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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Morningstar: The Malaise - 36. Chapter 36 Aftermath

Coming clean.

Morningstar: The Malaise



Chapter 36



The looks they exchanged were charged with excitement. There were no longer limitations to how they communicated in wolf form? Ironically, Kellar was rendered speechless for the moment, as his brain went into overdrive. It was an astonishing development; his healer mind began cataloguing the benefits, and safety was the biggest. This new gift from the joining had already saved his life. His guts would have been on the ground if not for Tobyn’s thought warning. A smile slowly grew on his face, matched by his mate’s. He wondered….

“Do you think we can…?”

“Hear thoughts in this form?” Kellar finished Tobyn’s question.


“Let’s try it. Think something to me,” he said with an eager impatience.

“Okay.” Tobyn’s concentration was apparent, but Kellar heard nothing. “Did you get that?”

“No, nothing. What did you say?”

Tobyn shot a glance at the group standing over Reznick, discussing what was needed to move him, aside from the bobcat. “I said, I love you, mountain man.” It came out in a whisper, and Kellar chuckled.

“I think everyone knows that.”

“Yeah, well. It doesn’t mean they all need to hear it.”

“You’re so cute when you turn that color.”

“Shut up, would you? So, anyway, it didn’t work. Try it on me, just to be sure.”

“Okay.” Kellar sent a silent message and waited.

“Ah, you said you loved me too.”

“You heard me,” Keller exclaimed, pleasure flooding him.

“Ha. Gotcha.”

“Huh? That’s exactly what I said… so you must have….”

“No, I didn’t… I just know you.” Tobyn reached up and cupped the cheek of Kellar’s now disappointed face. “Sorry… I couldn’t resist. You really are so easy.” Tobyn snickered. “It doesn’t matter, though, because we can talk as humans, and that’s good enough.”

“I am too easy, but that’s because I trust my mate.” Kellar showed Tobyn his tongue. “You’re right, though, that it’s no big deal. I just thought we had a new toy to play with.”

“We’ve already got toys to play with… nice ones, I think.”

Kellar laughed at his cheeky, grinning mate. “When you’re right, you’re right, babe.”

“What the heck are you guys still doing here? Go home and take care of all that slicing and dicing you went through. Like I said, we’ve got this,” Ingram called over.

“Yeah, we’re going. We were just checking something out,” Tobyn responded just before he turned into his golden self. Kellar happily followed.

They’d only gone a few hundred feet before Kellar suggested they stop, using their new-found thought-speak. He didn’t like that Tobyn was limping as much as he was. Tobyn, though, continued on. Kellar tried again. “Tobyn?” Still no effect, and his heart sank. Was it a onetime deal, like the colors? Frustrated, he yelled, “Stop!” Tobyn spun around on his haunches as if he’d been shot at again, and dropped his belly to the ground, looking all around them.

Kellar shifted. “Did you hear me yell?”

“Hell, yeah, you scared the crap out of me,” Tobyn answered upon following suit, standing carefully as he favored his shoulder. “What’s going on?”

“Nothing. I tried talking to you… telling you to hold up, but you obviously didn’t hear me.”

Tobyn relaxed. “I was talking to you too. I just said how glad I was we didn’t have to take care of Reznick’s body. You didn’t hear me at all?”

“Uh uh. Not a word. But you heard me when I yelled. Interesting. Either we need practice, or there has to be some strong emotion behind it?”

“Maybe. What was your strong emotion?”

“I guess I was pissed because I thought our new wolf communication might have been like the colors, and, you know, disappeared the way they did.”

“Yeah, you were pretty disappointed last night, but please don’t be; I’m not. I can still see them in my mind, and that’s worth so much by itself. I’ll never, ever forget how incredible they were. Just because the colors went away doesn’t mean my seeing them wasn’t a gift to both of us.”

“Thanks. I know it’s enough we could share seeing them while we did. Anyway… maybe our wolf-speak is about focusing? Emotions can make you focus, so probably we have to really try in order to communicate in this new way. That would be better anyway, because we’d only hear what the other wants us to.”

“You got secrets, mountain man?”

“What? No, of course not. Really. You know what I mean, don’t you?”

“Gotcha again.” Tobyn chuckled. “Yeah, I know what you mean. We don’t want it to be like an annoying interference kind of thing. I think we need to practice, so let’s speak some words after we shift… say, five single words at different times, focus as we send them, and see whether either of us heard any. We’ll check when we get home. Sound good?”

“Yeah, great idea. Five words it is.”

“So, is this why you thought-yelled for me to stop?”

“Oh… no… you were limping. I thought it would be best for you to rest a while. We don’t have to hurry, and I could trickle some more healing. It should help with the pain.”

“Doc, I’m fine. I’m keeping my weight off it, so that’s why I might look bad as I’m trotting, but it’s doable, and I want to get home. I can’t do a full-out run, though. Maybe we can snuggle up in bed, and I’ll rest then. A nap would be good.”

“Okay, if you’re sure?”

“I am. What about you? How are your sides?”

“Bad. The slice is healing well enough, but my ribs, since I shifted, hurt like a son-of-a-bitch. I might not be able to make it the whole way home like this without taking a break.”

Concern spread across Tobyn’s face. “Oh damn. Why didn’t you say something earlier? Stay right here and take it easy. I’ll go get whatever herbs….”


“Ah, seriously? I deserved that, didn’t I… so you’re really not hurting?”

“Yeah, you so did. As long as I don’t need to take really deep breaths, it’s doable,” he answered with a grin. “Home, and bed it is. The way we’re healing, a sleep should make us good as new. Come on; let’s hightail it out of here.”

“I’m ready. The farther we get away from here the better I’ll feel. I’d say ‘race you’ but you’d win… this time,” he teased. A quick grin, and Tobyn shifted, trotting off along the well-worn trail with his limp still noticeable. Kellar was on his tail the whole way back.


“River,” Tobyn said.

“Didn’t hear it.”






“Nope. But I heard sex loud and clear. Am I right?”

“Yes,” Tobyn admitted with a snicker. "Thought I'd throw that one in there."

“So three out of five. Not bad, eh?”

“Not bad at all, doc.”

“It’s good for a start, Tobyn. Notice the three words I heard were the most important for the day… the wind, because it fucked with us, the rabbit because your wolf was hungry, and sex, well… you must still be reliving it like I am,” Kellar concluded with amusement.

“All true, so I can’t argue with your theory,” he agreed, running his hand down Kellar’s arm, causing the hairs to stand up and his skin to tingle. “I think I heard all your words. Tail, cliff, shower, Tobyn, and bed. Correct?”

“Totally. In the right order too. I think this means we only need a little more practice.”

“Well, I do, anyway.”

“We both do. You might be able to tune in to me better than I do to you. Whatever the reason, we’ll get it.” They were standing naked in their kitchen, and Kellar watched his mate go inward for a few seconds, making him curious. “What are you thinking about?”

“You know me,” he responded. “More dumb shit.”


“Look, I’m trying not to lose it, but do you realize how close we came to failing? I mean, if that murderer had gotten away, knowing about the copper, our advantage would have been gone. I know I said I had faith in you, and I did at the time, but now… I don’t know. I’m just dealing, is all.”

“Yeah… is that all?”

“Pretty much.”

“You’re deflecting, my mate, so spill.”

Kellar watched an involuntary shudder go through Tobyn before he spoke again. “Seeing you lying there… I knew you were faking some of your pain, but I didn’t know how much, and he was too far away to reach, and he had the gun and he was closest to you, and the guy was fucking crazy so there was no telling when it was coming, and maybe I should have convinced you we shouldn’t go out there by ourselves because I could have lost you, and….”

Kellar stepped closer, and pulled the distraught man in against him as carefully as he could. “Hey, slow down. Stop. You’re freaking out, but I understand. I felt all of that too. Reznick said the Lord was watching out for him, but he had it all wrong. The earth mother was watching out for us.” He spoke in soothing tones as he moved his fingers in circles on Tobyn’s back. Anything more, and his ribs would protest. “You said it yourself… I would have reached him, and you were moving sideways, so even if Warren wasn’t there, we were both ready to react. We both had a plan no matter what he did. I think we proved today we were equipped for taking the bastard on, despite the bad luck of the wind and that goddam elk. And you didn’t lose me, and I didn’t lose you, and we didn’t let fear rule us. Isn’t that what’s important here?”

“Yeah, I know. I needed my dumb shit moment.” He winced a little as he pulled back to look at Kellar’s concerned face. “I’m good now, doc. Can we just go to bed? I don’t know why I feel so exhausted.”

“It’s because we’re healing, and there’s a little bit of shock from the whole ordeal. If you remember, we did expend a lot of energy last night,” he added, trying and succeeding in getting a smile. “And, we were up really early. I want bed too, but I think you need to message your mom before she shows up at our door, and nicely tell her we’ll come see her in a few hours. She might come anyway, but it’s worth a shot. You know she’s going to worry about her baby boy’s injury, and she would have heard all about it by now.”

“And yours. Okay, I’ll send her a text. I’m too tired to even shower.”

“Ditto. Maybe I should make you a tea and do some healing?”

“Do you really think you need to? Look how closed up my wound is.”

“Yeah, and mine too. It seems completing the joining has upped our ability to self-heal again. Let’s see where we’re at after a couple of hours sleep.”

Tobyn was already walking towards the bedroom. “Sounds like a plan. Come on, would you? I need my pillow,” he said, looking back impatiently.

“So, I’m just a pillow for you, huh?”

“Yeah, but you’re the best pillow ever.” He crawled onto the bed carefully, and sighed when he was finally prone.

Kellar did the same, but when Tobyn went to lay his head on his chest, he groaned. “I don’t….”

“Oh, shit. Sorry… I wasn’t thinking.”

“It’s okay. Neither was I. How about we just hold hands?”

“I think that’s all we can do for now.”

“Yeah… for now. Tobyn? Can we not tell anyone we were prepared for Reznick? I want my brother to get full marks for what he did. I know Denver thought it was reckless, and maybe it was a little, but it also took tremendous courage….”

Tobyn squeezed the hand in his. “I agree, Warren deserves all the credit,” he mumbled before the deep breathing of sleep could be heard.

Kellar sighed in contentment, taking one last look at his beautiful mate before he closed his eyes. He sent a thank you to the earth mother, and let the comforting sound carry him under.


“We really did it!”

Kellar opened his eyes at the sound of his mate’s voice in a bedroom darkened by late afternoon gloom. The wind was still churning around outside, and the rain it drove splattered sporadically on the window. He stretched, and felt only an easily bearable ache. “You’re too far away.”

Tobyn moved closer. “Are you better now?”

“Yup… pain free… just some soreness. You can have your pillow back.”

“Good, I missed it. Before you ask, my shoulder feels right as rain. A little tightness but that’s all.” He laid his head on Kellar’s chest. “It’s amazing we can heal ourselves like this, isn’t it? From knife wounds of all things.”

“It’s the way it’s supposed to be for us… for all of us.”

“So, did you hear me?”

“Yeah, I was already awake, but you knew that didn’t you?”

“Uh huh. I was getting antsy waiting for you to open those baby blues.”

“I know… I could tell. And I was thinking the exact same thing. We’ve taken out two experienced hunters so far, but we can’t ever get cocky, like he was, because they are tougher and stronger than I ever would have thought. I still can’t believe how quick this Reznick was.”

“I know I brought it up, but let’s not think about him right now. We’ll have to rehash this with Mom soon.” His sigh wasn’t audible, but Kellar felt the breath of it blow across his chest. It was intensely erotic, but now wasn’t the time.

“I’m starving.”

“I could eat an elk.”

Kellar laughed. “Well, I happen to know where one likely is, if you really want elk meat.”

“No… no more woods for me today. Whatever the lodge has is fine… I was definitely kidding. Ready?”

“Ready. Share a shower?”

“With you? Anytime, doc,” he said with a grin. “A really hot one.”

“You certainly are, my mate.”


Elinor was frowning on the other side of the desk. “I don’t like this one bit. I never should have allowed you boys out there on your own like that. It was one thing to let you search out other packs, but this… this…it was irresponsible of me to let you face an experienced hunter head-on. I think I need to reconsider you taking more risks.” She plunked down into her chair, having finally run out of steam, at least temporarily.

“Mom, we’re not boys for God’s sake. Nothing happened to us.”

“Nothing happened? Nothing happened? How can you say that?” Her voice rose steadily higher. “Both of you were stabbed… stabbed, Tobyn, by an expert killer, so don’t you dare act like it was no big deal. And, you are a boy, at least to me. You’re only twenty years old, and you came very close to not making it to your next birthday. If Warren hadn’t been there….”

After watching Tobyn and his mom go back and forth on this since the relaying of their encounter with the hunter, Kellar finally entered the conversation. He felt sorry for the woman whose face had all but drained of any color. “Elinor, I understand what you’re going through, and I know it’s not easy. It’s no different from what Tobyn and I felt. The situation scared the hell out of us too, but to backtrack and start thinking you might not want us going out to look for other packs is just giving into fear again. We went through this already, and you agreed it was something we had to do.”

“Yes, Kellar, but….”

“Just let me say this one thing, please, and then I’ll back out of your talk to your son.” He was beginning to understand that fear activated her protective motherly instincts to an almost irrational level, and more balance was needed if they didn’t want her to pull rank. She was close to outright forbidding their intended excursions, and Kellar didn’t want to see a rift between mother and son. “We told you if it wasn’t for Warren, we’d have been done for. We shouldn’t have done that.”

Elinor, still looking ashen, leaned forward in her seat. “Why not?”

“Because it’s not entirely true. Yes, Warren shot the hunter, and he killed the hunter, but we, Tobyn and I, were ready. I was a split second from his throat when Warren’s gun went off, and Tobyn was leaping to the side at the same moment, so Reznick was already doomed.” He looked over at his mate, who nodded. “We aren’t defenseless young kids, ma’am, and I think you know that. As a pair, we are up for the challenge, and that’s not being arrogant or cocky, or irresponsible. We’ve all had a tough day, but there is still a job to do, and we are the ones to do it… Elinor.”

“Exactly why did you hold that information back from me?” She looked from Kellar to her son.

“It was my suggestion,” Kellar answered. “What my brother did was courageous beyond measure, and we wanted him to get all the credit he deserves for taking such a huge threat out… and for caring so much about the pack. It seemed right, but I didn’t take into account a mother’s fears.” He gave her a tentative smile. “Sorry.”

“I am afraid, Kellar. We can’t afford to lose either one of you. I can’t afford to.” Her face was still creased with worry.

“Would it help to know we can communicate as wolves?”

“I’m sorry? What does that mean? Tobyn?”

“What Kellar is trying to say is that we can hear each other’s thoughts after we’ve shifted. We can’t do it in human form, though.” He grinned at his mate.

“Oh, goodness. How is that possible? I’ve never heard of such a thing occurring between mates before. Are you sure? Of course you’re sure… never mind. When did this start?”

Tobyn looked at Kellar, already starting to turn red. “Ah, we, ah….”

“What Tobyn is trying to say is we completed our joining last night, and it was because he warned me about the knife I didn’t see Reznick pull from behind his waist that I was able to escape more serious damage. He did it when we were in wolf form, Elinor. That was the first time it happened.”


“Yes. We’ve been practicing since and we’re getting better at it. So, does that help with your worry? It gives us another advantage over any hunters we might encounter when we’re scouting out other packs.”

“It’s astounding. This is almost too much to fathom. I… do you realize how special this makes you?” Elinor appeared at a loss for words after that, spinning her chair around to face a window that looked out into rain and blowing pines.

Kellar raised his eyebrows at his mate, but Tobyn was watching his mother as she stared outward. They all remained quiet and unmoving for a couple of minutes.

“This is definitely the work of the earth mother,” Elinor spoke softly. “I was right before, when I said there was more involved in our resurgence. This gift has been bestowed upon you two for a reason, and I have no right to interfere. She protected you today, and I have to believe she will continue to do so.” She turned her chair back to face them, and the worry was gone from her face. “I’m sorry I over-reacted, and Kellar, you must understand I think of you as my son now too. I wasn’t just having this conversation with Tobyn. My ‘mother’s fears’ extend to you as well. Do you get that?”

“Ah, yes, ma’am, I do.” He was encompassed in a warm feeling as Elinor looked at him.

“Good. Now go eat. I can tell you’re both famished, and whatever is being prepared smells delicious. I’ll bet you haven’t eaten since this morning. Go. I’ll join you when Denver gets here. Everyone will be happy to see you, and you were right to give Warren his due. I won’t tell a story that’s any different from yours.”

“Thanks, Mom. So, you’re still okay with our road trip?”

“Yes, dear. If I were to put my foot down, you two probably wouldn’t listen to me anyway, would you?”

Kellar answered. “Probably not, ma’am.” He looked over to a smirking Tobyn.

“That’s my mate… honest to a fault. I may have to teach him the art of diplomacy.” Tobyn’s smirk became a grin.

Elinor’s laughter followed them out the door.

Kellar stopped in the hallway when his phone’s text alert went off. Peering at the screen, he chuckled. “It’s from Warren. Take a look,” he said, showing the message to Tobyn.

“Wow, bro. My mate has a wicked temper. I got mad skills as a sweet talker though, and all is forgiven. She still loves me, but don’t count on me to save your furry asses for a while… a week at least. lol”

Tobyn outright laughed. “I fucking love that guy,” he said as they entered the dining room hand in hand. Neither one was expecting the loud applause they received.

Thank you to my editor, Timothy M., and to those who support this story. smile.png
Copyright © 2017 Headstall; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

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Chapter Comments

On 12/22/2016 01:52 PM, dughlas said:

Finally finished reading this chapter after multiple interruptions. More interesting developements. Are the guys unique in their ability to communicate while wolves or is it just a lack of need among the other earthmates? Guess we'll just need to wait for what comes next.

Thanks, dugh. It appears this is something unique... Elinor has never heard of this happening before. There's still a lot to come, and I thank you for reviewing... cheers, and Merry Christmas, buddy... Gary....

  • Like 4

The Aftermath was as important as the battle itself and they kept on learning lessons. Talking and testing they soon worked out how their new ability worked, and it did indeed make sense they had to focus and use single words. Even if it never becomes more than that, it's still a huge advantage. I found it quite cute how they have no problem standing around naked in company but Tobyn goes all shy saying he loves his mate.
Another logical part of the aftermath was Tobyn having a small freak-out. This time he came clean with his 'dumb shit' thoughts when Kellar asked, so he's learning that too. Thay both needed to acknowledge how close they came to disaster, but also how the earth mother gave them the edge. Elinor had a good point about that later.
Sleeping together was a good way of dealing with fatigue and fear and of course it also helped the healing. And I'm sure the shower afterwards had its own meaning of coming clean. :P:rofl:
I wonder how thoroughly Warren came clean on what happened, but Adelin seems to have forgiven him after giving him a piece of her mind. :lol: I bet that was an aftermath which he didn't enjoy, but if he told her how scared he was of losing Kellar, I'm sure she relented. After all, Kellar saved her life and gave her an earth mate.
Elinor's reaction was predictable and the boys knew this aftermath was unavoidable, but like Kellar I hadn't thought about the consequences of letting Warren get all the credit. It was clever of him to come clean about the datails including their wolf telepathy. I hope Elinor keeps that to herself, too - though I guess she'll tell Denver and perhaps Miss Sybil, if the boys don't come clean with her themselves.
I'm finally caught up with my reviewing :D - well apart from the chapter posting tonight. Sorry about taking so long, but you know I like to read and think carefully, so as not to miss any details.

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On 12/27/2016 07:07 AM, Timothy M. said:

The Aftermath was as important as the battle itself and they kept on learning lessons. Talking and testing they soon worked out how their new ability worked, and it did indeed make sense they had to focus and use single words. Even if it never becomes more than that, it's still a huge advantage. I found it quite cute how they have no problem standing around naked in company but Tobyn goes all shy saying he loves his mate.

Another logical part of the aftermath was Tobyn having a small freak-out. This time he came clean with his 'dumb shit' thoughts when Kellar asked, so he's learning that too. Thay both needed to acknowledge how close they came to disaster, but also how the earth mother gave them the edge. Elinor had a good point about that later.

Sleeping together was a good way of dealing with fatigue and fear and of course it also helped the healing. And I'm sure the shower afterwards had its own meaning of coming clean. :P:rofl:

I wonder how thoroughly Warren came clean on what happened, but Adelin seems to have forgiven him after giving him a piece of her mind. :lol: I bet that was an aftermath which he didn't enjoy, but if he told her how scared he was of losing Kellar, I'm sure she relented. After all, Kellar saved her life and gave her an earth mate.

Elinor's reaction was predictable and the boys knew this aftermath was unavoidable, but like Kellar I hadn't thought about the consequences of letting Warren get all the credit. It was clever of him to come clean about the datails including their wolf telepathy. I hope Elinor keeps that to herself, too - though I guess she'll tell Denver and perhaps Miss Sybil, if the boys don't come clean with her themselves.

I'm finally caught up with my reviewing :D - well apart from the chapter posting tonight. Sorry about taking so long, but you know I like to read and think carefully, so as not to miss any details.

Well, you certainly never miss any details :) . I think my favorite part of this chapter was Warren's text. The slight cockiness and confidence of it makes me love the guy even more... just like it did for Tobyn. He's such a wonderful addition to their lives. The talk with Elinor was a difficult one for her... she was having a tough time, so 'coming clean' about how they were ready for Reznick, and their new 'gift' allowed her to get over the hump. I was worried readers would find this one a letdown after the drama of the last one, so I'm glad to hear you say the aftermath was as important as the battle... I think you're right... thanks for all the incredible and insightful reviews, Tim... cheers... Gary...

  • Like 5

Yeah, what comes after a brawl is often as important as how that brawl turns out. Kellar and Tobyn could have gotten down on themselves for the way it all went - but as they told Elinor, they were much more on top of things than it seemed. The new twist between the guys is going to be interesting. It has a lot of potential for the coming days. That it is imperfect - at least as yet - is worrisome, lest the ability fail at a crucial moment.
A lot to think about. I'm glad you gave the guys time to recover. Also pleased that Warren's new gal didn't wear him out too badly for his participation. i mean, not that she could really object to what he did to assist.
I didn't want to give too much away in the way of spoilers for other readers, but I just scrolled up and looked at a couple of the other reviews and see now I needn't have danced around the facts. Oops.
Carry on. I will be catching you soon. Guess you need to write faster. :)

  • Like 5
On 01/29/2017 11:00 AM, Geron Kees said:

Yeah, what comes after a brawl is often as important as how that brawl turns out. Kellar and Tobyn could have gotten down on themselves for the way it all went - but as they told Elinor, they were much more on top of things than it seemed. The new twist between the guys is going to be interesting. It has a lot of potential for the coming days. That it is imperfect - at least as yet - is worrisome, lest the ability fail at a crucial moment.

A lot to think about. I'm glad you gave the guys time to recover. Also pleased that Warren's new gal didn't wear him out too badly for his participation. i mean, not that she could really object to what he did to assist.

I didn't want to give too much away in the way of spoilers for other readers, but I just scrolled up and looked at a couple of the other reviews and see now I needn't have danced around the facts. Oops.

Carry on. I will be catching you soon. Guess you need to write faster. :)

So true, Geron. Even though they were shook up by how close they came, they realized and gave themselves credit for what they accomplished. The decision to give Warren full credit was admirable, but they didn't think all the consequences through. Elinor needed to know they did have things in hand... with a little help from the earth mother... you're reading faster... I need to put it in gear :) , Cheers... Gary....

  • Like 5
On 02/01/2017 08:09 AM, Lyssa said:

So now is the right place to write about their ability to be pack leader. They are right in not being kids anymore. They do a fine job. I just thought about renaissance would have been a appropriate name for the story, too. The young ones discovered so much in such short period.


Yes, that title would have definitely worked. They ARE young and they have accomplished a lot already, but I don't know if either is interested in being a pack leader. They still have much left to do... we'll see... thanks again for reading and reviewing, my friend... cheers... Gary....

  • Like 4
On 6/12/2017 at 11:46 AM, gremmerm said:

Hi there,

I love your story. LOVE.  Been looking for a good werewolf m/m romance.


FYI:    The .png files for smile (smile.png) and wink (wink.png) no longer exist either in the location or with same name (or both diff location and diff name).

Thanks, gremmerm! I'm sorry I just found this review. We, as yet, don't get comment notifications with the new upgrade, and that upgrade has affected all the existing emojis as well :) . I'm so pleased you like the story. I tried to write something just a bit different... cheers... Gary....

  • Like 5

Another great chapter and what an hilarious character Warren is turning out to be.

...don’t count on me to save your furry asses for a while… 

So funny G. With Adeline around, he needs to pay more attention to his own skinny ass; that's for sure! 😉

I sense Warren is becoming the third member of the band and he's very much the third bro, to Kellar and Tobyn.

We are beginning to see a lot of new abilities since they completed their Joining. There's the wolf telepathy, the quick healing plus their enhanced joint instinct: as when they attacked and out manoeuvred the Hunter together.

The wild hot sex was just a small fringe benefit and a price worth paying apparently. 😉 Boys and their toys! 😋😜

After a few stressful chapters due to the threat of an expert killer in the vicinity, the tide feels like its turning in favour of the pack. With that final round of applause has come a new wave of cautious optimism.

We can finally look forward to the next Chapter with some excitement in our veins.

Edited by Bard Simpson
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4 hours ago, Bard Simpson said:

Another great chapter and what an hilarious character Warren is turning out to be.

...don’t count on me to save your furry asses for a while… 

So funny G. With Adeline around, he needs to paying more attention to his own skinny ass; that's for sure! 😉

I sense Warren is becoming the third member of the band and he's very much the third bro, to Kellar and Tobyn.

We are beginning to see a lot of new abilities since they completed their Joining. There's the wolf telepathy, the quick healing plus their enhanced joint instinct: as when they attacked and out manoeuvred the Hunter together.

The wild hot sex was just a small fringe benefit and a price worth paying apparently. 😉 Boys and their toys! 😋😜

After a few stressful chapters due to the threat of an expert killer in the vicinity, the tide feels like its turning in favour of the pack. With that final round of applause has come a new wave of cautious optimism.

We can finally look forward to the next Chapter with some excitement in our veins.

Thanks, Bard. I'm not feeling well today, so my brain is fuzzy, so if I don't make sense... 

Warren has very quickly become integral to the pack, and you're exactly right that he has moved to real bro status for K and T. I love his wit... it is so fun to write, so I'm glad you like it as well. 

Yes, boys and their toys... good job they were able to apply themselves to getting the sex over with. :P 

I appreciate you commenting on the balance of the story... it can't all be stressful for the reader, and I tried hard to ensure we got our breaks. The relationships in this story are beautiful things to explore as well. 

Onward we go... much appreciated, buddy... cheers... Gary....

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8 hours ago, Bard Simpson said:

Another great chapter and what an hilarious character Warren is turning out to be.

...don’t count on me to save your furry asses for a while… 

So funny G. With Adeline around, he needs to pay more attention to his own skinny ass; that's for sure! 😉

I sense Warren is becoming the third member of the band and he's very much the third bro, to Kellar and Tobyn.

We are beginning to see a lot of new abilities since they completed their Joining. There's the wolf telepathy, the quick healing plus their enhanced joint instinct: as when they attacked and out manoeuvred the Hunter together.

The wild hot sex was just a small fringe benefit and a price worth paying apparently. 😉 Boys and their toys! 😋😜

After a few stressful chapters due to the threat of an expert killer in the vicinity, the tide feels like its turning in favour of the pack. With that final round of applause has come a new wave of cautious optimism.

We can finally look forward to the next Chapter with some excitement in our veins.

Still jealous of the first time reader...so good to see you are enjoying the ride

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2 hours ago, Nana Atuwa said:

I was going to say it would have been dope if they got some powers after the joining then I remembered they did telepathy, ability to heal quickly and others 

Isn't it weird how every time u reread a story u find out new things really great u didn't realise before

Hey, Nana! It's great to hear from you again. I've heard that from other readers, and have experienced it myself. Sometimes we are speeding along, engrossed in the story, in a hurry to read what will come next, so we might not digest all we read. With rereads, we slow down, and then things start popping up we didn't fully grasp the first time. It's part of why we can enjoy favorite books over and over again. :D  I'm glad you're at finding that with Morningstar. I really liked writing what joining gave them... gifts from the earth mother. It was a key to the story, one of many keys. :)  Thanks again for sharing your thoughts, and for your support... cheers... Gary.... :hug: 

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Interesting! Those two doesn't seem to be our average werewolves. What am I even saying? Of course they're not average in any way. It was really good to know they can communicate telepathically when in wolf form. They so much love and care for each other. And I understand how Tobyn's mom must have felt to know her son and his mate almost had a death experience. It must be really terrifying for a every mother. Keller is a very good man for letting his brother Take all the credit, not many people could do that. 

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On 2/22/2020 at 6:00 PM, Jasmine94 said:

Interesting! Those two doesn't seem to be our average werewolves. What am I even saying? Of course they're not average in any way. It was really good to know they can communicate telepathically when in wolf form. They so much love and care for each other. And I understand how Tobyn's mom must have felt to know her son and his mate almost had a death experience. It must be really terrifying for a every mother. Keller is a very good man for letting his brother Take all the credit, not many people could do that. 

Kellar was just being Kellar. Warren has become more important to him than he ever could have imagined. :)  Elinor too, was just being Elinor. She is one part mother and one part leader, and she's astonishingly good at both. :yes:  This new gift is a big deal towards ensuring the scales are tipped in their favor... and it served them well against the younger Reznick. Thanks and cheers, Jasmine... Gary.... :hug: 

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