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Family Struggles - 30. Hanging By A Thread

Jared and Mason spent a splendid seven days in Key West, soaking in the rays and enjoyed their time together on a small sailboat they had chartered. It had been a great honeymoon for the pair of newlyweds, but Kasey was completely over being patient at waiting for his dads to return.

“Uncle Blu, are they here yet?” Kasey asked with a begging plea.

“Aww,” Blu picked up the youngster kissing his temple, cuddling him. “Just ten more minutes little man. I promise they are almost here.” He pulled his head back so he could look him in the eye. “Why don’t you go for a quick run with Levi and Brody. They’ll be home by the time you come back. Did you bring your running clothes? I need you to make sure they can run as fast as you.”

“Duh,” Kasey threw his hands in air squirming for his freedom. “Levi, Brody, we’re going running now!” Stomping his way towards the stairs while shouting at the top of his lungs.

The young boy's cousin and boyfriend stepped into the room from the kitchen, both hunkering down on giant cold cut sandwiches. Levi’s head tilted to the side with his eyes narrowed at Blu.

“Huh? What’s happening?” he asked his pop before taking an enormous bite of his sandwich, half of it still hanging out of his mouth.

Blu rolled his eyes at his son, “God, you eat like a rabid animal. Take Kasey for a quick run around the block before his head explodes will ya. I’d do it myself but it’s like you said, ‘I’m old’ which translates to tired from having kids.” He winked at the two boys with a smirk.

“Fine,” He muttered through his mouthful of food. “You heard the old man, Brody, time to take Kasey for a run. Kasey don’t forget your leash!” Levi joked.

Kasey ran down the staircase skidding to a halt before the group, “I don’t need a leash!” He protested, “Did you finally quit kissing Brodaay?” The boy questioned his cousin in a mocking tone.

“Zip it,” Levi grabbed Kasey by the gruff of his shirt nudging him toward the door.

As the three boys headed to the door they stopped suddenly, all three squealing like little girls because Trent jumped out at them. “You ready to go boys?”

All of them groaned at still not being allowed to go out on their own without security tagging along. Levi turned his head giving Blu the evil eye but the older man just winked and gave him a thumbs up.

“Keep up old man, we don’t have pop along so there will be no oxygen breaks for this run.” Levi joked as the trio took off at a fast pace, Khan and Spotty running out behind them. Blu heard Levi yell at the security guy. “I ain’t picking up the chocolate bombs.”

Laughing to himself Blu went to the kitchen where Kaleb and Kyle were preparing light finger food for when Mason and Jared arrived home. He leaned across the counter stealing a mini quiche off a tray where they were cooling off. Kaleb smacked Blu’s hand with a wooden spoon covered in cake batter. Blu chuckled licking the batter off his hand.

“Thanks, Kaleb,” Blu said licking the back of his hand, “mmm, ginger.”

“Out!” Kaleb pointed at his brother-in-law. “The decorations need hung, and mow your flowers or something.”

Blu snorted a laugh before leaving through the back sliding door, when his phone chimed with a message.

Jared: Getting gas. Few more minutes.

Blu: Try pooping

Jared: Funny man, maybe you should watch Kasey for a few more days.

Blu: All good, we just tied him to the clothesline

Jared: Surprised he didn’t chew the line apart.

Blu: Ha! I ain’t stupid I used wire.

Jared: Lol. See everybody in a few minutes

He sent his best friend a thumbs up emoji before doing as Kaleb suggested and tended to his plants.


Mason placed the opened wedding present down with the card next to it. He picked up another and handed it to Jared kissing him gently before releasing it.

Jared plucked the card off the package, reading it first. “Thanks, Nan, we appreciate your words of support. You mean the world to all of us in the family.” After handing the card to Mason, he proceeded to unwrap her gift. “Umm, Nan, we don’t need bright neon glass –.”

Mason glanced over his shoulder, blushing profusely at the gift. “Uh, it was very… kind of you. I will make sure Jared never forgets the kindness.”

Nan grinned mischievously. The air changed in the room in that one moment. It was the first sign of Nan returning to her normal self since her husband, Stephen, had been killed in a vicious hit and run. Link sidled up to Nan smiling up at her as he took one of her hands in his and planted himself down next to her. She gently knocked her great-grandson with her shoulder grinning down at him squeezing his hand as she went to open her mouth to say something to Mason. A hand crept around from behind covering her mouth, words being whispered in her ear.

“Don’t even try…”

Leaning to the side so she could look behind her to see who it was, Trent, stood there shaking his head with a knowing look at the old broad. She winked up at the security guy evilly.

“Uh-uh, old woman. Don’t try and use your wicked voodoo on me it won’t work.” Trent huffed.

Kaleb chuckled, “Poor little old Nan, is completely innocent. She’s as harmless as um… well, something.”

“INNOCENT!” Trent scoffed loudly. “Derek now has a police record thanks to this voodoo priestess disguised as an octogenarian. Oof.” Trent groaned as all the air receded from his lungs after Nan elbowed him in the gut. “Watch it, woman, I’ll tie you to this chair.” His voice gravelly while rubbing his stomach giving her a warning glance.

“Hmpf, watch it, sonny. You’ll find out how much voodoo I do actually know.” She shook her head. “It would such a shame for all those beautiful locks of golden curls to start falling out.” The woman grumbled to nobody in particular. Link sat wide-eyed and fearful by her side trying to work out if she was being real or just blustering as normal.

“Mom!” Doug giggled as he admonished her. His gaze met Trent's fearful eyes. “She’s kidding, Trent. She wouldn’t. Probably not – I think…” he scratched his head with a confused look.

“She saves that stuff for Halloween anyways,” Kaleb snickered.

Kasey ran to his Dad climbing in his lap reaching for a badly wrapped gift in Power Ranger wrapping paper shoving it into his Poppy’s hands then rubbed his eyes yawning. He leaned back into his dad, but his eyes were on Mason. “Open mine.”

Mason smiled at his son, “What did you get us?” he asked while unraveling the spool of paper that appeared to be covering the present. Looking at what was probably a box underneath the layer of duct tape, “Was the tape necessary?”

“It wouldn’t stay shut,” Kasey shrugged his little shoulders.

“Mhmm,” Mason scratched his head as he started to peel the tape away. “Okay, I think I got it unless you have more surprises inside the box,” he chuckled. Opening the box, revealed a homemade picture frame made with popsicle sticks and seashells, which was holding a picture of the now official family. “Thanks, son. Your dad and I really appreciate all of the work and thought you put into our gift.”

“Uncle Blu helpeded me.” The boy yawned again sleepily closing his eyes while he leaned back into his dad with a whisper of a smile on his face.

“Blu, thanks for helping our little man,” Jared said with thankful adoration toward his brother-in-law. Their getaway wouldn’t have been as fun. If their son wasn’t being loved and looked after by such loving people.

His friend shrugged his shoulders grinning. “We had fun, besides, Bella had to clean it all up. Punishment for missing curfew – again.” Blu emphasized the last word giving his daughter the look that only a father can give to their child and make them fidget without saying a word.

“I don’t like that new kid you’re seeing. Tony knew how to respect boundaries,” Kyle huffed sounding like a pissed off principal.

Bella stood without saying a word gave her fathers a look that said, “you are ruining my life,” then marched her indignant ass up the stairs making sure to stomp every single step on the way up.

“Well, that conversation went splendidly. Maybe next time set up a firing squad.” Kaleb mocked.

“Mmm. ‘kay, as much as we love getting to visit all of you, I think we need to get home to unpack and get Kasey to bed.” Jared rolled his eyes as he gathered his son in his arms, and Mason picked up the cardboard box containing their gifts.

“Nan!” Link yelled in a scared voice, all eyes went to the young boy and Trent who was holding Nan laying her down gently on the floor and immediately starting CPR. The family looked on with horror as the matriarch laid lifelessly while Trent went to work. Link sobbing, Kyle called 9-1-1. Levi grabbed Link pulling him out of the way taking his twin in his arms, all their old insecurities rushing back from their old life of when it was just them. Doug quickly moved down onto the floor next to his mother his eyes blurred with tears.

“Mom, mom, wake up.” His voice strangled as his hands seem to move over her not sure what he should be doing. The panic rose through him, never had he been so scared in his life except for when Lily had gone in for surgery for her breast cancer. This can’t be happening, shouldn’t be happening. His mother usually always full of life, loving to scheme and plan silly stunts or outings just to make her feel alive. The woman loved to have fun and make people laugh.

Trent performed CPR until the paramedics arrived and took over getting her stable and onto the stretcher. The gave the family the name of the hospital they were taking her. Doug went with his mother while the rest of the family piled into the nearest cars available to follow along behind the ambulance. Once the family descended on the hospital they were taken to a waiting room all to themselves. The exasperated nurse had to get security to come down to help calm the family as they all spoke over the top of each other.

After about an hour they were frustratingly sitting, worrying, waiting, when Blu jumped out of his chair.


Kyle jumped, Blu scaring him half to death. “What? What?” he asked frantically looking around.

“We forgot Bella, she’s still at home.”

Pulling the keys from one pocket and his phone from the other he started running down the hallway to the entrance as his family watched the frantic father disappear. Kyle turned back ruefully to his family kind of dazed.

“Can’t believe we forgot our own daughter,” he said shamefully burying his head in his hands, “some freakin’ parents we are,” Kyle said mortified.

Kasey came over to Kyle with a concerned look on his face patting the back of his uncle’s head lovingly.

“S’okay Uncle Kyle, daddy forgot me at the gas station when I went to the barfroom last week, and I’m only little.”

“I thought we agreed to never bring that up, Kasey,” Jared said while his face blushed from embarrassment.

“Uh-huh, but I just membered, it will make Uncle Kyle feel better.” He looked sadly over to his dads. The boy leaned closer to Kyle whispering, “You have to pay me because Unc Blu said a bad word.”

Pulling a twenty dollar bill out of his pocket he tucked it into Kasey’s hand, “I hope you don’t hear more bad words today, but I’m doubtful. Just count this as advanced payment.”

He pulled the young boy onto his lap cuddling him for the comfort. The room fell back into silence. Link and Cody came over and sat down next to their dad leaning into each side of him, their eyes red and puffy, Cody had the hiccups from crying.

“Do you think Nan is going to be okay Dad,” Cody asked just above a whisper, the fear coming through loud and clear to Kyle’s ears.

Kyle placed his arm around Cody, “son, I can’t really say. Nan, is one of the toughest people I know. She has been there for me when nobody other than your Pop, and grandparent’s were. She made a lot of memories for each one of us to be thankful for. We all need to say a prayer for Nan.”

The young boy looked at his dad confused, “What do you mean? We don’t go to church. I don’t know how to pray. Can’t we just pay to make her better? I have forty-three dollars in pocket money, will that help?”

“I wish life were that easy buddy. I would pay any amount if it would make Nan better.” Kyle said sadly while rubbing Cody’s shoulder.

A while later Blu and Bella came running into the private room the family was waiting. Blu muttering under his breath about a speeding ticket he received from the police, while Bella found a chair next to Lily.

“Are you okay, sweetheart?” Lily put her arm around her granddaughter pulling the young woman into her side.

“I’m okay, grandma, are you okay? Have you heard anything yet, has grandpa come out yet?” Bella worriedly asked her grandmother.

“No, nothing yet. She’s tough, everything will be fine, I’m sure.” Even Lily didn’t ring true as she heard them roll off her tongue.

“Fine? Mom, that’s bullshit!” Kaleb stopped as quickly as the words left his mouth. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to talk to you like that. I can’t imagine what life would be like without her here.” Tears streamed down his face, as he clutched one of his children to his chest.

Levi dragged himself out of chair moving toward his uncle, rubbing the baby’s back gently as he took a seat next to Kaleb resting his head on his shoulder. “She’s gonna look just like you Uncle Kaleb,” Levi said in a hushed tone peeking at the baby. The boy was sweet trying to distract Kaleb and calm him down. They’d called Uncle Davis but he was at a crime scene working and couldn’t get away, until completion. Lily gave Levi a wink and a sad smile silently thanking the young boy for reading the situation and trying to help. That’s just it, they all felt helpless and were trying to not feel so utterly out of control.

Kaleb patted his daughters back, praying she would hold the meltdown off until Davis got to the hospital. “Thanks, Levi, I know what you’re trying to do. I’m sort of freaking out, and not hiding it well. Am I?”

Levi chuckled softly, “No, not really. But…” little Kaden started to stir. “Uh, you want me to get the purple one before he wakes up the blue one?” he asked pointing to the babies.

“Oh god yes,” Kaleb’s eyes widened as he glanced at his daughter who has been quiet throughout the ordeal, “please, there is a bottle in the diaper bag.”

As Levi grabbed the bottle from the bag the blue baby stirred awake and started to cry, panicking Levi looked around eyes landing on his pop first.

“Pop, quick, help.”

Blu jumped out of his seat quickly picking up the blue baby, his favorite – but he said that about whichever baby he held – taking the bottle from Levi he went back to his seat and proceeded to feed and coo after the baby. Smiling fondly he looked over at his husband, “Do you think we could keep this one? Kaleb’s only going to screw him up?”

Kyle laughed, “Babe, his dad can hear you and he doesn’t look amused.”

Blu looked at Kaleb with an apologetic smile, “I’m sorry Kaleb. But you know I’m right.”

“Asshole,” Kaleb muttered, “make sure you burp him so he doesn’t get a stomach ache, or you will pay the price.”

“Yes, dear,” Blu smiled fondly at the baby, “so damn cute. Blondie, can we get one of these?” his gaze reaching his husband’s expression of horror.

“We have four grown ones. Isn’t that enough? We can borrow theirs and return them when you’re done.” Kyle smiled hopefully.

“I suppose,” Blu sighed heavily hunching down in his chair getting comfortable feeding the baby. The room fell back into silence and stayed that way for another hour or two. Could have been six hours or fifteen minutes because they were all feeling every single minute of the waiting game almost holding their breath.

Doug somberly came through the waiting room door looking twenty years older than he had earlier in the evening. The entire family stood waiting for him to say something but he fell heavily into the chair on the other side of Lily. The anticipation of news crackled through the room. The older man rubbed his eyes before talking, his voice strained and croaky, his hair stood at all angles from him running his fingers through it. He stared at the floor as he spoke.

“Mom,” clearing his throat he continued, “mom had a massive heart attack. The only option is surgery. I signed the consent forms.” His voice cracking. “They aren’t sure she’ll make it through the surgery but it’s her only shot. She won’t survive without it.” The broken man lifted his eyes to meet his wife’s. “I had no choice, Lily.” He leaned over so his head rested in his hands, his shoulders shook as he silently wept. Blu held the baby out from him for Kyle to take so he could go to his dad. Taking the baby, Kyle kissed his husband and followed him over to his dad cradling the baby in one arm and rubbing soothing circles onto Blu’s back while his own silent tears fell down his face.

Davis finally arrived at that moment, his eyes filled with water the moment they laid eyes on his very upset husband who was sobbing tears into his baby girl. “No,” Davis whispered to himself leaping over to Kaleb to take the baby and his beautiful man into his arms.

“She’s in surgery baby, they don’t think she’ll make it. Heart attack,” Kaleb said between sobs.

Davis stood stoic trying to comfort his husband, knowing that all of their lives would be forever changed from this moment on. All of his schooling taught him that if the doctors were preparing the family for the worst, all hope was near lost. The thought almost brought Davis to his knees, squeezing Kaleb just a little tighter to try and hold himself together for his family. He’d known Nan his whole life, she’d always been there when he’d tagged along with his brother Brandon and Blu. They never complained he was there and Nan always made him feel welcome and loved, he didn’t want to lose her. This was going to be devastating to all involved.

Even Elsie who’d been her friend for the past recent months was quietly sitting in the corner, unshed tears in her eyes dazedly staring out the window. She’d enjoyed every minute with Nan, the woman was fun and exciting, always ready to find a way to make Elsie laugh or go on an adventure. Her whole life had been regimented and dictated to her, it wasn’t until she left her husband and hooked up with Phylis that she really knew herself, how to let go, have ridiculous childish fun, just for the hell of it. Knowing if her friend didn’t make it her heart would shatter into a million pieces. She’d finally found a place where she fits, belonged even, now….


The morning of the memorial service had arrived it was a rainy, stormy day, it was like the heavens had opened up unleashing its own tears for their families loss. Blu had locked himself in the bathroom trying to get his emotions under control while preparing to say goodbye to the most loving grandmother he had known.

Kyle went to check on the boys to see if they needed any help with their clothes, but Levi and Brody were already handling the matter to the best of their abilities.

Kyle returned to the master bedroom, knocking on the bathroom door which was still locked. “Babe, are you okay? It’s almost time to leave.” He asked quietly, listening to Blu weep on the other side of the door. Feeling raw himself torn for his own grief over Nan and the sadness he felt for Blu, Kyle couldn’t take it anymore. He went out to the hallway and called to Link. His son came into the hallway dressed and ready to go, his eyes red and puffy the rest of his face sad with his lips turned downwards.


“Uh, I need you to break into my bathroom so I can get to Pop. I can’t… I just can’t. Please?” Kyle’s voice strangled as it tried to work around the enormous lump in his throat which had been there for an entire week since Nan passed away.

“Okay,” Lincoln said walking past his dad as if he were in a daze. Not even fazed at what his dad had asked him to do.

“Is this okay dad?” Bella popped out of her room asking Kyle as he made his way back to the bedroom.

“You look, beautiful Sweetie, Nan loved you in that dress,” Kyle said recalling the day Lily and Nan had taken her to purchase it. He would never forget the day, Blu had thrown a shit fit when he saw the price. Even after all their years together Blu still worried about money. It used to piss him off, now it makes him smile.


After the preacher had completed his part of the service the floor was opened for memories of Nan to be shared amongst family and friends.

Elsie was the first to make her way to the pulpit. Dressed in a long black gown that would’ve been worn deep in the south, along with a fascinator hat that had a slight black veil affixed to it that had barely reached her brow. Clutching a black satin handkerchief in her left hand she began to speak, “I have always been in this family but never actually a part of this family. When I left my husband, devastated and lonely Phylis welcomed me with open arms. She was a bright and vivacious woman who knew how to have fun, how to love fiercely, and taught me how to find my own inner peace. I will be forever grateful to her for that. The way she loved my daughter and treated her as if she were her own made it easier to accept that I’d not been there for her when she needed me over the years. Something I will regret for the rest of my life.”

“Phylis loved each and every one of you as her family but had her own bond individually with each and every one of you. She wanted to make sure you knew she loved you because you were you not just because you were family. Her grandbabies, and god her great grandbabies, she loved you most of all. You made her so happy. You went along with her schemes and practical jokes and she absolutely adored you all. I think, no, I know, when you came into her life she felt renewed… like a second wind for her, she loved you kids so much.”

“I will miss my friend,” Elsie wiped her eyes then raised them to look to the heavens as she could see Nan looking down. “I know you didn’t want us all wearing black, old woman, but we are sad you left. But don’t worry I’m wearing the bright green underwear you bought me for the occasion. See I told you I’d work the word underwear into your eulogy, you silly woman.” Elsie gave a sweet smile and blew a kiss to the roof before taking her seat again. Blu stood and hugged her as she passed by his seat.

“Love you,” Blu whispered in her ear, “that was perfect, thank you.” He held her tight.

Levi gathered his own strength and made his way to the front of the room to deliver his brother’s memories of Nan to the group. “Nan, made us all laugh and cringe. Sometimes it happened at the same time.” He smiled briefly at Lincoln. “We played a prank on Nan, ordering her pizzas that she absolutely hated the toppings. Boy did we catch the stink-eye from her on that.” Chuckling at the memory, “but little did she know at the time Dad was in on it. When she found out we thought Dad was gonna pee his pants from the fear she put into him. Then a few days later Dad got stuck with pizzas, Nan had sent for us.” Becoming serious with memories, “Nan, we never had a real family until we became a part of this one. You showed us no matter how bad we were, you still loved us. And just so you know we all love and miss you so much.” Levi wiped his eyes and made his way back to his seat.

Kaleb wiped his hands nervously on his suit as he made his way to the pulpit. Clearing his throat, “We had a special bond, I guess most would say thick as thieves.” He chuckled dryly. “When I became part of this family, Nan took a shine to me. We planned little outings that nobody was included in, and she made me feel special for it.” Looking out at the group before him, “If there is one thing I can tell each of you, she knew how to party. The time Nan took me to the races, we drank so much and the security guys followed us around expecting trouble. But she laid her charm on the men, and they laughed warning us to go lightly on the alcohol so we could make it home safely. However, Nan was totally trashed by the time we made it to the parking lot. So, I got nominated by her to drive without a license. God, that was an epic mistake that we both paid the price for. I never saw so much disappointment from Kyle or Dad.” Kaleb looked to ceiling hoping to get a message to his cohort. “Nan, I can’t imagine a life without you here in it. I will make sure each of the younger kids remember how much laughter and fun you gave us, along with your love. I wish you could be here to see your great-grandkids grow up. I am sure gonna miss the late night chats we have had since they were born. I will always miss you, Nan, throw some big outrageous parties up there. Okay? I love you.”


The adults had gathered around the table at Kaleb and Davis’, the family had gone there after the funeral so they could put the babies down, and at least Doug would be at home. He was feeling a little rough. The kids were laying around watching movie eating Kaleb’s snacks half crashed out from the exhaustion of the day.

Alcohol flowed freely around the room from wine to the hard stuff, Christopher had made sure there was plenty of food brought in from the restaurant. Teddy had given Trent and Derek the day off to attend the funeral replacing them with two others. They all sat around the dining room sharing memories of Nan, the more they drank the louder they got and the wilder the stories became.

Derek’s laugh rang out around the room a blush creeping up his neck into his face. “She did not!”

“Oh my gawd, she soooo did.” Kaleb slurred leaning heavily on Davis next to him. “Had the biggest crush on you. Every time we went to the strip club there was this one guy who looks like you, he didn’t get dollar bills he got twenties and she always called him Derek.” Kaleb’s drink sloshed over the side of his glass while he laughed along with everyone else. The poor security guy buried his head with a wry smile as he fondly thought about the rambunctious octogenarian.

“I’ve never had to go to pick someone up from jail so many times in my life,” Derek laughed harder, “I’ve never ended up in jail so many times in my life. At least she always paid my bail, never left me there to rot. She was a good egg.”

When the laughter died down Blu told another.

“Hell, she was a menace. Even as a kid I remember she used to do crazy shit. I remember this one time the family went on vacation, I was really little and I think Rain was only about ten. Anyway, there was this fancy Miata sitting outside this ritzy place and Nan just had to see inside the car. I don’t remember a lot of the details but dad got angry that she was trying to break into it when the owner came out of the restaurant screaming bloody murder at her. In the end, for all his effort she’d charmed the pants off him and they took off in the fancy car. We didn’t see her for the rest of the vacation. God,” Blu said laughing, “dad was soooo mad.”

Kyle kissed the top of Blu’s head trying to keep his composure, he lost even though he put in the effort.

“That woman was one of kind alright,” Trent reminisced. “You guys know she’s the one sneaking in the candy for Link right?”

“I sorta figured as much,” Kyle laughed, “I caught her in the stash one night, saying the mini-mart was closed unexpectedly and she needed a piece of chocolate so she came to steal some.”

Blu grabbed Kyle’s arm quickly gasping, “Shit, do you remember the time we took her grocery shopping and she took her underwear off in the middle of the beer aisle because it was uncomfortable and pissing her off.”

“Don’t remind me,” Kyle cringed. “She made a scene, waving that thong around while doing a dance move that had to be illegal.”

Raucous laughing came from Derek at the other end of the table, “That woman I tell ya, she hated clothes. The only problem is that every time she took them off I got arrested.” Trent clapped Derek on the shoulder laughing.

“I know,” Trent said through gasps of laughter, “we had to pay a fortune to keep you off the sex-offenders list.”

“Shuddup, asshole,” Derek mumbled, “I’ve tried to block that out. I don’t even know how that came about.”

Kaleb fell off his chair laughing holding his drink that was still sitting on the table. Davis blurrily looked down at his husband chortling away trying to help him back up.

Blu lifted his glass, “To Nan, they broke the mold when they made her.”

“To Nan,” the group toasted, clinked glasses, told stories and drank the night away celebrating the life that was bigger than all of them.

Before the hate begins, we had to progress the story for book 4. With life, comes death, unfortunately.
We want to thank each of you readers, for being as patient as you have been. There have been a lot of fun times, and sad throughout this story, sadly today we said goodbye to a major character in the first two books. We hope we done well, with sending Nan off with fond memories.
Leave reactions, memories, and favorite moments of Nan.
We will be forever grateful for Nan's antics, and her help at bringing life to the story in its early development.
The next chapter will be the epilogue to Family Struggle. Lifes Struggles is tentatively the new book but we will be working ahead before we release it. That way, we can try to keep a chapter a week coming to you if any of life's unforeseen issues arise.
Copyright © 2018 Aaron Hawke & JT Babbage; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Chapter Comments

It was good that Nan survived long enough to celebrate Jared & Mason’s wedding as well as their return from their honeymoon. She was able experience the reactions to her very last prank with the “bright neon glass” item(s?) wedding gift.

Many elderly people hang on for a special event or holiday. It’s a known phenomenon that has been statistically proven. Deaths drop right before christmas and rise for the next few days.

Kaleb and the kids will have to carry on her juvenile and ill-considered pranks in her honor.

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In the Eighties, I gave a straight couple, who were close friends of mine, a set of three very stylish, plain cylindrical vases in graduated sizes for their wedding. When they opened up the Crate & Barrel box, they immediately identified the first one they pulled out as a set of Long Island Iced Tea Glasses. Because, of course, non-drinkers frequently give their friends gifts for less than common alcoholic drinks.

Edited by droughtquake
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6 hours ago, Tonyr said:

I didn't see it coming! I'm devastated, she was the most fun character. So sorry, we're not having her around anymore.

I thought her name was Nancy!

After the trial for Kaleb. Kyle, and Jared in book 2 when the Judge recognized Nan, he called her Phyllis. I think that was the first time I heard her real name.

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The passing of Nan, was the passing of a force of nature and the entire clan will miss her.   But it is plain that they will never forget her as they share their special and totally outrageous memories of her.  I too didn't expect her to last long after the death of Stephen so while I was not surprised, I was crying like a baby reading this chapter.  

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Sad, but well written chapter. I think we will all miss Nan. I, too, think she died of a broken heart. I wish there had been some kind of resolve to how she treated the kids after Stephen's death. It was kinda; she was mean to them, then nothing was said about her, now she's dead. 

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My ❤️is broken, I'm gonna miss Nan very very much. She was the grandma I'd wish I had as well as my son had. I will say I got that in these books. RIP NAN I'm gonna miss you. You were my Idol.

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My mom was a Sophia, a close second to a Nan, so I do know the joy she brought into so many lives. I love this series and look forward to book four.


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