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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Cernunnos - 25. Chapter 25

The team of five began the process of shifting and placing the specialized backpacks on. Shea held onto Cyn and encouraged him to become accustomed around the new lycans, “I know that you aren’t too familiar with them like Kara, but if Shelly picked them out, they’re good people. Especially Oskar, he’s a pretty solid guy.”

Cyn understood and did his best to calm himself. Just relax! They’re like Sheamus and Kara. They aren’t here to...no...no! Clenching his eyes shut, the buck put his proverbial foot down on himself. No, no more! These people have been nice, and I know that wolves eat deer, but these guys aren’t going to!

“Hey, hey. Cyn, what’s going on?”

Seeing Shea kneel down to be eye level with him, Cyn took in a deep breath and exhaled, more determined than ever before, “I’m...I’m just fighting with myself. Since I met you all, you’ve told me that I’m not food, and...and I guess I’m finally realizing that.”

The lycan reached for his deer’s hand and smiled, “I’m so happy to hear that, Cyn! Just hearing you say that proves you are starting to see your self-worth.”

Kara grabbed a backpack from Shea’s trunk and set it down at her feet, “Shea, who’s wearing the pack?”

“I think it would be best on Cyn. That’ll give both of us more mobility. Is that okay with you, baby?” Gleaming, the deer nodded and immediately started to shed his clothes. Shea took the clothes and stuffed them inside the pack as Cyn started his silent shift.

One of the unshifted hunting team members tapped Oskar on the shoulder, “Dude, are you seeing this? He’s...shifting, but it’s quiet!” The two stood and the three wolves joined in marveling at Cyn’s transformation. Taking a few steps, Cyn budged his nose against the Enforcer’s shoulder. “Unbelievable! How did he do that?”

Shea scratched the side of Cyn’s face, much to the deer’s delight, “It’s something cernunnos can do. They’re able to shift quicker like we do, but from what Cyn’s told me, they prefer to prevent noise.” Lifting the large backpack, Shea quickly attached it to the white tailed buck and fastened it, “Everything fit alright, little man?” With a quick dip of the head, Cyn snorted, signaling that he was content. Shea stripped and shoved his clothes in Cyn’s pack. Kara followed suit and both planted themselves on all fours as their furs seeped from their skin and their bones reformed. Once Cyn settled around the new wolves, the team took their formation and started their mission.


That damned fool! He lifted his glass, signaling for another drink from the bartender. The lycan needed one after the terrible day he had. That’s what happens when no one listens. Watching the bartender drop two fresh cubes of ice in his glass, Eike welcomed the small distraction from his problems. He knew his gaze bothered the lady behind the counter. An unenthused breath pumped from his nostrils. How I have fallen. Being served a drink in a shitty dive bar by a rabbit. Looking once more at the leporidae shapeshifter, he earned an uneasy flicker of the eyes.

“Relax, will ya?” Speaking as the slender bunny poured the brandy into the awaiting glass, the lycan noticed her shaky hands, “I’m here to calm my nerves. You got nothing to be worried about.” The rabbit slowly let her held breath leave her lungs, but it went unnoticed by the wolf. She’s so frightened. We can’t have that, can we? “What’s your name?”

Cleaning some of the dishware in the sink nearby, the thin woman barely looked at the burly wolf, “Cleo.”

“Cleo, not to sound like an ass, but you really should take a breath. I’d hate to talk with your manager about why you passed out due to oxygen deprivation.” His line caused a welcome chuckle to leave her lips, “That’s better. I’m Eike. Gotta hand it to you, you pour a nice glass.”

Her head tilted as she stared into the sink and slowly looked at Eike. She gave the man a good once over for the first time, “It’s...it’s just brandy.”

Holding back a purr-like growl, Eike leaned back in his seat, “I disagree. Pouring a drink neat is a finely tuned skill. Not every barkeep can pull it off. It takes a dedicated hand, and a sincere ownership of the bar to make the drink worth sipping.” Lifting the glass to his lips, the ice clinked against each other as the smooth liquor passed his tongue. Separating himself from the glass, Eike slowly licked his lips, savoring the natural flavor as he hummed, “You take good care of this place, don’t you?”

Hearing pleasant words of her skills, Cleo rested her hip against the backside of the bar, “I try.” She finally took the time to really look at the man. Broad, broad shoulders. Buzz-cut black hair. Cleo kept darting between the body and the lycan’s stunning gray irises. Wow, those eyes are just...wow! Kicking herself from her leaning post, she grabbed the glasses from the drying pad and a towel, “This place has been my baby for a couple years now. The owners wanted to skip town and they offered me a price. I couldn’t turn it down. Business is a little slow, but the weekends make up the difference.”

“I would imagine!” Eike leaned in with interest for the bartender’s story. He curled his head as he took another drink. She’s not too bad looking. Meek, a little shy, and I wouldn’t mind messing with that blonde hair a bit. Curiosity hit the man as he took another slow sip. He had never looked at potential prey in such a way. Catching a glance from the lady, the wolf decided to lay on some charm and shoot a wink. She was taken aback and pretended to get back to work. Interesting. Maybe this little law isn’t such a bad thing after all.

Eike was glued to his seat as Cleo kept the drinks coming. Aside from assisting other patrons and the occasional waitress, she stayed in front of the lycan. They told each other about their upbringings, siblings, and even their favorite television shows. Cleo’s eyes widened when she found out about Eike’s job. Holy! An...an Enforcer! Big and burly for a reason. A vibration distracted her. Pulling out her phone, her alarm for one-thirty sounded. Damn, it’s closing time already? Eike just got here at eleven! Have...have we been talking this entire time?

“Getting ready to shut’er down?”

Hearing the man’s husky voice started to pleasantly bother the rabbit, “Yeah, but it’s not too bad. Dishes are already handled, just need to count down the drawer and shut the lights off.”

“Looks like you have it down to a science. Hate to be that corny guy, but got any plans for the night?” The second that the rabbit looked his way, Eike raised a single eyebrow. His emotions got the best of him. He wanted the bunny, and he wanted her tonight.

A shiver went down her spine and playfully smiled, “Not a thing. Just a heads-up, it’s not as corny as you think. You got the voice for the line.” With a wink, she opened the cash drawer for the small register under the bar and began counting the bills.

Patience was never one of Eike’s virtues. He was eyeing every inch of skin on Cleo. Pulling his wallet from his rear pocket, he slid enough to cover his bill, plus a noticeable tip, “Anything I can do to help out? Used to be a server back in high school.”

Blown away by the offer, Cleo put up a fight, stating that he wasn’t employed by her, but the Enforcer’s charm was too thick. By her third huff, he already took ownership of a waitress’ serving platter and collected several glassware from the tables. Landing the platter gently, Cleo was beyond impressed at the lycan’s expert stacking. Giving in to the man’s wishes, she went back to maintaining the bar’s cleanliness.

Between the two’s work, the bar was set to close. Two o’clock sharp, and there’s nothing left to do! Cleo finished wiping off the counter and Eike rolled the mop bucket into the kitchen. Seeing the man texting, her anticipation grew. Don’t know who sent this man my way, but thanks! He’s a freaking looker and a worker! She took one more look at the lycan and grinned. Woof! “Eike, where did you park?”

“A few blocks away. I grabbed some food before coming here. I’ll make sure you get back to your car.”

She nodded and threw her towel next to the sink. Fishing her purse and jacket from the far lower cabinet, the bunny was ready to get out of there. If my momma could see me now. She set her purse down and threw on her light jacket. Coming out from behind the bar, Cleo was met with an open palm, to which she instinctively took. Leaving through the front door, the bartender locked it and tossed the key back in her purse.

Eike was growing restless and wrapped his arm around Cleo’s waist as they walked, “I parked a little ways away, but don’t worry. I’ll be right here with you.”

She blushed at the sense of security in the wolf’s arms. The streets around her bar weren’t the brightest in regards to illumination. After walking two blocks, Eike pointed at a beat-up truck, “There she is. Just a little bit farther.”

Oh, thank God! I thought we were going to be walking for-

In a rush of blinding movement, Cleo was picked up off her feet and slammed to a brick wall. Her breath left her lungs for a moment, only to have her mouth clamped shut by large and heated hands. A razor-sharp edge was placed at her throat. With her mind moving so quickly, she looked around her. Alley. Dark. So dark!

“Scream, and you’re a goner.” A hole was cut out of her heart as she heard the voice. It sounded much more heartless and cold than before. I...I was played! A tear rushed down her face as she tried to deny her fate, “Did you expect something else? You wanted a pleasant night with a random stranger? Not very bright for a pretty woman.”

The whispered tone shook her. She mumbled under the lycan's fingers, “Please. Whatever you...you want, it’s yours.” The feeling of betrayal caused her blood to turn cold.

The Enforcer’s charm melted into a sense of dominance. He watched the terrified rabbit’s body quake in fear. Inhaling, he savored the scent. The wolf knew he solicited a powerful response from the prey, “You know what I am, so you know you can never outrun me. I will chase you down in the streets without a care.” Between short and uncontrolled breaths, he watched the woman nod feverishly, “Shift.”

Try as she might, Cleo couldn’t pull the gasp of breath from her throat. She realized her fate. She was going to be eaten. To her, it was a fate worse than death. “Do it. Stay human, and it will be drawn out. Shift, and it will all be over a lot quicker.” The wolf’s words prompted the rabbit to lick her lips and close her eyes.

She started to unzip her jacket. Eike kept the blade against her but allowed a few inches of room. Growing lightheaded, she let the jacket fall as she looked around in her peripherals. It was a moonless night, and they were in an alley with no source of light. No human could see us.

Growling at the pace, Eike hurried his prey. Just as she let out a light sob, he slapped his hand onto her mouth once more, “Shift. Just know I have your scent, so you will not escape.” Turning his head further down the dark alley, the Enforcer raised his voice to an agitated whisper, “Hauser!”

Cleo glanced to her left. She regretted the decision as she saw a charcoal gray wolf prowling towards her through her blinding tears. There...were two of them! Letting out a last sob, Cleo gave in. She accepted her fate. Her shoulder bones snapped and as the transformation took place, the hand over her mouth latched onto her throat. As she decreased in height, the grip remained.

Eike squinted his eyes as he held the brown cottontail rabbit on the ground, moving her out from under any of the clothes. But the Enforcer was done playing. He did his job, and it was time to reward his faithful friend. Without any additional care, Eike flung the rabbit towards Hauser. In mid flight, a small but piercing squeak was silenced as the Enforcer turned away from the gruesome sounds, “When you’re done, grab the clothes and meet me in the truck.”

While his subordinate finished the late night snack, Eike rested in the vehicle. Two in one night isn’t bad.

Twenty-five chapters in! I want to thank all the readers for joining me on this journey. The feeling this story gives me is truly addicting, and I can only hope you are experiencing it as well! I thought it was high-time to bring Eike into the story, and let me tell you, I did not enjoy writing this chapter! I think letting the bad guys get a small win is important, but man! Most people don't know me, but I am a positive ray of sunshine with some dark humor sprinkled in there. I don't know where this came from, and while I am thankful I took the time to write something like this, I hope I won't do it often.
Thanks for following along so far!
Copyright © 2021 astone2292; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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6 minutes ago, dughlas said:

Gored by a whitetail buck ...

I had something more fiendish and merciless in mind involving a large silver knife and an emasculated, living torso.

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Eike is one nasty piece of work....evil doesn't even cut it!  I can't wait for him to be put down!

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13 minutes ago, Tonyw94 said:

While very true, I think we also need to note that anything is possible and things can change. For instance, I have a feeling that Cyn won’t always be a Six Point Buck. There was a major emphasis on his antlers when they were originally brought up and I think that with his comfort with the park only growing and being mated, maybe a premature statement right now but I’ll stick with it, to the park enforcer his Buck might have that needed motivation to be a stronger projector than when he just had thoughts of mating a stronger buck. All speculation though

Cyn is fully grown. He has a small frame. He's never going to be a large buck whatever his attitude. I think Shea likes him the way he is now.

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So... If Cyn and Shea are going to look for this vehicle, wpuld it not be easier to drive to each parking lot, click the fob and move on? 

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Y'all just started you're own little conversation, didn't ya? At least there's a moderator here to stop it from going too far...

12 minutes ago, Bryek said:

So... If Cyn and Shea are going to look for this vehicle, wpuld it not be easier to drive to each parking lot, click the fob and move on? 

I thought about this. I'm constantly referencing a Google Maps overview of the Kettle Moraine State Forest for how actions would make more sense. The forest is large, and there are lots littered across the dang thing. Instead of taking windy roads in and around the forest, a pack of wolves...and a deer, could make straight lines from lot to lot. 

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5 minutes ago, Hellsheild said:

Ok, so I loved this chapter because I hate everything about the second part. I fell for the redemption especially when the bunny's name was dropped. (Same as my mom's)  then...whoooo boi! The amount of torture I'm just thinking of for Eike and friend would put me on several lists and probably break some of the Geneva Convention. In other words.

homer simpson GIF

I'm curious to know who else was starting to think Eike could be redeemed in the early stages if Cleo's introduction. 

I'm thrilled that you loved this chapter. Currently working on a RitS chapter and then I'll be back here within a week :)

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Casting Eike aside (and down a flight of concrete stairs) for a moment, let’s talk about the ... uh, lagothrope? Er, the werebunny. So many questions!

How big of a bunny does one become? As humans do they excel at track and field because they’re swift and agile? Are they swift and agile and what other traits are common to the species?

I hope we see more of these shifters beyond satisfying the sick, predatory yearnings of Eike’s group. (My undying gratitude to you if a scrappy young bunny shoves a carrot up the lieutenant’s ass.)

Edited by Danners
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31 minutes ago, Danners said:

Casting Eike aside (and down a flight of concrete stairs) for a moment, let’s talk about the ... uh, lagothrope? Er, the werebunny. So many questions!

How big of a bunny does one become? As humans do they excel at track and field because they’re swift and agile? Are they swift and agile and what other traits are common to the species?

I hope we see more of these shifters beyond satisfying the sick, predatory yearnings of Eike’s group. (My undying gratitude to you if a scrappy young bunny shoves a carrot up the lieutenant’s ass.)

Ah, Cleo. The leporidae shifter. Not much is known about them from our reader's standpoint, but we can imagine what they would love to do. Running seems a likely option. But, as we've seen, there's not much else they can do once they're in a predator's clutches. 

Ha! Carrot... that's an image I won't forget...

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On 4/11/2021 at 11:25 AM, drpaladin said:

I wondered about the other victim too.

At this point, Eike not only needs to be killed, but also in such a way to be an example. What's the worst way for a werewolf to go?

What about tying him down with silver chains and letting all the prey species take bites out of him.

Not sure where that thought came from. I’m rarely a violent person, but sociopaths/psychopaths do tend to bring it out. 

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6 hours ago, Nana Atuwa said:

Wow Eike is a real a**hole sad fate for Cleo hope they catch up to him soon 

He is such an evil in this world! I wish I could have kept Cleo around; her budding relationship with Eike was almost adorable. 

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For one second I thought Eike wasn’t so bad. Maybe he was being pressured. The second was over quick. About as quick as the second I thought you wouldn’t let the poor rabbit die…


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1 hour ago, Mrsgnomie said:

For one second I thought Eike wasn’t so bad. Maybe he was being pressured. The second was over quick. About as quick as the second I thought you wouldn’t let the poor rabbit die…


Fox Tv Fire GIF by Bob's Burgers

I like fooling people by writing cute and cuddly characters :yes:

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I’m trying to recall another incident that has been as cruel as Cleo’s murder. Guess we’re just growing the High C’s to include Cruelty. Eike needs to be punished. Not killed, punished. Severely. 

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1 hour ago, Dan South said:

I’m trying to recall another incident that has been as cruel as Cleo’s murder. Guess we’re just growing the High C’s to include Cruelty. Eike needs to be punished. Not killed, punished. Severely. 

I'm loving the High C's thing you got going on here. Make sure to stick them in your review when you're done reading. ;)

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