was rumored to be the Mos Eisley of the lycan world in the north east, jokingly referred to by its denizens as ‘a wretched hive of villainy and scum’. In a town along the US Canadian border, a bar named Underworld sat by itself. It had a reputation as a place a lycan could easily find items deemed illegal in the world of both the Lycan Council and humans, if you were willing to pay the price. Few knew the entire town was controlled by the owner of the bar.

He had to laugh when he saw the name of the bar thinking it was rather pathetic, and guessed the patrons would be as well. If they were the type of lycan he was seeking, they would serve him and his purpose well enough. He was disappointed Chris was not with him since his friend would have made a nice offering to the men he sought.

It appeared to be a typical biker bar from the outside. The scent of shifters was all around, mostly wolves and bears, but there were a few others as well. Stepping through the door, he took in his surroundings. There were about a dozen or so guys sitting around the bar or at tables, and a couple playing pool. All of them looked rough. The few she-wolves in the bar seemed like they crawled off the cover of some ultra slutty magazine. At the far end of the room was a stage with what appeared to be stripper poles. There were also two cages large enough for a human or wolf to stand and turn around in. Each cage had a sleeping wolf in it, and they both smelled feral. The sign hanging near them announced the time of the next cage fight.

The bartender noticed the new and young face walk in and called over. “Boy, I think you picked the wrong place. You get one chance to turn around and walk right back out of here, but only one.”

Michael’s arrogance was on full display as he rolled his eyes and scoffed, dismissing the thought there could be any danger present. “No, I think I found the right place. I’ll take my chances.”

New faces in the bar were nothing out of the ordinary; in fact, it was a regular thing with the nature of the business operation. Michael’s appearance and attire were a complete opposite to the rest of the patrons, or anyone else who ever entered the bar. He had the look of a typical fresh-faced college jock or frat boy, just the type they liked to capture and put to use.

“It’s your ass on the line, boy. Don’t say you weren’t warned.”

“I tend to go where I want, when I want. I’ve got a potential business deal to discuss with whoever’s in charge here.”

A very large man stood from a table in a darkened corner. “Seems we have a young entrepreneur here, boys. Might turn into a party night after all.”

Another patron walked in from the parking lot. “Hey, which one of you got that Mercedes G-wagon out front? Can’t believe you sprung for an AMG unless you stole it.”

Most eyes in the room turned towards the young, out-of-place stranger, seeing this cocky sounding boy as a rich bitch to be plucked.

Michael slapped two one hundred dollar bill down on the bar. “I’ll take a JD and coke, get them whatever they want, and keep the rest.”

Even though alcohol had no effect on lycan, they still enjoyed the taste.

The big guy stalked over, inspecting his prey as he approached, and stood behind Michael entering his personal space. He was easily six foot nine and at least three hundred pounds. Michael wasn’t small by any means, but this guy was absolutely huge.

“Mighty nice of you to buy us drinks, boy. You often go looking for trouble in places your kind shouldn’t be? Let me guess, someone in your frat dared you to come into a nice friendly place like our humble establishment.”

Several of the nearby shifters laughed.

Michael turned around, craning his neck up to the large man, staring at him almost as in challenge. “You may see it as looking for trouble. I see it as a business opportunity that might be mutually beneficial. It’s an ends to a means since the type of people I want to employ can’t usually be found at an employment agency.” He maintained his arrogance. As far as he was concerned, these shifters were beneath him. “I’m willing to do whatever I have to for reaching my goal. And I bet there’s lycan for hire here who might be interested in a job to help me reach it.”

“And what would that goal be?” The giant of a man was now curious, at least to hear what the pay would be.

“Getting back at my father and pack. Retaking what is rightfully mine, or watching it all burn.”

“Daddy not give you the toy you wanted?” someone called out from across the bar.

“That can be an expensive goal. And depending on the pack, can take a lot of effort and risk.” The big guy stared down at him.

“Expense doesn’t matter. All that matters is bringing them down, and making two wolves and one human pay dearly.”

“Well, if you’ve got the money to make it worth our while, I’m sure we can do something with you.”

Anticipation built among the bar patrons when their boss said with and not for to what they suspected would be their new bitch for the night.

“I’ve got plenty of money in my trust fund. It should buy me lots of men.” His growing excitement caused him to speak without a though to the risk of saying he was loaded. “If you take out my father there’ll be a hell of a lot more to pay you with. Name your price, and let’s get down to business.”

“Oh, I’m sure your trust fund will buy you lots of nice, strong, and aggressive men.” The snickers and laughter around the room built as the scent of their arousal filled the air. “So who’s daddy?” The big guy’s interest piqued at possibly relieving the obnoxious kid of his trust fund, and maybe ransoming him back to his father. If the guy was as rich as the kid implied.

“John Stockdale, Alpha of the Parker Valley Wolf Pack. The pack that was supposed to become mine before another wolf and his human pet got in the way.”

“Well, well. We got us an alpha’s boy here. Perhaps we should bow to his highness.” The man gave a deep theatrical bow, his smile replaced by a sneer as he addressed the room. “Always heard they were a strong pack and he was a very powerful alpha. If this whiny bitch is any indication of the alpha family, it might be ripe for the taking, just like this bitch is.”

With that, the huge lycan slammed Michael against the bar, pinning him down and ripping his shirt off to check for a wire. Michael struggled, but it was no use against the larger man’s strength.

“Attempt to shift and I’ll snap your neck.”

He felt around for Michael’s wallet, phone, and car keys. The wallet was tossed to the bartender who promptly emptied two grand in cash and several credit cards. The keys he threw to one of his gang before he flipped Michael around and pinned him chest down on the bar, ripping open the back of his pants.

“Move his car out of sight and disconnect the battery so there’s no way it can be tracked. Let the rest of the gang know we’re having a party. After we use this bitch up tonight, we’ll beat all the information we need out of him on the pack’s security and defense. See if it’s worth our time and effort to go after. Might even let a few of the ferals have a turn at the little princess here. If he survives, we can ransom what’s left back to his daddy.”

“Get off me asshole. I’m no fag.” Michael continued to struggle. “I told you I’d pay whatever I need so you can take down the pack.”

“When you walk into my territory and my bar, you do things on my terms. You’ll be paying for sure. Your ass is just the down payment. An arrogant asshole like you, coming into my place acting all high and mighty deserves anything you get. Me and my boys are going to enjoy giving it to you.”

The big guy whipped out what he had, spit on it, and shoved it into the pretty jock boy as hard as he could. Michael screamed out in pain realizing an alpha was entering him. After the big guy was fully in, no one noticed the slight smile on Michael’s face as he was held down against the bar by the powerful wolf. Their own arousal covering the scent of their prey.

“Only reason pretty bitch boys like you come to find real men in places like this is to get gang banged. And we aim to please, don’t we boys?”

The continuing screams as Michael was used turned on the rest of the guys in the bar as well as the she-wolves. The rogues loved taking by force from unwilling shifters and humans alike, be it money, cars, information, and even their soul. They might get some useful information out of him, but even if they did not, he would provide them with a little fun. More and more gang members were showing up all night to take a turn at the new bitch while she-wolves would find large objects to shove into him or used silver-laced whips.

By the end of his first night with the gang, an exhausted Michael was resting in a cage. He was naked, bound, and dripping fluids from every part of his body. He freely told his captors everything he knew about the pack’s security, patrols, defense abilities, and finances. He also told them about Aiden and Ethan, and how he wanted his rival dead. Michael wanted Aiden’s demise to happen only after the group forced him to watch his little human mutt get gang raped and his throat slit. Michael promised everything from his father’s companies and holdings in exchange for the destruction of the pack.


A pair of EMT’s rushed into the apartment and tried to check Ethan while still in Aiden’s arms. Casey had to yell, “Damn it, Aiden. Put him on the floor now so they can help him.”

Doctor MacRae arrived a few minutes later. “What happened?”

“He’s dying.” Aiden cried. “I killed him.”

“His breathing’s shallow, and he’s got a pulse. It’s weak and erratic, but it’s there even if barely.” One of the EMT’s informed the doctor as he placed electrodes on Ethan, hooking him up to a monitor. Removing the blood soaked shirt from the neck, the EMT noted, “He’s lost a lot of blood.” They examined the still bleeding wound; with the weak pulse, not much flowed from it now. The other EMT grabbed the resuscitation bag, and started pumping air into their patient.

The doctor checked the teen over, shining a light into the non-responsive pupils as he watched the heart rate and blood pressure on the monitor. It did not take much to figure what had happened, and he was surprised it had taken this long. “Did you lose control and bite him?”

“It wasn’t planned, but he grabbed my head and pulled me to his neck after baring it to me.”

The EMT interrupted. “Pressure’s dropping, Doctor. I’m losing the pulse.”

“Five milliliters Epinephrine. He’s going into cardiac arrest. Defibrillator. Charge to one hundred. Ethan, stay with us.”

The needle was shoved into Ethan as the plunger pushed the needed medication into him.

The slow beep of the monitor became a steady tone as the line went flat.

Aiden let out a mournful howl as Casey held him. Tears streamed down both their faces as Ethan’s heart stopped.

Doctor MacRae called out, “Clear.” The EMT pressed the red button on the device and the small body was jolted by the electrical shock. Ian watched the monitor for any change. “Charge to two hundred. Clear.” The line remained flat. “Again.” The body jumped as the current ran through it, yet the heart did not beat. “Three hundred joules, NOW!” The sound from the device rose in pitch just before it discharged at nearly its highest level.

The steady tone of the monitor was deafening to those in the room as well as the crowd gathered outside in the corridor.

“Max level. Hit it!”

Ethan’s body rocked violently as the current passed through him.

Beep… The tone returned to steady for about twenty seconds. Beep… Once again to a steady tone. Beep… Beep… Beep… The sound of each heartbeat slowly grew in speed though it was erratic.

“Blood pressure rising and vitals are stabilizing, Doctor.”

The beeping on the monitor steadied as the sound smoothed out into an even rhythm. “Back in sinus rhythm, Doc.”

“He’s coming back. It’s going to be okay, Aiden. As long as he doesn’t throw us any surprises, I think he’s going to be fine.” The doctor tried to reassure everyone, including himself.

Aiden crawled closer to Ethan’s side and reached for the small hand. The strongest wolf of his generation barely got out his words between sobs. “He… He’s not going to die? This was so much worse than the first time he was bit.”

Doctor MacRae’s voice was gentle and soothing. “No, Aiden, he’s not going to die for a long time, I hope.” From the crouch he’d been holding over the teen’s body, he dropped into a sitting position with an exhausted sigh. “His pulse’s already recovering and he’s breathing steady now. Blood pressure’s climbing as well.” He pointed to the monitor. “Last time it was the shock of the bite and his body rejecting it, this time it’s the lycanthropy virus entering his system and actually starting the turning process. I can already pick up the scent of it. That’s a lot for a human body to take. There’s still his first shift, but he’s got a little time before that. And he’ll have you there with him.” The doctor turned his attention towards the EMTs. “He’s stable enough to transport now. I’d like to take him to the clinic for observation overnight, just to be safe.” He placed a hand on Aiden’s shoulder. “You’re welcome to stay with him the entire time.”

Other residents of the apartments gathered outside Aiden’s door, wondering what had happened. Many heard when the young human’s heart stopped and the struggle to restart it. They all had tear-filled eyes. There was a collective sigh of relief when they heard the sounds of the monitor indicating Ethan was alive. Casey stepped to the door, asked for privacy for his friends, and thanked their pack mates for their concern before sending them back to their own quarters.

The doctor was going to have the EMT’s get a gurney for Ethan, but Aiden said he would carry him. After throwing on sweats and wrapping his pup in a blanket, they made their way to the waiting ambulance. Once settled inside, they hooked Ethan back to the monitors as his breathing and pulse continued to improve. It was a short drive to the clinic, and again Aiden carried his mate inside. He gently laid him on a bed for Doctor MacRae to examine, never letting go of his pup’s hand. Casey followed them over in his truck and sent Trevor a text as soon as he got to the clinic. The two took turns standing watch over their friends. They were never more than an arm’s length away so they could rest a reassuring hand on Aiden’s shoulder for moral support.


The rogues kept Michael caged and naked for over a week, continually pumping him for more information. At first, the leader, the giant of a man who first took the cocky lycan, thought he might be able to ransom the alpha’s son back to him. But during the first few nights, he learned their young captive was an exile. Still, the information he provided sounded promising, and might lead to a nice financial gain. If nothing else, they had a new toy.

It all sounded too good to be true though, the son of an alpha freely giving them information that could lead to the pack’s destruction. He knew enough not to overlook a spoiled rich brat out for revenge. Gang members realized Michael enjoyed it when things got rough, and they tried to come up with new and amusing ways to degrade and torture him. The harder they used him, the more he begged for it, More and more of the guys lost interest since he seemed too willing, especially for their leader’s abuse. The she-wolves took great pleasure using silver-laced devices on him as they rarely had the chance to mistreat someone. A few men thought he was better than some of the real bitches; they could be as rough as they wanted without getting in trouble. They tried to ignore when he would moan in pleasure.

If the information they got about Parker Valley turned out to be good, they might keep him around for a while. Otherwise, they’d take him for all they could get before they either killed him or sold him off. No matter what, he’d be of some use and possible profit. A few times they pumped him up on a special drug they helped develop in conjunction with other organizations. They smuggled it from Canada for distribution in the United States. It was something rare which lycan were actually susceptible to. The drug produced a high that made the user compliant, easy to handle, and even easier to manipulate. They wanted to see if his stories about the pack held. It rarely wavered, and he would usually go on and on about Aiden and his human pet until they would gag him.

Some of the gang continued to force themselves on their captive, if it could still be considered force since Michael freely submitted to anything they thought up. They also kept him high on their special drugs, which made it easy to extract the access information to his trust fund. It took a matter of hours to drain it into untraceable accounts. His Mercedes G55 SUV was sold, making an additional profit. Without doing more than rape, torture, and beatings the gang had already netted over a half million dollars off the spoiled bitch, leaving Michael penniless if he ever did get free. He sat in a cagehead clearing as the drugs wore offwith a heavy steel collar around his neck to prevent him shifting. Michael had just been taken by six more of the rogues. Even without realizing they had already drained everything he had, he never considered it was a mistake to seek them out. All he saw was getting back at those he thought stole his life no matter what the cost to anyone.

A few times, they placed him in their fight arena and released one or two ferals into it. Bets were placed on which one would win the fight to breed the bitch. Or how many times it would happen. The ferals catching the scent of all the others on their toy always had them ready to go, yet the slut took it and kept giving more and more information. The first week in the arena with the ferals, the online bets rolled in as people around the world wagered on his fate. It became obvious to everyone he would simply submit and the bets dropped to nothing. They instead placed him in the holding pens for their captured ferals so they could have a turn at him; it made them a little more docile. It wasn’t worth betting on Michael in any fight where he was allowed to turn wolf since he always lost, even against the most fearful feral. Most of the gang likewise lost interest in making use of him since he was far too eager, especially for use by their leader. The man understood why the little bitch was exiled. He viewed Michael with disgust for thinking he could be worthy of being called an alpha one day.

By the end of the second week, the rogue leader and his lieutenants were making plans to check out the information they’d gotten out of Michael. They had no illusions it would be easy, even with what they knew about the pack, but they thought it had a chance of working.


By mid-afternoon, following the graduation party, John Stockdale finally placed a call he did not want to make.

“North American Wolf Conservation Council, how may we direct your call?”

“Council Security. Alpha, four five eight tango three epsilon.

“One moment, Alpha Stockdale, I’ll put you right through.”

“Council Security, how may we assist you, Alpha Stockdale?”

“This is secondary notification on a new rogue. Michael Stockdale, formerly of Parker Valley Wolf Pack has violated terms of his release and exile, and is now considered a rogue. Requesting any pack encountering him, attempt to capture if able, kill if required, hold for pickup by Council Security for return to Parker Valley for execution.”

“Primary and secondary notification confirmed. Rogue status confirmed. Capture or kill order confirmed. Please enter security code on your Council Access Site to complete.”

The alpha typed in a code on his computer and waited for a moment.

“Code accepted, Alpha Stockdale. We’ll get the alert out and hopefully bring him in soon.”


Ethan laid in the hospital bed, sleeping soundly. Aiden rested beside his mate, eyes puffy and red from tears and lack of sleep, holding the smaller hand. He would occasionally glance at the monitors to make sure the pulse was good and all the lights were green. Brushing a stray hair from his mate’s face, those beautiful blue eyes began to flutter open. Aiden pushed the call button next to him and a moment later Doctor MacRae and a nurse walked in.

“Mornin’, Pup.” Aiden’s voice was quiet and gentle.

Ethan was a little groggy and disoriented. “What happened? Where are we?”

“We’re at the clinic, Pup.”

“I seem to ask you this every time I see you, but how are you feeling?” The doctor worked at checking Ethan over.

“I have a killer headache, my stomach’s a little queasy, and I’m really tired.” He paused to think. “I wonder if this is what a hangover feels like?”

“I don’t believe you were drinking. As a lycan, I’ve never had a hangover so I have no accurate point of reference on that. But it’s probably a good description. What’s the last thing you remember?”

Ethan thought for a moment. “No, we weren’t drinking. We were… Umm…” He blushed deep red.

“It’s okay. You obviously remember well enough.” The doctor chuckled. “I can give you something to help with the queasiness. I’ll be right back.”

Raising his hand to his neck, Ethan lightly ran his fingers over where the bite mark was. It was incredibly sensitive and he half closed his eyes letting out a moan. He squeezed Aiden’s hand. “You… I mean we… Did you?” He pointed to his neck before running his fingers over the mark, feeling the sensitive and still tender spot.

Aiden relaxed seeing his pup was going to be okay. “Yeah, we did. And yes, I did. We’re mated. It’s official. You now bear my mark, and you’re a lycan. Or at least becoming one. Anyone who sees it or scents you will know you’re mated. After you’re shift, I’ll bear your mark as well.”

“Umm, you got all furry. How did you…”

Doctor MacRae returned and gave Ethan a liquid to drink that would settle his stomach.

Aiden, not wanting to talk details in front of the doctor. mouthed ”later”.

Ethan nodded.

“You gave us one hell of a scare last night.” The doctor gave the teen a full exam.

“What do you mean? What happened?” Ethan’s curiosity was piqued.

“I don’t know how to tell you this, Pup, but you kinda died last night. Your heart stopped for almost four minutes.”

“Don’t be dramatic, he wasn’t technically dead, but he was close. I’ve never had to use the maximum charge on a defibrillator before, though. You went into cardiac arrest, so for someone whose heart actually stopped as long as yours did, you’re doing remarkably well.” The doctor finished checking Ethan over. “Okay, I don’t see any reason to keep you here. Your mate’s gift seems to be healing you nicely. Aiden, take him home and make sure he gets plenty of rest. Oh, and take your two guards with you, Trevor’s been hitting on every nurse that walks past.” The doctor laughed as he walked out.

Casey popped his head into the room. “Mom brought over clothes for you.” When Aiden waved him in, he walked over to the bed and set the bag down. “Glad to see you’re doing better, little bro. You had us all worried there for a bit.”

His eyes suddenly opened to cartoonish proportions as what he’d been told sank in. “My heart stopped? I died?”

Aiden and Casey both nodded.

From outside the room, the doctor called out with an amused tone. “He didn’t die. Stop telling him that.”

Casey stepped back outside, and waited while Ethan got dressed. When the couple exited the room, Trevor and Casey took up their flanking positions to escort the newly mated couple out to his truck.


The rogue leader reviewed his plans again. He had decided to test the defenses of Parker Valley Pack in a few spots, using some of the many feral wolves he had at his disposal. He thought about contacting other rogue gangs for a possible all-out attack, but he hoped the outcome he suspected would lead to the victory he sought. For his lieutenants, greed won out over sharing the spoils with others. He never trusted thieves and mercenaries he could not control or did not already own. They were likely to stab you in the back just as you were winning the war. If his new bitch was right and an attack was successful, there was significant monetary wealth to be gained. Lands and other assets of the pack could possibly be taken as well. The bitch told them there was a large number of young wolves, both male and female, that would fetch a very healthy price on the slave market. Anyone not worth selling or using for his own gang’s pleasure, he had no issue killing. He was a predator that only looked out for his own people.

He ordered four ferals be loaded in trucks, to be released a little outside the pack’s territory. He also started preparations to move other assets to a staging area for when they were ready to attack. If a feral was killed at the border, they would move on to a different location; the ferals shouldn’t raise much suspicion. This was nothing more than recon, and testing the pack’s response times.

Walking up to Michael’s cell, the leader studied his captive. “Hello, my little bitch. Thought you’d like to know we’re about to test out that information you gave us. If all goes well, we’ll be ready to attack your old pack soon. Parker Valley Pack should make me a nice healthy profit. Just like your trust fund and SUV did.” The man laughed. Seeing the hungry look in Michael’s eyes, he sneered. “You don’t even realize you’re broke yet, do you? Or perhaps you don’t care as long as you have me to serve. It’s hard to believe you thought you could ever be an alpha. You’re not even worthy to be an omega wolf. Get your face up against these bars, you have work to do. When I get done training you, you might make someone a nice house slave. Unless our ferals tear you apart trying to mate you.”

No matter what they did or how they used Michael, the only thought he had was he would get his revenge over what was done to him. It was worth any price. Even if they left his cage wide open, he never tried to escape or even step out of it, and continued to willingly submit to everything any gang member did. While Michael was busy doing his best to swallow everything and please his captor, the rogue leader called one of his lieutenants. “Get the recon teams in place and start sending the ferals in.”

Running with the Pack, WolfM, 2012-2016, All Rights Reserved
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Chapter Comments

Oh boy... It is looking like the poop is about to hit the fan. I think the packs around should stand to.

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I've complimented you on your writing in the past, but what the hell happened to proofreading your writing before submitting it for publication? This chapter is a disgrace.

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It'll be interesting to see if the pack ups its security now that Michael is officially rogue. I do think you could have played out his mental deterioration more once he got caught. He went from "I'm not a fag" to begging for brutal rape. To me, it would make more sense if he went from "I'm not a fag" to just completely shutting down after a couple of torturous confession sessions. Also, I'm curious if you'll have Michael's parents find out what happened to him. They'll wish they had given him a swift death after all.


I don't think the spelling/word errors were more egregious than usual. We're getting to enjoy your talent for free, and solid editors *aren't* free. I can totally deal with grammar and spelling errors in a story that is a gift, not a purchase. Write on!!

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On 01/05/2016 11:36 PM, Onim said:

Let me say that barring all and any errors, grammatical or otherwise...this was one exciting chapter!! You have a brilliant imagination and an ingenious ability to tell a "wolf" story a bit different! :2thumbs: I get the sense that these rogue buffoons have taken on a littttttle more than little red riding hood...so this is going to get tricky in the storytelling and intense for us 'poor lil readers'.. :unsure2: It's ok...we can take it.. :thumbup: Next chapter please.. :D

Thank you Onim for your continued support. When I started this I wanted to be different. With the rogues being the organized crime equivalent in the lycan world, they're looking at this gift that walked in their front door with caution.

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On 01/05/2016 03:48 PM, Ozymandias said:

I've complimented you on your writing in the past, but what the hell happened to proofreading your writing before submitting it for publication? This chapter is a disgrace.

I thank you for taking the time to submit a review for this chapter.

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On 01/05/2016 03:06 PM, centexhairysub said:

Well, knew Michael was going to pull something but even I had no idea he was this bat shit crazy... The scenes with him were actually hard to read, well written, but does anyone even someone totally insane deserve that???


Sort of expected that when Aiden turned Ethan there would be additional issues since Ethan has his own source of power. The doctor did not act like this was out of the ordinary but sort of feel that Ethan's power may have reacted to the bite as well as the change in his body. Was Aiden suppose to be able to do a half change like that? That is something that traditionally has been seen as an ability only an Alpha or a Beta might be able to pull off.


Can't wait to see how the feral wolves react when turned loose with Ethan in the area... Will he cure them and will they remember the plan and what has been done to Michael? Hope that the Alpha in Oregon can read that Chris is telling the truth when they find the other GPS locator in his vehicle.


Great job and can't wait for the next chapter...

Thank you Centex. The first couple drafts of this chapter I had Michael freely giving himself to the rouges as a down payment for their help. As I read over it that way, it never felt like it worked for me. Going back to what he was planning to do to Ethan (gang rape and murder), I rewrote it as I posted it and felt it was a better outcome even with his increasing insanity. Just like when I caught heat from many for Michael not being put to death, I knew I'd catch some for the brutality he ended up walking into. It is a situation of his own making though as he sought out the rouges in hopes of bringing a similar outcome to his former pack. His mental state allowed him to quickly accept and even thrive on what was happening as he imagined the outcome for the pack.


There is still so much they don't know or understand about Ethan and can only base observations from the prospective that he's human. The doctor seeing that Ethan had been bit knew at least from training that it could be a violent reaction to being turned. I think he was also trying to reassure Aiden that all would be okay. Ethan was also meant to be turned by Aiden so most any reaction short of death would have been normal.


All in all, the chapter is a shape contrast between the light and dark sides of the story and show the lengths the one on the dark side will go.

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On 01/05/2016 02:25 PM, JustALittle said:

I know Michael is supposed to be a despicable person/shifter but his scenes made me cringe the whole time. It kind of took away from the special moment between Aiden and Ethan.


The two scenes are polar opposites from each other but it might have been better if it were 2 sides of the same coin. Like showing how you can start with the same thing but depending on your choices, the future can be vastly digferent.


The alpha of the rogues thinks he is less than an omega but everyone has a role i n society and there isn't really a chance for him to redeem himself even if only gain a little bit of humility. It's one thing to have someone else mention that he should feel humiiliated but he isn't going to "learn his lesson" and be I guess more human.


I can reread all your other chapters, but this one I don't think I can reread again.

Thank you Just. Going over the various drafts I had for this chapter, this one felt like it worked best to me. Other outcomes for Michael just didn't feel right. It was also intentional that it took place in the same chapter as the extreme happiness of the marriage proposal and turning.


While it isn't two sides of the same coin, it is one person that came with nothing who is trying hard and building a life vs. someone that had everything and because of jealousy, threw it away. Michael had been given a chance at life when he should have been put to death, but instead he went looking for elements of the lycan world he thought he could get to serve him. For Michael to learn his lesson, he would have to first take responsibility for his own actions and stop blaming everyone else for the problems he has caused.

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On 01/05/2016 02:13 PM, avidreadr said:

Michael is completely insane. I am curious to see what happens as I can see things going a few ways. I am curious to see if Ethan is as strong a wolf as I think he will be. Great story.

Thank you Avid. I'm sure we'll be finding out about Ethan soon.

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On 01/05/2016 01:06 PM, LadyDe said:

I'm kinda speechless!!! Michael is insane and doesn't even know it. That was brutal. Things are about to get intense. I bet we find out what Ethan is now, right? :thumbup:

Thank you LadyDe. I hope that is a good speechless. I have a hard time reading brutality in different stories on here and debated about writing it myself, but given the options I put before myself it was the one that seemed to work. There had been a full moon a few nights before Ethan was bit, so he has about 27 days until the next full moon when he goes through his first shift.

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On 01/05/2016 12:30 PM, rbenn55 said:

Oh boy... It is looking like the poop is about to hit the fan. I think the packs around should stand to.

Thank you rbenn. Very well put on your comment :)

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great chapter! Ethan is finally turned and we see Michael descending into madness. It will be interesting to see how the ferals act towards a turned Ethan. Will his powers to heal them be affected? I can see how Michael can transform into a feral and Ethan healing him. Thanks for the story! I'm enjoying it!

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On 01/06/2016 06:26 AM, Rosicky said:


great chapter! Ethan is finally turned and we see Michael descending into madness. It will be interesting to see how the ferals act towards a turned Ethan. Will his powers to heal them be affected? I can see how Michael can transform into a feral and Ethan healing him. Thanks for the story! I'm enjoying it!

Thank you Rosicky.

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I feel the same as @JustALittle on this one. 

I wish the brutality of the Rogue Leaders mistreatment of Michael had been kept separate from what many will regard as the main romantic and erotic fulfilment of the story so far: the true mating of Aiden and Ethan.

That was so brilliantly done, Wolfie. I doubt that it could have been written much better. I just wish that it had been added to the end of the previous chapter instead of being overshadowed by the Rogues brutality, in this chapter.

I speculated earlier in this story, that if they made the mistake of exiling Michael, that he would bring back an army. But if this is the way Michael believed it would play out before he even entered that bar, then he was way sicker in the mind, than I ever imagined. Is there no end to his depravity? 

We can only hope that Ethan's eventual transformation from mating, will turn him into something even more powerful that even the Rogue pack cannot hope to contend with.

❤❤❤ for the love mating scene

👍 for Michael and the Rogues

Edited by Bard Simpson
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Wow that was a very um insightful chapter I guess Michael really was all bark with no bite. I wonder why Ethan reacted to strongly to aide s bite. Sorry I might have gone ahead with out commenting. I just can't stop reading it

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