Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Losing Kevin - 3. Chapter 3
On the drive home, Paul whispered to Devin, “Did you talk to Kevin yet?” Paul spoke softly so Stanley and Charles who were sitting in the backseat couldn’t hear. Stanley was the center on the basketball team. He had to sit sideways in the backseat because there wasn’t enough leg room for his long, lanky body.
“I will,” Devin replied angrily. “I already said something to that other kid.”
Paul asked hopefully, “Did you kick his ass?”
“Not yet,” stated Devin. “But if I see him with my brother again, I will.”
“Let me know when you do,” volunteered Paul, “and I’ll help you.”
Nothing more was said as they rode in silence. When they pulled into the driveway, Devin asked Paul to wait for him. “I’m going over to Ashley’s, but I gotta pick something up first.” Devin ran into the house and returned a few minutes later. When he got into the car, he grinned and held up a plastic object.
“Ta da!” he laughed. Paul’s eyes widened when he saw the condom Devin was holding.
“What!” Paul shouted excitedly.
“Ashley said she wanted me to come over after school,” he announced. “She said she had something special to give me. This may be my lucky day.”
Stanley spoke up from the backseat. “I thought you and Ashley were already doing it.”
“We’ve played around,” Devin said, “but we’ve never done the dirty deed. She’s jacked me off, but that’s all.”
“Damn,” Paul hissed. Devin laughed when he saw his friend rearrange his hard cock inside his pants. “I gotta get me a girlfriend.”
“I thought you were in love with Rosy Palms,” Stanley chuckled from behind them.
“Yeah,” Paul replied, “She’s your girlfriend, too.” Devin roared with laughter when Stanley looked at his hand and blushed. Charles elbowed him in his side and laughed.
A few minutes later, Paul pulled up in front of Ashley’s home. Devin got out and grinned at the boys in the car. “Wish me luck, guys.”
“Fuck you, Devin,” Paul said playfully. “Why should I wish you luck? I ain’t getting any.”
“Talk to Stanley nice,” Devin responded, “and maybe he’ll give you some.” He laughed as Stanley got out and climbed into the front seat.
Playfully, Stanley rubbed his hand on Paul’s knee. “Hey, Paulie,” he giggled. “I got something here you might like.” He grabbed his crotch and wiggled it. Paul glanced over quickly.
“Fuck you, Stanley,” he replied angrily. “I ain’t no fag.”
“What are you doing here?” Cameron stopped suddenly when he walked out of the room where he had served his detention.
Kevin tried to smile, but he was hesitant because Cameron looked upset at seeing him. “I tried to talk to you after school, but then you came in here. I waited around for you to come out.”
“I told you I can’t talk to you.” Cameron dropped his head and walked away. Kevin ran up beside him and grabbed his arm.
“Did Devin say something to you?” he asked. “You said earlier he didn’t want you talking to me.”
“He called me a fag,” Cameron replied as he pulled himself free from Kevin’s grip. He started to walk away, but Kevin stopped him.
“I can deal with my brother,” Kevin told him.
“Well, I can’t.” Cameron started to walk away again, but Kevin held him back. Cameron turned to him. “Look, Kevin,” he said tearfully. “I’ve been through this before. That’s why my mother and I had to move. I was being threatened at my old school. I don’t want to go through it again.”
He pushed Kevin away and walked into a nearby restroom. When Kevin entered, Cameron was curled up on the floor crying. He sat down beside him and put his arm around him. Cameron leaned against him and continued to cry.
“It’s all right,” Kevin said reassuringly. “No one’s going to hurt you here.” He held him tightly until he stopped crying.
Cameron sat up and wiped his tears away. “I’m such a baby.”
Kevin looked at him and giggled. “You look so cute like that.” He reached out and brushed Cameron’s hair back.
Cameron began to blush. “What’s so cute about me?” He walked over to the sink, grabbed a paper towel and started wiping his face dry.
Kevin walked up behind him and put his arms around him. They stood staring at each other in the mirror. Kevin leaned down and kissed Cameron gently on the neck. He took Cameron’s waist and turned him so that they were facing. Cameron closed his eyes when Kevin leaned in and kissed him gently on the lips.
“Hey, Baby!” Ashley pulled Devin into the living room and kissed him passionately. He looked nervously around the room.
“Is anyone else here?” He walked across the room and looked into the kitchen. Ashley came up from behind him and pressed her body against his.
“I told you we’d be alone,” she cooed. “Mom and Dad are working late, and Donnie is at his friend’s house.” Donnie was her seven-year old brother.
“What if he comes home early?” Devin asked nervously.
“Mrs. Winters said she was taking him and Oliver to get pizza. He won’t be home for hours. Relax.” She dropped her hand to his crotch and rubbed him until he was erect.
“I don’t know about this,” Devin moaned. She unzipped his pants and snaked his cock out. She wrapped her hand around it and began to slowly masturbate him.
“We’ve been talking about doing this for months,” she replied as she continued to rub her body seductively against his. “I want you.” She gripped his cock and began leading him to her bedroom. “Come on.”
Once inside, she closed the door, threw him on the bed and straddled his body. She looked down and smiled. “Did you remember to bring it?” Devin nodded his head, reached into his pocket and produced the condom. “Good,” she said as she leaned in and kissed him.
As many boys do when they have their first sexual experience, he came quickly. Ashley was disappointed, but he felt triumphant. He had lost his virginity. They lay naked and cradled in each other’s arms until she looked over and noticed the time on the alarm clock.
“Shit!” she screamed as she jumped from the bed. She picked Devin’s clothes off the floor and tossed them at him. “Mom will be home in a few minutes.”
They had just finished dressing when they heard her mother’s car in the driveway. They ran to the family room, turned on the television and sat on the floor. Seconds later, her mother walked in.
“Oh. Hello Devin.” She seemed surprised that he was in the house. “Ashley,” she sounded upset. “May I see you in the kitchen for a moment?” He could hear them arguing about him being in the house without parental supervision. Minutes later, Ashley emerged and told him he would have to go. She escorted him to the front door. Outside, they kissed passionately.
“That was wonderful,” she said lovingly. “I’m glad you were my first.”
“Me, too,” Devin smiled as he kissed her gently on the cheek. “Thanks.”
He walked out onto the sidewalk, pulled out his cell phone and asked Paul to come get him. He was about three blocks away when Paul pulled up.
Paul had an anxious look on his face. “Well?” he asked as Devin got in.
“What?” Devin asked innocently.
“Don’t fuck with me, Dev!” Paul exclaimed angrily. “You know what. Did you do it?”
Devin sat back and crowed, “A gentleman doesn’t kiss and tell.”
Paul hit him on his shoulder. “You ain’t no gentleman, Fucker. Did you get into Ashley’s pants or not?”
Devin started laughing. “I got into more than her pants,” he bragged.
“Shit,” Paul said excitedly. “What was it like?”
Devin looked at Paul and frowned. “Damn, Dude. You need to get yourself a girlfriend. You’re not going home and jacking off to my sexual encounters.”
“Fucker!” Paul hissed. He drove quietly and pouted until he dropped Devin off at his house.
Before he pulled away, Devin leaned in and grinned. “It was awesome, Paulie! I can’t wait to do it again!” He slammed the door and strutted toward the house.
“Mom!” Cameron shouted as he and Kevin entered their small apartment. Kevin looked around at the meager surroundings. There were a small couch and a chair with a television playing in the corner. Except for some white blinds, there were no curtains on the window.
“I’m in the kitchen!” Mrs. Lynch hollered. “Come in here. We need to talk.”
“Uh, oh,” groaned Cameron. “She’s upset I had detention.” He gave Kevin a faint smile and then headed to the kitchen. Unsure what he was to do, Kevin followed behind.
“Why, hello.” Cameron’s mother smiled when she noticed the taller boy behind her son. She looked him and said, “I didn’t think you would have company. I didn’t bake you any cookies.” She turned to the cabinet, pulled out two glasses and sat them on the kitchen table. “Sit down, boys. I’ll get you some milk.” She opened the refrigerator and returned with a quart of milk and a half empty box of doughnuts.
“You must be Kevin,” she smiled as she poured the boys a glass of milk, opened the box and placed a doughnut in front of each of them. “I didn’t know you were going to be coming home with Cameron.” She looked sternly at him and added, “Especially after he got detention.”
“Mom,” whined Cameron. “I’m really sorry, but…”
Kevin interrupted him. “It’s not his fault, Mrs. Lynch.” He looked over at Cameron with pleading eyes. “I wanted to get a soda from the machine in the cafeteria, and I asked Cameron to go with me. I thought we had enough time. I guess I was lucky I didn’t get caught too.”
She studied the boys for a minute and then looked at Cameron and smiled. “I guess we’ll let it go this time.” She then looked at Kevin. “But please be more careful. Cameron just started school there, and I don’t want him getting off on the wrong foot.”
“I’ll be more careful,” Kevin assured her. When Mrs. Lynch turned, he looked over at Cameron and giggled. Cameron rolled his eyes and then quickly grasped Kevin’s hand.
“So other than you getting into trouble,” she turned and noticed Cameron withdrawing his hand from Kevin’s. “How did your day go?” Cameron blushed when he realized she had seen him.
“Cameron’s helping me with my geometry,” announced Kevin, unaware of the looks Cameron and his mother were giving each other. “He’s a better teacher than Mr. Shepard.”
“That’s wonderful,” she said as she moved behind the boys and placed her hands on her son’s shoulders. “Cameron’s a bright boy, as I am sure you are too. We each have our weaknesses.” She squeezed Cameron’s shoulders. “Cameron’s is the inability to move quickly.”
Cameron began choking on his milk. “Mom!” he squealed.
Kevin looked over and gave him a puzzled look. “What did she mean by that?” Mrs. Lynch laughed and walked away as Cameron’s face turned a bright red.
Kevin looked at them and asked, “Did I miss something?” Cameron’s mother laughed even harder.
The boys ate their snack as they looked over occasionally at each other and giggled. They didn’t know why, it just felt good to be together. It also helped that Mrs. Lynch was aware of her son’s sexuality. They didn’t feel that they had to be careful around each other.
Mrs. Lynch was enjoying watching the boys interact. She had worried about Cameron for years. It was hard for him to make friends, and she grew worried watching him mope around the house. Now, he was making a new friend, and she couldn’t be happier. Kevin seemed like a nice boy who wouldn’t hurt her son.
When they finished, she said, “You boys go to Cameron’s room.” She started clearing the table. “Why don’t you show Kevin your art work?”
Kevin asked, “You draw?” He was surprised because Cameron had never mentioned that he was interested in art.
“He paints,” informed Mrs. Lynch. “He’s been painting since he was four. He’s quite good.”
“Mother,” groaned Cameron. “It’s just stupid paint on a canvass. I’m not all that good.”
She tousled his hair. “Yes, you are, Dear. Now run along.”
The boys stood and started to leave. “Kevin,” asked Mrs. Lynch. “Would you like to join us for dinner? Give me your number, and I’ll call your mother and get her permission.” Cameron looked expectantly at Kevin and waited for his response.
“Yes, Ma’am,” Kevin replied politely. “I’d like that.” He looked over at a beaming Cameron. He gave Mrs. Lynch his number, and then the boys headed to the bedroom.
“Here it is,” Cameron said embarrassedly as he opened the door. “As you can see, it’s not much.”
He was right. Like the rest of the house, the room was sparsely furnished. There was a single bed in one corner and a small desk in another. What immediately caught Kevin’s attention was an easel with an oil painting on it. His eyes widened when he realized he was the subject on the painting.
He walked over and slowly examined it. “This is me?” He turned, and Cameron was looking at the floor. He turned back and admired the painting. “This is great.” The painting was only half completed, but Cameron had captured Kevin’s features, complete with his brown eyes.
“I had trouble remembering some of the details,” he admitted. “I tried to sketch you in third period from memory.”
“It’s fantastic,” Kevin said admiringly. “I can’t believe you painted me. Why?”
Cameron began to blush. “Why do you think?” He walked over and looked out the window. Kevin walked up behind him, put his arms around him and pulled him in tightly. At first Cameron’s body became tense, but he soon relaxed in Kevin’s arms.
Kevin leaned down and kissed the smaller boy on the neck. He pressed his body against Cameron’s body. His cock was becoming erect, and he could feel it pushing against Cameron’s ass.
Cameron turned, threw his arms around Kevin and buried his head into his chest. Feeling Kevin’s erection against his stomach, his own cock began to expand in his tight pants. He looked up at Kevin and their eyes met. Kevin leaned forward, and they shared their second kiss. He moaned when Kevin pushed his tongue into his mouth.
Kevin dropped his hand and ran it across the outline of Cameron’s ass. He then let it explore the smaller boy’s body until his hand came to rest on Cameron’s hard cock. Cameron moaned into Kevin’s mouth, and then he moved away.
“What’s wrong?” Kevin asked worriedly. He was afraid he had gone too far.
“I’m not ready for this,” Cameron confessed. “We just met, and I haven’t thought about this yet.” He walked over and sat down on the bed. Kevin sat beside him.
“Are you mad at me?” Cameron looked over and gave Kevin a sorrowful look.
Kevin started giggling. “Why should I be mad at you? At least one of us is thinking with the right head.” He reached down and pushed on his hard cock. Cameron watched him and giggled. He then rearranged his.
“Have you ever done this before?” Cameron asked. “It’s my first time.”
“Me, too.” Kevin informed him. He stared into Cameron’s eyes and wiggled his eyebrows. “So how long are we supposed to wait before we do something?”
“I don’t know,” replied Cameron. “I just think we should get to know each other a little better before we decide to do anything.”
“You’re really smart, you know that?” Kevin said admiringly.
“I know.” Cameron gave his signature dimpled smile.
Kevin reached down and took Cameron’s hand and squeezed it. “So, are we like going steady now?”
Cameron began to blush. “Yeah, I guess we are.”
Kevin wiggled his eyebrows. “So, if we’re going steady, can we at least make out?”
“Yeah,” giggled Cameron. “I guess we can.” They leaned forward, and their lips touched. Cameron put his arms around Kevin as they kissed. After a few minutes, Kevin’s hand dropped and touched Cameron’s cock. It was erect. He ran his hand up and down its five-inch length.
Suddenly, Cameron pulled away. His eyes widened, “Oh, no!” He got up and ran across the hall to the restroom. Kevin was worried until Cameron returned a couple of minutes later with a towel wrapped around his waist. His face was red as he walked over to his dresser and pulled out a clean pair of underwear and shorts.
Kevin leaned back on the bed and roared with laughter. Cameron stuck out his tongue and disappeared across the hall. When he returned, Kevin was still holding his stomach and rolling on the bed laughing.
“I’m going to the kitchen,” he said embarrassingly when Kevin wouldn’t stop laughing.
“I’m sorry,” laughed Kevin. “But you have to admit, it is funny as hell.”
“Shut up,” Cameron frowned. He then disappeared from the room. Kevin followed him to the kitchen while still trying to suppress his laughter.
Mrs. Lynch turned and smiled when they entered. “Are you boys enjoying yourselves? I heard you laughing.” Kevin sat in a chair and continued to laugh uproariously. She smiled, turned and prepared dinner. Cameron frowned at Kevin. Soon it became a smile, and he found himself laughing out loud. His mother turned again and observed the boys having fun. She smiled happily at her son and soon found herself joining them in laughter.
The Williams family was eating dinner when Kevin walked into the kitchen. His mother looked up and smiled, but his father and brother didn’t stop eating to acknowledge that he had returned home.
“Hello, Kevin,” said his mother. “Did you enjoy yourself at the Lynch’s home? Mrs. Lynch seemed like a nice lady.”
“Who’s the Lynches?” Devin inquired after stuffing a mouthful of roast beef into his mouth.
“Someone I met at school,” Kevin replied. His brother stopped eating and stared up at him.
“Short kid, blonde hair?” he asked. There was a tone of anger in his voice.
“Yeah,” said Kevin defensively. He remembered what Cameron had said about his brother threatening him. “What about it?” They stared at each other, neither willing to be the first to look away.
“Something wrong, Boys?” Mrs. Williams asked. Devin looked over.
“Nah,” he said. “Nothing’s wrong.” He shoved another forkful of beef into his mouth.
“I’m going to go take a shower,” announced Kevin. “Then I’ve got some homework to do.” He started to leave the room but was stopped by his father.
“Sit down, Kevin,” his father ordered. He timidly took the seat beside his brother.
“We still haven’t finished discussing why you’ve decided not to go out for basketball this season.” Kevin looked away from his intimidating stare. He knew there was no way out of the situation. It wasn’t as simple as leaving the room as he had earlier in the day.
“Look, Dad,” he began. He placed his hands in his lap as he attempted to stop them from trembling. “I just don’t feel like playing this year.”
“That’s not a good reason,” his father replied sternly. “You’re going to play, and there will be no more of this nonsense. I’m expecting both of you boys to go to college on athletic scholarships.” He looked over at their mother. “Lord only knows we can’t afford to send you both to school.”
“Then I can get a job when I graduate,” he said. He knew by his father’s angry expression that his suggestion would never be accepted.
“Do you think for one minute I’m going to let you throw your life away like that?” He folded his napkin on the table, indicating that the discussion was over.
“But Dad,” Kevin pleaded. His father pounded his fist on the table.
“No buts, Kevin,” he remarked angrily. “You’re going to show up for practice, and you will play. Do you understand me?”
Kevin tried to meet his father’s intimidating stare, but he quickly looked down at the table. “Yes, Sir. May I be excused now?”
“Of course, Dear,” said his mother. She was trying to get Kevin to leave the room before his father said anymore. He rose and went into the bedroom he shared with Devin. He grabbed his Ipod, lay down, closed his eyes and listened to music. He was almost asleep when Devin kicked the bed.
Devin was looking down and sneering at him. “Did you have fun at your boyfriend’s house?”
“Shut the fuck up, Devin!” He sat up and stared defiantly at his brother.
“I told that fag to leave you alone,” Devin said angrily. “I guess I’m going to have to teach him a lesson now.”
Before he could react, Kevin sprung from the bed and slammed Devin against the wall. Devin grabbed Kevin around the waist and they tumbled to the ground. They hit each other wildly. Kevin winced from the blow he took to the left side of his face. He began punching Devin in the chest and flailing wildly at his body.
“I’ll kill you, Fucker!” screamed Kevin. “Don’t you put your hands on him again!”
Devin pushed Kevin off him. He was heaving breathlessly. Devin sat up and tried to catch his breath. He looked over at his brother. Their eyes met. In an instant, Devin could read his twin brother’s thoughts.
“Jesus Christ, Kevin,” he hissed. “You really are a goddamned fag.” Without saying a word, Kevin got up and left the room.

Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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