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Running with the Pack - 32. Chapter 32

Ethan sat quietly as he ate the bowl of soup and munched on Mary’s homemade bread. He felt a little better with food in his stomach. It was not until he finished his third bowl and half a loaf of bread that he realized just how hungry he was. He did not even know how many days had passed while he sat hoping Aiden would come home. Mary put another pan in the oven, since between her two sons the bread was about gone. All she cared about was Ethan finally getting food in him.

“Thank you. That was really good.”

“You’re welcome, sweetie. That’s one of Rafe’s mother’s recipes.” She ran her hand through his blond hair in a motherly way. “I know you’re hurting, but you can’t go without eating. You need to keep your strength up for when they do find him.”

Ethan nodded.


Outside, Rafe spoke with Darius and Cody. “I’m guessing you heard Casey yell at Ethan.” Both men nodded. “Seems that outburst managed to snap him out of the void he’d put himself in. He’s finally eating and even spoke. We have three generations of enforcers here now. He won’t leave the house without you guys present, so I want you both to go home, and get at least a couple hours of sleep. You can come back in the morning and stand vigil, keep him company, or whatever else you want, while Casey and I head over to work on the repairs to their house. But you are to get some sleep first. Understand?”

“Yes, sir,” they both responded with an exhausted salute.


The boys were still in the kitchen when Rafe returned. He waved at his parents to join him. When everyone was seated around the table, he made the introductions. “Ethan, I’d like you to meet my parents, Kate and Weylin. My dad was the enforcer to the alpha’s father.”

The small blond held out his hand to both of them and gave a forced smile. “Hello.”

Kate squeezed his hand. “We’ve been so looking forward to meeting you. It’s a pleasure to have you as our newest grandson.”

“Finally, a grandson who isn’t going to tower over me.” Weylin joked, earning a half smile from Ethan and a scowl from Kate.

“Dad, only three of your many grandsons are taller than you. He might not tower over you now, but his wolf just might.” Fatherly pride covered Rafe’s face. “This boy’s very impressive in his fur. Mary and I feel fortunate he chose us to be his family. We knew we wanted him as our son as soon as we met him.”

“If there’s anything we can do for you, we’re here. I know this is a difficult time and I’m sure it isn’t something you want to talk about, but you’re family.” Kate was being very grandmotherly towards him, especially having seen how he was when they first arrived.

Craig wanted to give the grandparents a few minutes with Ethan before he entered the room and took an available chair. “You feeling a little better with some food in you?”

“Yes, sir. A little.”

“We’ve talked about you calling me sir. Hopefully you’ll be able to get some rest now that you’ve eaten.”

“I want to sleep, but every time I close my eyes I see him and the things I see scare me. I’d rather go without sleep than have more of those nightmares.”

“Nightmares are to be expected with what’s happened recently. Especially with you nearly getting kidnapped yourself.” Weylin noticed Casey cringe. “What is it you’re seeing?”

Ethan shrugged his shoulders. “Just images that don’t make sense to me. Places I’ve never seen before.” He gave a heavy sigh. “It looks weird when I see him, kind of like a reflection. Other times, it’s like I’m looking through his eyes I guess. I know it’s a dream, but it feels real. Sometimes it’s in a dark room, sometimes there’s bright lights blinding me. The first few dreams he had wrist and ankle cuffs that made me feel like my wrists and ankles were burning. The same as when they put those cuffs on me. I can feel… I don’t know how to explain it but it is like I’m feeling and seeing whatever he is and it scares me all the more.” He laid his head in his hands, remaining silent as he gathered his thoughts. “A few times I see men holding him, and he’s in a chair with the cuffs back on his wrists, only they no longer burn. They’re just holding him to the chair. When he’s chained to it, he talks to some man I don’t recognize. It’s hard to think of him being chained up and interrogated.”

The temperature in the room plummeted, a layer of ice formed on top of the still hot soup on the stove, and a few snowflakes began falling outdoors.

“Good lord, did the air conditioner turn on?” Kate shivered. “It’s freezing in here.”

Craig got up from his chair and looked out the window. “I didn’t think we were supposed to get any snow today. It was sunny a few minutes ago.”

“Ethan, focus.” Rafe tried to get his attention.

“Sorry.” The room temperature returned to normal and the snow stopped.

Weylin stared at Rafe and Ethan, trying to understand their little exchange.

“What just happened with the cold and snow?” An alarmed Kate asked.

Weylin decided to instead focus on Ethan’s dreams. “It almost sounds like you and your mate have some type of link which allows you to see what he does.” The others looked at him like he was crazy, especially his mate. “Kate, don’t give me that look, I see it often enough when Garrett and I have been out someplace you and Barb don’t approve of. There are stories of newly mated alpha couples having some form of a mental link, but it’s more rumor than anything since alphas never want to confirm their abilities. It isn’t likely though, since you’re not an alpha, let alone a born wolf. However, since you say it feels real, maybe it is. Who am I to say one way or the other?”

Ethan considered the possibility he was somehow really seeing through Aiden’s eyes. If that was the case, he knew Aiden was alive. He closed his eyes, half from exhaustion and curiosity. There were people in a room with bunk beds wearing jump suits. Aiden was no were to be seen, but he could hear his voice asking if everyone was okay. Opening his eyes again, the voice and images faded away.

Weylin had been watching the boy. “You saw something again. Just now when you closed your eyes. Didn’t you?”

“I think so. I could hear his voice and see a few people. I think I recognized one of them from the pack meetings. I hope what you said is real. Maybe he can come home.”

Rafe placed a hand on Ethan’s shoulder. “I guess before we have any more surprise cold snaps or snow storms I should tell you a little about your grandson. The alpha cleared you three to hear this now even though it will most likely come out soon.” The blond looked to his dad and nodded. “We thought Ethan was human when Aiden first found him. Even Ethan thought he was human. After the two had been together for a short time, he started showing certain abilities indicating he was so much more. The temperature drop and the snow outside are part of that. When his mind drifted to his dreams about Aiden, his feelings of sadness and loss are what made it get cold and what caused the snow. We’re lucky it didn’t start snowing inside. And by the way, Dad, your grandson here is already a full alpha wolf, just like his mate.”

Craig retook his seat at the table. “Are you trying to say Ethan was the cause? How’s that even possible?”

Weylin teased. “Kate, why is it you give me a look like I’m crazy for bringing up old myths about mental links between mates, but you don’t bat an eyelash at your son saying what he just did?”

Kate crossed her arms and glared at her husband. “Because I’ve been mated to you long enough to know you are a crazy old fool, and I’d rather hear our son out before I make any judgment.”

“Yes, I’m saying he caused it. I’ve seen him do far more. The alpha calls him an Elemental. He’s able to wield control over the four basic elements of nature. Sometimes I wouldn’t exactly say it’s control, but never the less, it’s true.”

“I heard stories of Elementals when I was just a pup. There wasn’t much to them since no one had ever knowingly encountered one.” Weylin rubbed his chin lost in thought.

Craig leaned back, pondering what he was told. “I’m not going to say I believe any of this, but just a father’s pride, I suppose my son’s mate would be special. How’ve you managed to keep this secret?”

“It hasn’t been easy, especially with the display his first shift kind of forced him to put on. There have been a few other developments which point to him being different, but the alpha’s done his best to keep it hidden. I’m only telling you now because of what happened, since other incidents are possible if he loses control of his emotions while all this is going on. Just him getting sad or depressed might cause a rain storm or flash blizzard like when his emotions were raw before his first shift. If you feel or see something like that again, get his attention and help him to focus on the here and now.”

Casey and Ethan left the room so the adults could discuss his gifts in more detail. It was something the two had heard and experienced all too many times. Going outside, Casey sat in the swing. He figured his brother would sit next to him, but the blond crawled onto his lap and he felt a head resting on his chest. He wrapped his arms around his friend’s mate, giving each other comfort over their loss. With the warmth of his brother holding him, Ethan actually did get some undisturbed sleep.


When Darius left the Tucker house, he headed to the jail. Placing a chair in his customary position, he watched the other solaris as the man watched him.

“Any word on your friends yet?”

“None that I’m aware of, though I would suspect the search continues. If I had my way, I would be out there now trying to bring my friend home. It is not easy seeing one I’m close to worry over the loss of his mate.”

“What would you have me do? Tell you their location and forever live with a price on my head?”

“I would only ask you to do what’s in your heart. If it’s so cold and dark you don’t care what misery you bring to those you’ve never known, perhaps a cool place like this, away from the warmth of the sun is a fitting home.”

“I admit the people I met in my brief time of freedom here were kind. Humans and shifters alike engaged me, included me, and went out of their way to make me feel welcome. Before I was caught, I wondered what life would be like making a home here. Even in captivity, I’m well treated.”

“This is a remarkable pack, even though my opinion is biased. The friends I have here are exceptional; especially the young wolf who sits quietly, emotionless, with no sign of life in his eyes. Unable to eat or sleep from not knowing if his mate will ever come home.”

The two sat in silence for several minutes as each considered the words of the other.

“On your next visit, bring this friend of yours if he will see me. I would like to meet this child of the moon who has earned such praise and loyalty from a grandchild of Ra.”

“I’ll see what I can do, but know this, if you attempt to toy with his emotions or in any way hurt him, no bars or amount of guards will be able to prevent me from dealing you the most painful and slowest death possible.”

“So noted.” The solaris prisoner fell silent.


Garrett got his son’s attention, and nodded towards the garden door, indicating he wanted a private conversation with him. Outside, John waited for his father to ask what he wanted.

“You haven’t said much to me or your mother regarding Michael, be it by phone or email. What happened to him?”

“I wish I knew. Whatever it was, until near the end, Jackie and I were too blind by our trust in him to see what he was doing. Despite how we raised him, he felt he was entitled to violate any law he wanted and could abuse his position as our son to threaten others. His actions became an open challenge to me when he repeatedly violated my orders. He became too disruptive to the pack and a danger to many here. There are several pups in therapy now because of what he did to them.” John paced before his father. “For all our hopes he would continue the family line and follow me as alpha, it became painfully evident that would have destroyed this pack.” He took a deep breath. “As much as I hate to say it, his actions had become purely evil towards others. He took a sadistic pleasure in torturing others and then blackmailing them into silence. During the annual leadership and mentoring trip in the spring, he tried to use a lone human they found camping in the forest as prey for a full moon hunt. He ended up biting the human during a fight. The boy is the one who turned out to be Aiden Jacobs mate.”

They were both silent for a while, each in their own thoughts.

“There was no way to bring him back and avoid exile? Maybe help him so he could someday become Alpha?”

“He’s lucky I didn’t put him down due to the threat he posed. No, exile couldn’t be avoided when he used his position to blackmail a group of his friends. He wanted them to rape and murder Aiden’s mate on the Pine Creek Bridge. Someone who had never done him any harm, and was in this territory as a guest under my protection. He went after the boy as a way of destabilizing the only wolf of their generation who has a shot at replacing me as alpha.

“Jackie and I agreed it needed to be done even before the Council made its recommendation. We arranged for a new home in a west coast pack in the hopes a change might help. But he chose to run. There’s currently a capture or kill notice out on him. By our laws, he should have been put down. Weakness on my part let him live. Helen Vale seemed to be the chief voice on the Council to guide them towards exile instead, but I know she felt he needed to be put down after the Council spoke with him.”

“Helen has always tried to do what’s best for the pack and even the human community. You’re lucky she’s willing to serve on the Council still. I had a crush on her growing up, long before I met your mother.”

“The boy he tried to kill, after the sentence was handed down, came to me and asked me to reconsider exile. He offered to leave the pack instead. The person who had his life threatened felt since he was a guest here it would be better for him to go rather than breaking up my family. He’d found a family in the Tuckers though, and I couldn’t ask him to give that up, aside from the fact his mate is a pack member. Not after the way his human family treated him and abandoned him to the streets.”

“Sounds like he wanted to put the pack first as well.” Garrett sat heavily in a chair.

John nodded. “Watching him since he was brought here, he’s always shown kindness to anyone he can help. He’s also a force to be reckoned with if someone poses a threat to those he cares about. He embodies the best attributes of our animal and human sides. Ethan makes one of the most impressive wolves I’ve ever seen as well. His facial markings are incredible.”

“The few humans I’ve seen turned, typically are on the smaller, more straggly side as a wolf. Borderline of appearing like a coywolf or some other mixed breed. Definitely not the beauty of a pure wolf. ”

“If you see his wolf, you’ll never suspect he was turned. He appeared human and he tested human, but he was far from it. I would happily give my life to protect him, though as his skills grow he doesn’t need protection, even if I have hunters assigned to him. We have the honor of having an Elemental in our midst. I’m sure you’ll see for yourself at some point.”

Garrett stood and stared at his son. “If he’s what you say, you could…”

John abruptly cut his father off. “Dad, I would put the entire force of this pack against anyone who ever tried to use him for any purpose beyond what he sets for himself. He’s gifted beyond belief and still learning, but he is also a member of this pack first and foremost.”

“I meant no disrespect towards him or your intentions, John.”

“I know, Dad, but he must walk his own path. It’s a pleasure seeing how he is with the non-wolf lycan in the territory. He tries to include them in the things he does, and he takes joy in each of their animal forms. It opened my eyes to the fact we were excluding lycan that when unified with the pack make us stronger. It’s the reason I offered membership to all lycan living here no matter their species. He’s also the reason we have a growing lunis population. Most came to us as ferals, and one of his gifts allows him to heal them. Beyond the attack, we haven’t killed a feral in months. We capture them, and he cures them. Hopefully at some point we can expand that to surrounding packs.”

“I wondered why there were lunis here now, but hadn’t gotten around to asking. I have nothing against them, but I’m old and they were always viewed as flawed. Perhaps if we stay long enough, your mother and I will meet some.”

“You realize how what you just said makes you sound, right?” John had to laugh. “It would be nice if you and Mom stayed on to take your rightful place with the elders. There is so much you could teach to the younger generations, and I’d like to have you home. There was never any reason for you to move away when you stepped down.”

“I know. However, with a new alpha taking over, it’s sometimes best for the retiring alpha to be out of the way so there is no distraction. No confusion about who’s in charge.”

“Just think about staying on here. You and Mom have been away from your home for too long.”


“Alpha, do you have a moment?”

“Of course. What can I do for you, Darius?”

“I’m sure you know about my visits to the solaris prisoner.” The Alpha nodded, waiting for Darius to continue. “He asked to meet Ethan. He wants to see this friend I’m so loyal to and that is hoping for his mate’s return.”

“Will this be an attempt to torment Ethan, or do you see this as a possibility to gain information?”

“I can’t say for sure. I made it clear as crystal if he toyed with Ethan, I would kill him, and it would not be a quick death.”

“Let me talk to Rafe and Mary before we ask Ethan to do this.”

“Thank you, Alpha.”

“Darius, good work.”


Ethan had not been told about the ferals captured during the attack until the sixth day after it. There were too many to house at the medical center, so they were being kept in a makeshift holding area away from town. It was not ideal, but it was the best available option while Ethan struggled with how to handle his missing mate.

It was Rafe who finally brought them up as a way to give Ethan something to focus on. “I don’t know if you have any interest in it just yet, but there’s a large number of ferals being held right now. They were captured during the attack. Maybe helping them will in turn help you.”

Ethan turned to Casey who nodded. “They’re just as much victims of the rogues as everyone else, and you’re the only person that can help them. Just my opinion, but I think you should try. If nothing else, it will give you something to keep busy with.”

Ethan nodded. Rafe called the alpha to let him know they were going to the containment area. They were told the doctor would meet them there.

“Rafe, you know with the number of people there to guard them, this is going to finally come out.”

“What other choice do we have? Keep holding them and hope none escape? Besides, Ethan needs something to focus on to help get him through this.”

“I agree with you. I’ll have to address it at the next pack meeting, but we all knew this would have to come out soon anyways.”

“Do I allow Craig to accompany us?”

“It’s his son-in-law. He’s already been briefed on Ethan, so there’s no harm.”

Two trucks drove out to the holding area. It was an old, abandoned quarry dug deep into the ground. The high, steep walls of the pit would be a challenge for even the strongest wolf to jump or climb. A sergeant from the Hunter Corps who was the on-site commander informed Rafe the alpha had called ahead about their visit. The rim of the pit gave a good vantage point for hunters and warriors who took shifts watching the ferals.

Most of the animals still wore a heavy metal collar, and seemed somewhat docile for the moment. They moved around freely through the open area. Some huddled in the available shelters to sleep or get out of the sun. Others drank from or swam in the pool of water that covered a portion of the pit floor.

Ethan counted the ones he could see. “How many?”

“Thirty-seven. Twenty-three lunis and fourteen lupus.”

Casey turned Ethan to face him. “Bro, just remember, you don’t have to help them all at once.”

The doctor arrived a few minutes later, echoing what Casey had told him.

Rafe crossed his arms as he stood before the sergeant. “You and your men are going to see something today only a few people know about with certainty. Despite all the rumors going around. Given the number of people here, the alpha plans to address the issue at the next pack meeting.” The look the enforcer gave conveyed more than his words ever would have.

The hunter keyed up his radio. “A group of us are going down into the pit. Keep watch, but do not take any action without my direct order. Anything you think you see today, keep your mouth shut until the alpha addresses it.”

Led down into the pit by the sergeant, Ethan followed, surrounded by Doctor MacRae, Casey, Rafe, Darius, and Cody. Weylin and Craig remained at the top of the rim not wanting to get in the way. At the bottom of the only access to the pit, Ethan looked around not sure where to go first. He finally moved towards the closest shelter. Underneath, a lunis sat on a bed of straw. The heavy collar was still around its neck weighing it down. It opened its eyes, growling as it scented the intruders. Darius and Cody were at the ready, just in case. When its focus went to Ethan, he allowed the beast to smell him before he approached. As he had done many times before, he placed a hand on the head and chest of the beast as the glow of his eyes built. He worked for ten minutes before stepping back to watch the hair recede from the wolf as it reverted to human form. Cody easily slipped the collar from the body.

Stepping away from the first shelter, Ethan moved towards the next. Growling could be heard nearby, and he focused his attention there. Up above them, hunters aimed their weapons, in fear some of the beasts might charge those down below. Ethan looked around quickly. “This is going to take too long.” With that, he knelt as his eyes glowed bright and placed one hand on the ground. Several lunis gathered nearby, slowly advancing on the group. In front of him, and moving in the direction of the wolves, wild flowers began sprouting from the rocky soil. This caught the attention of the ferals. Some cocked their heads, looking from the blond to the flora. The wild flowers spread around a group of fifteen wolves, giving off a strong scent. They inhaled the aroma and the pollen carried on a breeze that swirled around them. As the beasts calmed, they sat on the bed of colorful petals and leaves. The intensity of Ethan’s eyes increased. Placing a second hand on the ground, he concentrated on what he was doing. It took a little longer than he wanted, but twenty minutes later, the fur on all fifteen began to thin. A few moments passed, and they all collapsed to the ground in their human form.

Weylin and Craig stood in stunned silence as they watched from above. They had been told about Ethan, but neither really believed it. Now they had seen with their own eyes that he could actually cure a feral.

Ethan also collapsed as the doctor rushed to his side. “What the hell did you just do? How the hell… On second thought, just rest. Casey, carry him back up top, now.” Ian turned towards the lead hunter. “I need people to get all these bodies up to the top and away from the other ferals quickly.”

“Yes, Doc.” He got on his radio. “I need guys down here now. Everyone grab a body and get it up top.”

As additional personnel rushed into the pit, everyone grabbed one of the now human bodies to take to the rim. The doctor set to work examining each one.

Ethan still felt the effects, but was pleased with the results. He noticed the doctor watching him. “The flowers acted like a drug to calm them. Kinda like me touching them seems to do, and I was able to do a quick and dirty patch on the group. I’ll have to go back and do a second healing with each one later, but it beats doing one at a time down there. After I rest for a while, I think I can do the same for the rest if we get them into a group.”

Ian pointed at the young man. “You don’t set foot down there for at least an hour after the dizziness wears off. Understood? Get something to eat or drink while you’re waiting, it might help you keep your energy up.”

Two hours later, a group of hunters herded the remaining ferals into one area. There were seven lunis and fourteen lupus. Before Ethan could start the procedure again, several lupus lowered their heads and moved towards their bipedal cousins with teeth bared. To prevent the fight he saw coming, he called on the nearby water to form an ice cage around both groups of feral. Thick walls of the bluest ice formed so no wolf would be able to break it. Once the lupus were prevented from attacking the lunis, Ethan again used the flowers to calm the beasts and get them to sit. Inside the confines of their ice cage, the effects of the pollen was intensified. With more of their bodies in contact with the ground, he sent out the second wave of healing energy, causing them to revert to their human form. It was a simple job of melting the ice so the bodies could be recovered. There would still be a lot of work doing individual healings over the next few days, but the first step of their recovery had been taken, and they were out of their wolf form.


“Ethan, you don’t have to do this.” Mary worried about him.

“Yes, I do. If there is even a slight chance he’ll tell them anything, I have to try.”

“We’re just worried he’ll try to toy with you. He already knows you’re hurting.” Rafe seemed undecided.

Ethan paced as he listened to his parents. “Darius, what do you think?”

“I don’t know. It could go either way. He knows I’ll eventually kill him if he tries to hurt you more, but he might prefer the idea of death to not having the rays of the sun ever touch him again.”

Looking around the room at the different people, Ethan’s expression hardened as he turned towards the alpha. “Let’s do this.”

It was a short drive to the jail. Darius set his chair in front of the cell as usual.

The prisoner scented the air. “I wasn’t sure if you’d allow me to meet your friends or not. I didn’t expect you to bring so many at once.”

“This is a close knit pack. No one was willing to allow him to come here without additional moral support. Before I bring him over, remember, if you play with his emotions or otherwise torment him, I will make sure your death will be one that would make even the old gods quake in fear.”

“I understand.”

Darius stood and waved Ethan over. Casey, Cody, and the Alpha stood back for the moment. “Ethan, this is the man who worked as a spy before the attack. We still only know him as Paul, though we know that name is false. He’s the one you picked out at the mill. Like me, he’s solaris.”

Ethan sat in the chair, studying the man in the cell as he in turn was studied. They stared at each other for several minutes without speaking.

“You’re an awfully young wolf to have the ability to pick out a solaris, even if close friends with one. I understand you befriended my brother quite soon after he came here.”

“That’s right. My mate and some friends ran into him and another hunter the day they arrived. They seemed like nice guys, and it was cool meeting two new types of shifters. Since then, we got to know him, and include him as one of our closest friends. I wouldn’t have been able to make it this long without people like him.”

“Your friend thinks I could someday find a home in a pack like this, claiming there are packs that would accept their ancient enemy.”

“I know the stories the elders told of the wars between the gods and how they created their own lycan to fight it for them. I also remember them saying how the war between different types of shifters ended, and the gods created mates to help their children find happiness. From what I’ve seen since I came here, everyone’s welcome and allowed to live in peace. As far as I’m concerned, no one’s my enemy because of old stories about what god created someone. Darius and the others are my friends because of who they are, not what they are. All I’ve seen the alpha ask is people respect one another.”

“Bring your other friends forward.”

Ethan looked over to the rest as they moved to stand behind him.

“You do have a variety of friends. A coyote, wolf, lion, and an alpha stand at your side.”

“A tiger and bear are among the group, though they’re more like my uncles. Since I was human when I came here, I don’t care what type of shifter someone is. I’d rather know them for who they are and take joy in seeing the differences.” Ethan cocked his head as he focused on the eyes of the caged man. “Why did you want to see me?”

“Your solaris friend made an impassioned plea for my help in finding your mate.”

“You refer to him as my solaris friend. He’s my friend. Period. I want my mate home more than anything, but I want everyone that was taken to come home safely. It’s hard not knowing what’s happened to him and not being able to help him. I didn’t have anyone in the world when I first met him. Now thanks to him, I have a home and people I care about as much as they care about me. But there’s a part of my soul missing now until my mate’s home, if he ever makes it home.” Ethan had a hard time keeping his emotions under control while talking to this man. As the two sat before one another, his mind drifted to Aiden. Though he tried to project a steady, hardened exterior, inside, the realization this had been a waste of time was sinking in as tears filled his eyes.

The area surrounding him rapidly cooled, as moisture in the air condensed into a thin fog. Snowflakes formed and began to fall around him. Ice crystals radiated out from his chair along the floor and ran up the walls and bars of the cell. Cody had a tear in his eye, and Casey looked like he was about to rip the bars off the cell to get to the prisoner.

The solaris watched in astonishment as things froze over. He looked around the group before him. As he studied the people, the snow, and the ice, it was obvious Ethan was the cause. “Alpha, I will give you all the information I have on the gang: locations, strengths, whatever you need. I was not an insider, but I paid attention to cover my own ass. I will also freely accept whatever punishment your pack requires for my crimes against you.” Facing Ethan. “I hope my information brings your mate home to you, young one.”

“Thank you, Paul.” The Alpha nodded.

“My name is Gaelan, Alpha. Gaelan Envierre. Paul Mitchell was an identity given to me by the gang for my operation here. The name and identify was taken from an individual they had exploited in his desperation after becoming unemployed. If he has any family, they should be informed of his death.”

The Alpha had Gaelan moved to an interrogation room, where he spent the next six hours going over everything he knew about the rogue gang. As promised, he described in detail the locations, buildings, and layouts he had visited, the number of men he had seen, and stressed the numbers shifted depending on what operations they were running. His description of the bar that was a front for the main entrance to a vast underground facility was extensive. He told them how it housed feral pens and large storage vaults in addition to the cells which would most likely be holding the hostages. He finally detailed previous operations he had worked on and security systems he was aware of.


It had been a quiet day for Aiden. His host had informed him they would be unable to have their daily chat, as he had business to attend to. In a way it was a relief not having to figure what the game of the day was within their discussion, and yet he missed the exercise of walking to and from the office. At most, he was allowed out to shower, and only saw people when food was brought to him. Beyond that, he slept.

Aiden was awakened by screams down the corridor from his room. The voices were muffled, but he could make out several different men along with the panicked tones from several women. He thought he knew what was going on and desperately wanted to break out of his cell to help. Trying the door, he felt a light burning. ”Damn, there’s silver in this thing.” He pounded on the door, yelling, “What the hell is going on out there?”

The viewport on the door opened and a face he had not seen looked through. “Keep quiet or we’ll all take a turn on you when we finish with the women.”

A rage built within Aiden, wanting to help but being trapped like a caged animal. He felt the beginnings of his shift coming on and got out of his jump suit before his body morphed into his hybrid form. The screaming seemed considerably louder now. He knew it would not be long before the men actually attacked the women they were toying with. Seeing red, Aiden raised both fists and smashed them into the door as hard as he could. The door barely moved under the first impact, but the sound got the attention of the men

When the viewport opened again, the man looked through in shock. “He shifted. This one’s a huge lunis. Thought they said he was lupus. Hit the button to zap him.”

In seconds, an electrical charge ran through the floor and walls of the cell causing him to jump back in surprise. When the second shock came through the floor, it just angered him all the more. With a loud roar he smashed his paws against the door again. His eyes glowed red as the rage he felt intensified. A moment later, it was the men screaming as a fireball raced through the confined space leaving all the rogues in the corridor dead as they burned to death. No prisoner was harmed by the flash fire that mysteriously burned out as quickly as it started. Aiden laid on the floor unconscious in his human form, where he was found when additional guards responded to a warning of a fire near the prisoners.

Running with the Pack, WolfM, 2012-2016, All Rights Reserved
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Chapter Comments

Great chapter! I was starting to wonder when Aiden would begin to be brought to the brink... and quite the response as well. Ethan to thank for that, I guess?

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Well I didn't see that coming. Talk about heating up the story. Aiden is just full of surprises.

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WOW....great ending....can Aiden channel Ethan's powers??? I want and need more please!

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WOW, just a great chapter all the way around. I was so glad that they were able to reach Ethan and get him focused on something besides his loss. I hope they do realize that he is actually in contact with Aiden and that might be as much help to them as what Gaelan provided, maybe more; since you would hope that the Jean-Pierre would be smart enough to alter some of his security since he knows some of his people were captured.


Glad that Ethan was able to help the feral wolves that they had captured. I had wondered about his ability to do more than one at a time; he seems to be growing in power, and that can be a good or bad thing depending on what side you are on with him...


I really cannot believe that Jean-Pierre would have been so stupid to allow his people to go after the captives the way they did. I am going to bet that like the attack itself, Jean-Pierre is gone, and some idiots decided to act.


Aiden seems to have acted as a channel for Ethan, that would be very unusual even given their individual powers and relationship but WOW, what a surprise. I would think that with Aiden's protective feelings about his pack; the rage he felt probably transmitted itself to Ethan and the fireball was the result. I wonder why the men were so surprised by his form, did they not realize he was an Alpha wolf, it isn't that unusual for an Alpha to hold more than one form. I would assume that there are cameras in the cells, wonder if the fireball destroyed it? If not, how much did it pick up? Jean-Pierre is going to face some difficult decisions when he gets back...


Seems like the s*&t is about to hit the fan, can't wait to see what you do with the story next...

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On 03/15/2016 09:55 AM, Lux Apollo said:

Great chapter! I was starting to wonder when Aiden would begin to be brought to the brink... and quite the response as well. Ethan to thank for that, I guess?

Thank you lux. Aiden has shown remarkable restraint, but he also realizes what the situation is and that his actions could have an impact on the other hostages. Take action if able or if required to protect.

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On 03/15/2016 10:32 AM, lenhall said:

Love, love love this story! Brilliant cliffhanger.

Thank you lenhall. :)

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On 03/15/2016 11:06 AM, TylorD43 said:

Well I didn't see that coming. Talk about heating up the story. Aiden is just full of surprises.

Thanks Tylor :) I have a feeling no one was more surprised than Aiden.

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On 03/15/2016 11:46 AM, shade456 said:

Omg damn waiting for the chapters I need more lol

Thank you Shade :)

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On 03/15/2016 12:10 PM, rbenn55 said:

:o:,(:read::worship::worship: Need I saw more?????

Thank you for this, rbenn :)

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On 03/15/2016 12:14 PM, JayT said:

WOW....great ending....can Aiden channel Ethan's powers??? I want and need more please!

jt, Thank you! That is the question for now.

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On 03/15/2016 12:23 PM, avidreadr said:

Wow. Curiouser and curiouser. Very eager for more.

Thank you avid :)

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On 03/15/2016 12:35 PM, centexhairysub said:

WOW, just a great chapter all the way around. I was so glad that they were able to reach Ethan and get him focused on something besides his loss. I hope they do realize that he is actually in contact with Aiden and that might be as much help to them as what Gaelan provided, maybe more; since you would hope that the Jean-Pierre would be smart enough to alter some of his security since he knows some of his people were captured.


Glad that Ethan was able to help the feral wolves that they had captured. I had wondered about his ability to do more than one at a time; he seems to be growing in power, and that can be a good or bad thing depending on what side you are on with him...


I really cannot believe that Jean-Pierre would have been so stupid to allow his people to go after the captives the way they did. I am going to bet that like the attack itself, Jean-Pierre is gone, and some idiots decided to act.


Aiden seems to have acted as a channel for Ethan, that would be very unusual even given their individual powers and relationship but WOW, what a surprise. I would think that with Aiden's protective feelings about his pack; the rage he felt probably transmitted itself to Ethan and the fireball was the result. I wonder why the men were so surprised by his form, did they not realize he was an Alpha wolf, it isn't that unusual for an Alpha to hold more than one form. I would assume that there are cameras in the cells, wonder if the fireball destroyed it? If not, how much did it pick up? Jean-Pierre is going to face some difficult decisions when he gets back...


Seems like the s*&t is about to hit the fan, can't wait to see what you do with the story next...

Centex, Thank you for the continued support and encouragement. Ethan was walking a tightrope over an abyss from his loss. One wrong move and he could have potentially been lost to his grief and perhaps gone feral. Figuring out the dreams and putting them to use would give them an advantage that can't be understated.


Since Ethan doesn't have anyone that can train him or an owners manual to go by, his mind relies on instinct to guide him in using his gifts. Between his human side, the elemental side and his wolf side, it gives him a lot to draw on. The healer in him realized that one at a time just wouldn't work from a safety perspective so he created his own way of dealing with the situation.


Jean-Pierre had issued orders that the hostages were strictly hands off, for the time being. Though as the saying goes, 'when the cats away'... That said, the culture of the gang would allow for the rough and abusive treatment of the hostages under normal conditions. Jean just sees that they are in anything but normal conditions with the botched attack.


Aiden's actions are the new mystery. He may not even realize what happened since just like with Ethan, this first use of extreme power left him out cold on the floor. The rogue guards that were killed had never had any direct contact with Aiden, so they would have had no reason to think he could potentially be an Alpha. When they looked in the cell and saw his wolf, they just figured someone screwed up and he was a lunis instead of a lupus wolf. Even Jean-Pierre hasn't figured it out on a conscious level, though he feels he can talk to Aiden as an equal. Aiden is still coming into his own and not necessarily exhibiting all outward characteristics of an Alpha.


Not sure if there are cameras in the cell block or not. It isn't like they are in continual use normally and that would be an added expense if not regularly utilized, but it is possible ;)

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On 03/16/2016 06:42 AM, dez421 said:


Thank you for the great compliment, Dez. ;)

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Great, the stories back up full and running again after a hiatus that was slow to move.

Is that fireball something that Aiden owns or is he a conduit for what Ethan can see telepathically? Fascinating!

Glad Gaelen came to join the party. He didn't owe his previous Rogue owners any loyalty and could obviously see this pack was actively home to all, including Solaris.

The battle for the packs captives has begun.

Edited by Bard Simpson
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we’ll all take a turn on your when  - we’ll all take a turn on your ass when 

Ethan is a water Elemental and I believe that being in contact with him has created a fire Elemental in Aiden. If there were a third and forurth person involved, I would add earth and air Elementals to the list. 

Interesting combination of several ancient myths (Druid creations). The wolves call them Elementals and usually there are four, one each for the four ancient elements, water, fire, earth and air. The Ancient Greek medical man, Galen, believe that illness was caused by one of the four Elements being out of balance.

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