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Family Struggles - 23. We’re goin’ to Disneyworld

We’re goin’ to Disneyworld:

“Bella, honey, wake up,” Blu gently rocked his daughter.

She slowly rolled onto her back, yawning, “What wrong, Pop?”

“Sweetie, I need you to wake up and pack a bag for the next couple of weeks. Pack shorts, bathing suits, basically hot weather stuff.”

Bella sat up quickly, “What’s going on?”

“We are going on vacation, come on get up we’re leaving in one hour. Quickly pack your bag, then you can use the bathroom in our room so the boys can get ready.” Blu smiled.

“Okay Pop,” Bella said yawning and throwing her covers off the bed.

Blu chuckled as he walked out of her room, knowing Bella she wasn’t even really awake yet. As he entered the hallway Kyle came out of their bedroom.

“Bella’s going to use our bathroom so the boys can get ready. Uh… are we going to have breakfast here or get something at the airport?” Blu kissed Kyle quickly.

“I’ll try to rush the boys and then we can hit a drive-thru on the way to the airport,” Kyle smiled as he banged on the boy’s bedroom door. “Hurry up, wake up, Khan’s having a puppy!” He laughed as three heads popped out from under the cover.

Lincoln rubbed his eyes, “How’s Khan having a puppy?”

“Nevermind that, you guys have ten minutes to pack underwear, shorts, and shirts. If you guys fall back asleep, we won’t get breakfast until the plane lands. Levi, that means you’ll suffer the worst, no junk food or anything.” Kyle smirked when Levi shoved his brothers aside and bolted into the bathroom.

Cody yawned and stretched, “Are you gonna help us pack Dad?”

“Pop is gonna help you, boys. I need to go talk to Pappy and Grammy,” Kyle ruffed Cody’s hair.

“Love ya Blondie,” Blu said squeezing his hand as he passed Kyle going to help the boys pack their clothes.

“Love you too Babe,” Kyle gave Blu a quick peck on the lips before heading down the stairs.

“When Levi gets out of the bathroom one of you jump in there and when Bella’s finished the other can go into our bathroom. We don’t have much time boys.” Blu smiled as he opened a drawer to the boy's dresser.

Blu grabbed the new bags they’d bought for the kids to pack their things into. They had a small carry on each and one large bag to put most of their clothes in. He gave the boys directions on what to pack, they were running every which way between their closets and the bag. It didn’t help that Cody had to keep going to his room to get some clothes that hadn’t made it to the twins room yet. Blu looked around the room, he was going to talk to Kyle about putting a couple of bunks in that room since the boys all just slept in there anyway, all cramped in the queen bed together.

“Cody, bud, where is your swimsuit, I can’t find it?” Blu searched through the boys’ drawers.

“It’s hanging in the laundry room,” Cody yelled out from his room, before peeking around the corner stuffing clothes in Blu’s hands. “Here Pop, do we need dress clothes?” He said over his shoulder as he retreated from the room.

“Yes one set at least, we can always wash them if you need them more than once,” Blu said loud enough for Cody to hear. “Is Bella out of the bathroom?”

“Ya, she’s out.” Cody tossed his dress clothes in Blu’s direction, “Pop, catch, I’m using your bathroom.”

“Okay, buddy. Link, I’m just going downstairs to grab Cody’s swimsuit, is there anything in the laundry room you can’t live without?” Blu asked his son.

Lincoln stopped rifling through his clothes, “Hmm… grab my blue boardies out of the dryer.” He continued to stuff things into his suitcase.

Rolling his eyes, knowing he was going to have to repack the bag when he got back Blu hastily made his way to the laundry room. Lincoln started picking out some clothes for Levi.

Levi came out of the bathroom in his boxers and found a pair of cargo shorts and a polo shirt, as he pulled on his shirt Lincoln sat on top of his suitcase.

“Help me zip this thing up it's out of space.” Lincoln reprimanded his twin who was laughing. “Oh, you’re fatter you should sit on it.”

Levi shook his head at the sight, “We can both sit on it and zip it up.”

Blu came back into the room to find the boys sitting on the bag trying to zip it up. He let out a laugh.

“What are you two knuckleheads doing?” Blu said now chuckling.

“Packing Pop. Do you need glasses? I know you're getting old,” Levi shrugged his shoulders as he pulled on the zipper.

“ No, but I need duck tape for your wide open trap.” Blu shoved the boys aside. “Get in the shower Link, we don’t have much time and Grammy and Pappy want to see you guys before we leave.”

Lincoln pointed, “Pop if you put your hand there and push, you should be able to zip the thing closed.”

“Jesus Christ,” Blu said doing as Lincoln asked, “how much crap do you have in here?”

“Well, I didn’t want to run out of stuff. Plus we needed to have emergency supplies.” Lincoln said as he ran into the bathroom slamming the door.

“Quick Levi, you’re a neat freak help me repack this damn bag will you?” Blu asked while unzipping the bag. He hurried so as not to hurt Link’s feelings.

Levi held up a sock that was full of something, “Pop, Link’s bringing his cookie stash.”

Blu rolled his eyes, “Okay, just put them in the suitcase. He’ll lose his shit if we take it out, and I really don’t want to deal with that while we’re on vacation.”

“Does he need three bags of jelly beans?” Levi asked shaking his head before opening the ziplock and eating one, “Mmm… fruit flavored, we need those, they’re healthy.”

Taking the jelly beans from Levi, he packed them in Lincoln’s carry on. Not before taking a few out and sharing a couple with Levi of course.

“Shit, the shower just turned off,” Blu said as he and Levi quickly folded and put the rest of the clothes in the bag neatly as they could. Blu closed the bag, Levi jumped on top as his Pop closed the zipper. A second later Lincoln walked into the room with a towel wrapped around his waist. “Help me get these bags down to the car, sunshine,” Blu said to Levi. “Get dressed, Link, then go downstairs to say goodbye to your grandparents and Khan. I think Spotty is here too. I wonder if they realize that Scarlett is actually in charge while we’re away.”

Lincoln flung some clothes onto his bed, “Too dressy… too Levi-ish… okay,” he said as he pulled on a Punkrock band t-shirt and acid washed jean shorts.

Bella knocked on the door, “Hey Link, do you need any help?” she asked her brother sweetly as she put her bags down.

“No, thank you,” Lincoln said as he spun around to zip his shorts up in privacy.

“Sorry Link, I’ll see you downstairs.” Bella went to leave. “Hey, do you know where we’re going?”

“Nope, Pop made me pack lots of shorts though. Oh, and I packed emergency supplies. Never know when we might need them,” Lincoln turned to face his sister after his junk was safely secured.

“True.” Bella chuckled. “Are you ready?”

Lincoln grabbed Arabella’s carry on bag, “I’ll help you carry your stuff.”

“Thanks, Link. Love you, little brother.”

“Love you too Bella,” Link said as he hoisted the bag to his shoulder and padded down the hall.


The family stormed the airport like they were the secret service, twelve family members, and six security guards. They certainly gained some attention. Six kids excited to be going on an airplane for the first time, the six adults were having a tough time to get the kids to dial back the craziness.

“Kasey,” Blu called out while chasing him down the travelator.

Mason and Jared were trying to wrangle the twins and Cody as they ran from window to window trying to see the planes take off and land, without much luck. Kyle, Kaleb, and Davis were walking with Bella and Tony, while they told them all about the writing camp they’d just been to, oblivious to the chaos ahead of them. Lucky for Blu, one of the security was waiting at the end of the travellator to catch Kasey as he shot off of the walkway.

“Thanks, Tyrone.” Blu sighed already exhausted, as he took the youngster from the security detail.

Their bodyguard nodded and attempted to blend back into the chaos the family was providing.

“Pop I’m hungry,” Levi whined.

“How are you hungry? You had three egg croissants, two hash browns, and a large orange juice,” Kyle grumbled.

Levi turned to his twin, “Link we need the emergency supplies.”

“No Link!” Blu cut in. “You boys have had enough food for now. Let’s just wait and see how your bodies react to flying.”

He was hoping they were good flyers, but statistically speaking one of them was bound to have a hard time on the flight. Levi gave his Pop a dirty look, Blu smiled then sat down next to Kyle while they waited to be called to board the plane.

Twenty minutes later their flight was called and all first class passengers were called to board.

“That’s us,” Mason said as he stood putting his hand out to pull Jared from his chair.

“Think they have a leash to tether Kasey to his seat on the plane?” Jared chuckled as he watched his son trying to drag Levi with him.

“Come on kids, try and behave while we get on the plane please,” Blu said as he herded the kids like sheep toward the gate.

“Dad, are we really going to Florida?” Bella asked.

“Yes, we are Sweetheart, Kasey sit in your seat, not on Levi’s lap,” Kyle said shaking his head.

A flight attendant flurried about the family and security while helping them get their carry on stowed away, as well as fawning all over the muscle the family had brought with them.

Blu and Kyle chuckled to themselves when they heard one of the flight attendants quietly say to the other. “I wonder which one is famous, I don’t recognize any of them?”

Cody waved his hand in the air, “I have a new movie coming out.”

The entire family kept their composure letting Cody have his fun.

“He’s really good,” Bella said, “he played a kid that had cancer.”

The attendant stood up and looked at Cody, “Really?” she smiled as if she were interested. “Was this your first acting role?”

“Oh ya, I even had to cut my hair for the part. As you can see it’s only starting to grow in,” Cody schmoozed the attendant.

She grinned at Cody while she helped him put his belt on.

“That must have been exciting, who else was in the movie?”

“Tom Hanks was my Grandpa, Lily Tomlin was my Gran, Shirley McClain played my Great-Grandma, and Melissa McCarthy was my Mom who was single,” Cody was laying his line of crap on really thick. “We are traveling to Florida for a promo of the movie.”

“Well good luck Cody, I can’t wait to see the movie.” The woman smiled at the young boy, before moving onto wrangle Kasey.

Kyle nudged Blu with his elbow, “I can’t wait to see the movie either,” he whispered quietly.

Blu laughed taking Kyle’s hand in his bringing it to his lap. “Should be a good one.”

Three and a half hours later the plane was taxiing into the airport terminal, MCO, Orlando International Airport.

“Pop did you see the palm trees?” Link asked excitedly.

“And the ocean?” Cody almost shouted.

“Is there fishes here?” Kasey craned his neck to look out the window.

“There probably would be Kase,” Tony answered, “it’s the ocean. There’s probably sharks, turtles, stingrays, maybe even a mermaid or two.”

“Poppy I get a shark? Kasey asked.

Mason looked horrified, “Uh, um…” he looked to Jared frowning wondering how to answer.

Jared shrugged his shoulders, “He’s waiting for an answer Poppy. Will it fit in your carry on?”

“There you go Kase, Daddy said if you can fit it in my carry on you can have a shark,” Mason smirked. He picked Kasey up as they deplaned. “I don’t know if you can keep one buddy, but I’m sure we can see some while we’re here. I hope that still makes you happy.”

Mason kissed Kasey on the cheek, the boy giggled as he looked for his cousin over his Poppy’s shoulder.

“Evi, Poppy says I can have a shark,” Kasey shouted out.

Levi smiled, “That’s so cool, just make sure your shark doesn’t eat Spotty.”

Kasey had a mortified look on his face, “He no eat Spotty. Right Poppy?”

“Wait until you see one up close Kasey, then you can decide. But I have a feeling it could definitely happen.”

“We jus visit shark,” Kasey crossed his arms.

“Sounds good,” Mason said with a sigh of relief.

The group made their way through to the baggage carousel, the couples walked arm in arm. The kids were slower than they had been this morning when they were leaving. Travel always tends to zap the energy out of anyone. Except for Kasey who seemed even more wound up than usual. Then there was the shouting from behind them.


Blu gave Kyle a horrifying stare.


Kyle glared at the women, “This is gonna be a nightmare.” He muttered softly to himself.

“I hear ya,” Blu uttered back. He called out to Kaleb using better language than he normally would, “Hey Mini-Muffin, your girlfriends are here.”

Davis rolled his eyes to Kaleb and leaned over whispering in his ear, “They better not try wearing those skimpy bikinis.”

Kaleb gagged, “Can you make sure the female parts are covered really well?”

“They’d better stay covered.” Blu bitched. “So gross.”

The two women finally caught up, their security detail chasing after the ladies carrying all the luggage like a pack mule.

Nan’s bodyguard muttering to Elsie’s, “Can’t we just shoot them?”

“Let’s get to the villa, I feel a migraine coming on,” Blu grumbled.

“I think Clark had a good idea, we could do a burial in the ocean and Kasey could feed the sharks,” Kyle sighed as they headed for the exit.

The driver was standing near the exit of the arrivals terminal with a sign sporting Jared’s name. The group followed the man blindly out to the tour bus that was waiting for them. Kyle thanked god that his twin was an overachiever and booked a bus bigger than they needed now that the grandmothers had joined them.

“Hey Blu,” Nan called out from the back seat of the bus, “can we go to one of those gay clubs while we’re here. You’ll take us right?”

Blu’s head fell to his chest as his shoulders slumped forward.

“Sure Nan, Kaleb was just saying how excited he was that he could take you to one.”

“Fuck you asshole. I’m staying as far away from female anatomy and booze as I can,” Kaleb reached over the seat whacking Blu in the head.

“It’s a gay club Shithead, any women there has zero interest in you and your microanatomy.”

“Have I told you how much I hate you lately? Kyle, can’t you trade him in on a less mouthy model?” Kaleb grumbled.

Kyle chuckled, “I think I’ll keep my husband, I’m pretty attached to him and so are the kids.”

“Do you think Nan and Elsie are goin’ lesbian on us?” Kaleb said as he leaned in closer to Blu and Kyle.

“Tried it once Mini-muffin can’t say I cared for it,” Nan called out, “I’m more of a meat and potatoes girl if you get my drift.”

Blu cuffed Kaleb on the back of the head, “She hears everything dickhead, and Nan we all get your drift.”

“Ya you like the sausages, I get it,” Kaleb mumbled as he rubbed the back of his head.

“I like sausages,” Lincoln called out. “I’m hungry too, can we get some sausages.”

“I’m sure you would like the sausages,” Levi huffed.

“Watch it, Levi,” Blu warned, “You’re in a busload of meat and potato lovers.”

Levi smirked and let his wrist go limp, “Yes Pop!”

“Bella honey,” Blu got her attention then gave her the signal to do his bidding for him.

Bella cuffed Levi on the back of the head, then sat back smiling in her seat.

“Ouch! Tony keep your woman's hands on your anatomy, that hurt.”

“Happy to,” Tony remarked.

“Tony!” Blu snapped around glaring at the kid, but Tony’s hands were already in the air. “Bella!”

She lifted her hands up too, Blu nodded before turning around.

“See Bella, I’m not as naive as Link. I know how to get you in trouble.” Levi smiled evilly.


Once they arrived at the villa it was chaos personified, it took a while to get the rooms sorted out. Kasey, Link, Levi, Tony, and Cody shared a room with bunk beds. Link and Cody doubled up on a bottom bunk together. Bella shared a room with Nan and Grandma Elsie. The three couples all had their own rooms and security took up the others. Everyone took their turn freshening up while Davis ordered Pizza for everyone as nobody had the motivation to make anything.

When the pizza came, they sat around the dining room table, Levi and Kasey sat with the adults while the other kids sat at the breakfast bar. The family bounced around ideas for the next day on what they wanted to do. Half were in favor of the water park the other in favor of sightseeing. The kids were still unaware that they would be going to Disney World.

“How ‘bout we split up, we can get the driver to drop off the ones that want to go to the water park, then come back and pick up the rest to go on a tour,” Blu suggested while eating his pizza.

“Grammy Nan you know shark eats Spotty?” Kasey looked at the woman.

“When?” Nan put her hand to her chest shocked, “Are you sure?”

Kasey nodded his head, “Poppy says we no get shark or him eat Spotty.”

“I think Poppy is right about that. Poor Spotty.” Nan smiled amused at the young boy.

“Poppy, I call Spotty?” Kasey asked worriedly.

Mason nodded his head while he chewed a bite of pizza, “Eat your dinner first, bubby.”

Levi laughed as Kasey shoved half his slice of pizza in his mouth.

“Guys focus, tomorrow. What are we doing?” Blu asked again.

“Babe let's just go to the waterpark and any adults that don’t want to go can go shopping or sightseeing.” Kyle placed his hand on Blu’s squeezing it.

“Thank you Blondie,” he said then leaned over and chastely kissed Kyle. “There you go, Kyle and I will go to the waterpark with the kids, the rest of you can make up your own mind about what you want to do.”

Kaleb took a swig of his soda and looked at Davis, “I wanna see you in that sexy swimsuit you bought.”

“Dude,” Blu groused, “I’m eating.”

“Oh please, you’re a bigger horndog than me so shut it.” Kaleb laughed at his brother-in-law.

“He is kind of right Babe,” Kyle giggled, “and those new tye-died trunks you bought for me are gonna look pretty good on me.”

“Anything or nothing, all looks good on you Blondie.” Blu waggled his eyebrows at Kyle.

Levi made gagging sounds as he looked at Davis, “Do you see what us kids have to put up with? It’s always so lovey-dovey, yuck.”

After dinner the family pulled a couple of board games from the cupboard, most played monopoly, the grandma’s played poker with security who were off-shift. Kasey sat on Nan’s lap the whole time making sure he got plenty of bad-word spending money for his trip. Lincoln played chess with Brent, who was getting his ass kicked by the youngster.

“Boys, time to get ready for bed. The shower takes two at a time, Levi you and Kasey go first. Link you and Cody jump in when they’re done. Bell sweetie, you can go into mine and Dad’s if you want. Tony, you can go either after the boys or wait until Bell is done.” Blu said, then his eyes went as big as saucers. “Scratch that, you can stay down here with us until our daughter is safely in her PJ’s.”

Kyle laughed, “Yeah, you know there are killer sharks in the water around here.”

Shrugging his shoulder, Blu said, “Accidents happen at SeaWorld. All.The.Time.”

“Evi, wait for me,” Kasey shouted as he shuffled some of Nan’s winnings aside and stuffed it in his pocket. “I helps I wins some.”


Most of the group went to the waterpark, with the exception of Nan and Elsie, who decided to go shopping but somehow ended up at the casino unbeknownst to the rest of the family.

Cody dragged Blu to a huge waterslide that went almost straight up and down. “This is gonna be so much fun, Dad looks so small down there.” The boy leaned against the railing waving his hand happily.

“They do huh?” Blu waved along with Cody. “You ready sunshine, we’re next.”

“Pop, do you need me to hold your hand?” Cody asked as they stepped forward with their little raft looking thing.

Blu laughed, “Probably, it’s really high.” He looked over the railing again, his stomach twisted at the massive drop to the ground.

“Just remember no peeing on me,” Cody admonished Blu.

“I’m not making any promises, and it would more likely be last nights pizza anyway.”

“Oooh, that is sooo gross,” Cody chuckled as he sat on the raft leaning into Blu.

The pimply faced seventeen year old in control put his hand up signaling for them to wait.

“No bodily emissions allowed in the slide.” He said to Blu and Cody then pushed them into the tube.

“Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!” The whole park heard Blu screaming as they hit the first bend on the slide.

“Waaaahoooooooo!” Cody screamed.

The ride sped up the further along they got, it was fast and they were thrown from side to side with the twists and bends. Blu felt his stomach turn over and over with the violent movement every which way, he just couldn’t get his bearings. Poor Cody was going to have bruises from where Blu held on to him so tight. The young boy didn’t seem to notice he was having way too much fun squealing in delight at the thrill of the ride. Just when Blu thought he couldn’t take anymore they were sprayed in the face with an arc of water as they came through the end into the pool. Blu stood up in the pool coughing and spluttering, he looked over to find Cody, who was jumping up and down arms in there excitedly calling out to his Dad.

“Dad that was awesome,” Cody ran over to Kyle whispering, “I think Pop peed himself, my back got warm.”

Kyle snickered as he pulled Cody into his side hugging him, “Pop doesn’t like heights or overly exciting rides. You should’ve seen how he reacted to my driving when I first got my permit. I never saw a person turn as green as a frog before.”

“Zip it, honey,” Blu said through gritted teeth, dragging his ass to sit down traumatized.

“I think we’ll keep him,” Kyle laughed along with Cody who nodded in agreement.

“You guys go and have fun, I’ll sit here under the umbrella and read a while. I want to wait until my gut stops rolling over before I move again.”

Cody grabbed Kyle’s hand looking at Blu, “Should we find you a puke bucket before we go?”

“Grrrr,” Blu growled.

“I’ll take that as a no, let’s go before Pop has one of those aneurysms that Link teases about.” Kyle chuckled as the pair headed to the wave pool to join the other boys.

Kyle stood in the wave pool getting knocked around by the waves with Cody while attempting to keep an eye on the older boys. After an hour in the radical waves, Kyle felt a little tired of being hammered by the ocean-sized waves. “Boys let’s go rest and eat some lunch, Uncle Kaleb packed a few picnic baskets of food,” He said as the boys grumbled around as they exited the pool.

While Kaleb and Mason handed out sandwiches and water, Jared and Blu went about applying more sunscreen to the kids. Kyle made sure they still had enough supplies for the afternoon.

“Pop, I look like Casper the ghost with as much of the white goop your putting on me,” Lincoln whined.

“I know buddy but I’d rather protect your skin now than what it will cost in medical bills in thirty years because you didn’t want to wear sunscreen. Deal.” Blu admonished Lincoln whining.

“Fine,” Link huffed. “When can we go back to the pool?”

“Just eat, Link. Eat then we’ll all have a rest for half an hour then you kids can go back to the wave pool if you promise to stick together,” Blu said pointing around at the five older kids. “I mean it, you stick together.”

Cody nudged Lincoln’s arm, “Secret code – Old people need a nap.”

Levi laughed as he heard his younger brother telling his twin his interpretation. “You’re correct Bro.”

“Eat.” Blu sighed.

Kyle laughed as he took the last bite of his sandwich as he eyed Blu’s food, “Are you gonna eat your sandwich, Babe?”

“In a minute,” Blu said quietly.

Kyle snatched a potato chip off of Blu’s plate, “Thanks.”

“Welcome.” He smiled at his husband.

Kaleb pulled out a bundle of grapes and started feeding them one at a time to Davis. “Feeding you like the king you are,” he giggled as his other hand laid on his husband's stomach as he laid sprawled on his beach towel.

“I have a grape?” Kasey ran over, laying beside Davis holding his mouth open.

Kaleb popped on in Kasey’s mouth, “Can your Poppy do this?”

Kasey shook his head, “Nope, him feedin’ Daddy.” He pointed and sure enough, Mason was feeding miniature cheesecakes to Jared.

“Hey Mase, the kids are gonna kick your ass eatin’ those now.” Kaleb launched a grape at the pair.

Laughing Mason answered, “They can’t miss what they never had.”

Kaleb shrugged his shoulders, “You’re good at getting away with that stuff. You guys are gonna need to teach us the finer points of how to pull stuff over on kids.”

“Nope.” Mason laughed again.

After they had a rest the kids scampered off to the wave pool, save Kasey, who’d fallen asleep next to Davis. Blu had threatened them one more time before they left. They were to stay together. Tony and Arabella went to ride on the slides together, while the brothers and significant other’s rested under the shaded chaise lounges. Blu read his book, Davis was reading a medical journal, while Jared, Kaleb, and Kyle chatted about the upcoming school year. Mason was laid against Jared's chest and listened to the conversation, commenting here and there.

Blu looked up from his book to see a crowd had gathered over by the wave pool. The crowd parted as the paramedics approached. He caught a glimpse of Levi, Lincoln, and Cody, kneeling on the ground. Blu’s heart went into his throat.

“Shit! Blondie,” Blu dropped his book and grabbed Kyle’s hand dragging him over to the gathering praying his boys weren’t hurt.

“What’s wrong?” Kyle asked as he glanced around.

“The boys,” was all Blu could say, still pulling a stunned Kyle behind him.

Kyle and Blu pushed their way through the crowd to find their three boys out of breath and panicked standing next to the paramedics. A young boy about their age was unconscious, one paramedic was seeing to the gash on the boys head, the other was placing a collar around the boy's neck to keep him from moving his head. Blu pushed his way over to their sons.

“What happened? Are you boys okay?” He was panicking as he tried to search every inch of their bodies.

Luckily Kyle was there to keep Blu from freaking out.

Kyle placed his hand on his husband’s back, “Babe, give them a second to answer your questions.”

Levi cleared his throat, “That boy,” he pointed to the unconscious kid. “He got smacked with the wave knocking his head into the side of the pool.”

Cody looked at the paramedic, “Link swam over to him and got his face out of the water, he wasn’t breathing.”

“We,” Link motioned to his twin, “got him out of the pool being careful to keep his neck steady like our instructor taught us, and got him out of the pool, then we started emergency breathing for him.”

Levi smiled, “Cody stopped the boy’s bleeding.”

Blu, Kyle and the boys watched as the paramedics put the now semi-conscious boy which was now on a backboard onto the stretcher. The medics started to wheel the boy away when they paused for a second, “Thanks boys, you saved this boys life by acting the way you did.” The men hurried off as a park guard ushered the kid's parents in the direction of the ambulance.

As the crowd dispersed, Blu hugged the boys praising them as they lapped it up with grins from ear-to-ear. It was probably the first time for all three of them to have done something so life changing and causing them to feel heroic.

Kyle hugged the boys, “We’re so proud of each of you. If you guys want to go back in the pool, Pop and I will be watching from over at our towels.”

Blu nodded taking Kyle by the hand as they strolled back to their little parcel in the park.

“I’m so proud of our boys Blondie, I can’t believe they acted so quickly. They weren’t panicked or upset or anything. They kept their head,” Blu smiled proudly as he sat down and pulled Kyle down onto his lap.

“They’re pretty amazing kids,” Kyle said as he pulled his husband's arms around his chest.

“What happened guys?” Mason’s voice laced with concern.

Kyle smiled and pointed at the boys who were laughing and fooling around near the wave pool, “You need to ask those guys, we’re gonna do something special for them while we are on vacation.”

Jared nudged Kyle’s side, “What the hell is that?”

They watched as a man angrily approached the boys, all six men ran toward the boys.

“You stole my God damn towel you thief,” a straggly looking man shouted as he grabbed at Cody.

Levi slapped the man’s hand away, “He didn’t steal shit!” The boy shouted angrily.

“He grabbed the closest towel he could stop the kid’s bleeding. Cody wouldn’t steal nothin’ you jackass,” Lincoln huffed while he rolled his eyes at the man.

“Get the hell away from our sons,” Kyle shouted as he got between the man and the boys. “Boys watch your language, you’re not allowed to talk like that.”

Davis put Kasey down on his feet, the little boy ran straight over to the man kicking him in the shins.

“Eave Odie alone, shithead,” Kasey yelled then kicked the man again.

Jared leaped forward picking his son up, covering his mouth with his hand. He pulled his son into his body to calm him down.

Kyle looked at his family, “We need to have a discussion about the uh pet names.”

By this time the security detail had detained the man.

“Who the fuck are you? And why the fuck am I in handcuffs?” The man spouted venomously.

Kaleb poked the man’s chest, “Your worst nightmare since you messed with our family.”

“I didn’t do shit. Why do rich pretty boys need all of you thugs?” The man grumbled as Brent started to lead the man to the park security office. “What about my towel? Your monsters ruined it.”

As Blu went flying forward at the guy, Kyle grabbed him pulling him back. He’d never seen his husband so angry.

“How dare you,” Blu growled. “These boys just saved a kids life, they should be feeling good, and proud of themselves. Look at them,” he said pointing to Levi who had his arms crossed over his chest and a face filled with fury. “Does he look happy to you? What about Cody, he’s ten damn years old and crying, you had to ruin it for them. They’re just little kids you asshole, you’re worried about a ten dollar towel. Who the fuck do you think you are?”

“It was a fifteen dollar towel,” the man spat back at Blu.

Blu broke free from Kyle and launched at the guy, Kaleb’s security guy stepped in his way.

“Don’t let this tree hugger get to you, Brent get the asshat out of here,” the guard said as Kyle wrapped his arm around Blu who was shaking with anger.

Kyle and the guys led Blu and the kids back to gather their belongings, Davis went in search of Arabella and Tony. When they returned the family went out the front of the park to wait for their ride.

“The driver just texted, he’ll be another ten minutes,” Mason told the group.

The mood was somber and tense, they should have been on cloud nine. Blu was still reeling from the asshole putting his hands on Cody and ruining the boys moment to shine.

“I’m so proud of you boys, you did something heroic. Don’t let that asshole or my temper ruin your moment. Please.” Blu begged.

Tony dapped fists with the boys after Davis provided an abbreviated version of their story, “Way to go guys.” He turned to the youngest, “And you Codeman, you’re an awesome little dude.”

Cody smiled at the praise, “Thanks, Tony.”

The bus eventually turned up, the family dragged their butts onto the bus. Thankfully the mood had improved somewhat since they left the Water Park. Jared started singing Foo Fighters, ‘My Hero.’

Too alarmin' now to talk about
Take your pictures down and shake it out
Truth or consequence, say it aloud
Use that evidence, race it around


The family started joining in one-by-one.


There goes my hero
Watch him as he goes
There goes my hero
He's ordinary

Don't the best of them bleed it out
While the rest of them peter out?
Truth or consequence, say it aloud
Use that evidence, race it around

There goes my hero
Watch him as he goes
There goes my hero
He's ordinary

Kudos, my hero, leavin' all the best
You know my hero, the one that's on
There goes my hero
Watch him as he goes
There goes my hero
He's ordinary
There goes my hero
Watch him as he goes
There goes my hero

Kyle smiled back at the boys, “You’re our little heroes today guys. Us adults are gonna do something really special for you tonight.”


Later that night the men treated the boys to an evening at ‘Medieval Times,’ which is an interactive dinner theatre with a knight theme. Davis and Mason worked their charm and magic, managing to get the family the celebration package for the night. The men bent the story to get the most effective offer they could out of the lady in the ticket office. Being on the phone made their job a lot easier as they didn’t have to look the woman in the eye. The worker being a mother herself couldn’t do enough to help the family out giving them a group discount as well.

When they arrived they were treated like royalty, each was given lanyard, a banner of a knight of their choosing, and seated in the VIP area. They were offered a four-course meal, with free soda refills all night. The show was amazing and kept them enthralled the entire time. The young kids made bets with their dads and uncles about which of their knight’s would win. Cody cleaned up on that, winning a cheesecake a week from Kaleb. Blu joined in and just about lost his love heart boxers in the betting against Kaleb. Nan could be heard screaming her lungs out all night, the family didn’t much care as she was drowned out by the crowd and show, even when she started waving hundred dollar bills in the air. Kasey didn’t do too bad, he earned some pretty coin and cleaned up on the bad word count. He even earned ten bucks from the man in the next row.

“Did you kids have a good night, enjoy the show?” Blu asked as they all walked to their bus.

Lincoln walked along happily, “Can we get some horses when we get home so we can joust?”

“Sure,” Blu said smiling, “we can put it with Kasey’s shark.”

“Cool,” Cody shouted.

“We gettin’ horseys,” Kasey clapped his hands.

Kyle leaned against Blu’s shoulder whispering, “You can break their hearts when we go home. We’re definitely not getting horses, shoveling up after Khan is enough.”



Jared was bopping around the kitchen with Levi the next morning, getting breakfast ready for the family. They were singing along to the radio, Bruno Mars, ‘The Lazy Song.’ Arabella walked into the kitchen already dressed and showered for the day.

“Morning Uncle Jared, can I help?” she asked.

“Sure honey, do you want to pour the juice?” Jared said as he hummed and danced to the music.

“I can do that,” Bella answered as she danced and sang on the way to the refrigerator.

She took the juice from the fridge and poured it into the glasses on the table, then refilled the jug with juice and put it on the table. Mason, Kaleb, and Elsie entered the kitchen next.

“Smells edible. What ya makin’ Jare?” Kaleb asked as he looked at his nephew who was standing at the range wearing shorts and an apron.

“Well Chef Levi is cooking pancakes and I’m cooking bacon and eggs. You seem competent enough to make toast.” Jared laughed as he high-fived Levi.

“So underappreciated,” Kaleb mumbled as he started filling the toaster.

“Where do we keep the champagne sweet boy, it’s Mimosa time?” Elsie asked grinning from ear-to-ear.

Kaleb smiled at the older woman, “It’s in the wine fridge in the bar,” he said pointing before plucking the toast onto a platter.

The older woman whooped throwing her hands in the air, “Ahh… to be free,” she sang and waltzed over to the wine fridge.

“Isn’t it a bit early to be drinking Grandma?” Blu asked.

“You butt out youngin’, I am going to do what I want when I want until my last breath. So if I want a drink at seven in the morning, I’m going to damn well please myself.” Elsie nodded her head, holding it high as she made her way back to the kitchen.

Cody wandered in rubbing his eyes, “Whatcha makin’ Granma Elsie?”

“Mimosa, my boy. Are you twenty-one yet?” she looked down at Cody.

The boy nodded his head smiling, “Minus eleven.”

“So just a small one then?” She asked her Grandson.

Cody smiled nodding his head as he looked at Blu with a pleading face.

“Not even if it would cure world hunger baby boy.” Blu shook his head.

“Darn. I guess I’ll pass,” Cody said as he shrugged his shoulders.

“You can have a mouthful of your Dad’s if he has some,” Blu told him.

“Cool!” Cody said. “Make mine a sip,” he told Granma Elsie.

“Jesus, it’s like I’m invisible,” Blu said out loud.

The room moved about as if he weren’t there and nobody said anything.

“Blu don’t just stand there, start setting the table,” Nan said cuffing Blu on the back of the head as she entered the room.

“Ow, lady. Watch the damn rock would ya, I’m gonna need stitches.” Blu rubbed the back of his head.

Nan ignored Blu as she snatched her morning beverage provided by her new cohort.

Lincoln wandered into the room looking rather dapper.

“Mornin’ Pop. Food smells delicious. Any cinnamon rolls Uncle Kaleb?” Lincoln asked as he looked around the kitchen.

“I’m just an overworked slave at the toaster Link, sorry buddy.” Kaleb continued on his chore.

Kyle shuffled into the kitchen walking up behind Blu, wrapping his arms around him, kissing his neck.

“Morning Babe,” Kyle said huskily.

“Mmm, morning gorgeous,” Blu let his head fall back onto Kyle’s shoulder.

“Uncle Jared, you might have to find a new assistant I think I’m gonna barf,” Levi joked.

Kasey ran into the room with Jared’s cellphone pressed to his ear.

“You feed Spotty an take her for walks?” the little boy asked seriously.

“Khan play with her?” Kasey's interrogation continued.

“Mhmm, he’s cookin’,” Kasey said as he hung up the phone.

“Kasey who was that on the phone?” Jared looked at his son.

“Grammy,” Kasey said as he shrugged his shoulders and sat the cellphone on the kitchen counter by his Dad.

“Shouldn’t you have let Daddy talk to Grammy?” Jared asked his son with an amused look.

“I tell her you was cookin’,” Kasey waved his hand dismissively in the air.

Kaleb snickered as he watched his brother who had a bewildered look on his face. “Makes you want to have another kid doesn’t it Jare?”

“Shut it, little brother,” Jared said as he placed the last of the bacon on a platter. “Mason will hear you and want one.”

“I do hear him and I do want one. Thanks, Baby,” Mason said smirking at Jared.

“Let's get the wedding over with before we discuss adding to the brood,” Jared smiled innocently at Mason batting his eyes.


The following morning the adults tried to get some extra rest before they headed to Disney. The smaller boys snuck into Kyle and Blu’s room to motivate them, Cody crawled alongside Kyle while Kasey did the same to Blu.

Cody smirked at his cousin and nodded his head.

Kasey pinched Blu’s nostrils shut, while Cody attempted to tickle Kyle.

“Wake up Dad, Pop, Mickey is waiting on us!” Cody giggled, while Kasey continued to hold Blu’s nose closed.

Kyle rolled to his side throwing an arm around Cody, “Just five more minutes please.”

“You’re squishin’ me, Dad,” Cody whined. “Pop wake up and help me.”

Blu opened one eye, “Can’t I’m dead.”

Kasey smiled and bounced on Blu’s chest, “Unc Blu wakes up.”

“Blondie you in the mood for a kid sammich?”

Kyle smiled as he squeezed Cody, “Sure I’m feeling a little payback.”

Blu tossed Kasey between them with Cody, reaching out he grabbed Kyle’s hand while they pulled together to squish the two kids between them. Their boys started to squeal and laugh gleefully.

“Honey, can you hear that high pitched squeaky noise?” Blu smiled over at Kyle.

“I think I faintly hear it, might be a baby bird,” Kyle said as Cody’s hand rose in the air waving.

Kasey squealed, “EEEEVI! Help.”

“There it is again, what is that?” Blu chuckled.

Kasey squirmed around accidentally kicking Blu in the crotch, “Sorries Unc Blu.”

“S’alright buddy,” Blu said his voice strained and breathless. Not to mention his watery eyes.

“Be right back,” Kasey sped from the room.

“Are you okay Pop?” Cody asked with concern.

“Uh-hmm, maybe. Fuck that hurts.” Blu curled up with his eyes closed.

Kasey scampered in the room quiet as a church mouse until he plopped a baggie of ice on Blu’s private area, “Its feel better now.”

“Oh dear god,” Blu swallowed. “Thank you, little man. Do me a favor, go tell Daddy he wants ya.”

Kasey had a puzzled look on his face, “But he gives me ice to fix your boo-boo.” The boy scratched his head and went to see what Jared wanted.

“Holy shit, I think my nuts are in my throat. Seriously that kid can kick. Fuck!” Blu tried to move. “Ugh! Codeman go get in the shower before the others.”

“Okay Pop.” Cody hugged Kyle before kissing Blu’s cheek and rushing off.

Blu set his sights on Kyle, “You, stop laughing and come over here, make ‘em better.”

Kyle chuckled, “Well they have been held, iced, we could try some nice icy hot next.”

“Ugh! You're useless,” Blu said as he tried to extract himself from the bed as painlessly as possible. “I’m getting in the shower.”

Kyle followed behind holding the baggie of ice, “Babe are you sure you don’t wanna ice them some more?”

“Eat me.” Blu slammed the bathroom door shut in Kyle’s face.

“Maybe after we get home,” Kyle chuckled. “Goofy might be willing to lend you a hand once we’re at the park.”

Blu opened the door far enough to snatch the ice out of Kyle’s hand then slammed it again.

“Asshole!” Blu yelled through the door.

“Love you too Babe, I’m just gonna jump in the pool and then I’ll get dressed,” Kyle said over his shoulder as he slid out the sliding glass door overlooking the pool from their room.


The family and security detail all stood outside Mickey’s Kingdom. The kids were a bundle of excited energy, the adults were beaming happily as they listened to their babies constant banter. It was going to be a long day as they mentally prepared themselves for what was to come. Jared gathered everyone together so that he could lay down the law to the kids about not wandering off without an adult, and so on. Unfortunately, he had to give the same speech to Nan and Elsie but decided, in the end, it was smarter and easier just to assign at least a one-man detail to the two women at all times.

“Jesus, Jared, you act like we can’t look after ourselves,” Nan groused.

“Don’t act like we’re stupid Nan, we know your antics.” Jared glared at the women.

“Nan, remember an innocent day at the races ending in jail?” Blu reminded her.

Kaleb blushed, “Never again, I swear facing Kyle after that was worse than having to face a firing squad.”

Levi glanced at Kaleb and then his Dad, “Oh I gotta hear this story.”

“Shut it Mickey is waiting for you,” Kaleb put his hand over Levi’s mouth.

Levi chuckled and licked his uncle’s hand.

“Ugh! Maybe Mickey can get your mouth wired shut,” Kaleb chuckled as he wiped his hand off on Kasey’s head.

Blu and Kyle tried to remain quiet but couldn’t help bust out laughing as they moved their family toward the entrance. They all lined up making their way through into the park, once they were inside they stood in their group staring at each other wondering what to do first.

Kasey pointed at a building with his name on it, “They mess my name up.”

Jared rolled his eyes, “That shop isn’t named after you buddy, they sell hot dogs.”

“Me have a hot dog?” Kasey asked.

“How about we go see Captain Jack about making you a pirate for the day?” Jared asked his son.

“Me too?” Cody asked his uncle.

“Sure buddy.” Jared smiled at him.

Kasey crossed his arms, “If Odie doing it I am.”

The group wound their way through the crowds on Main Street and made a left into Adventure Land. After consulting their maps multiple times the family found the building bearing ‘The Pirates League’ logo.

“We’s gonna be pirates!” Kasey jumped around while Jared and Blu went to speak to a Pirate employee.

“Let’s check it out Kase,” Cody said excitedly as they ran around the room checking out all the cool paraphernalia. The boys went from one thing to the next moving around like skittish goldfish. Their eyes big and wide with wonderment.

“Dad, Pop, check this out,” Cody yelled out pointing to a treasure map. “Do you think we could find anything?”

Kyle walked over studying the map, “I think those are clues to find the Treasure’s of the Seven Seas, let’s snap a picture of it while you two point at the spot on the map.”

Blu and Jared arrived next to Kyle, “They’re ready for you boys, let’s go.” He turned to Kyle, “Why don’t all of you go on one of the rides or something these two won’t be able to. I’ll stay here with them, they won’t even know they missed out. I’ll text you when they’re done.” Blu kissed Kyle’s cheek quickly.

“We’ll go get a citrus swirl over at Sunshine Tree Terrace. Once you text, we’ll bring you guys one too.” Kyle smiled as he ushered their brood out the door to get their ice cream.


“Wow, Cody you look awesome,” Bella told Cody while they waited in line for Splash Mountain. “You look like a real pirate. I can’t believe they gave you a cutlass.”

Cody beamed at his sister, “This is so much fun, Bella. I can’t believe Dads brought us here.”

He leaned into his sister, she put her arm around him pulling Cody’s small body into hers.

“I know.” She kissed the top of his head. “We are lucky kids.”

Tony kissed Bella’s cheek, at the same time ruffling Cody’s hair. “We are aren’t we?”

Lincoln smiled at Cody, “So Captain Sideburns, what’s our next treasure to pillage after the deadly splash mountain voyage?”

Cody shrugged his shoulder, too excited to concentrate long enough to make a decision. Besides he was too happy cuddling up to Bella, as he held onto her hand that was wrapped around his shoulders draping down to his chest.

“Hey, you have your own sidekick Bella,” Lincoln said with a scrunched up nose. “Tony pay more attention to her.”

“Back off little Bro’,” Tony laughed, “Or I”ll give you a sidekick.”

Lincoln cocked an eyebrow at the older boy, “Bring it, remember we hold secrets.”

Tony looked horrified giving Bella a knowing look. Not that he and Bella had ever really done anything but the boys had caught the pair in a few less than pleasing moments that Kyle and Blu wouldn’t approve of.

Lincoln shot the pair a smirk as he placed an arm around Cody’s shoulder as they waited for their boat to depart. The kids had arranged their own seating partners as Cody was Links partner and Levi paired up with Kyle, while Bella and Tony sat together.

As the ride meandered along Cody took in all the sites, “Link look at the Alligator fishing!”

“Yeah that’s pretty cool, and he has a frog relaxing on his back,” Lincoln giggled.

Levi shouted excitedly, “Dad look at the Bluebird it reminds me of Pop doin’ laundry.”

“Oh, your Pop is gonna be so happy a Bluebird slaving away reminds you of him.” Kyle chuckled shaking his head. Kyle’s whole face changed when the ride took a nose dive he wasn’t expecting. Levi laughed his ass off at the girlie scream that Kyle let out.

As the log careened into the pool of water at the end of the ride the entire group was soaked, before disembarking their seats.

Once they located Blu Levi picked up the pace, “Hey Pop, did you hear Dad screaming like a girl?”

Blu threw his head back and laughed, “Geez, I hope that was picked up on one of the photo’s we get.”

Kyle looked at Levi and shrugged his shoulders, “Well if we are spilling the beans, there was a part on the ride where a Bluebird was slaving away doing laundry and it reminded Levi of you.”

Levi took one look at his Pop, saw the look on his face and ran. Blu was hot on his tail, but not quite quick enough to catch the little guy. His son laughed and taunted him, but had forgotten that his Pop could keep up with him. Blu managed to reach out and grab Levi and put him in a headlock and give him a world's worth of noogies by the time the family caught up to them as they made a spectacle of themselves. People had stopped to watch the father and son’s good-natured hi-jinx.

One father from the crowd called out. “You get him, Dad!”

The next stop was at the Hall of Presidents where the boys were amazed by the animatronic replicas of past presidents from their country.

“I need a beer,” Blu said quietly to Jared.

“Daddy I get beer?” Kasey asked tugging at his Dad’s hand.

Jared chuckled, “We can get you a rootbeer.”

“Can we go get somethin’ to eat?” Levi asked as he looked at the grownups.

“We can stop at Liberty Tree Tavern, they serve an all you can eat feast,” Kyle said as he studied his map.

Kaleb’s phone vibrated in his pocket causing him to make the group stop so he could answer it.


Davis grabbed Kaleb as he paled and went limp in his arms, dropping his phone…

Before anybody gets all fired up over the cliffhanger, It was the only way to keep this chapter within reasonable length. I want to thank our beta-readers for getting this back to us in such a short period of time. A special thank you to the readers who have patiently waited for me to get over a few health issues, I'm really looking forward to hearing from you guys!
Copyright © 2018 Aaron Hawke & JT Babbage; All Rights Reserved.
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Chapter Comments

Great to have the long awaited next entry. Maybe I should say grand re-entry. So sorry to hear that it was heath issues that delayed regular installments.  Glad your back in better health, and hopefully you can stay that way.  So much happened in the chapter.  Very action packed. The boys saving the other boys life, that was amazing.  How trivial to get hostile about a $15 towel that was used in a life saving venture.  Crazy stuff. Even after the long delay you kept the people in character, that real dedication to your writing. Now I am excited to see who was on the phone. It’s been long enough in the story I can’t venture to guess. Stay healthy, that’s what is most important. 

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Great to know that you're feeling better and hope you continue being well!!:heart: Thanks for this longed for update...it was full of everything we needed...laughter, love, granny antics, kid pranks...and the inevitable gut-punch cliffy that now has us all on "DaMetl" pins and needles...waiting, hoping and surmising that "it's all good"! :D This was a definite "drop the damn mic" chapter!!!:thankyou::worship:

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OK I love this series! I've been super busy babysitting my niece and nephew this whole summer and it's put me way behind on my reading( plus the killer heat) but slowly I'm making my way through my backlog. God I've missed this family, god they are funny and have great stories, god not another cliffhanger...lol. can't wait for more keep up the good work.

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I've decided to be vindictive, and to punish you for the cliff-hanger followed by 2 weeks of silence. So, 'tree-hugger' is the worst term of approbation that you could apply to the water-park jerk? Seems to me that he's a self-absorbed type more likely to come from the other side of the psychological/political spectrum.

I guess I'll keep reading. Only because this is a lovely, fascinating story.

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